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Source code for galaxy.visualization.data_providers.cigar
Functions for working with SAM/BAM CIGAR representation.
import operator
def get_ref_based_read_seq_and_cigar(read_seq, read_start, ref_seq, ref_seq_start, cigar):
Returns a ( new_read_seq, new_cigar ) that can be used with reference
sequence to reconstruct the read. The new read sequence includes only
bases that cannot be recovered from the reference: mismatches and
insertions (soft clipped bases are not included). The new cigar replaces
Ms with =s and Xs because the M operation can denote a sequence match or
if not ref_seq:
return read_seq, cigar
# Set up position for reference, read.
ref_seq_pos = read_start - ref_seq_start
read_pos = 0
# Create new read sequence, cigar.
new_read_seq = ""
new_cigar = ""
cigar_ops = "MIDNSHP=X"
for op_tuple in cigar:
op, op_len = op_tuple
# Op is index into string 'MIDNSHP=X'
if op == 0: # Match
# Transform Ms to =s and Xs using reference.
new_op = ""
total_count = 0
while total_count < op_len and ref_seq_pos < len(ref_seq):
match, count = _match_mismatch_counter(read_seq, read_pos, ref_seq, ref_seq_pos)
# Use min because count cannot exceed remainder of operation.
count = min(count, op_len - total_count)
if match:
new_op = "="
new_op = "X"
# Include mismatched bases in new read sequence.
new_read_seq += read_seq[read_pos : read_pos + count]
new_cigar += f"{count}{new_op}"
total_count += count
read_pos += count
ref_seq_pos += count
# If end of read falls outside of ref_seq data, leave as M.
if total_count < op_len:
new_cigar += "%sM" % (op_len - total_count)
elif op == 1: # Insertion
new_cigar += f"{op_len}{cigar_ops[op]}"
# Include insertion bases in new read sequence.
new_read_seq += read_seq[read_pos : read_pos + op_len]
read_pos += op_len
elif op in [2, 3, 6]: # Deletion, Skip, or Padding
ref_seq_pos += op_len
new_cigar += f"{op_len}{cigar_ops[op]}"
elif op == 4: # Soft clipping
read_pos += op_len
new_cigar += f"{op_len}{cigar_ops[op]}"
elif op == 5: # Hard clipping
new_cigar += f"{op_len}{cigar_ops[op]}"
elif op in [7, 8]: # Match or mismatch
if op == 8:
# Include mismatched bases in new read sequence.
new_read_seq += read_seq[read_pos : read_pos + op_len]
read_pos += op_len
ref_seq_pos += op_len
new_cigar += f"{op_len}{cigar_ops[op]}"
return (new_read_seq, new_cigar)
def _match_mismatch_counter(s1, p1, s2, p2):
Count consecutive matches/mismatches between strings s1 and s2
starting at p1 and p2, respectively.
# Do initial comparison to determine whether to count matches or
# mismatches.
if s1[p1] == s2[p2]:
cmp_fn = operator.eq
match = True
cmp_fn = operator.ne
match = False
# Increment counts to move to next characters.
count = 1
p1 += 1
p2 += 1
# Count matches/mismatches.
while p1 < len(s1) and p2 < len(s2) and cmp_fn(s1[p1], s2[p2]):
count += 1
p1 += 1
p2 += 1
return match, count