
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.remote_files

API operations on remote files.

import logging
from typing import (

from fastapi import (
from fastapi.param_functions import Query
from typing_extensions import Annotated

from galaxy.files.sources import PluginKind
from galaxy.managers.context import ProvidesUserContext
from galaxy.managers.remote_files import RemoteFilesManager
from galaxy.schema.remote_files import (
from . import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

router = Router(tags=["remote files"])

TargetQueryParam: str = Query(
    title="Target source",
    description=("The source to load datasets from. Possible values: ftpdir, userdir, importdir"),

FormatQueryParam: Optional[RemoteFilesFormat] = Query(
    title="Response format",
        "The requested format of returned data. Either `flat` to simply list all the files"
        ", `jstree` to get a tree representation of the files, or the default `uri` to list "
        "files and directories by their URI."

RecursiveQueryParam: Optional[bool] = Query(
        "Whether to recursively lists all sub-directories. This will be `True` by default depending on the `target`."

DisableModeQueryParam: Optional[RemoteFilesDisableMode] = Query(
    title="Disable mode",
        "(This only applies when `format` is `jstree`)"
        " The value can be either `folders` or `files` and it will disable the"
        " corresponding nodes of the tree."

WriteableQueryParam: Optional[bool] = Query(
        "Whether the query is made with the intention of writing to the source."
        " If set to True, only entries that can be written to will be returned."

BrowsableQueryParam: Optional[bool] = Query(
    title="Browsable filesources only",
        "Whether to return browsable filesources only. The default is `True`, which will omit filesources"
        "like `http` and `base64` that do not implement a list method."

IncludeKindQueryParam = Query(
    title="Include kind",
        "Whether to return **only** filesources of the specified kind. The default is `None`, which will return"
        " all filesources. Multiple values can be specified by repeating the parameter."

ExcludeKindQueryParam = Query(
    title="Exclude kind",
        "Whether to exclude filesources of the specified kind from the list. The default is `None`, which will return"
        " all filesources. Multiple values can be specified by repeating the parameter."

LimitQueryParam = Query(title="Limit", description="Maximum number of entries to return.")

OffsetQueryParam = Query(title="Offset", description="Number of entries to skip.")

SearchQueryParam = Query(
    description="Search query to filter entries by. The syntax could be different depending on the target source.",

SortByQueryParam = Query(
    title="Sort by",
    description="Sort the entries by the specified field.",

[docs]@router.cbv class FastAPIRemoteFiles: manager: RemoteFilesManager = depends(RemoteFilesManager)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/remote_files", summary="Displays remote files available to the user.", response_description="A list with details about the remote files available to the user.", ) @router.get( "/api/ftp_files", deprecated=True, summary="Displays remote files available to the user. Please use /api/remote_files instead.", ) def index( self, response: Response, user_ctx: ProvidesUserContext = DependsOnTrans, target: Annotated[str, TargetQueryParam] = RemoteFilesTarget.ftpdir, format: Annotated[Optional[RemoteFilesFormat], FormatQueryParam] = RemoteFilesFormat.uri, recursive: Annotated[Optional[bool], RecursiveQueryParam] = None, disable: Annotated[Optional[RemoteFilesDisableMode], DisableModeQueryParam] = None, writeable: Annotated[Optional[bool], WriteableQueryParam] = None, limit: Annotated[Optional[int], LimitQueryParam] = None, offset: Annotated[Optional[int], OffsetQueryParam] = None, query: Annotated[Optional[str], SearchQueryParam] = None, sort_by: Annotated[Optional[str], SortByQueryParam] = None, ) -> AnyRemoteFilesListResponse: """Lists all remote files available to the user from different sources. The total count of files and directories is returned in the 'total_matches' header. """ result, count = self.manager.index( user_ctx, target, format, recursive, disable, writeable, limit, offset, query, sort_by ) response.headers["total_matches"] = str(count) return result
[docs] @router.get( "/api/remote_files/plugins", summary="Display plugin information for each of the gxfiles:// URI targets available.", response_description="A list with details about each plugin.", ) def plugins( self, user_ctx: ProvidesUserContext = DependsOnTrans, browsable_only: Annotated[Optional[bool], BrowsableQueryParam] = True, include_kind: Annotated[Optional[List[PluginKind]], IncludeKindQueryParam] = None, exclude_kind: Annotated[Optional[List[PluginKind]], ExcludeKindQueryParam] = None, ) -> FilesSourcePluginList: """Display plugin information for each of the gxfiles:// URI targets available.""" return self.manager.get_files_source_plugins( user_ctx, browsable_only, set(include_kind) if include_kind else None, set(exclude_kind) if exclude_kind else None, )
[docs] @router.post( "/api/remote_files", summary="Creates a new entry (directory/record) on the remote files source.", ) def create_entry( self, user_ctx: ProvidesUserContext = DependsOnTrans, payload: CreateEntryPayload = Body( ..., title="Entry Data", description="Information about the entry to create. Depends on the target file source.", ), ) -> CreatedEntryResponse: """Creates a new entry on the remote files source.""" return self.manager.create_entry(user_ctx, payload)