import logging
import os
import shutil
from sqlalchemy import and_
from galaxy import util
from galaxy.model.base import transaction
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def parse_package_elem(package_elem, platform_info_dict=None, include_after_install_actions=True):
Parse a <package> element within a tool dependency definition and return a list of action tuples.
This method is called when setting metadata on a repository that includes a tool_dependencies.xml
file or when installing a repository that includes a tool_dependencies.xml file. If installing,
platform_info_dict must be a valid dictionary and include_after_install_actions must be True.
# The actions_elem_tuples list contains <actions> tag sets (possibly inside of an <actions_group>
# tag set) to be processed in the order they are defined in the tool_dependencies.xml file.
actions_elem_tuples = []
# The tag sets that will go into the actions_elem_list are those that install a compiled binary if
# the architecture and operating system match its defined attributes. If compiled binary is not
# installed, the first <actions> tag set [following those that have the os and architecture attributes]
# that does not have os or architecture attributes will be processed. This tag set must contain the
# recipe for downloading and compiling source.
actions_elem_list = []
for elem in package_elem:
if elem.tag == "actions":
# We have an <actions> tag that should not be matched against a specific combination of
# architecture and operating system.
in_actions_group = False
actions_elem_tuples.append((in_actions_group, elem))
elif elem.tag == "actions_group":
# We have an actions_group element, and its child <actions> elements should therefore be compared
# with the current operating system
# and processor architecture.
in_actions_group = True
# Record the number of <actions> elements so we can filter out any <action> elements that precede
# <actions> elements.
actions_elem_count = len(elem.findall("actions"))
# Record the number of <actions> elements that have both architecture and os specified, in order
# to filter out any platform-independent <actions> elements that come before platform-specific
# <actions> elements.
platform_actions_elements = []
for actions_elem in elem.findall("actions"):
if actions_elem.get("architecture") is not None and actions_elem.get("os") is not None:
platform_actions_element_count = len(platform_actions_elements)
platform_actions_elements_processed = 0
actions_elems_processed = 0
# The tag sets that will go into the after_install_actions list are <action> tags instead of <actions>
# tags. These will be processed only if they are at the very end of the <actions_group> tag set (after
# all <actions> tag sets). See below for details.
after_install_actions = []
# Inspect the <actions_group> element and build the actions_elem_list and the after_install_actions list.
for child_element in elem:
if child_element.tag == "actions":
actions_elems_processed += 1
system = child_element.get("os")
architecture = child_element.get("architecture")
# Skip <actions> tags that have only one of architecture or os specified, in order for the
# count in platform_actions_elements_processed to remain accurate.
if (system and not architecture) or (architecture and not system):
log.debug("Error: Both architecture and os attributes must be specified in an <actions> tag.")
# Since we are inside an <actions_group> tag set, compare it with our current platform information
# and filter the <actions> tag sets that don't match. Require both the os and architecture attributes
# to be defined in order to find a match.
if system and architecture:
platform_actions_elements_processed += 1
# If either the os or architecture do not match the platform, this <actions> tag will not be
# considered a match. Skip it and proceed with checking the next one.
if platform_info_dict:
if platform_info_dict["os"] != system or platform_info_dict["architecture"] != architecture:
# We must not be installing a repository into Galaxy, so determining if we can install a
# binary is not necessary.
# <actions> tags without both os and architecture attributes are only allowed to be specified
# after platform-specific <actions> tags. If we find a platform-independent <actions> tag before
# all platform-specific <actions> tags have been processed.
if platform_actions_elements_processed < platform_actions_element_count:
debug_msg = "Error: <actions> tags without os and architecture attributes are only allowed "
debug_msg += (
"after all <actions> tags with os and architecture attributes have been defined. "
debug_msg += (
"Skipping the <actions> tag set with no os or architecture attributes that has "
debug_msg += (
"been defined between two <actions> tag sets that have these attributes defined. "
# If we reach this point, it means one of two things: 1) The system and architecture attributes are
# not defined in this <actions> tag, or 2) The system and architecture attributes are defined, and
# they are an exact match for the current platform. Append the child element to the list of elements
# to process.
elif child_element.tag == "action":
# Any <action> tags within an <actions_group> tag set must come after all <actions> tags.
if actions_elems_processed == actions_elem_count:
# If all <actions> elements have been processed, then this <action> element can be appended to the
# list of actions to execute within this group.
# If any <actions> elements remain to be processed, then log a message stating that <action>
# elements are not allowed to precede any <actions> elements within an <actions_group> tag set.
debug_msg = (
"Error: <action> tags are only allowed at the end of an <actions_group> tag set after "
debug_msg += f"all <actions> tags. Skipping <{child_element.tag}> element with type {child_element.get('type', 'unknown')}."
if platform_info_dict is None and not include_after_install_actions:
# We must be setting metadata on a repository.
if len(actions_elem_list) >= 1:
actions_elem_tuples.append((in_actions_group, actions_elem_list[0]))
# We are processing a recipe that contains only an <actions_group> tag set for installing a binary,
# but does not include an additional recipe for installing and compiling from source.
actions_elem_tuples.append((in_actions_group, []))
elif platform_info_dict is not None and include_after_install_actions:
# We must be installing a repository.
if after_install_actions:
actions_elem_tuples.append((in_actions_group, actions_elem_list))
# Skip any element that is not <actions> or <actions_group> - this will skip comments, <repository> tags
# and <readme> tags.
in_actions_group = False
return actions_elem_tuples