import ipaddress
import logging
import os
import socket
import tempfile
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from galaxy.exceptions import (
from galaxy.files import (
from galaxy.files.sources import FilesSourceOptions
from galaxy.util import (
from galaxy.util.config_parsers import IpAllowedListEntryT
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def stream_url_to_str(
path: str, file_sources: Optional["ConfiguredFileSources"] = None, prefix: str = "gx_file_stream"
) -> str:
tmp_file = stream_url_to_file(path, file_sources=file_sources, prefix=prefix)
with open(tmp_file) as f:
[docs]def stream_url_to_file(
url: str,
file_sources: Optional["ConfiguredFileSources"] = None,
prefix: str = "gx_file_stream",
dir: Optional[str] = None,
target_path: Optional[str] = None,
file_source_opts: Optional[FilesSourceOptions] = None,
) -> str:
file_sources = ensure_file_sources(file_sources)
file_source, rel_path = file_sources.get_file_source_path(url)
if file_source:
if not target_path:
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=prefix, delete=False, dir=dir) as temp:
target_path =
file_source.realize_to(rel_path, target_path, user_context=user_context, opts=file_source_opts)
return target_path
raise NoMatchingFileSource(f"Could not find a matching handler for: {url}")
[docs]def ensure_file_sources(file_sources: Optional["ConfiguredFileSources"]) -> "ConfiguredFileSources":
if file_sources is None:
file_sources = ConfiguredFileSources.from_dict(None, load_stock_plugins=True)
return file_sources
[docs]def stream_to_file(stream, suffix="", prefix="", dir=None, text=False, **kwd):
"""Writes a stream to a temporary file, returns the temporary file's name"""
fd, temp_name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=dir, text=text)
return stream_to_open_named_file(stream, fd, temp_name, **kwd)
[docs]def validate_uri_access(uri: str, is_admin: bool, ip_allowlist: List[IpAllowedListEntryT]) -> None:
"""Perform uniform checks on supplied URIs.
- Prevent access to local IPs not found in ip_allowlist.
- Don't allow non-admins to access file:// URIs.
validate_non_local(uri, ip_allowlist)
if not is_admin and uri.lstrip().startswith("file://"):
raise AdminRequiredException()
[docs]def split_port(parsed_url: str, url: str) -> Tuple[str, int]:
idx = parsed_url.rindex(":")
# We parse as an int and let this fail ungracefully if parsing
# fails because we desire to fail closed rather than open.
port = int(parsed_url[idx + 1 :])
parsed_url = parsed_url[:idx]
return (parsed_url, port)
except Exception:
raise RequestParameterInvalidException(f"Could not verify url '{url}'.")
[docs]def validate_non_local(uri: str, ip_allowlist: List[IpAllowedListEntryT]) -> str:
# If it doesn't look like a URL, ignore it.
if not (uri.lstrip().startswith("http://") or uri.lstrip().startswith("https://")):
return uri
# Strip leading whitespace before passing url to urlparse()
url = uri.lstrip()
# Extract hostname component
parsed_url = urlparse(url).netloc
# If credentials are in this URL, we need to strip those.
if parsed_url.count("@") > 0:
# credentials.
parsed_url = parsed_url[parsed_url.rindex("@") + 1 :]
# Percent encoded colons and other characters will not be resolved as such
# so we don't have to either.
# Sometimes the netloc will contain the port which is not desired, so we
# need to extract that.
port = None
# However, it could ALSO be an IPv6 address they've supplied.
if ":" in parsed_url:
# IPv6 addresses have colons in them already (it seems like always more than two)
if parsed_url.count(":") >= 2:
# Since IPv6 already use colons extensively, they wrap it in
# brackets when there is a port, e.g. http://[2001:db8:1f70::999:de8:7648:6e8]:100/
# However if it ends with a ']' then there is no port after it and
# they've wrapped it in brackets just for fun.
if "]" in parsed_url and not parsed_url.endswith("]"):
parsed_url, port = split_port(parsed_url=parsed_url, url=url)
# Plain ipv6 without port
# This should finally be ipv4 with port. It cannot be IPv6 as that
# was caught by earlier cases, and it cannot be due to credentials.
parsed_url, port = split_port(parsed_url=parsed_url, url=url)
# safe to log out, no credentials/request path, just an IP + port
log.debug("parsed url %s, port: %s", parsed_url, port)
# Call getaddrinfo to resolve hostname into tuples containing IPs.
addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(parsed_url, port)
except socket.gaierror as e:
log.debug("Could not resolve url '%': %'", url, e)
raise RequestParameterInvalidException(f"Could not verify url '{url}'.")
# Get the IP addresses that this entry resolves to (uniquely)
# We drop:
# AF_* family: It will resolve to AF_INET or AF_INET6, getaddrinfo(3) doesn't even mention AF_UNIX,
# socktype: We don't care if a stream/dgram/raw protocol
# protocol: we don't care if it is tcp or udp.
addrinfo_results = {info[4][0] for info in addrinfo}
# There may be multiple (e.g. IPv4 + IPv6 or DNS round robin). Any one of these
# could resolve to a local addresses (and could be returned by chance),
# therefore we must check them all.
for raw_ip in addrinfo_results:
# Convert to an IP object so we can tell if it is in private space.
ip = ipaddress.ip_address(unicodify(raw_ip))
# If this is a private address
if ip.is_private:
results = []
# If this IP is not anywhere in the allowlist
for allowlisted in ip_allowlist:
# If it's an IP address range (rather than a single one...)
if isinstance(allowlisted, (ipaddress.IPv4Network, ipaddress.IPv6Network)):
results.append(ip in allowlisted)
results.append(ip == allowlisted)
if any(results):
# If we had any True, then THIS (and ONLY THIS) IP address that
# that specific DNS entry resolved to is in allowlisted and
# safe to access. But we cannot exit here, we must ensure that
# all IPs that that DNS entry resolves to are likewise safe.
# Otherwise, we deny access.
raise ConfigDoesNotAllowException("Access to this address in not permitted by server configuration")
return url