ISA datatype
See https://github.com/ISA-tools
import json
import logging
import os
import os.path
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
from typing import (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ISA_MISSING_MODULE_MESSAGE = "Please install the missing isatools dependency from `isa-rwval @ git+https://github.com/nsoranzo/isa-rwval.git@master`"
# Imports isatab after turning off warnings inside logger settings to avoid pandas warning making uploads fail.
from isatools import (
except ImportError:
isajson = None
isatab_meta = None
from markupsafe import escape
from galaxy import util
from galaxy.datatypes.data import Data
from galaxy.datatypes.protocols import (
from galaxy.util.compression_utils import CompressedFile
from galaxy.util.sanitize_html import sanitize_html
from isatools.model import Investigation
# Main files regex
JSON_FILE_REGEX = re.compile(r"^.*\.json$", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
INVESTIGATION_FILE_REGEX = re.compile(r"^i_\w+\.txt$", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
# The name of the ISA archive (compressed file) as saved inside Galaxy
ISA_ARCHIVE_NAME = "archive"
# Set max number of lines of the history peek
class _Isa(Data):
"""Base class for implementing ISA datatypes"""
composite_type = "auto_primary_file"
is_binary = True
def _make_investigation_instance(self, filename: str) -> "Investigation":
raise NotImplementedError()
def __init__(self, main_file_regex: re.Pattern, **kwd) -> None:
self._main_file_regex = main_file_regex
# Add the archive file as the only composite file
self.add_composite_file(ISA_ARCHIVE_NAME, is_binary=True, optional=True)
def _get_isa_folder_path(self, dataset: HasExtraFilesPath) -> str:
isa_folder = dataset.extra_files_path
if not isa_folder:
raise Exception("Unvalid dataset object, or no extra files path found for this dataset.")
return isa_folder
def _get_main_file(self, dataset: HasExtraFilesPath) -> str:
"""Get the main file of the ISA archive. Either the investigation file i_*.txt for ISA-Tab, or the JSON file for ISA-JSON."""
main_file = None
isa_folder = self._get_isa_folder_path(dataset)
assert os.path.exists(isa_folder)
# Get ISA archive older
isa_files = os.listdir(isa_folder)
main_file = self._find_main_file_in_archive(isa_files)
# Make full path
return os.path.join(isa_folder, main_file)
def _get_investigation(self, dataset: HasExtraFilesPath) -> "Investigation":
"""Create a contained instance specific to the exact ISA type (Tab or Json).
We will use it to parse and access information from the archive."""
main_file = self._get_main_file(dataset)
return self._make_investigation_instance(main_file)
def _find_main_file_in_archive(self, files_list: List) -> str:
"""Find the main file inside the ISA archive."""
found_file = None
for f in files_list:
match = self._main_file_regex.match(f)
if match:
if found_file is None:
matched = match.group() # can be string or tuple
found_file = matched if isinstance(matched, str) else matched[0]
raise Exception(
f"More than one file match the pattern '{self._main_file_regex}' to identify the investigation file"
if found_file is None:
raise Exception("Invalid ISA archive. No main file found.")
return found_file
def set_peek(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, **kwd) -> None:
"""Set the peek and blurb text. Get first lines of the main file and set it as the peek."""
main_file = self._get_main_file(dataset)
# Read first lines of main file
with open(main_file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
data: List = []
for line in f:
if len(data) < _MAX_LINES_HISTORY_PEEK:
if not dataset.dataset.purged and data:
dataset.peek = json.dumps({"data": data})
dataset.blurb = "data"
dataset.peek = "file does not exist"
dataset.blurb = "file purged from disk"
def display_peek(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol) -> str:
"""Create the HTML table used for displaying peek, from the peek text found by set_peek() method."""
out = ['<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">']
if not dataset.peek:
json_data = json.loads(dataset.peek)
for line in json_data["data"]:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
out.append(f"<tr><td>{escape(util.unicodify(line, 'utf-8'))}</td></tr>")
return "".join(out)
except Exception as exc:
return f"Can't create peek: {util.unicodify(exc)}"
def generate_primary_file(self, dataset: HasExtraFilesAndMetadata) -> str:
"""Generate the primary file. It is an HTML file containing description of the composite dataset
as well as a list of the composite files that it contains."""
if dataset:
rval = ["<html><head><title>ISA Dataset </title></head><p/>"]
if hasattr(dataset, "extra_files_path"):
rval.append("<div>ISA Dataset composed of the following files:<p/><ul>")
for cmp_file in os.listdir(dataset.extra_files_path):
rval.append(f'<li><a href="{cmp_file}" type="text/plain">{escape(cmp_file)}</a></li>')
rval.append("<div>ISA Dataset is empty!<p/><ul>")
return "\n".join(rval)
return "<div>No dataset available</div>"
def dataset_content_needs_grooming(self, file_name: str) -> bool:
"""This function is called on an output dataset file after the content is initially generated."""
return os.path.basename(file_name) == ISA_ARCHIVE_NAME
def groom_dataset_content(self, file_name: str) -> None:
"""This method is called by Galaxy to extract files contained in a composite data type."""
# XXX Is the right place to extract files? Should this step not be a cleaning step instead?
# Could extracting be done earlier and composite files declared as files contained inside the archive
# instead of the archive itself?
# extract basename and folder of the current file whose content has to be groomed
basename = os.path.basename(file_name)
output_path = os.path.dirname(file_name)
# extract archive if the file corresponds to the ISA archive
if basename == ISA_ARCHIVE_NAME:
# perform extraction
# For some ZIP files CompressedFile::extract() extract the file inside <output_folder>/<file_name> instead of outputing it inside <output_folder>. So we first create a temporary folder, extract inside it, and move content to final destination.
temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
extracted_files = os.listdir(temp_folder)
logger.debug(" ".join(extracted_files))
if len(extracted_files) == 0:
elif len(extracted_files) == 1 and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(temp_folder, extracted_files[0])):
shutil.move(os.path.join(temp_folder, extracted_files[0]), output_path)
shutil.move(temp_folder, output_path)
def display_data(
dataset: DatasetHasHidProtocol,
preview: bool = False,
filename: Optional[str] = None,
to_ext: Optional[str] = None,
offset: Optional[int] = None,
ck_size: Optional[int] = None,
"""Downloads the ISA dataset if `preview` is `False`;
if `preview` is `True`, it returns a preview of the ISA dataset as a HTML page.
The preview is triggered when user clicks on the eye icon of the composite dataset."""
headers = kwd.get("headers", {})
# if it is not required a preview use the default behaviour of `display_data`
if not preview:
return super().display_data(trans, dataset, preview, filename, to_ext, **kwd)
# prepare the preview of the ISA dataset
investigation = self._get_investigation(dataset)
except Exception:
logger.exception(f"Failed to display dataset {dataset.id}")
html = """<html><header><title>Error while reading ISA archive.</title></header>
<h1>An error occurred while reading content of ISA archive.</h1>
<p>If you have tried to load your archive with the uploader by selecting isa-tab as composite data type, then try to load it again with isa-json instead. Conversely, if you have tried to load your archive with the uploader by selecting isa-json as composite data type, then try isa-tab instead.</p>
<p>You may also try to look into your zip file in order to find out if this is a proper ISA archive. If you see a file i_Investigation.txt inside, then it is an ISA-Tab archive. If you see a file with extension .json inside, then it is an ISA-JSON archive. If you see nothing like that, then either your ISA archive is corrupted, or it is not an ISA archive.</p>
html = "<html><body>"
html += f"<h1>{investigation.title} {investigation.identifier}</h1>"
# Loop on all studies
for study in investigation.studies:
html += f"<h2>Study {study.identifier}</h2>"
html += f"<h3>{study.title}</h3>"
html += f"<p>{study.description}</p>"
html += f"<p>Submitted the {study.submission_date}</p>"
html += f"<p>Released on {study.public_release_date}</p>"
html += f"<p>Experimental factors used: {', '.join(x.name for x in study.factors)}</p>"
# Loop on all assays of this study
for assay in study.assays:
html += f"<h3>Assay {assay.filename}</h3>"
html += f"<p>Measurement type: {assay.measurement_type.term}</p>" # OntologyAnnotation
html += f"<p>Technology type: {assay.technology_type.term}</p>" # OntologyAnnotation
html += f"<p>Technology platform: {assay.technology_platform}</p>"
if assay.data_files is not None:
html += "<p>Data files:</p>"
html += "<ul>"
for data_file in assay.data_files:
if data_file.filename != "":
html += f"<li>{escape(util.unicodify(str(data_file.filename), 'utf-8'))} - {escape(util.unicodify(str(data_file.label), 'utf-8'))}</li>"
html += "</ul>"
html += "</body></html>"
# Set mime type
mime = "text/html"
self._clean_and_set_mime_type(trans, mime, headers)
return sanitize_html(html).encode("utf-8"), headers
[docs]class IsaTab(_Isa):
file_ext = "isa-tab"
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwd):
super().__init__(main_file_regex=INVESTIGATION_FILE_REGEX, **kwd)
def _make_investigation_instance(self, filename: str):
if not isatab_meta:
# Parse ISA-Tab investigation file
parser = isatab_meta.InvestigationParser()
isa_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
with open(filename, newline="", encoding="utf8") as fp:
for study in parser.isa.studies:
s_parser = isatab_meta.LazyStudySampleTableParser(parser.isa)
s_parser.parse(os.path.join(isa_dir, study.filename))
for assay in study.assays:
a_parser = isatab_meta.LazyAssayTableParser(parser.isa)
a_parser.parse(os.path.join(isa_dir, assay.filename))
isa = parser.isa
return isa
[docs]class IsaJson(_Isa):
file_ext = "isa-json"
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwd):
super().__init__(main_file_regex=JSON_FILE_REGEX, **kwd)
def _make_investigation_instance(self, filename: str):
if not isajson:
# Parse JSON file
with open(filename, newline="", encoding="utf8") as fp:
isa = isajson.load(fp)
return isa