
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.web_stack

"""Web application stack operations."""

import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
import threading
from typing import (

from galaxy.model import database_utils
from galaxy.util.facts import get_facts
from .handlers import HANDLER_ASSIGNMENT_METHODS

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ApplicationStackLogFilter(logging.Filter):
[docs] def filter(self, record): return True
[docs] class ApplicationStack: name: Optional[str] = None prohibited_middleware: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset() log_filter_class: Type[logging.Filter] = ApplicationStackLogFilter log_format = "%(name)s %(levelname)s %(asctime)s [pN:%(processName)s,p:%(process)d,tN:%(threadName)s] %(message)s" # TODO: this belongs in the pool configuration server_name_template = "{server_name}" default_app_name = "main"
[docs] @classmethod def log_filter(cls): return cls.log_filter_class()
[docs] @classmethod def get_app_kwds(cls, config_section, app_name=None, for_paste_app=False): return {}
[docs] @classmethod def register_postfork_function(cls, f, *args, post_fork_only=False, **kwargs): if not post_fork_only: f(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __init__(self, app=None, config=None): self.app = app self.config = config or (app and app.config) self.running = False self._supports_returning = None self._supports_skip_locked = None self._preferred_handler_assignment_method = None multiprocessing.current_process().name = getattr(self.config, "server_name", "main") if app: log.debug("%s initialized", self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def supports_returning(self) -> bool: if self._supports_returning is None: self._supports_returning = database_utils.supports_returning(self.app.model.engine) return self._supports_returning
[docs] def supports_skip_locked(self) -> bool: if self._supports_skip_locked is None: self._supports_skip_locked = database_utils.supports_skip_locked(self.app.model.engine) return self._supports_skip_locked
[docs] def get_preferred_handler_assignment_method(self): if self._preferred_handler_assignment_method is None: if self.app.application_stack.supports_skip_locked(): self._preferred_handler_assignment_method = HANDLER_ASSIGNMENT_METHODS.DB_SKIP_LOCKED else: log.debug( "Database does not support WITH FOR UPDATE statement, cannot use DB-SKIP-LOCKED handler assignment" ) self._preferred_handler_assignment_method = HANDLER_ASSIGNMENT_METHODS.DB_TRANSACTION_ISOLATION return self._preferred_handler_assignment_method
def _set_default_job_handler_assignment_methods(self, job_config, base_pool): """Override in subclasses to set default job handler assignment methods if not explicitly configured by the administrator. Called once per job_config. """ def _init_job_handler_assignment_methods(self, job_config, base_pool): if not job_config.handler_assignment_methods_configured: self._set_default_job_handler_assignment_methods(job_config, base_pool) def _init_job_handler_subpools(self, job_config, base_pool): """Set up members of "subpools" ("base_pool.*") as handlers (including the base pool itself, if it exists).""" for pool_name in self.configured_pools: if pool_name == base_pool: tag = job_config.DEFAULT_HANDLER_TAG elif pool_name.startswith(f"{base_pool}."): tag = pool_name.replace(f"{base_pool}.", "", 1) else: continue # Pools are hierarchical (so that you can have e.g. workflow schedulers use the job handlers pool if no # workflow schedulers pool exists), so if a pool for a given tag has already been found higher in the # hierarchy, don't add members from a pool lower in the hierarchy. if tag not in job_config.pool_for_tag: if self.in_pool(pool_name): job_config.is_handler = True for handler in self.pool_members(pool_name): job_config.add_handler(handler, [tag]) job_config.pool_for_tag[tag] = pool_name
[docs] def init_job_handling(self, job_config): """Automatically add pools as handlers if they are named per predefined names and there is not an explicit job handler assignment configuration. Also automatically set the preferred assignment method if pool handlers are found and an assignment method is not explicitly configured by the administrator. """ stack_assignment_methods_configured = False for base_pool in job_config.DEFAULT_BASE_HANDLER_POOLS: if self.has_base_pool(base_pool): if not stack_assignment_methods_configured: self._init_job_handler_assignment_methods(job_config, base_pool) stack_assignment_methods_configured = True self._init_job_handler_subpools(job_config, base_pool)
[docs] def init_late_prefork(self): pass
[docs] def log_startup(self): log.info(f"Galaxy server instance '{self.config.server_name}' is running")
[docs] def start(self): # TODO: with a stack config the pools could be parsed here pass
[docs] def allowed_middleware(self, middleware): if hasattr(middleware, "__name__"): middleware = middleware.__name__ return middleware not in self.prohibited_middleware
[docs] def workers(self): return []
@property def pool_name(self): # TODO: ideally jobs would be mappable to handlers by pool name return None @property def configured_pools(self): return {}
[docs] def has_base_pool(self, pool_name): return self.has_pool(pool_name) or any(pool.startswith(f"{pool_name}.") for pool in self.configured_pools)
[docs] def has_pool(self, pool_name): return pool_name in self.configured_pools
[docs] def in_pool(self, pool_name): return False
[docs] def pool_members(self, pool_name): return None
@property def facts(self): facts = get_facts(config=self.config) facts.update({"pool_name": self.pool_name}) return facts
[docs] def set_postfork_server_name(self, app): new_server_name = self.server_name_template.format(**self.facts) if "GUNICORN_WORKER_ID" in os.environ: new_server_name = f"{new_server_name}.{os.environ['GUNICORN_WORKER_ID']}" multiprocessing.current_process().name = app.config.server_name = new_server_name log.debug("server_name set to: %s", new_server_name)
[docs] def shutdown(self): pass
[docs] class WebApplicationStack(ApplicationStack): name = "Web"
[docs] class GunicornApplicationStack(ApplicationStack): name = "Gunicorn" do_post_fork = "--preload" in os.environ.get("GUNICORN_CMD_ARGS", "") or "--preload" in sys.argv postfork_functions: List[Callable] = [] # Will be set to True by external hook late_postfork_event = threading.Event() late_postfork_thread: threading.Thread
[docs] @classmethod def register_postfork_function(cls, f, *args, post_fork_only=False, **kwargs): # do_post_fork determines if we need to run postfork functions if cls.do_post_fork: # if so, we call ApplicationStack.late_postfork once after forking ... if not cls.postfork_functions: os.register_at_fork(after_in_child=cls.late_postfork) # ... and store everything we need to run in ApplicationStack.postfork_functions cls.postfork_functions.append(lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)) elif not post_fork_only: f(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def run_postfork(cls): cls.late_postfork_event.wait(1) for f in cls.postfork_functions: f()
[docs] @classmethod def late_postfork(cls): # We can't run postfork functions immediately, because this is before the gunicorn `post_fork` hook runs, # and we depend on the `post_fork` hook to set a worker id. cls.late_postfork_thread = threading.Thread(target=cls.run_postfork) cls.late_postfork_thread.start()
[docs] def log_startup(self): msg = [f"Galaxy server instance '{self.config.server_name}' is running"] if "GUNICORN_LISTENERS" in os.environ: message = f'\nServing on {os.environ["GUNICORN_LISTENERS"]}\n' msg.append(f"\033[92m{message}\033[0m") # Highlight in green log.info("\n".join(msg))
[docs] class WeblessApplicationStack(ApplicationStack): name = "Webless" def _set_default_job_handler_assignment_methods(self, job_config, base_pool): # We will only get here if --attach-to-pool has been set so it is safe to assume that this handler is dynamic # and that we want to use one of the DB serialization methods. # # Disable DB_SELF if a valid pool is configured. Use DB "SKIP LOCKED" if the DB engine supports it, transaction # isolation if it doesn't, or DB_PREASSIGN if the job_config doesn't allow either. conf_class_name = job_config.__class__.__name__ remove_methods = [HANDLER_ASSIGNMENT_METHODS.DB_SELF] add_method = self.get_preferred_handler_assignment_method() log.debug( "%s: No job handler assignment methods were configured but this server is configured to attach to the" " '%s' pool, automatically enabling the '%s' assignment method", conf_class_name, base_pool, add_method, ) for m in remove_methods: try: job_config.handler_assignment_methods.remove(m) log.debug( "%s: Removed '%s' from handler assignment methods due to use of --attach-to-pool", conf_class_name, m, ) except ValueError: pass if add_method not in job_config.handler_assignment_methods: job_config.handler_assignment_methods.insert(0, add_method) log.debug( "%s: handler assignment methods updated to: %s", conf_class_name, ", ".join(job_config.handler_assignment_methods), )
[docs] def __init__(self, app=None, config=None): super().__init__(app=app, config=config) if self.app and self.config and self.config.attach_to_pools: log.debug("Will attach to pool(s): %s", ", ".join(self.config.attach_to_pools))
@property def configured_pools(self): return {p: self.config.server_name for p in self.config.attach_to_pools}
[docs] def in_pool(self, pool_name): return pool_name in self.config.attach_to_pools
[docs] def pool_members(self, pool_name): return (self.config.server_name,) if self.in_pool(pool_name) else None
[docs] def application_stack_class() -> Type[ApplicationStack]: """Returns the correct ApplicationStack class for the stack under which this Galaxy process is running. """ if "gunicorn" in os.environ.get("SERVER_SOFTWARE", ""): return GunicornApplicationStack elif os.environ.get("IS_WEBAPP") == "1": return WebApplicationStack return WeblessApplicationStack
[docs] def application_stack_instance(app=None, config=None) -> ApplicationStack: stack_class = application_stack_class() return stack_class(app=app, config=config)
[docs] def application_stack_log_filter(): return application_stack_class().log_filter_class()
[docs] def application_stack_log_formatter(): return logging.Formatter(fmt=application_stack_class().log_format)
[docs] def register_postfork_function(f, *args, post_fork_only=False, **kwargs): application_stack_class().register_postfork_function(f, *args, post_fork_only=post_fork_only**kwargs)
[docs] def get_app_kwds(config_section, app_name=None): return application_stack_class().get_app_kwds(config_section, app_name=app_name)