Source code for galaxy.tool_util.verify.asserts.archive

import io
import re
import tarfile
import tempfile
import zipfile
from typing import (

from galaxy.util import asbool
from ._util import _assert_presence_number

def _extract_from_tar(output_bytes, fn):
    with io.BytesIO(output_bytes) as temp:
        with, mode="r") as tar_temp:
            ti = tar_temp.getmember(fn)
            # zip treats directories like empty files.
            # so make this consistent for tar
            if ti.isdir():
                return ""
            tar_file = tar_temp.extractfile(fn)
            assert tar_file is not None
            with tar_file as member_fh:

def _list_from_tar(output_bytes, path):
    lst = []
    with io.BytesIO(output_bytes) as temp:
        with, mode="r") as tar_temp:
            for fn in tar_temp.getnames():
                if not re.match(path, fn):
    return sorted(lst)

def _extract_from_zip(output_bytes, fn):
    with io.BytesIO(output_bytes) as temp:
        with zipfile.ZipFile(temp, mode="r") as zip_temp:
            with as member_fh:

def _list_from_zip(output_bytes, path):
    lst = []
    with io.BytesIO(output_bytes) as temp:
        with zipfile.ZipFile(temp, mode="r") as zip_temp:
            for fn in zip_temp.namelist():
                if not re.match(path, fn):
    return sorted(lst)

[docs]def assert_has_archive_member( output_bytes: bytes, path: str, verify_assertions_function, children, all: Union[bool, str] = False, n: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, delta: Union[int, str] = 0, min: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, max: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, negate: Union[bool, str] = False, ) -> None: """Recursively checks the specified children assertions against the text of the first element matching the specified path found within the archive. Currently supported formats: .zip, .tar, .tar.gz.""" all = asbool(all) extract_foo = None # from python 3.9 is_tarfile supports file like objects then we do not need # the tempfile detour but can use io.BytesIO(output_bytes) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp: tmp.write(output_bytes) tmp.flush() if zipfile.is_zipfile( extract_foo = _extract_from_zip list_foo = _list_from_zip elif tarfile.is_tarfile( extract_foo = _extract_from_tar list_foo = _list_from_tar assert extract_foo is not None, f"Expected path '{path}' to be an archive" # get list of matching file names in archive and check against n, delta, # min, max (slightly abusing the output and text as well as the function # parameters) fns = list_foo(output_bytes, path) _assert_presence_number( None, path, n, delta, min, max, negate, lambda o, t: len(fns) > 0, lambda o, t: len(fns), "{expected} path '{text}' in archive", "{expected} {n}+-{delta} matches for path '{text}' in archive", "{expected} that the number of matches for path '{text}' in archive is in [{min}:{max}]", ) # check sub-assertions on members matching path for fn in fns: contents = extract_foo(output_bytes, fn) try: verify_assertions_function(contents, children) except AssertionError as e: raise AssertionError(f"Archive member '{path}': {str(e)}") if not all: break