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Source code for tool_shed.managers.groups

Manager and Serializer for TS groups.

import logging

from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.exc import (

from galaxy.exceptions import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# =============================================================================
[docs]class GroupManager: """ Interface/service object for interacting with TS groups. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, trans, decoded_group_id=None, name=None): """ Get the group from the DB based on its ID or name. :param decoded_group_id: decoded group id :type decoded_group_id: int :returns: the requested group :rtype: tool_shed.model.Group """ if decoded_group_id is None and name is None: raise RequestParameterInvalidException("You must supply either ID or a name of the group.") try: if decoded_group_id: group = trans.sa_session.get(trans.app.model.Group, decoded_group_id) else: group = get_group_by_name(trans.sa_session, name, trans.app.model.Group) except MultipleResultsFound: raise InconsistentDatabase("Multiple groups found with the same identifier.") except NoResultFound: raise ObjectNotFound("No group found with the identifier provided.") except Exception: raise InternalServerError("Error loading from the database.") return group
[docs] def create(self, trans, name, description=""): """ Create a new group. """ if not trans.user_is_admin: raise ItemAccessibilityException("Only administrators can create groups.") else: if self.get(trans, name=name): raise Conflict(f"Group with the given name already exists. Name: {str(name)}") # TODO add description field to the model group = trans.app.model.Group(name=name) trans.sa_session.add(group) trans.sa_session.commit() return group
[docs] def update(self, trans, group, name=None, description=None): """ Update the given group """ changed = False if not trans.user_is_admin: raise ItemAccessibilityException("Only administrators can update groups.") if group.deleted: raise RequestParameterInvalidException("You cannot modify a deleted group. Undelete it first.") if name is not None: group.name = name changed = True if description is not None: group.description = description changed = True if changed: trans.sa_session.add(group) trans.sa_session.commit() return group
[docs] def delete(self, trans, group, undelete=False): """ Mark given group deleted/undeleted based on the flag. """ if not trans.user_is_admin: raise ItemAccessibilityException("Only administrators can delete and undelete groups.") if undelete: group.deleted = False else: group.deleted = True trans.sa_session.add(group) trans.sa_session.commit() return group
[docs] def list(self, trans, deleted=False): """ Return a list of groups from the DB. :returns: query that will emit all groups :rtype: sqlalchemy query """ Group = trans.app.model.Group stmt = select(Group) if trans.user_is_admin: if deleted is None: # Flag is not specified, do not filter on it. pass elif deleted: stmt = stmt.where(Group.deleted == true()) else: stmt = stmt.where(Group.deleted == false()) else: stmt = stmt.where(Group.deleted == false()) return trans.sa_session.scalars(stmt)
[docs]def get_group_by_name(session, name, group_model): stmt = select(group_model).where(group_model.name == name) return session.execute(stmt).scalar_one()