This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.
May 2022 Galaxy Release (v 22.05)

- The new History is the default History
See the 22.05 user release notes for details.
- Galaxy is now exclusively a FastAPI application
As announced in the release notes for Galaxy Release 22.01 we have removed support to run Galaxy as a WSGI application. If you are still using uWSGI please consult the Migrating to Gunicorn documentation.
- Deferred dataset resolution
Optional deferred dataset resolution enables users to select that datasets fetched from URLs or remote file sources should not be fetched into Galaxy’s objectstore. Deferred datasets are only fetched when jobs using these datasets are run.
- Enhanced Celery tasks and features
Galaxy can optionally delegate the data upload job to Celery, and Galaxy can run the metadata script in Celery. This results in much shorter runtime for small jobs. To enable this, set enable_celery_tasks to true and ensure that at least one celery worker is started. If Celery tasks are enabled, it is also possible to change the datatype for many history items in batch.
- Galaxy has a new database migrations system based on Alembic.
The new migrations system is built on top of Alembic. The SQLAlchemy Migrate tool has been retired. For usage, see Galaxy’s migrations documentation. For an architectural overview, see pull request #13108.
Also check out the 22.05 user release notes
Get Galaxy
The code lives at GitHub and you should have Git to obtain it.
- To get a new Galaxy repository run:
$ git clone -b release_22.05 https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy.git
- To update an existing Galaxy repository run:
$ git fetch origin && git checkout release_22.05 && git pull --ff-only origin release_22.05
See the community hub for additional details on source code locations.
Configuration Changes
The following configuration options are new
The following configuration options have been changed
mapping.galaxy.mapping.debug.desc has changed from
Debug enables access to various config options useful for development and debugging: use_lint, use_profile, and use_printdebug. It also causes the files used by PBS/SGE (submission script, output, and error) to remain on disk after the job is complete. In addition, this will set uWSGI's `honour-stdin` option to `true`; thus, preventing uWSGI from remapping stdin to `/dev/null` and enabling debugging with tools like pdb. To keep uWSGI's default setting, set `honor-stdin` to `false` in the `uwsgi` section of this configuration file.
Debug enables access to various config options useful for development and debugging: use_lint, use_profile, and use_printdebug. It also causes the files used by PBS/SGE (submission script, output, and error) to remain on disk after the job is complete.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.logging.desc has changed from
Controls where and how the server logs messages. If unset, the default is to log all messages to standard output at the level defined by the `log_level` configuration option. Configuration is described in the documentation at: https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/admin/config_logging.html
Controls where and how the server logs messages. If set, overrides all settings in the log_* configuration options. Configuration is described in the documentation at: https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/admin/config_logging.html
mapping.galaxy.mapping.metadata_strategy.desc has changed from
Determines how metadata will be set. Valid values are `directory` and `extended`. In extended mode jobs will decide if a tool run failed, the object stores configuration is serialized and made available to the job and is used for writing output datasets to the object store as part of the job and dynamic output discovery (e.g. discovered datasets <discover_datasets>, unpopulated collections, etc) happens as part of the job.
Determines how metadata will be set. Valid values are `directory`, `extended`, `directory_celery` and `extended_celery`. In extended mode jobs will decide if a tool run failed, the object stores configuration is serialized and made available to the job and is used for writing output datasets to the object store as part of the job and dynamic output discovery (e.g. discovered datasets <discover_datasets>, unpopulated collections, etc) happens as part of the job. In `directory_celery` and `extended_celery` metadata will be set within a celery task.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.screencasts_url.default has changed from
mapping.galaxy.mapping.simplified_workflow_run_ui_target_history.default has changed from
mapping.galaxy.mapping.simplified_workflow_run_ui_target_history.desc has changed from
When the simplified workflow run form is rendered, should the invocation outputs be sent to the 'current' history or a 'new' history.
When the simplified workflow run form is rendered, should the invocation outputs be sent to the 'current' history or a 'new' history. If the user should be presented and option between these - set this to 'prefer_current' or 'prefer_new' to display a runtime setting with the corresponding default. The default is to provide the user this option and default it to the current history (the traditional behavior of Galaxy for years) - this corresponds to the setting 'prefer_current'.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.simplified_workflow_run_ui_target_history.enum has changed from
current new
current new prefer_current prefer_new
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_description_boost.default has changed from
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_description_boost.desc has changed from
Boosts are used to customize this instance's toolbox search. The higher the boost, the more importance the scoring algorithm gives to the given field. Section refers to the tool group in the tool panel. Rest of the fields are tool's attributes.
In tool search, a query match against a tool's description text will receive this score multiplier.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_enable_ngram_search.desc has changed from
Enable/ disable Ngram-search for tools. It makes tool search results tolerant for spelling mistakes in the query by dividing the query into multiple ngrams and search for each ngram
Disabling this will prevent partial matches on tool names. Enable/disable Ngram-search for tools. It makes tool search results tolerant for spelling mistakes in the query, and will also match query substrings e.g. "genome" will match "genomics" or "metagenome".
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_help_boost.default has changed from
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_help_boost.desc has changed from
Boosts are used to customize this instance's toolbox search. The higher the boost, the more importance the scoring algorithm gives to the given field. Section refers to the tool group in the tool panel. Rest of the fields are tool's attributes.
In tool search, a query match against a tool's help text will receive this score multiplier.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_id_boost.default has changed from
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_id_boost.desc has changed from
Boosts are used to customize this instance's toolbox search. The higher the boost, the more importance the scoring algorithm gives to the given field. Section refers to the tool group in the tool panel. Rest of the fields are tool's attributes.
In tool search, a query match against a tool's ID text will receive this score multiplier. The query must be an exact match against ID in order to be counted as a match.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_label_boost.desc has changed from
Boosts are used to customize this instance's toolbox search. The higher the boost, the more importance the scoring algorithm gives to the given field. Section refers to the tool group in the tool panel. Rest of the fields are tool's attributes.
In tool search, a query match against a tool's label text will receive this score multiplier.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_name_boost.default has changed from
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_name_boost.desc has changed from
Boosts are used to customize this instance's toolbox search. The higher the boost, the more importance the scoring algorithm gives to the given field. Section refers to the tool group in the tool panel. Rest of the fields are tool's attributes.
In tool search, a query match against a tool's name text will receive this score multiplier.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_ngram_maxsize.desc has changed from
Set maximum size of ngrams
Set maximum character length of ngrams
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_ngram_minsize.desc has changed from
Set minimum size of ngrams
Set minimum character length of ngrams
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_search_limit.desc has changed from
Limits the number of results in toolbox search. Can be used to tweak how many results will appear.
Limits the number of results in toolbox search. Use to set the maximum number of tool search results to display.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_section_boost.desc has changed from
Boosts are used to customize this instance's toolbox search. The higher the boost, the more importance the scoring algorithm gives to the given field. Section refers to the tool group in the tool panel. Rest of the fields are tool's attributes.
In tool search, a query match against a tool's section text will receive this score multiplier.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_stub_boost.default has changed from
mapping.galaxy.mapping.tool_stub_boost.desc has changed from
Boosts are used to customize this instance's toolbox search. The higher the boost, the more importance the scoring algorithm gives to the given field. Section refers to the tool group in the tool panel. Rest of the fields are tool's attributes.
A stub is parsed from the GUID as "owner/repo/tool_id". In tool search, a query match against a tool's stub text will receive this score multiplier.
mapping.galaxy.mapping.wiki_url.desc has changed from
The URL linked by the "Wiki" link in the "Help" menu.
The URL linked by the "Community Hub" link in the "Help" menu.
The following configuration options have been completely removed
Release Notes
Add new molecule datatypes (thanks to @muon-spectroscopy-computational-project). Pull Request 12375
Add DEFERRED datasets to Galaxy (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 12533
Add Storage dashboard (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13113
Add built-in converters to tool panel (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13447
Enable infinite scrolling / pagination for history and collection items (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13477
Replace SQLAlchemy Migrate with Alembic (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13513
Add filtering to new History (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13591
Expose input step order and rework calculation of node position in the workflow editor (thanks to @simonbray). Pull Request 13641
Focus cursor in text box after clearing search term (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13672
Add 3D PCA visualization (thanks to @xtrojak). Pull Request 13771
Replace bootstrap-tour.js with popper.js (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13778
Add and update various interactive tools (thanks to @gmauro). Pull Request 13811
Add more bulk operations to Beta History (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13877
Update color scheme collection progress bar (thanks to @assuntad23). Pull Request 14031
Add gulp target for force-rebuild of viz plugins (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13370
Add mzqc datatype (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 13564
Update mypy to 0.942 and fix new mypy errors (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13650
Create data_fetch and set_metadata celery tasks (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13655
Add bigWig to Wig converter (thanks to @gallardoalba). Pull Request 13708
Replace last use of deprecated
module (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13817Add support for gz-compressed gfa1 and gfa2 files (thanks to @gallardoalba). Pull Request 13927
New Datatype: QIIME 2 (thanks to @ebolyen). Pull Request 14216
Add scool datatype (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 14480
Add JupyTool, user-configurable interactive Jupyter-based tool (thanks to @blankenberg). Pull Request 13606
Simplified workflow form runtime options (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13613
Selenium tests for much of #13600 (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13673
Rework workflow index API for more consistency between deleted/hidden and showing shared workflows (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13699
Implement API endpoints and tests for workflow sharing options (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13719
Fix workflow file import and enhance UX for workflow imports (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13754
Implement more useful workflow tagging (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13786
Implement initial jest unit tests for WorkflowList.vue (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13856
Use an Enum for invocations view (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13875
Workflow List Vue Component Improvements (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13876
More Workflow List Component Improvements (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13892
API workflow index allow ‘searching’ by owner (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13934
More Uniform URI Access and Validation (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13947
Localize workflow deletion confirmation message (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13987
Add workflow deletion selenium tests (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13994
Update Client dependency, swap to node 16 (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13282
Run jest tests using node 16 in CI (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13434
Drop last references to uWSGI (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13593
Add support for gulp build process to use a configurable directory (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13657
Formalize supported browsers, drop transpilation, enforce with eslint (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13709
Swap to vue/recommended eslint (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13781
Citation separation (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13847
Add client build timestamp to application config (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13874
Attach dataset source in model store imports (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13560
Overhaul job metrics (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13634
More Python typing around job evaluation code (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13659
Migrate jobs index to FastAPI controller (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13767
Port api/tools/fetch to FastAPI, add schema, and use __FETCH_DATA__ in most tests (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13793
Jobs Index and Grid Improvements (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13893
make maximum number of retries for username validation configurable (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 13177
Workflow invocation pagination (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13183
Menu cleanup (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13288
Add celery and gravity files to .gitignore (thanks to @davebx). Pull Request 13310
Drop remaining references to uWSGI (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13585
Remove tus uploads during fetch data job (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13945
A few small Gravity updates (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 13995
Add log rotation options and update logging documentation (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 14457
Allow site-specific history default, leave fallback option to legacy (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 11748
Check prefix before complete loading when checking yaml and cwl tools (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 12604
Maintain redirect if login is necessary (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13274
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13312
Replace data providers and scrolling in new history (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13318
Block workflow invocation if wrong tool versions installed (thanks to @simonbray). Pull Request 13335
Report code coverage (for pytest test suites) (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13358
Feature/hujambo dunia/issue 12022/20220211 workflows node overlap enhancement (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 13361
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13364
Split loading current history from loading all histories (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13367
Add source_metadata attribute for workflows imported using TRS ID or via URL (thanks to @simonbray). Pull Request 13376
Allow legacy EDAM mappings (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13413
Add sorting function to Saved Rules Selector (thanks to @assuntad23). Pull Request 13427
Add tooltip preview for rules in SavedRulesSelector (thanks to @assuntad23). Pull Request 13438
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13449
let linter check for duplicated names/labels (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 13459
Small enhancements from the deferred data branch (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13475
Various Celery Framework Enhancements (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13488
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13490
Run tests with
metadata_strategy: extended
on weekly schedule (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13503Integration end-to-end test for PDF export (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13504
Add API endpoint to recalculate user disk usage (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13508
Add retries to test_github_search (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13509
More small atomic enhancements from the deferred data branch (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13517
Disable implicit optional types (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13519
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13530
Enable automatically loading webhook based on url (thanks to @hexylena). Pull Request 13535
Card expansion animation in new history (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13545
History bulk operations (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13555
Allow setting a workflow as (un)importable via the API (thanks to @simonbray). Pull Request 13571
Add nonce mismatch hint to exception msg (thanks to @afgane). Pull Request 13572
Add legacy routes to openapi schema (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13579
Add pre-commit config (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13580
linter: allow setting output format with actions (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 13583
Expose TRS id of imported workflows in the UI (thanks to @simonbray). Pull Request 13600
Improve matching reliability, add test cases (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13623
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13625
Add advanced filtering panel to history, align appearance of panels (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13626
Feature for #13517: Workflow Editor - Scroll Wheel Zoom feature (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13630
Add optional dependency on total-perspective-vortex (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 13636
Decouple legacy model from new history proxy, consolidate history stores (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13646
Porting undocumented API: ‘/api/groups/{encoded_group_id}/users’ to FastAPI (thanks to @shivani-sangwan). Pull Request 13648
Adjust new history navigation header (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13649
Speed up sniffers by using lru_cache on ffprobe, skip binary sniffers on text files (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13654
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13661
Disable implicitly attaching HDAs to histories (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13670
Use authenticated git protocol in pre-commit repo (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13680
Use API link to download datasets (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13681
Add OIDC PKCE parameter support (thanks to @gecage952). Pull Request 13683
Infrastructure for building dynamic files for download asynchronously (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13691
Update irods client (thanks to @kxk302). Pull Request 13694
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13702
Display History Selection Status in Operations (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13705
Update migrations documentation (inline + readme) (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13710
Add more type annotations to test populators (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13716
Watch changes to history object instead of changed history items (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13721
Anonymous user history menu fixes (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13724
Implement pagination of workflows grid (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13725
Workflow index API fix and testing (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13733
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13735
Add history component tests (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13739
Highlight Inputs for a given dataset/collection in the history (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13740
Add Number of Hidden/Deleted Datasets to History Details (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13752
Respect conda channels in mulled docker container building (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 13755
Process pasted content with tus (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13770
Restore homogeneous dataset collection indicator (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13772
Adjust tours and tour tests to new history (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13777
Switch workflow sharing to common Vue component (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13780
Replace 2 uses of deprecated
module (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13784Fix slow download of large files (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13789
Update committers list (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13791
Allow users to view invocations only for a particular workflow (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13792
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13797
Adjustments to hidden/deleted history links (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13802
Highlight filter textfield when populated (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13806
Limit Custos SDK logging from showing up in Galaxy (thanks to @afgane). Pull Request 13808
to load Galaxy config file (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13809Improve assert error for transient citation rendering test issue (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13814
Add allowance for members changing their own name… (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13819
Populate filterSettings when filterText changes (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13821
Custos Login Ambiguity enhancement (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13829
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13836
Beta History: display ‘processing’ message while running bulk operations (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13844
Typing fixes from deferred data branch (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13845
Beta History: display global history bulk operations only when necessary (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13846
Beta History: notify query selection break (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13850
Improved typing of Galaxy model store related stuff (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13861
galaxy-tool-util: better link in the README (thanks to @mr-c). Pull Request 13863
Various CI fixes and enhancements (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13864
Workflow Index Fixes and Improvements (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13867
Pages Index API Improvements (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13870
Don’t reprint a traceback that has already been printed at the end of galaxy-tool-test (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 13872
Infrastructure for Jest Testing of Localization (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13880
Decompose History Export UI (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13908
Advanced filter menu enhancements (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13910
Beta History: handle bulk operation errors (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13911
Drop uncredit pull requestor list (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13915
Replace scratchbook with window manager (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13922
Assorted Python typing. (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13932
More explicit History Import button (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13946
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13948
Recommend rebasing PRs over merging the target branch (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13961
More remove legacy tool dependencies handling in tool shed (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13966
Refactor authenticate controller into a services layer (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13967
Use colon symbol instead of equal sign in history filters (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13971
Remove can_eliminate_tool_dependency from tool shed code (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13975
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 13981
Run CI on test_base so we can catch issues with packaging (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13983
Add history update time to Beta History (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13989
More workflow Jest tests (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13993
Small tour tweaks (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13996
Add text to history import/switch buttons (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 14001
Script to validate tours structure (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14003
Cleaner, More Robust Workflow Creation Form Testing Logic (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14004
Add galaxy-test-driver to CI package tests (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14011
Bring galaxy-test-api under CI also (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14012
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 14016
Use setuptools custom package discovery instead of explicit listing (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14022
Add a tour for deferred datasets (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14036
Add tour requirements (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14037
Enable change datatype in bulk (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14042
Updated _generate_invocation_bco to output a valid IEEE-2791-2020 object (thanks to @biocompute-objects). Pull Request 14048
Swap new hidden icon from ‘lock’ to ‘eye-slash’ (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14052
Restore section and repeat block help in forms (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 14064
Update Mercurial to 6.1.4 (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 14075
Prefer venv module over virtualenv (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14077
Update Python dependencies (thanks to @galaxybot). Pull Request 14104
Rephrase ‘updated’ to ‘refreshed’ in history counter (thanks to @simonbray). Pull Request 14113
Support bulk dbkey and datatype collection changes (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14172
Add release tag to client-submitted sentry events (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14205
Add selenium tests for uploads (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 14232
Only serialize history if changed since last check (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14251
Add purged dataset badge (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14252
Add Deleted histories plugin for DiskUsage dashboard (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14253
Small speedup by using cache_ok on MetadataType (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14255
Improve handling of non-existent or uninitialized database when running upgrade script (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 14329
Optimize active counts query (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14338
Include auth in openAPI schema (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14345
Optimize History watcher to request detailed information only for expanded items (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14375
Support quoted strings in bool expressions (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14406
Docker k8s ansible fixes (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 14449
Disable translogger middleware by default (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 14467
Fix Jobs API index to accept query parameters as lists (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14482
Python code formatting standard, automatic (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 11162
Remove uWSGI / WSGI support (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13071
Remove custom serialization views for new history, strip unused visualization details (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13355
Touch up framework dependency documentation (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13379
Refactor client tests to use await for mutations (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13408
Relax checks for test_github_search (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13410
Disable implicit re-imports across the project (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13476
Update logging configuration documentation (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13481
Upgrade syntax to Python 3.7 (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13500
Use Vuex for new History (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13512
Add link to issue to error message (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13529
Add source_metadata column to workflow table as alembic revision (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13541
Misc. SQLAlchemy 2.0 upgrades (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13562
Drop redundant legacy API endpoints (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13582
Refactor model/mapping/migrations unit testing infrastructure (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13588
Drop unused code (GIE, Swarm, workflow controller methods) (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13601
Fix mypy error on bool expressions (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13712
Rework admin job tables into reusable Galaxy job table component (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13769
Unused client dependency purge (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13785
Separate content item options into component (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13798
Elminate client (direct) dependency on moment.js (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13800
Move some imports on top (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13818
Map Dataset declaratively (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13833
Duplicates removed from filtering.js (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13835
ToolSourceDisplay dynamic import for shared libs bundle size improvement (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13837
Refactor toward invocations service layer (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13862
Update committer login name (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13883
Refactor bulk operation processing (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13890
Beta History Collections: set default visible and deleted state in ContentOptions (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13939
Small code cleanup fixes to galaxy.model.store related code (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13944
Drop update_time from JobStateHistory (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13997
Misc client eslint warning fixes (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14024
Move mypy configuration to mypy.ini (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14034
Modernise build of packages (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14040
Update tpv rule module name and constrain version (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 14072
Move Show Histories Side-by-Side menu entry below histories count (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14214
Avoid loading expensive properties for all histories (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14347
remove debug statements from tool search (thanks to @bgruening). Pull Request 14386
Properly initialize chart settings for new visualizations (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13561
Point to GTN tutorial in visualizations readme (thanks to @beatrizserrano). Pull Request 13616
Support phylocanvas autobuild (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14023
Fix a bug in PCA artifact staging that prevents a plugin rebuild (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14148
Visualization fix for MSA (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14263
Tighten sniffers (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13959
Don’t create a BGZF index when running the compressing converter (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13969
Fix bug: set creation_date on dataset.metadata, not dataset (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 14039
Fix composite datatypes with
(thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14053Enable generating urls for WSGI routes within FastAPI routes (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14066
Fix collection download for BAM native files (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14162
Make Agp set_meta more lenient (thanks to @astrovsky01). Pull Request 14277
Deleted, discarded and deferred file not found tweaks (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14296
Fix xml deprecation warning in
(thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 14483Fix David URL (thanks to @hexylena). Pull Request 13666
Bump ncb-datasets-cli dependency to 13.14.0 (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13853
Fixes for JupyTool, and overlapping versions with jupyter (thanks to @blankenberg). Pull Request 14309
Grep1 tool: fix keep_header option (thanks to @jancrichter). Pull Request 14475
Fix workflow index API boolean parameters (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13698
More robust workflow grid selenium tests (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13855
Fix workflow bookmarking API (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13857
Fix showing invocations for a particular workflow (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14102
Fix effective datatype in workflow editor node terminals (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14473
Bump karma from 6.3.13 to 6.3.14 in /client (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13357
Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.7 to 1.14.8 in /client (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13365
Fix UnhandledPromiseRejection in client tests (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13435
Bump prismjs from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0 in /client (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13448
Bump url-parse from 1.5.4 to 1.5.10 in /client (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13450
Bump karma from 6.3.14 to 6.3.16 in /client (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13471
Update to new @galaxyproject/bootstrap-tour to fix tour anchor selection (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13539
Bump node-forge from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 in /client (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13596
Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /client (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13614
Fix toolshed style loading (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13668
Fix a broken code block in clientREADME.md (thanks to @NicholasWeiner). Pull Request 13671
Bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.2 in /client (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13703
Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 in /client (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13761
Once committed to a plugin rebuild, stage old hash… (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14153
Update yarn.lock file (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14337
Fix for uploading metadata to remote object store (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13348
SLURM: check first if stopped for cancelled jobs (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 13453
Fix extended_metadata jobs with dce inputs (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13553
Write to exit code file before running metadata script (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13557
Only stream stdout/stderr on kubernetes (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13642
Improve error handling for CLI job runner (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13759
Fix error when getting destinations by tag (thanks to @abretaud). Pull Request 13790
Redirect stderr of trap cleanup (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13905
Redirect stderr of trap cleanup (thanks to @bgruening). Pull Request 13913
Remove some unused code and fix some typos (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 14017
Fix exception handling in pulsar job runner (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14046
Fix deleting jobs when deleting datasets (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14108
Put revoke for canceling upload task behind
flag (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14219Specify time as datetime object in job queries (thanks to @simonbray). Pull Request 14281
Drop uWSGI from Galaxy Reports documentation (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13406
Fix FormElement: doesn’t populate options for parameters (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13639
Fix persistent mulled cache unused for repo_has_name (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13718
Fix up configuration for STS. Can’t rebuild config without this (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13834
Misc fixes 2022-05 (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13878
Fix a small error in job doc (thanks to @qiagu). Pull Request 14013
Interactivetool doc/sample tweaks (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14025
Decrease log level for tool not found (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14204
Drop extension from config_exception (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14320
Fix first startup when only python3 is on PATH (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14414
by default to singularity command (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14429Doc fixes (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14488
fix drill_down parameters (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 12232
Trim spaces from around email addresses and usernames when registering (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 12482
Fix a bug in username minimum length transformation and set minimum length to 1 (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 13195
Use dev version of Gravity temporarily (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 13262
Update locale.js (thanks to @shenweiyan). Pull Request 13323
Update Favorite Icon Style (Fixes #12622) (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13332
Bump tensorflow from 2.5.2 to 2.5.3 in /lib/galaxy/dependencies (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13345
Remove node_modules when upgrading Node (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 13371
Fix make diff-format (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13397
Test the webapps package (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13402
Remove uwsgi mention from debug config option (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13426
Update config docs (uwsgi >> gunicorn) (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13456
Progress towards SQLAlchemy 2.0 (backref_cascade issue) (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13458
Fix copy tool id (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 13463
Make test_user_library_permissions.py more robust (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13487
Expand input parameter workflow steps in workflow run form (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13496
More backref_cascade fixes (SQLAlchemy 2.0) (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13498
Fixes for mulled search (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13532
Fix for configfiles examples in galaxy.xsd (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13563
Fix tool shed bootstrapping (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13573
Fix model discovery unit tests (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13576
Fix test_callback_nonce_validation_with_bad_nonce unit test (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13577
Fixes #13542: Click targets for folder explorer seem off (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13590
Fix bug in setting check_migrate_databases config value (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13594
Wrap update statement in revision to silence safe error (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13595
Fix config file generation if name and filename are given (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 13602
New History: Break item’s name to fit and show completely (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 13604
Handle missing error response in failed upload (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13611
Fix bug to enable alembic’s stamp command: revision can be a list of revisions (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13618
Check if column exists before executing upgrade/downgrade operations in select revisions (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13624
Fix allow admin to use private datasets (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13628
update beta history from legacy grid-view.js (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 13629
Minor tweak to language in history dropdown in beta history (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13631
Potentially fix flakey rename test with beta history (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13633
Limit tool parameter value to show only 20 lines with overflow scrolling (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 13635
Forward type annotation of depends (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13643
Fix package CI for pysam errors (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13644
Fix unselect file in FTP uploader popup (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 13652
Correct data fetch API call in the client (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13669
Update supervisor config when starting galaxy via run.sh (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13674
Misc fixes (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13676
Fix apache upload config, update gunicorn_extra_args (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13682
when activating venv (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13685Re-add
label to 22.01 release notes (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13686Fix sorting of recursively discovered datasets (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 13688
Fix download collection button in history panel (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13690
Two small fixes to testing infrastructure (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13693
Raise a more appropriate error when there’s no version table (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13695
Treat db with kombu tables same as empty; adjust tests (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13700
Drop symlink to removed file (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13701
Better test for kombu-only tables in database (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13706
Fix histories API index filter query params (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13713
Miscellaneous Histories API fixes (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13717
Simplify some selenium upload tests to respect either history properly (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13726
Converge testing and classes for history options across new and old history panel (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13727
Eliminate dependency of legacy history for history sharing tests (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13729
Unquote url before using it (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 13730
Fix test_navigates_galaxy.py for beta history panel (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13732
Fix tests for simple_constructs.yml (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13758
More robust is_beta_history() testing check (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13762
Add an option to disable searching for distributed object store datasets that don’t have an object_store_id (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 13764
Fix race condition in object store dir creation (thanks to @kxk302). Pull Request 13768
Added exist_ok flag to other object stores (thanks to @kxk302). Pull Request 13773
Do not store toolbox on ToolPanelViewSearch (thanks to @cat-bro). Pull Request 13776
Fixes for sharing component error handling (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13779
Beta History: fix history query counts synchronization (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13783
SelectionStatus component/test fixes (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13787
Fix thread accumulation in testing (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13788
Potential fix for certain kind of transient Selenium library errors (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13794
Pulsar fix for tools that use chromosome len files (thanks to @gregvonkuster). Pull Request 13803
Raise RequestValidationError in as_form decorator (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13810
History animation method change, constrained info box (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 13827
Trigger scroller refresh when history changes (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13832
Handle fixes in the latest version of mypy. (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13843
Improve name tag display in New History (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13848
Beta History: selection and operations small fixes (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13858
Move TusMiddleware so XForwardedMiddleware runs first (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13860
Fix download of composite files via API (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13871
Update gravity, fixes celery-beat in privsep setup (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13879
Fix flaky user histories providers test (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13881
replace encodestring with encodebytes (thanks to @bgruening). Pull Request 13884
Allow disabling default history filters (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13891
Backport: Respect GRAVITY_STATE_DIR when activating venv (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13897
Fix typing for unpinned request dependency (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 13898
Expand/collapse history dataset display content (thanks to @itisAliRH). Pull Request 13899
Misc fixes 2022-05-11 (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 13901
Set default celery app for all threads (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13904
Allow anonymous users to import published histories (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13906
Fix date handling in workflow editor attributes panel (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 13912
Beta History: fix reset selection (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13914
Fix currently failing client tests (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13923
fix two bugs in mulled container building (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 13925
Bulk operations: more API tests & fixes (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13935
Beta History: allow search datasets by name tag using # (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13952
Fix job metrics route is missing (thanks to @qiagu). Pull Request 13953
Bump tensorflow from 2.5.3 to 2.6.4 in /lib/galaxy/dependencies (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13954
Update/restore collection progress bar/13743 (thanks to @assuntad23). Pull Request 13956
Use INFO log level for irods (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 13957
Fix padding in history content items (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13962
Refactoring and testing of workflow parameter handling (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 13965
Restore Tour List View as Vue Component [PR for issue #13796] (thanks to @hujambo-dunia). Pull Request 13968
Bump tensorflow from 2.6.4 to 2.7.2 in /lib/galaxy/dependencies (thanks to @galaxyproject). Pull Request 13972
Fix tag search non finding non-nametags (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 13979
Fix job cancellation on delete dataset (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 13986
Fix the swift integration tests that are using some minio container (thanks to @bgruening). Pull Request 14008
Only set job state if state is not None (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14009
Fix jest test warnings for saved rules and markdown test (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 14015
Add missing webapp to webapp package (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 14018
Fix missing biotools package (thanks to @nuwang). Pull Request 14020
Remove fabric as a dependency for Galaxy (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14030
Add sessioncookie with
SameSite=None; secure
for tool_runner path (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14038Job Outputs only appear after they load (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 14049
Beta History: Display history counter always (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14070
unit test (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14074Prevent user from closing the rule builder modal when clicking outside of it (thanks to @assuntad23). Pull Request 14076
Fix overlapping method/var name in domain validation (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 14080
Fix disable change datatype bulk without celery (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14085
Fix rule builder input with integer values (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14086
Clear history refresh timeout for snappier operations in new history (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14088
Fix unlimited quota display in Storage Dashboard (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14090
Update window manager margin (thanks to @simonbray). Pull Request 14091
Fix minor empty History Filter bug (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 14092
Write temporary files created within celery tasks to working directory (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14100
Fix contains_collection check for empty root collections (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14103
Improve robustness of test_exit_code_127 k8s test (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14105
Adjust history store operations when switching between histories (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 14110
Mark openPBS integration test cases as xfail (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14114
Fix bulk operations visibility (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14115
Reduce bulk operations drop-down cutting off (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14116
Allow downloading individual metadata files in History (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 14124
Fix: make tag filtering case insensitive (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14127
Place progressbar below collection name, allow full width (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 14138
Start counting collection elements at 1 (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 14142
Add queued as acceptable state for collection states (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 14143
Fix: skip setting metadata on deferred datasets when changing datatype in bulk (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14149
Eliminate dependency on selenium in core galaxy (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14150
Adapt byte content for StreamingResponse (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14157
Fix set_user function (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14158
Fix sqlalchemy error (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 14164
Fix importing whole folders as datasets (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14167
Drop history context menu purge command (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14170
History edit attributes tweaks (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14171
Fix dataset link copy (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14176
Fix draggable source for content items (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14179
Deferred data fixes (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14181
Show job progress bar while there are non-terminal jobs, declutter text (thanks to @assuntad23). Pull Request 14182
Switch History Modal: fix pagination (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14183
Fix histories API URL building (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14186
Fix logic around tool favorites for anonymous users (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14189
Fix FilesDialog navigation back when a file source shows an error (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14190
Send composite datasets directly to tusUpload (thanks to @jdavcs). Pull Request 14191
Support stop_job param in query string (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14194
Replace release note videos with youtube links (thanks to @hexylena). Pull Request 14201
(thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14202Shift ‘queued’ state lower in priority in collection status (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14217
Generate the headers handson table uses to avoid missing header issue (thanks to @assuntad23). Pull Request 14218
Fixes for the tus resumable upload command line script (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 14221
HistoryFilters datepicker fix: date now shows up in field (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 14226
Citation link decoding fix (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14231
Place watchHistory logic in try/catch/finally (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14233
Fix validation of nested element fetch data payloads (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14245
History watch throttling – relax when backgrounded (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14264
Fix History dataset database entry overflow (thanks to @ahmedhamidawan). Pull Request 14266
Allow delete option when history items are shown outside of panel (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 14269
Replace old storage FAQ in preferences (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14270
Fix ReviewCleanupDialog state in Storage Dashboard (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14271
Drop exception catching when querying db for session (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14274
Small tour fixes (thanks to @jmchilton). Pull Request 14280
Fix encoding Decimal values and inf/-inf (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14284
Drop dataset error controller method (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14287
Fix tag autocomplete for strings that need url encoding (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14288
Fix display_as with authz_method=rbac (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14289
Check for app_name and link_name before unquoting (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14291
Avoid race condition in disk object store delete (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14292
Increase contrast of Beta label (accessibility) in Storage Dashboard (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14302
Sort histories in history switcher by most recently updated (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14307
Fix jobs API not allowing dates for
(thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14315Prevent iframe from interfering with drop events (thanks to @guerler). Pull Request 14318
Fix local version switching (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14319
Add HREF links to some history item actions (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14325
Attempt to use epoch of client build time for cache busting (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14328
Fix filtering by an extension list in dataset API (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14330
fix startswith attribute of <options> (thanks to @bernt-matthias). Pull Request 14332
Drop serverside i18n (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14334
Upgrade FastAPI to 0.79.0 (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14335
when Dataset is purged, but HDA is not (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14336Don’t hit object store when getting size (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14340
GET /api/whoami
is NULL (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14342Fix oldstyle dataset display (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14343
Reload histories when the user ‘really’ changes (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14349
Workflow download API: check if a workflow is importable (not published) (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14355
Keep current history details on list of histories update (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14357
Fix handling + encoding of spaces in tool names (thanks to @hexylena). Pull Request 14358
Fix enable_account_interface option hiding too much (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14363
Fix tool search config defaults (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14364
Fixed tool_utils types & schema-salad pin (thanks to @mr-c). Pull Request 14371
Tool search backend bug fixes (thanks to @neoformit). Pull Request 14372
Fix incorrect history swapping in some cases where we swap on the client but the server is never notified (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14376
Fix unhashable type in history contents API (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14388
Fix validation issue for dataset_details (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14395
Always allow ‘copy datasets’ action in history, even when empty (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14402
Calculate CRC32 for files in size between 1444 and 1459 bytes (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14417
Fix additional errors when requesting dataset details in history contents (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14418
Fix number of jobs submitted display in tool success (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14420
Fix workflow direct step insertion in workflow editor (thanks to @dannon). Pull Request 14424
Make history contents filter with contains case insensitive (thanks to @davelopez). Pull Request 14426
Update pylibmagic and gravity (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14428
Fix cache image singularity resolver if path contains uppercase chars (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14431
Revert startswith of tool parameter options (thanks to @qiagu). Pull Request 14440
Fix console errors when stored workflow id hasn’t been fetched yet (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14444
Register trailing slashes in API routes (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14452
Fix data_range_{min,max} parsing (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14456
Fix doc versioning banner and other doc fixes (thanks to @nsoranzo). Pull Request 14466
Bump Gravity version to 0.13.3 (thanks to @natefoo). Pull Request 14471
Update error message when building ucsc_build_sites.txt fails (thanks to @mvdbeek). Pull Request 14479
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Thanks for using Galaxy!