Source code for

import json
import logging
from datetime import (
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import sqlalchemy
from boltons.iterutils import remap
from pydantic import (
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

from galaxy import model
from galaxy.exceptions import (
from galaxy.job_metrics import (
from galaxy.managers.collections import DatasetCollectionManager
from galaxy.managers.context import (
from galaxy.managers.datasets import DatasetManager
from galaxy.managers.hdas import HDAManager
from galaxy.managers.lddas import LDDAManager
from galaxy.model import (
from galaxy.model.base import transaction
from galaxy.model.index_filter_util import (
from galaxy.model.scoped_session import galaxy_scoped_session
from galaxy.schema.schema import (
from import IdEncodingHelper
from galaxy.structured_app import StructuredApp
from import (
from galaxy.util import (
from import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

JobStateT = str
JobStatesT = Union[JobStateT, List[JobStateT]]

STDOUT_LOCATION = "outputs/tool_stdout"
STDERR_LOCATION = "outputs/tool_stderr"

[docs]class JobLock(BaseModel): active: bool = Field(title="Job lock status", description="If active, jobs will not dispatch")
[docs]def get_path_key(path_tuple): path_key = "" tuple_elements = len(path_tuple) for i, p in enumerate(path_tuple): if isinstance(p, int): sep = "_" else: sep = "|" if i == (tuple_elements - 2) and p == "values": # dataset inputs are always wrapped in lists. To avoid 'rep_factorName_0|rep_factorLevel_2|countsFile|values_0', # we remove the last 2 items of the path tuple (values and list index) return path_key if path_key: path_key = f"{path_key}{sep}{p}" else: path_key = p return path_key
[docs]class JobManager:
[docs] def __init__(self, app: StructuredApp): = app self.dataset_manager = DatasetManager(app)
[docs] def index_query(self, trans: ProvidesUserContext, payload: JobIndexQueryPayload) -> sqlalchemy.engine.ScalarResult: """The caller is responsible for security checks on the resulting job if history_id, invocation_id, or implicit_collection_jobs_id is set. Otherwise this will only return the user's jobs or all jobs if the requesting user is acting as an admin. """ is_admin = trans.user_is_admin user_details = payload.user_details decoded_user_id = payload.user_id history_id = payload.history_id workflow_id = payload.workflow_id invocation_id = payload.invocation_id implicit_collection_jobs_id = payload.implicit_collection_jobs_id search = order_by = payload.order_by def build_and_apply_filters(stmt, objects, filter_func): if objects is not None: if isinstance(objects, (str, date, datetime)): stmt = stmt.where(filter_func(objects)) elif isinstance(objects, list): t = [] for obj in objects: t.append(filter_func(obj)) stmt = stmt.where(or_(*t)) return stmt def add_workflow_jobs(): wfi_step = select(WorkflowInvocationStep) if workflow_id is not None: wfi_step = ( wfi_step.join(WorkflowInvocation).join(Workflow).where(Workflow.stored_workflow_id == workflow_id) ) elif invocation_id is not None: wfi_step = wfi_step.where(WorkflowInvocationStep.workflow_invocation_id == invocation_id) wfi_step_sq = wfi_step.subquery() stmt1 = stmt.join(wfi_step_sq) stmt2 = stmt.join(ImplicitCollectionJobsJobAssociation).join( wfi_step_sq, ImplicitCollectionJobsJobAssociation.implicit_collection_jobs_id == wfi_step_sq.c.implicit_collection_jobs_id, ) # Ensure the result is models, not tuples sq = stmt1.union(stmt2).subquery() # SQLite won't recognize as a valid column for the ORDER BY clause due to the UNION clause, so we'll use the subquery `columns` collection (`sq.c`). # Ref: return select(aliased(Job, sq)), sq.c def add_search_criteria(stmt): search_filters = { "tool": "tool", "t": "tool", } if user_details: search_filters.update( { "user": "user", "u": "user", } ) if is_admin: search_filters.update( { "runner": "runner", "r": "runner", "handler": "handler", "h": "handler", } ) assert search parsed_search = parse_filters_structured(search, search_filters) for term in parsed_search.terms: if isinstance(term, FilteredTerm): key = term.filter if key == "user": stmt = stmt.where(text_column_filter(, term)) elif key == "tool": stmt = stmt.where(text_column_filter(Job.tool_id, term)) elif key == "handler": stmt = stmt.where(text_column_filter(Job.handler, term)) elif key == "runner": stmt = stmt.where(text_column_filter(Job.job_runner_name, term)) elif isinstance(term, RawTextTerm): columns: List = [Job.tool_id] if user_details: columns.append( if is_admin: columns.append(Job.handler) columns.append(Job.job_runner_name) stmt = stmt.filter(raw_text_column_filter(columns, term)) return stmt stmt = select(Job) if is_admin: if decoded_user_id is not None: stmt = stmt.where(Job.user_id == decoded_user_id) if user_details: stmt = stmt.outerjoin(Job.user) else: if history_id is None and invocation_id is None and implicit_collection_jobs_id is None: # If we're not filtering on history, invocation or collection we filter the jobs owned by the current user if trans.user: stmt = stmt.where(Job.user_id == elif trans.galaxy_session: stmt = stmt.where(Job.session_id == else: raise RequestParameterMissingException("A session is required to list jobs for anonymous users") stmt = build_and_apply_filters(stmt, payload.states, lambda s: model.Job.state == s) stmt = build_and_apply_filters(stmt, payload.tool_ids, lambda t: model.Job.tool_id == t) stmt = build_and_apply_filters(stmt, payload.tool_ids_like, lambda t: stmt = build_and_apply_filters(stmt, payload.date_range_min, lambda dmin: model.Job.update_time >= dmin) stmt = build_and_apply_filters(stmt, payload.date_range_max, lambda dmax: model.Job.update_time <= dmax) if history_id is not None: stmt = stmt.where(Job.history_id == history_id) order_by_columns = Job if workflow_id or invocation_id: stmt, order_by_columns = add_workflow_jobs() elif implicit_collection_jobs_id: stmt = ( stmt.join(ImplicitCollectionJobsJobAssociation, ImplicitCollectionJobsJobAssociation.job_id == .join( ImplicitCollectionJobs, == ImplicitCollectionJobsJobAssociation.implicit_collection_jobs_id, ) .where(ImplicitCollectionJobsJobAssociation.implicit_collection_jobs_id == implicit_collection_jobs_id) ) if search: stmt = add_search_criteria(stmt) if order_by == JobIndexSortByEnum.create_time: stmt = stmt.order_by(order_by_columns.create_time.desc()) else: stmt = stmt.order_by(order_by_columns.update_time.desc()) stmt = stmt.offset(payload.offset) stmt = stmt.limit(payload.limit) return trans.sa_session.scalars(stmt)
[docs] def job_lock(self) -> JobLock: return JobLock(
[docs] def update_job_lock(self, job_lock: JobLock): "admin_job_lock", kwargs={"job_lock":}, get_response=True ) return self.job_lock()
[docs] def get_accessible_job(self, trans: ProvidesUserContext, decoded_job_id) -> Job: job = trans.sa_session.get(Job, decoded_job_id) if job is None: raise ObjectNotFound() belongs_to_user = False if trans.user: belongs_to_user = job.user_id == elif trans.galaxy_session: belongs_to_user = job.session_id == if not trans.user_is_admin and not belongs_to_user: # Check access granted via output datasets. if not job.output_datasets: raise ItemAccessibilityException("Job has no output datasets.") for data_assoc in job.output_datasets: if not self.dataset_manager.is_accessible(data_assoc.dataset.dataset, trans.user): raise ItemAccessibilityException("You are not allowed to rerun this job.") trans.sa_session.refresh(job) return job
[docs] def get_job_console_output( self, trans, job, stdout_position=-1, stdout_length=0, stderr_position=-1, stderr_length=0 ): if job is None: raise ObjectNotFound() # Check job destination params to see if stdout reporting is enabled dest_params = job.destination_params if not string_as_bool_or_none(dest_params.get("live_tool_output_reporting", False)): raise ConfigDoesNotAllowException() # If stdout_length and stdout_position are good values, then load standard out and add it to status console_output = {} console_output["state"] = job.state if job.state == job.states.RUNNING: working_directory = job, base_dir="job_work", dir_only=True, obj_dir=True ) if stdout_length > -1 and stdout_position > -1: try: stdout_path = Path(working_directory) / STDOUT_LOCATION stdout_file = open(stdout_path) console_output["stdout"] = except Exception as e: log.error("Could not read STDOUT: %s", e) console_output["stdout"] = "" if stderr_length > -1 and stderr_position > -1: try: stderr_path = Path(working_directory) / STDERR_LOCATION stderr_file = open(stderr_path) console_output["stderr"] = except Exception as e: log.error("Could not read STDERR: %s", e) console_output["stderr"] = "" else: console_output["stdout"] = job.tool_stdout console_output["stderr"] = job.tool_stderr return console_output
[docs] def stop(self, job, message=None): if not job.finished: job.mark_deleted(, message) session = with transaction(session): session.commit(), message=message) return True else: return False
[docs]class JobSearch: """Search for jobs using tool inputs or other jobs"""
[docs] def __init__( self, sa_session: galaxy_scoped_session, hda_manager: HDAManager, dataset_collection_manager: DatasetCollectionManager, ldda_manager: LDDAManager, id_encoding_helper: IdEncodingHelper, ): self.sa_session = sa_session self.hda_manager = hda_manager self.dataset_collection_manager = dataset_collection_manager self.ldda_manager = ldda_manager self.decode_id = id_encoding_helper.decode_id
[docs] def by_tool_input( self, trans: ProvidesHistoryContext, tool_id: str, tool_version: Optional[str], param: ToolStateJobInstancePopulatedT, param_dump: ToolStateDumpedToJsonInternalT, job_state: Optional[JobStatesT] = "ok", ): """Search for jobs producing same results using the 'inputs' part of a tool POST.""" user = trans.user input_data = defaultdict(list) def populate_input_data_input_id(path, key, value): """Traverses expanded incoming using remap and collects input_ids and input_data.""" if key == "id": path_key = get_path_key(path[:-2]) current_case = param_dump for p in path: current_case = current_case[p] src = current_case.get("src") if src is None: # just a parameter named id. # TODO: dispatch on tool parameter type instead of values, # maybe with tool state variant return key, value current_case = param for i, p in enumerate(path): if p == "values" and i == len(path) - 2: continue if isinstance(current_case, (list, dict)): current_case = current_case[p] identifier = getattr(current_case, "element_identifier", None) input_data[path_key].append( { "src": src, "id": value, "identifier": identifier, } ) return key, "__id_wildcard__" return key, value wildcard_param_dump = remap(param_dump, visit=populate_input_data_input_id) return self.__search( tool_id=tool_id, tool_version=tool_version, user=user, input_data=input_data, job_state=job_state, param_dump=param_dump, wildcard_param_dump=wildcard_param_dump, )
def __search( self, tool_id: str, tool_version: Optional[str], user: model.User, input_data, job_state: Optional[JobStatesT], param_dump: ToolStateDumpedToJsonInternalT, wildcard_param_dump=None, ): search_timer = ExecutionTimer() def replace_dataset_ids(path, key, value): """Exchanges dataset_ids (HDA, LDA, HDCA, not Dataset) in param_dump with dataset ids used in job.""" if key == "id": current_case = param_dump for p in path: current_case = current_case[p] src = current_case["src"] value = job_input_ids[src][value] return key, value return key, value stmt_sq = self._build_job_subquery(tool_id,, tool_version, job_state, wildcard_param_dump) stmt = select(, == data_conditions: List = [] # We now build the stmt filters that relate to the input datasets # that this job uses. We keep track of the requested dataset id in `requested_ids`, # the type (hda, hdca or lda) in `data_types` # and the ids that have been used in the job that has already been run in `used_ids`. requested_ids = [] data_types = [] used_ids: List = [] for k, input_list in input_data.items(): # k will be matched against the column. This can be prefixed depending on whethter # the input is in a repeat, or not (section and conditional) k = {k, k.split("|")[-1]} for type_values in input_list: t = type_values["src"] v = type_values["id"] requested_ids.append(v) data_types.append(t) identifier = type_values["identifier"] if t == "hda": stmt = self._build_stmt_for_hda(stmt, data_conditions, used_ids, k, v, identifier) elif t == "ldda": stmt = self._build_stmt_for_ldda(stmt, data_conditions, used_ids, k, v) elif t == "hdca": stmt = self._build_stmt_for_hdca(stmt, data_conditions, used_ids, k, v) elif t == "dce": stmt = self._build_stmt_for_dce(stmt, data_conditions, used_ids, k, v) else: return [] stmt = stmt.where(*data_conditions).group_by(, *used_ids).order_by( for job in self.sa_session.execute(stmt): # We found a job that is equal in terms of tool_id, user, state and input datasets, # but to be able to verify that the parameters match we need to modify all instances of # dataset_ids (HDA, LDDA, HDCA) in the incoming param_dump to point to those used by the # possibly equivalent job, which may have been run on copies of the original input data. job_input_ids = {} if len(job) > 1: # We do have datasets to check job_id, current_jobs_data_ids = job[0], job[1:] job_parameter_conditions = [ == job_id] for src, requested_id, used_id in zip(data_types, requested_ids, current_jobs_data_ids): if src not in job_input_ids: job_input_ids[src] = {requested_id: used_id} else: job_input_ids[src][requested_id] = used_id new_param_dump = remap(param_dump, visit=replace_dataset_ids) # new_param_dump has its dataset ids remapped to those used by the job. # We now ask if the remapped job parameters match the current job. for k, v in new_param_dump.items(): if v == {"__class__": "RuntimeValue"}: # TODO: verify this is always None. e.g. run with runtime input input v = None elif k.endswith("|__identifier__"): # We've taken care of this while constructing the conditions based on ``input_data`` above continue elif k == "chromInfo" and "?.len" in v: continue a = aliased(model.JobParameter) job_parameter_conditions.append( and_( == a.job_id, == k, a.value == json.dumps(v, sort_keys=True)) ) else: job_parameter_conditions = [ == job[0]] job = get_job(self.sa_session, *job_parameter_conditions) if job is None: continue n_parameters = 0 # Verify that equivalent jobs had the same number of job parameters # We skip chrominfo, dbkey, __workflow_invocation_uuid__ and identifer # parameter as these are not passed along when expanding tool parameters # and they can differ without affecting the resulting dataset. for parameter in job.parameters: if"__"): continue if in {"chromInfo", "dbkey"} or"|__identifier__"): continue n_parameters += 1 if not n_parameters == sum( 1 for k in param_dump if not k.startswith("__") and not k.endswith("|__identifier__") and k not in {"chromInfo", "dbkey"} ): continue"Found equivalent job %s", search_timer) return job"No equivalent jobs found %s", search_timer) return None def _build_job_subquery( self, tool_id: str, user_id: int, tool_version: Optional[str], job_state, wildcard_param_dump ): """Build subquery that selects a job with correct job parameters.""" stmt = ( select( .join(model.History, model.Job.history_id == .where( and_( model.Job.tool_id == tool_id, or_( model.Job.user_id == user_id, model.History.published == true(), ), model.Job.copied_from_job_id.is_(None), # Always pick original job ) ) ) if tool_version: stmt = stmt.where(Job.tool_version == str(tool_version)) if job_state is None: stmt = stmt.where( Job.state.in_( [Job.states.NEW, Job.states.QUEUED, Job.states.WAITING, Job.states.RUNNING, Job.states.OK] ) ) else: if isinstance(job_state, str): stmt = stmt.where(Job.state == job_state) elif isinstance(job_state, list): stmt = stmt.where(or_(*[Job.state == s for s in job_state])) # exclude jobs with deleted outputs stmt = stmt.where( and_( model.Job.any_output_dataset_collection_instances_deleted == false(), model.Job.any_output_dataset_deleted == false(), ) ) for k, v in wildcard_param_dump.items(): if v == {"__class__": "RuntimeValue"}: # TODO: verify this is always None. e.g. run with runtime input input v = None elif k.endswith("|__identifier__"): # We've taken care of this while constructing the conditions based on ``input_data`` above continue elif k == "chromInfo" and "?.len" in v: continue value_dump = json.dumps(v, sort_keys=True) wildcard_value = value_dump.replace('"id": "__id_wildcard__"', '"id": %') a = aliased(JobParameter) if value_dump == wildcard_value: stmt = stmt.join(a).where( and_( == a.job_id, == k, a.value == value_dump, ) ) else: stmt = stmt.join(a).where( and_( == a.job_id, == k,, ) ) return stmt.subquery() def _build_stmt_for_hda(self, stmt, data_conditions, used_ids, k, v, identifier): a = aliased(model.JobToInputDatasetAssociation) b = aliased(model.HistoryDatasetAssociation) c = aliased(model.HistoryDatasetAssociation) d = aliased(model.JobParameter) e = aliased(model.HistoryDatasetAssociationHistory) stmt = stmt.add_columns(a.dataset_id) used_ids.append(a.dataset_id) stmt = stmt.join(a, a.job_id == hda_stmt = select( == e.history_dataset_association_id ) # b is the HDA used for the job stmt = stmt.join(b, a.dataset_id ==, c.dataset_id == b.dataset_id) # type:ignore[attr-defined] name_condition = [] if identifier: stmt = stmt.join(d) data_conditions.append( and_({f"{_}|__identifier__" for _ in k}), d.value == json.dumps(identifier), ) ) else: hda_stmt = hda_stmt.where( == name_condition.append( == hda_stmt = ( hda_stmt.where( e.extension == c.extension, ) .where( a.dataset_version == e.version, ) .where( e._metadata == c._metadata, ) ) data_conditions.append( and_(, == v, # c is the requested job input HDA # We need to make sure that the job we are looking for has been run with identical inputs. # Here we deal with 3 requirements: # - the jobs' input dataset (=b) version is 0, meaning the job's input dataset is not yet ready # - b's update_time is older than the job create time, meaning no changes occurred # - the job has a dataset_version recorded, and that versions' metadata matches c's metadata. or_( and_( or_(a.dataset_version.in_([0, b.version]), b.update_time < model.Job.create_time), b.extension == c.extension, b.metadata == c.metadata, *name_condition, ),, ), or_(b.deleted == false(), c.deleted == false()), ) ) return stmt def _build_stmt_for_ldda(self, stmt, data_conditions, used_ids, k, v): a = aliased(model.JobToInputLibraryDatasetAssociation) stmt = stmt.add_columns(a.ldda_id) stmt = stmt.join(a, a.job_id == data_conditions.append(and_(, a.ldda_id == v)) used_ids.append(a.ldda_id) return stmt def _build_stmt_for_hdca(self, stmt, data_conditions, used_ids, k, v): a = aliased(model.JobToInputDatasetCollectionAssociation) b = aliased(model.HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation) c = aliased(model.HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation) stmt = stmt.add_columns(a.dataset_collection_id) stmt = stmt.join(a, a.job_id ==, == a.dataset_collection_id).join(c, == data_conditions.append( and_(, == v, or_( and_(b.deleted == false(), == v), and_( or_( c.copied_from_history_dataset_collection_association_id ==, b.copied_from_history_dataset_collection_association_id ==, ), c.deleted == false(), ), ), ) ) used_ids.append(a.dataset_collection_id) return stmt def _build_stmt_for_dce(self, stmt, data_conditions, used_ids, k, v): a = aliased(model.JobToInputDatasetCollectionElementAssociation) b = aliased(model.DatasetCollectionElement) c = aliased(model.DatasetCollectionElement) d = aliased(model.HistoryDatasetAssociation) e = aliased(model.HistoryDatasetAssociation) stmt = stmt.add_columns(a.dataset_collection_element_id) stmt = ( stmt.join(a, a.job_id == .join(b, == a.dataset_collection_element_id) .join( c, and_( c.element_identifier == b.element_identifier, or_(c.hda_id == b.hda_id, c.child_collection_id == b.child_collection_id), ), ) .outerjoin(d, == c.hda_id) .outerjoin(e, e.dataset_id == d.dataset_id) # type:ignore[attr-defined] ) data_conditions.append( and_(, or_( c.child_collection_id == b.child_collection_id, and_( c.hda_id == b.hda_id, == c.hda_id, e.dataset_id == d.dataset_id, # type:ignore[attr-defined] ), ), == v, ) ) used_ids.append(a.dataset_collection_element_id) return stmt
[docs]def view_show_job(trans, job: Job, full: bool) -> Dict: is_admin = trans.user_is_admin job_dict = job.to_dict("element", system_details=is_admin) if and "command_line" not in job_dict: job_dict["command_line"] = job.command_line if full: job_dict.update( dict( tool_stdout=job.tool_stdout, tool_stderr=job.tool_stderr, job_stdout=job.job_stdout, job_stderr=job.job_stderr, stderr=job.stderr, stdout=job.stdout, job_messages=job.job_messages, dependencies=job.dependencies, ) ) if is_admin: job_dict["user_email"] = job.get_user_email() job_dict["job_metrics"] = summarize_job_metrics(trans, job) return job_dict
[docs]def invocation_job_source_iter(sa_session, invocation_id): # TODO: Handle subworkflows. join = model.WorkflowInvocationStep.table.join(model.WorkflowInvocation) statement = ( select( model.WorkflowInvocationStep.job_id, model.WorkflowInvocationStep.implicit_collection_jobs_id, model.WorkflowInvocationStep.state, ) .select_from(join) .where( == invocation_id) ) for row in sa_session.execute(statement): if row[0]: yield ("Job", row[0], row[2]) if row[1]: yield ("ImplicitCollectionJobs", row[1], row[2])
[docs]def get_job_metrics_for_invocation(sa_session: galaxy_scoped_session, invocation_id: int): single_job_stmnt = ( select(WorkflowStep.order_index,, Job.tool_id, WorkflowStep.label, JobMetricNumeric) .join(Job, JobMetricNumeric.job_id == .join( WorkflowInvocationStep, and_( WorkflowInvocationStep.workflow_invocation_id == invocation_id, WorkflowInvocationStep.job_id == ), ) .join(WorkflowStep, == WorkflowInvocationStep.workflow_step_id) ) collection_job_stmnt = ( select(WorkflowStep.order_index,, Job.tool_id, WorkflowStep.label, JobMetricNumeric) .join(Job, JobMetricNumeric.job_id == .join(ImplicitCollectionJobsJobAssociation, == ImplicitCollectionJobsJobAssociation.job_id) .join( ImplicitCollectionJobs, == ImplicitCollectionJobsJobAssociation.implicit_collection_jobs_id, ) .join( WorkflowInvocationStep, and_( WorkflowInvocationStep.workflow_invocation_id == invocation_id, WorkflowInvocationStep.implicit_collection_jobs_id ==, ), ) .join(WorkflowStep, == WorkflowInvocationStep.workflow_step_id) ) # should be sa_session.execute(single_job_stmnt.union(collection_job_stmnt)).all() but that returns # columns instead of the job metrics ORM instance. return sorted( (*sa_session.execute(single_job_stmnt).all(), *sa_session.execute(collection_job_stmnt).all()), key=lambda row: row[0], )
[docs]def fetch_job_states(sa_session, job_source_ids, job_source_types): assert len(job_source_ids) == len(job_source_types) job_ids = set() implicit_collection_job_ids = set() workflow_invocations_job_sources = {} workflow_invocation_states = ( {} ) # should be set before we walk step states to be conservative on whether things are done expanding yet for job_source_id, job_source_type in zip(job_source_ids, job_source_types): if job_source_type == "Job": job_ids.add(job_source_id) elif job_source_type == "ImplicitCollectionJobs": implicit_collection_job_ids.add(job_source_id) elif job_source_type == "WorkflowInvocation": invocation_state = sa_session.get(model.WorkflowInvocation, job_source_id).state workflow_invocation_states[job_source_id] = invocation_state workflow_invocation_job_sources = [] for ( invocation_step_source_type, invocation_step_source_id, invocation_step_state, ) in invocation_job_source_iter(sa_session, job_source_id): workflow_invocation_job_sources.append( (invocation_step_source_type, invocation_step_source_id, invocation_step_state) ) if invocation_step_source_type == "Job": job_ids.add(invocation_step_source_id) elif invocation_step_source_type == "ImplicitCollectionJobs": implicit_collection_job_ids.add(invocation_step_source_id) workflow_invocations_job_sources[job_source_id] = workflow_invocation_job_sources else: raise RequestParameterInvalidException(f"Invalid job source type {job_source_type} found.") job_summaries = {} implicit_collection_jobs_summaries = {} for job_id in job_ids: job_summaries[job_id] = summarize_jobs_to_dict(sa_session, sa_session.get(Job, job_id)) for implicit_collection_jobs_id in implicit_collection_job_ids: implicit_collection_jobs_summaries[implicit_collection_jobs_id] = summarize_jobs_to_dict( sa_session, sa_session.get(model.ImplicitCollectionJobs, implicit_collection_jobs_id) ) rval = [] for job_source_id, job_source_type in zip(job_source_ids, job_source_types): if job_source_type == "Job": rval.append(job_summaries[job_source_id]) elif job_source_type == "ImplicitCollectionJobs": rval.append(implicit_collection_jobs_summaries[job_source_id]) else: invocation_state = workflow_invocation_states[job_source_id] invocation_job_summaries = [] invocation_implicit_collection_job_summaries = [] invocation_step_states = [] for ( invocation_step_source_type, invocation_step_source_id, invocation_step_state, ) in workflow_invocations_job_sources[job_source_id]: invocation_step_states.append(invocation_step_state) if invocation_step_source_type == "Job": invocation_job_summaries.append(job_summaries[invocation_step_source_id]) else: invocation_implicit_collection_job_summaries.append( implicit_collection_jobs_summaries[invocation_step_source_id] ) rval.append( summarize_invocation_jobs( job_source_id, invocation_job_summaries, invocation_implicit_collection_job_summaries, invocation_state, invocation_step_states, ) ) return rval
[docs]def summarize_invocation_jobs( invocation_id, job_summaries, implicit_collection_job_summaries, invocation_state, invocation_step_states ): states = {} if invocation_state == "scheduled": all_scheduled = True for invocation_step_state in invocation_step_states: all_scheduled = all_scheduled and invocation_step_state == "scheduled" if all_scheduled: populated_state = "ok" else: populated_state = "new" elif invocation_state in ["cancelled", "failed"]: populated_state = "failed" else: # call new, ready => new populated_state = "new" def merge_states(component_states): for key, value in component_states.items(): if key not in states: states[key] = value else: states[key] += value for job_summary in job_summaries: merge_states(job_summary["states"]) for implicit_collection_job_summary in implicit_collection_job_summaries: # 'new' (un-populated collections might not yet have a states entry) if "states" in implicit_collection_job_summary: merge_states(implicit_collection_job_summary["states"]) component_populated_state = implicit_collection_job_summary["populated_state"] if component_populated_state == "failed": populated_state = "failed" elif component_populated_state == "new" and populated_state != "failed": populated_state = "new" rval = { "id": invocation_id, "model": "WorkflowInvocation", "states": states, "populated_state": populated_state, } return rval
[docs]class JobsSummary(TypedDict): populated_state: str states: Dict[str, int] model: str id: int
[docs]def summarize_jobs_to_dict(sa_session, jobs_source) -> Optional[JobsSummary]: """Produce a summary of jobs for job summary endpoints. :type jobs_source: a Job or ImplicitCollectionJobs or None :param jobs_source: the object to summarize :rtype: dict :returns: dictionary containing job summary information """ rval: Optional[JobsSummary] = None if jobs_source is None: pass elif isinstance(jobs_source, model.Job): rval = { "populated_state": "ok", "states": {jobs_source.state: 1}, "model": "Job", "id":, } else: populated_state = jobs_source.populated_state rval = { "id":, "populated_state": populated_state, "model": "ImplicitCollectionJobs", "states": {}, } if populated_state == "ok": # produce state summary... join = model.ImplicitCollectionJobs.table.join( model.ImplicitCollectionJobsJobAssociation.table.join(model.Job) ) statement = ( select(model.Job.state, func.count()) .select_from(join) .where( == .group_by(model.Job.state) ) for row in sa_session.execute(statement): rval["states"][row[0]] = row[1] return rval
[docs]def summarize_job_metrics(trans, job): """Produce a dict-ified version of job metrics ready for tabular rendering. Precondition: the caller has verified the job is accessible to the user represented by the trans parameter. """ return summarize_metrics(trans, job.metrics)
[docs]def summarize_metrics(trans: ProvidesUserContext, job_metrics): safety_level = Safety.SAFE if trans.user_is_admin: safety_level = Safety.UNSAFE elif safety_level = Safety.POTENTIALLY_SENSITVE raw_metrics = [ RawMetric( m.metric_name, m.metric_value, m.plugin, ) for m in job_metrics ] dictifiable_metrics =, safety_level) return [d.dict() for d in dictifiable_metrics]
[docs]def summarize_destination_params(trans, job): """Produce a dict-ified version of job destination parameters ready for tabular rendering. Precondition: the caller has verified the job is accessible to the user represented by the trans parameter. """ destination_params = { "Runner": job.job_runner_name, "Runner Job ID": job.job_runner_external_id, "Handler": job.handler, } if job_destination_params := job.destination_params: destination_params.update(job_destination_params) return destination_params
[docs]def summarize_job_parameters(trans, job: Job): """Produce a dict-ified version of job parameters ready for tabular rendering. Precondition: the caller has verified the job is accessible to the user represented by the trans parameter. """ # More client logic here than is ideal but it is hard to reason about # tool parameter types on the client relative to the server. def inputs_recursive(input_params, param_values, depth=1, upgrade_messages=None): if upgrade_messages is None: upgrade_messages = {} rval = [] for input in input_params.values(): if in param_values: input_value = param_values[] if input.type == "repeat": for i in range(len(input_value)): rval.extend(inputs_recursive(input.inputs, input_value[i], depth=depth + 1)) elif input.type == "section": # Get the value of the current Section parameter rval.append(dict(, depth=depth)) rval.extend( inputs_recursive( input.inputs, input_value, depth=depth + 1, upgrade_messages=upgrade_messages.get(, ) ) elif input.type == "conditional": try: current_case = input_value["__current_case__"] is_valid = True except Exception: current_case = None is_valid = False if is_valid: rval.append( dict( text=input.test_param.label or, depth=depth, value=input.cases[current_case].value, ) ) rval.extend( inputs_recursive( input.cases[current_case].inputs, input_value, depth=depth + 1, upgrade_messages=upgrade_messages.get(, ) ) else: rval.append( dict(, depth=depth, notes="The previously used value is no longer valid.", error=True, ) ) elif input.type == "upload_dataset": rval.append( dict( text=input.group_title(param_values), depth=depth, value=f"{len(input_value)} uploaded datasets", ) ) elif ( input.type == "data" or input.type == "data_collection" or isinstance(input_value, model.HistoryDatasetAssociation) ): value: List[Union[Dict[str, Any], None]] = [] for element in listify(input_value): if isinstance(element, model.HistoryDatasetAssociation): hda = element value.append({"src": "hda", "id":, "hid": hda.hid, "name":}) elif isinstance(element, model.DatasetCollectionElement): value.append({"src": "dce", "id":, "name": element.element_identifier}) elif isinstance(element, model.HistoryDatasetCollectionAssociation): value.append({"src": "hdca", "id":, "hid": element.hid, "name":}) elif element is None: value.append(None) else: raise Exception( f"Unhandled data input parameter type encountered {element.__class__.__name__}" ) rval.append(dict(text=input.label, depth=depth, value=value)) elif input.visible: if hasattr(input, "label") and input.label: label = input.label else: # value for label not required, fallback to input name (same as tool panel) label = rval.append( dict( text=label, depth=depth, value=input.value_to_display_text(input_value), notes=upgrade_messages.get(, ""), ) ) else: # Parameter does not have a stored value. # Get parameter label. if input.type == "conditional": label = input.test_param.label else: label = input.label or rval.append( dict(text=label, depth=depth, notes="not used (parameter was added after this job was run)") ) return rval # Load the tool app = toolbox = app.toolbox tool = toolbox.get_tool(job.tool_id, job.tool_version) params_objects = None parameters = [] upgrade_messages = {} has_parameter_errors = False # Load parameter objects, if a parameter type has changed, it's possible for the value to no longer be valid if tool: try: params_objects = job.get_param_values(app, ignore_errors=False) except Exception: params_objects = job.get_param_values(app, ignore_errors=True) # use different param_objects in the following line, since we want to display original values as much as possible upgrade_messages = tool.check_and_update_param_values( job.get_param_values(app, ignore_errors=True), trans, update_values=False ) has_parameter_errors = True parameters = inputs_recursive(tool.inputs, params_objects, depth=1, upgrade_messages=upgrade_messages) else: has_parameter_errors = True return { "parameters": parameters, "has_parameter_errors": has_parameter_errors, "outputs": summarize_job_outputs(job=job, tool=tool, params=params_objects), }
[docs]def get_output_name(tool, output, params): try: return tool.tool_action.get_output_name( output, tool=tool, params=params, ) except Exception: pass
[docs]def summarize_job_outputs(job: model.Job, tool, params): outputs = defaultdict(list) output_labels = {} possible_outputs = ( ("hda", "dataset_id", job.output_datasets), ("ldda", "ldda_id", job.output_library_datasets), ("hdca", "dataset_collection_id", job.output_dataset_collection_instances), ) for src, attribute, output_associations in possible_outputs: output_associations = cast(List, output_associations) # during iteration, mypy sees it as object for output_association in output_associations: output_name = if output_name not in output_labels and tool: tool_output = tool.output_collections if src == "hdca" else tool.outputs output_labels[output_name] = get_output_name( tool=tool, output=tool_output.get(output_name), params=params ) label = output_labels.get(output_name) outputs[output_name].append( { "label": label, "value": {"src": src, "id": getattr(output_association, attribute)}, } ) return outputs
[docs]def get_jobs_to_check_at_startup(session: galaxy_scoped_session, track_jobs_in_database: bool, config): if track_jobs_in_database: in_list = (Job.states.QUEUED, Job.states.RUNNING, Job.states.STOPPED) else: in_list = (Job.states.NEW, Job.states.QUEUED, Job.states.RUNNING) stmt = ( select(Job) .execution_options(yield_per=YIELD_PER_ROWS) .filter(Job.state.in_(in_list) & (Job.handler == config.server_name)) ) if config.user_activation_on: # Filter out the jobs of inactive users. stmt = stmt.outerjoin(User).filter(or_((Job.user_id == null()), ( == true()))) return session.scalars(stmt).all()
[docs]def get_job(session, *where_clauses): stmt = select(Job).where(*where_clauses).limit(1) return session.scalars(stmt).first()