Source code for galaxy.managers.hdas

Manager and Serializer for HDAs.

HistoryDatasetAssociations (HDAs) are datasets contained or created in a

import gettext
import logging
import os
from typing import (

from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import object_session

from galaxy import (
from galaxy.managers import (
from galaxy.managers.context import ProvidesHistoryContext
from galaxy.model import (
from galaxy.model.base import transaction
from galaxy.model.deferred import materializer_factory
from galaxy.model.dereference import dereference_to_model
from galaxy.schema.schema import DatasetSourceType
from galaxy.schema.storage_cleaner import (
from galaxy.schema.tasks import (
from galaxy.structured_app import (
from galaxy.tool_util.parameters import DataRequestUri
from galaxy.util.compression_utils import get_fileobj

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HistoryDatasetAssociationNoHistoryException(Exception): pass
[docs]class HDAManager( datasets.DatasetAssociationManager[HistoryDatasetAssociation], secured.OwnableManagerMixin, annotatable.AnnotatableManagerMixin, ): """ Interface/service object for interacting with HDAs. """ model_class = HistoryDatasetAssociation foreign_key_name = "history_dataset_association" tag_assoc = model.HistoryDatasetAssociationTagAssociation annotation_assoc = model.HistoryDatasetAssociationAnnotationAssociation app: MinimalManagerApp # TODO: move what makes sense into DatasetManager # TODO: which of these are common with LDDAs and can be pushed down into DatasetAssociationManager?
[docs] def __init__( self, app: MinimalManagerApp, user_manager: users.UserManager, ldda_manager: lddas.LDDAManager, ): """ Set up and initialize other managers needed by hdas. """ super().__init__(app) self.user_manager = user_manager self.ldda_manager = ldda_manager
[docs] def get_owned_ids(self, object_ids, history=None): """Get owned IDs.""" filters = [, self.model_class.table.c.history_id ==] return self.list(filters=filters)
# .... security and permissions
[docs] def is_owner(self, item, user: Optional[model.User], current_history=None, **kwargs: Any) -> bool: """ Use history to see if current user owns HDA. """ if not isinstance(item, HistoryDatasetAssociation): raise TypeError('"item" must be of type HistoryDatasetAssociation.') if self.user_manager.is_admin(user, trans=kwargs.get("trans", None)): return True history = item.history if history is None: raise HistoryDatasetAssociationNoHistoryException # allow anonymous user to access current history # TODO: some dup here with historyManager.is_owner but prevents circ import # TODO: awkward kwarg (which is my new band name); this may not belong here - move to controller? if self.user_manager.is_anonymous(user): return current_history is not None and history == current_history return history.user == user
# .... create and copy
[docs] def create( self, flush: bool = True, history=None, dataset=None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> HistoryDatasetAssociation: """ Create a new hda optionally passing in it's history and dataset. ..note: to explicitly set hid to `None` you must pass in `hid=None`, otherwise it will be automatically set. """ if not dataset: kwargs["create_dataset"] = True hda = HistoryDatasetAssociation(history=history, dataset=dataset,, **kwargs) if history: history.add_dataset(hda, set_hid=("hid" not in kwargs)) # TODO:?? some internal sanity check here (or maybe in add_dataset) to make sure hids are not duped? self.session().add(hda) if flush: session = self.session() with transaction(session): session.commit() return hda
[docs] def materialize(self, request: MaterializeDatasetInstanceTaskRequest, in_place: bool = False) -> bool: request_user: RequestUser = request.user materializer = materializer_factory( True, # attached...,,, ) user = self.user_manager.by_id(request_user.user_id) if request.source == DatasetSourceType.hda: dataset_instance = self.get_accessible(request.content, user) else: dataset_instance = self.ldda_manager.get_accessible(request.content, user) history = new_hda = materializer.ensure_materialized(dataset_instance, target_history=history, in_place=in_place) if not in_place: history.add_dataset(new_hda, set_hid=True) else: new_hda.set_total_size() session = self.session() with transaction(session): session.commit() return new_hda.is_ok
[docs] def copy( self, item: Any, history=None, hide_copy: bool = False, flush: bool = True, **kwargs: Any ) -> HistoryDatasetAssociation: """ Copy hda, including annotation and tags, add to history and return the given HDA. """ if not isinstance(item, HistoryDatasetAssociation): raise TypeError() hda = item copy = hda.copy( parent_id=kwargs.get("parent_id"), copy_hid=False, copy_tags=hda.tags, # type:ignore[attr-defined] flush=False, ) if hide_copy: copy.visible = False if history: history.stage_addition(copy) copy.set_size() original_annotation = self.annotation(hda) self.annotate(copy, original_annotation, user=hda.user, flush=False) if flush: if history: history.add_pending_items() session = object_session(copy) assert session with transaction(session): session.commit() return copy
# .... deletion and purging
[docs] def purge(self, item, flush=True, **kwargs): if from galaxy.celery.tasks import purge_hda user = kwargs.get("user") return purge_hda.delay(, task_user_id=getattr(user, "id", None)) else: self._purge(item, flush=flush)
def _purge(self, hda, flush=True): """ Purge this HDA and the dataset underlying it. """ user = hda.history.user or None quota_amount_reduction = 0 if user: quota_amount_reduction = hda.quota_amount(user) super().purge(hda, flush=flush) # decrease the user's space used quota_source_info = hda.dataset.quota_source_info if quota_amount_reduction and quota_source_info.use: user.adjust_total_disk_usage(-quota_amount_reduction, quota_source_info.label) # TODO: don't flush above if we're going to re-flush here session = object_session(user) assert session with transaction(session): session.commit() # .... states
[docs] def error_if_uploading(self, hda): """ Raise error if HDA is still uploading. """ # TODO: may be better added to an overridden get_accessible if hda.state == model.Dataset.states.UPLOAD: raise exceptions.Conflict("Please wait until this dataset finishes uploading") return hda
[docs] def has_been_resubmitted(self, hda): """ Return True if the hda's job was resubmitted at any point. """ stmt = select( exists() .where(JobToOutputDatasetAssociation.dataset_id == .where(JobStateHistory.job_id == JobToOutputDatasetAssociation.job_id) .where(JobStateHistory.state == Job.states.RESUBMITTED) ) return self.session().scalar(stmt)
[docs] def data_conversion_status(self, hda): """ Returns a message if an hda is not ready to be used in visualization. """ # this is a weird syntax and return val if not hda: return self.model_class.conversion_messages.NO_DATA if hda.state == model.Job.states.ERROR: return self.model_class.conversion_messages.ERROR if hda.state != model.Job.states.OK: return self.model_class.conversion_messages.PENDING return None
# .... data # TODO: to data provider or Text datatype directly
[docs] def text_data(self, hda, preview=True): """ Get data from text file, truncating if necessary. """ # 1 MB MAX_PEEK_SIZE = 1000000 truncated = False hda_data = None # For now, cannot get data from non-text datasets. if not isinstance(hda.datatype, return truncated, hda_data file_path = hda.get_file_name() if not os.path.exists(file_path): return truncated, hda_data truncated = preview and os.stat(file_path).st_size > MAX_PEEK_SIZE with get_fileobj(file_path) as fh: try: hda_data = except UnicodeDecodeError: raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Cannot generate text preview for dataset.") return truncated, hda_data
# .... annotatable
[docs] def annotation(self, hda): # override to scope to history owner return self._user_annotation(hda, hda.user)
def _set_permissions(self, trans, hda, role_ids_dict): # The user associated the DATASET_ACCESS permission on the dataset with 1 or more roles. We # need to ensure that they did not associate roles that would cause accessibility problems. security_agent = permissions, in_roles, error, message = security_agent.derive_roles_from_access( trans,, "root", **role_ids_dict ) if error: # Keep the original role associations for the DATASET_ACCESS permission on the dataset. access_action = security_agent.get_action(security_agent.permitted_actions.DATASET_ACCESS.action) permissions[access_action] = hda.dataset.get_access_roles(security_agent) trans.sa_session.refresh(hda.dataset) raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(message) else: error = security_agent.set_all_dataset_permissions(hda.dataset, permissions) trans.sa_session.refresh(hda.dataset) if error: raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(error)
[docs]def dereference_input( trans: ProvidesHistoryContext, data_request: DataRequestUri, history: Optional[model.History] = None ) -> HistoryDatasetAssociation: target_history = history or trans.history hda = dereference_to_model(trans.sa_session, trans.user, target_history, data_request) permissions =, permissions, new=True, flush=False) with transaction(trans.sa_session): trans.sa_session.commit() return hda
[docs]class HDAStorageCleanerManager(base.StorageCleanerManager):
[docs] def __init__(self, hda_manager: HDAManager, dataset_manager: datasets.DatasetManager): self.hda_manager = hda_manager self.dataset_manager = dataset_manager self.sort_map = { StoredItemOrderBy.NAME_ASC: asc(, StoredItemOrderBy.NAME_DSC: desc(, StoredItemOrderBy.SIZE_ASC: nulls_first(asc(model.Dataset.total_size)), StoredItemOrderBy.SIZE_DSC: nulls_last(desc(model.Dataset.total_size)), StoredItemOrderBy.UPDATE_TIME_ASC: asc(HistoryDatasetAssociation.update_time), StoredItemOrderBy.UPDATE_TIME_DSC: desc(HistoryDatasetAssociation.update_time), }
[docs] def get_discarded_summary(self, user: model.User) -> CleanableItemsSummary: stmt = ( select(func.sum(model.Dataset.total_size), func.count( .select_from(HistoryDatasetAssociation) .join(model.Dataset, HistoryDatasetAssociation.table.c.dataset_id == .join(model.History, HistoryDatasetAssociation.table.c.history_id == .where( and_( HistoryDatasetAssociation.deleted == true(), HistoryDatasetAssociation.purged == false(), # type:ignore[arg-type] model.History.user_id ==, ) ) ) result = self.hda_manager.session().execute(stmt).fetchone() assert result total_size = 0 if result[0] is None else result[0] return CleanableItemsSummary(total_size=total_size, total_items=result[1])
[docs] def get_discarded( self, user: model.User, offset: Optional[int], limit: Optional[int], order: Optional[StoredItemOrderBy], ) -> List[StoredItem]: stmt = ( select(,, HistoryDatasetAssociation.update_time, model.Dataset.total_size, ) .select_from(HistoryDatasetAssociation) .join(model.Dataset, HistoryDatasetAssociation.table.c.dataset_id == .join(model.History, HistoryDatasetAssociation.table.c.history_id == .where( and_( HistoryDatasetAssociation.deleted == true(), HistoryDatasetAssociation.purged == false(), # type:ignore[arg-type] model.History.user_id ==, ) ) ) if offset: stmt = stmt.offset(offset) if limit: stmt = stmt.limit(limit) if order: stmt = stmt.order_by(self.sort_map[order]) result = self.hda_manager.session().execute(stmt) discarded = [ StoredItem(,, type="dataset", size=row.total_size or 0, update_time=row.update_time) for row in result ] return discarded
[docs] def cleanup_items(self, user: model.User, item_ids: Set[int]) -> StorageItemsCleanupResult: success_item_count = 0 total_free_bytes = 0 errors: List[StorageItemCleanupError] = [] dataset_ids_to_remove: Set[int] = set() for hda_id in item_ids: try: hda: HistoryDatasetAssociation = self.hda_manager.get_owned(hda_id, user) hda.deleted = True quota_amount = int(hda.quota_amount(user)) hda.purge_usage_from_quota(user, hda.dataset.quota_source_info) hda.purged = True dataset_ids_to_remove.add( success_item_count += 1 total_free_bytes += quota_amount except Exception as e: errors.append(StorageItemCleanupError(item_id=hda_id, error=str(e))) if success_item_count: session = self.hda_manager.session() with transaction(session): session.commit() self._request_full_delete_all(dataset_ids_to_remove, user) return StorageItemsCleanupResult( total_item_count=len(item_ids), success_item_count=success_item_count, total_free_bytes=total_free_bytes, errors=errors, )
def _request_full_delete_all(self, dataset_ids_to_remove: Set[int], user: Optional[model.User]): use_tasks = request = PurgeDatasetsTaskRequest(dataset_ids=list(dataset_ids_to_remove)) if use_tasks: from galaxy.celery.tasks import purge_datasets purge_datasets.delay(request=request, task_user_id=getattr(user, "id", None)) else: self.dataset_manager.purge_datasets(request)
[docs]class HDASerializer( # datasets._UnflattenedMetadataDatasetAssociationSerializer, datasets.DatasetAssociationSerializer[HDAManager], taggable.TaggableSerializerMixin, annotatable.AnnotatableSerializerMixin, ): model_manager_class = HDAManager app: StructuredApp
[docs] def __init__(self, app: StructuredApp): super().__init__(app) self.hda_manager = self.manager self.default_view = "summary" self.add_view( "summary", [ "id", "type_id", "name", "history_id", "hid", "history_content_type", "dataset_id", "genome_build", "state", "extension", "deleted", "purged", "visible", "tags", "type", "url", "create_time", "update_time", "object_store_id", "quota_source_label", ], ) self.add_view( "detailed", [ "model_class", "history_id", "hid", # why include if model_class is there? "hda_ldda", "copied_from_ldda_id", # TODO: accessible needs to go away "accessible", # remapped "misc_info", "misc_blurb", "file_ext", "file_size", "resubmitted", "metadata", "meta_files", "data_type", "peek", "creating_job", "rerunnable", "uuid", "permissions", "file_name", "display_apps", "display_types", "validated_state", "validated_state_message", # 'url', "download_url", "annotation", "api_type", "created_from_basename", "hashes", "sources", "drs_id", ], include_keys_from="summary", ) self.add_view( "extended", [ "tool_version", "parent_id", "designation", ], include_keys_from="detailed", ) # keyset returned to create show a dataset where the owner has no access self.add_view( "inaccessible", ["accessible", "id", "name", "history_id", "hid", "history_content_type", "state", "deleted", "visible"], )
[docs] def serialize_copied_from_ldda_id(self, item, key, **context): """ Serialize an id attribute of `item`. """ if item.copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association is not None: return return None
[docs] def add_serializers(self): super().add_serializers() taggable.TaggableSerializerMixin.add_serializers(self) annotatable.AnnotatableSerializerMixin.add_serializers(self) serializers: Dict[str, base.Serializer] = { "hid": lambda item, key, **context: item.hid if item.hid is not None else -1, "model_class": lambda item, key, **context: "HistoryDatasetAssociation", "history_content_type": lambda item, key, **context: "dataset", "hda_ldda": lambda item, key, **context: "hda", "type_id": self.serialize_type_id, "copied_from_ldda_id": self.serialize_copied_from_ldda_id, "history_id": self.serialize_id, # remapped "misc_info": self._remap_from("info"), "misc_blurb": self._remap_from("blurb"), "file_ext": self._remap_from("extension"), "file_path": self._remap_from("file_name"), "resubmitted": lambda item, key, **context: self.hda_manager.has_been_resubmitted(item), "display_apps": self.serialize_display_apps, "display_types": self.serialize_old_display_applications, # 'url' : url_for( 'history_content_typed', history_id=encoded_history_id, id=encoded_id, type="dataset" ), # TODO: this intermittently causes a routes.GenerationException - temp use the legacy route to prevent this # see also: # see also: "url": lambda item, key, **context: self.url_for( "history_content",,, context=context, ), "urls": self.serialize_urls, # TODO: backwards compat: need to go away "download_url": lambda item, key, **context: self.url_for( "history_contents_display",,, context=context, ), "parent_id": self.serialize_id, # TODO: to DatasetAssociationSerializer "accessible": lambda item, key, user=None, **c: self.manager.is_accessible(item, user, **c), "api_type": lambda item, key, **context: "file", "type": lambda item, key, **context: "file", "created_from_basename": lambda item, key, **context: item.created_from_basename, "object_store_id": lambda item, key, **context: item.object_store_id, "quota_source_label": lambda item, key, **context: item.dataset.quota_source_label, "hashes": lambda item, key, **context: [h.to_dict() for h in item.hashes], "sources": lambda item, key, **context: [s.to_dict() for s in item.sources], "drs_id": lambda item, key, **context: f"hda-{, kind='drs')}", } self.serializers.update(serializers)
[docs] def serialize(self, item, keys, user=None, **context): """ Override to hide information to users not able to access. """ # TODO: to DatasetAssociationSerializer if not self.manager.is_accessible(item, user, **context): keys = self._view_to_keys("inaccessible") return super().serialize(item, keys, user=user, **context)
[docs] def serialize_display_apps(self, item, key, trans=None, **context): """ Return dictionary containing new-style display app urls. """ hda = item display_apps: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] if hda.state == HistoryDatasetAssociation.states.OK and not hda.deleted: for display_app in hda.get_display_applications(trans).values(): app_links = [] for link_app in display_app.links.values(): app_links.append( { "target": link_app.url.get("target_frame", "_blank"), "href": link_app.get_display_url(hda, trans), "text": gettext.gettext(, } ) if app_links: display_apps.append(dict(, links=app_links)) return display_apps
[docs] def serialize_old_display_applications(self, item, key, trans=None, **context): """ Return dictionary containing old-style display app urls. """ hda = item display_apps: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] if ( and hda.state == HistoryDatasetAssociation.states.OK and not hda.deleted ): display_link_fn = hda.datatype.get_display_links for display_app in hda.datatype.get_display_types(): target_frame, display_links = display_link_fn( hda, display_app,, trans.request.base, ) if len(display_links) > 0: display_label = hda.datatype.get_display_label(display_app) app_links = [] for display_name, display_link in display_links: app_links.append( {"target": target_frame, "href": display_link, "text": gettext.gettext(display_name)} ) if app_links: display_apps.append(dict(label=display_label, links=app_links)) return display_apps
[docs] def serialize_urls(self, item, key, **context): """ Return web controller urls useful for this HDA. """ hda = item url_for = self.url_for encoded_id = urls = { "purge": url_for(controller="dataset", action="purge_async", dataset_id=encoded_id), "display": url_for(controller="dataset", action="display", dataset_id=encoded_id, preview=True), "edit": url_for(controller="dataset", action="edit", dataset_id=encoded_id), "download": url_for(controller="dataset", action="display", dataset_id=encoded_id, to_ext=hda.extension), "report_error": url_for(controller="dataset", action="errors", id=encoded_id), "rerun": url_for(controller="tool_runner", action="rerun", id=encoded_id), "show_params": url_for(controller="dataset", action="details", dataset_id=encoded_id), "visualization": url_for( controller="visualization", action="index", id=encoded_id, model="HistoryDatasetAssociation" ), "meta_download": url_for( controller="dataset", action="get_metadata_file", hda_id=encoded_id, metadata_name="" ), } return urls
[docs]class HDADeserializer( datasets.DatasetAssociationDeserializer, taggable.TaggableDeserializerMixin, annotatable.AnnotatableDeserializerMixin, ): """ Interface/service object for validating and deserializing dictionaries into histories. """ model_manager_class = HDAManager
[docs] def __init__(self, app: MinimalManagerApp): super().__init__(app) self.hda_manager = self.manager
[docs] def add_deserializers(self): super().add_deserializers() taggable.TaggableDeserializerMixin.add_deserializers(self) annotatable.AnnotatableDeserializerMixin.add_deserializers(self) self.deserializers.update( { "visible": self.deserialize_bool, # remapped "genome_build": lambda item, key, val, **c: self.deserialize_genome_build(item, "dbkey", val), "misc_info": lambda item, key, val, **c: self.deserialize_basestring( item, "info", val, convert_none_to_empty=True ), } ) self.deserializable_keyset.update(self.deserializers.keys())
[docs]class HDAFilterParser( datasets.DatasetAssociationFilterParser, taggable.TaggableFilterMixin, annotatable.AnnotatableFilterMixin ): model_manager_class = HDAManager model_class = HistoryDatasetAssociation def _add_parsers(self): super()._add_parsers() taggable.TaggableFilterMixin._add_parsers(self) annotatable.AnnotatableFilterMixin._add_parsers(self)