
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

galaxy.webapps package

Galaxy webapps root package – this is a namespace package.



galaxy.webapps.util module

exception galaxy.webapps.util.MiddlewareWrapUnsupported[source]

Bases: Exception


Build a list of template error formatters for WebError. When an error occurs, WebError pass the exception to each function in this list until one returns a value, which will be displayed on the error page.

galaxy.webapps.util.wrap_if_allowed_or_fail(app, stack, wrap, name=None, args=None, kwargs=None)[source]

Wrap the application with the given method if the application stack allows for it.

Arguments are the same as for wrap_if_allowed().

Raises py:class:MiddlewareWrapUnsupported if the stack does not allow the middleware.

galaxy.webapps.util.wrap_if_allowed(app, stack, wrap, name=None, args=None, kwargs=None)[source]

Wrap the application with the given method if the application stack allows for it.

  • app (galaxy.webapps.base.webapp.WebApplication subclass) – application to wrap

  • stack (galaxy.web_stack.ApplicationStack subclass) – instance of application stack implementing allowed_middleware() method

  • wrap (types.FunctionType or types.LambdaType) – function to wrap application with

  • name (str) – alternative wrap function name for logging purposes (wrap.__name__ if None)

  • args (list) – arguments to pass to wrap (not including app itself)

  • kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments to pass to wrap

Returns app unmodified if the stack does not allow the middleware.