
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for tool_shed.webapp.api.tools

import json
import logging

from galaxy import (
from galaxy.web import (
from tool_shed.managers.tools import search
from tool_shed.util.shed_index import build_index
from . import BaseShedAPIController

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ToolsController(BaseShedAPIController): """RESTful controller for interactions with tools in the Tool Shed."""
[docs] @expose_api @require_admin def build_search_index(self, trans, **kwd): """ PUT /api/tools/build_search_index Not part of the stable API, just something to simplify bootstrapping tool sheds, scripting, testing, etc... """ repos_indexed, tools_indexed = build_index( trans.app.config.whoosh_index_dir, trans.app.config.file_path, trans.app.config.hgweb_config_dir, trans.app.config.hgweb_repo_prefix, trans.app.config.database_connection, ) return { "repositories_indexed": repos_indexed, "tools_indexed": tools_indexed, }
[docs] @expose_api_raw_anonymous_and_sessionless def index(self, trans, **kwd): """ GET /api/tools Displays a collection of tools with optional criteria. :param q: (optional)if present search on the given query will be performed :type q: str :param page: (optional)requested page of the search :type page: int :param page_size: (optional)requested page_size of the search :type page_size: int :param jsonp: (optional)flag whether to use jsonp format response, defaults to False :type jsonp: bool :param callback: (optional)name of the function to wrap callback in used only when jsonp is true, defaults to 'callback' :type callback: str :returns dict: object containing list of results and metadata Examples: GET http://localhost:9009/api/tools GET http://localhost:9009/api/tools?q=fastq """ q = kwd.get("q", "") if not q: raise exceptions.NotImplemented( 'Listing of all the tools is not implemented. Provide parameter "q" to search instead.' ) else: page = kwd.get("page", 1) page_size = kwd.get("page_size", 10) try: page = int(page) page_size = int(page_size) except ValueError: raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException('The "page" and "page_size" have to be integers.') return_jsonp = util.asbool(kwd.get("jsonp", False)) callback = kwd.get("callback", "callback") search_results = search(trans, q, page, page_size) if return_jsonp: response = str(f"{callback}({json.dumps(search_results)});") else: response = json.dumps(search_results) return response