Source code for galaxy.managers.metrics

import logging
from datetime import datetime
from typing import (

from pydantic import (

from galaxy.structured_app import MinimalManagerApp

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SOME_EXAMPLE_DATE = "2021-01-23T18:25:43.511Z"

[docs]class Metric(BaseModel): namespace: str = Field( ..., # Required title="Namespace", description="Label indicating the source of the metric.", ) time: str = Field( ..., # Required title="Timestamp", description="The timestamp in ISO format.", examples=[SOME_EXAMPLE_DATE], ) level: int = Field( ..., # Required title="Level", description="An integer representing the metric's log level.", ) args: str = Field( ..., # Required title="Arguments", description="A JSON string containing an array of extra data.", )
[docs]class CreateMetricsPayload(BaseModel): metrics: List[Metric] = Field( default=[], title="List of metrics to be recorded.", examples=[ Metric(namespace="test-source", time=SOME_EXAMPLE_DATE, level=0, args='{"test":"value"}').model_dump() ], )
TimeSeriesTuple = Tuple[str, datetime, Any] TimeSeriesTupleGenerator = Generator[TimeSeriesTuple, None, None]
[docs]class MetricsManager: """Interface/service object shared by controllers for interacting with metrics."""
[docs] def __init__(self, app: MinimalManagerApp) -> None: self._app = app #: set to true to send additional debugging info to the log self.debugging = True
[docs] def create(self, trans, payload: CreateMetricsPayload): """ Record any metrics sent and return some status object. .. note:: Anonymous users can post metrics :type payload: dict :param payload: (optional) dictionary structure containing: * metrics: a list containing dictionaries of the form namespace: label indicating the source of the metric time: isoformat datetime when the metric was recorded level: an integer representing the metric's log level args: a json string containing an array of extra data :rtype: dict :returns: status object """ user_id = if trans.user else None session_id = if trans.galaxy_session else None parsed_gen = self._parse_metrics(payload.metrics, user_id, session_id) self._send_metrics(trans, parsed_gen) response = self._get_server_pong(trans) return response
def _parse_metrics( self, metrics: Optional[List[Metric]] = None, user_id=None, session_id=None ) -> TimeSeriesTupleGenerator: """ Return a generator yielding the each given metric as a tuple: * label: the namespace of the metric * time: datetime of the metric's creation * kwargs: a dictionary containing: ** level: the log level of the metric ** user: the user associated with the metric (will be None if anonymous user) ** session: the session of the current user """ metrics = metrics or [] for metric in metrics: label = metric.namespace time = self._deserialize_isoformat_date(metric.time) kwargs = {"level": metric.level, "args": metric.args, "user": user_id, "session": session_id} yield (label, time, kwargs) def _send_metrics(self, trans, metrics: TimeSeriesTupleGenerator) -> None: """ Send metrics to the app's `trace_logger` if set and send to `log.debug` if this controller if `self.debugging`. Precondition: metrics are parsed and in proper format. """ if for label, time, kwargs in metrics:, event_time=int(time.timestamp()), **kwargs) elif self.debugging: for label, time, kwargs in metrics: log.debug(f"{label} {time} {kwargs}") def _get_server_pong(self, trans) -> Any: """ Return some status message or object. For future use. """ return {} def _deserialize_isoformat_date(self, datestring: str) -> datetime: """ Convert ISO formatted date string into python datetime. """ return datetime.strptime(datestring, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")