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Source code for galaxy.tools.util.maf_utilities
#!/usr/bin/env python
Provides wrappers and utilities for working with MAF files and alignments.
# Dan Blankenberg
import functools
import logging
import os
import resource
import sys
import tempfile
from copy import deepcopy
from errno import EMFILE
from typing import Dict
import bx.align.maf
import bx.interval_index_file
import bx.intervals
maketrans = str.maketrans
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
GAP_CHARS = ["-"]
[docs]def src_split(src):
fields = src.split(SRC_SPLIT_CHAR, 1)
spec = fields.pop(0)
if fields:
chrom = fields.pop(0)
chrom = spec
return spec, chrom
[docs]def src_merge(spec, chrom, contig=None):
if None in [spec, chrom]:
spec = chrom = spec or chrom
return bx.align.src_merge(spec, chrom, contig)
[docs]def get_species_in_block(block):
species = []
for c in block.components:
spec, chrom = src_split(c.src)
if spec not in species:
return species
[docs]class TempFileHandler:
Handles creating, opening, closing, and deleting of Temp files, with a
maximum number of files open at one time.
DEFAULT_MAX_OPEN_FILES = max(resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[0] / 2, 1)
[docs] def __init__(self, max_open_files=None, **kwds):
if max_open_files is None:
max_open_files = self.DEFAULT_MAX_OPEN_FILES
self.max_open_files = max_open_files
self.files = []
self.open_file_indexes = []
self.kwds = kwds
[docs] def get_open_tempfile(self, index=None, **kwds):
if index is not None and index in self.open_file_indexes:
if self.max_open_files:
while len(self.open_file_indexes) >= self.max_open_files:
if index is None:
index = len(self.files)
temp_kwds = dict(self.kwds)
temp_kwds["delete"] = False
# Being able to use delete=True here, would simplify a bit,
# but we support python2.4 in these tools
while True:
tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(**temp_kwds)
filename = tmp_file.name
except OSError as e:
if self.open_file_indexes and e.errno == EMFILE:
self.max_open_files = len(self.open_file_indexes)
raise e
self.files.append(open(filename, "r+"))
while True:
self.files[index] = open(self.files[index].name, "r+")
except OSError as e:
if self.open_file_indexes and e.errno == EMFILE:
self.max_open_files = len(self.open_file_indexes)
raise e
self.files[index].seek(0, 2)
return index, self.files[index]
[docs] def close(self, index, delete=False):
if index in self.open_file_indexes:
rval = self.files[index].close()
if delete:
except OSError:
return rval
def __del__(self):
for i in range(len(self.files)):
self.close(i, delete=True)
# an object corresponding to a reference layered alignment
[docs]class RegionAlignment:
DNA_COMPLEMENT = maketrans("ACGTacgt", "TGCAtgca")
MAX_SEQUENCE_SIZE = sys.maxsize # Maximum length of sequence allowed
[docs] def __init__(self, size: int, species=None, temp_file_handler=None):
assert (
size <= self.MAX_SEQUENCE_SIZE
), f"Maximum length allowed for an individual sequence has been exceeded ({size} > {self.MAX_SEQUENCE_SIZE})."
species = species or []
self.size = size
if not temp_file_handler:
temp_file_handler = TempFileHandler()
self.temp_file_handler = temp_file_handler
self.sequences: Dict[str, int] = {}
if not isinstance(species, list):
species = [species]
for spec in species:
# add a species to the alignment
[docs] def add_species(self, species: str):
# make temporary sequence files
file_index, fh = self.temp_file_handler.get_open_tempfile()
self.sequences[species] = file_index
fh.write("-" * self.size)
# returns the names for species found in alignment, skipping names as requested
[docs] def get_species_names(self, skip=None):
skip = skip or []
if not isinstance(skip, list):
skip = [skip]
names = list(self.sequences.keys())
for name in skip:
except ValueError:
return names
# returns the sequence for a species
[docs] def get_sequence(self, species: str):
file_index, fh = self.temp_file_handler.get_open_tempfile(self.sequences[species])
return fh.read()
# returns the reverse complement of the sequence for a species
[docs] def get_sequence_reverse_complement(self, species: str):
complement = list(self.get_sequence(species).translate(self.DNA_COMPLEMENT))
return "".join(complement)
# sets a position for a species
[docs] def set_position(self, index, species, base):
if len(base) != 1:
raise Exception("A genomic position can only have a length of 1.")
return self.set_range(index, species, base)
# sets a range for a species
[docs] def set_range(self, index: int, species: str, bases):
if index >= self.size or index < 0:
raise Exception(f"Your index ({index}) is out of range (0 - {self.size - 1}).")
if len(bases) == 0:
raise Exception("A set of genomic positions can only have a positive length.")
if species not in self.sequences.keys():
file_index, fh = self.temp_file_handler.get_open_tempfile(self.sequences[species])
# Flush temp file of specified species, or all species
[docs] def flush(self, species=None):
if species is None:
species = self.sequences.keys()
elif not isinstance(species, list):
species = [species]
for spec in species:
[docs]class GenomicRegionAlignment(RegionAlignment):
[docs] def __init__(self, start, end, species=None, temp_file_handler=None):
species = species or []
super().__init__(end - start, species, temp_file_handler=temp_file_handler)
self.start = start
self.end = end
[docs]class SplicedAlignment:
DNA_COMPLEMENT = maketrans("ACGTacgt", "TGCAtgca")
[docs] def __init__(self, exon_starts, exon_ends, species=None, temp_file_handler=None):
species = species or []
if not isinstance(exon_starts, list):
exon_starts = [exon_starts]
if not isinstance(exon_ends, list):
exon_ends = [exon_ends]
assert len(exon_starts) == len(exon_ends), "The number of starts does not match the number of sizes."
self.exons = []
if not temp_file_handler:
temp_file_handler = TempFileHandler()
self.temp_file_handler = temp_file_handler
for i in range(len(exon_starts)):
GenomicRegionAlignment(exon_starts[i], exon_ends[i], species, temp_file_handler=temp_file_handler)
# returns the names for species found in alignment, skipping names as requested
[docs] def get_species_names(self, skip=None):
skip = skip or []
if not isinstance(skip, list):
skip = [skip]
names = []
for exon in self.exons:
for name in exon.get_species_names(skip=skip):
if name not in names:
return names
# returns the sequence for a species
[docs] def get_sequence(self, species):
index, fh = self.temp_file_handler.get_open_tempfile()
for exon in self.exons:
if species in exon.get_species_names():
seq = exon.get_sequence(species)
# we need to refetch fh here, since exon.get_sequence( species ) uses a tempfile
# and if max==1, it would close fh
index, fh = self.temp_file_handler.get_open_tempfile(index)
fh.write("-" * exon.size)
rval = fh.read()
self.temp_file_handler.close(index, delete=True)
return rval
# returns the reverse complement of the sequence for a species
[docs] def get_sequence_reverse_complement(self, species):
complement = list(self.get_sequence(species).translate(self.DNA_COMPLEMENT))
return "".join(complement)
# Start and end of coding region
def start(self):
return self.exons[0].start
def end(self):
return self.exons[-1].end
# Open a MAF index using a UID
[docs]def maf_index_by_uid(maf_uid, index_location_file):
for line in open(index_location_file):
# read each line, if not enough fields, go to next line
if line[0:1] == "#":
fields = line.split("\t")
if maf_uid == fields[1]:
maf_files = fields[4].replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").split(",")
return bx.align.maf.MultiIndexed(maf_files, keep_open=True, parse_e_rows=False)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f"MAF UID ({maf_uid}) found, but configuration appears to be malformed: {e}")
except Exception:
return None
# return ( index, temp_index_filename ) for user maf, if available, or build one and return it, return None when no tempfile is created
[docs]def open_or_build_maf_index(maf_file, index_filename, species=None):
return (bx.align.maf.Indexed(maf_file, index_filename=index_filename, keep_open=True, parse_e_rows=False), None)
except Exception:
return build_maf_index(maf_file, species=species)
[docs]def build_maf_index_species_chromosomes(filename, index_species=None):
species = []
species_chromosomes = {}
indexes = bx.interval_index_file.Indexes()
blocks = 0
maf_reader = bx.align.maf.Reader(open(filename))
while True:
pos = maf_reader.file.tell()
block = next(maf_reader)
if block is None:
blocks += 1
for c in block.components:
spec = c.src
chrom = None
if "." in spec:
spec, chrom = spec.split(".", 1)
if spec not in species:
species_chromosomes[spec] = []
if chrom and chrom not in species_chromosomes[spec]:
if index_species is None or spec in index_species:
forward_strand_start = c.forward_strand_start
forward_strand_end = c.forward_strand_end
forward_strand_start = int(forward_strand_start)
forward_strand_end = int(forward_strand_end)
except ValueError:
continue # start and end are not integers, can't add component to index, goto next component
# this likely only occurs when parse_e_rows is True?
# could a species exist as only e rows? should the
if forward_strand_end > forward_strand_start:
# require positive length; i.e. certain lines have start = end = 0 and cannot be indexed
indexes.add(c.src, forward_strand_start, forward_strand_end, pos, max=c.src_size)
except Exception as e:
# most likely a bad MAF
log.debug(f"Building MAF index on {filename} failed: {e}")
return (None, [], {}, 0)
return (indexes, species, species_chromosomes, blocks)
# builds and returns ( index, index_filename ) for specified maf_file
[docs]def build_maf_index(maf_file, species=None):
indexes, *_ = build_maf_index_species_chromosomes(maf_file, species)
if indexes is not None:
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) as index:
return (
bx.align.maf.Indexed(maf_file, index_filename=index.name, keep_open=True, parse_e_rows=False),
return (None, None)
[docs]def component_overlaps_region(c, region):
if c is None:
return False
start, end = c.get_forward_strand_start(), c.get_forward_strand_end()
if region.start >= end or region.end <= start:
return False
return True
[docs]def chop_block_by_region(block, src, region, species=None, mincols=0):
# This chopping method was designed to maintain consistency with how start/end padding gaps have been working in Galaxy thus far:
# behavior as seen when forcing blocks to be '+' relative to src sequence (ref) and using block.slice_by_component( ref, slice_start, slice_end )
# whether-or-not this is the 'correct' behavior is questionable, but this will at least maintain consistency
# comments welcome
slice_start = block.text_size # max for the min()
slice_end = 0 # min for the max()
old_score = block.score # save old score for later use
# We no longer assume only one occurance of src per block, so we need to check them all
for c in iter_components_by_src(block, src):
if component_overlaps_region(c, region):
if c.text is not None:
rev_strand = False
if c.strand == "-":
# We want our coord_to_col coordinates to be returned from positive stranded component
rev_strand = True
c = c.reverse_complement()
start = max(region.start, c.start)
end = min(region.end, c.end)
start = c.coord_to_col(start)
end = c.coord_to_col(end)
if rev_strand:
# need to orient slice coordinates to the original block direction
slice_len = end - start
end = len(c.text) - start
start = end - slice_len
slice_start = min(start, slice_start)
slice_end = max(end, slice_end)
if slice_start < slice_end:
block = block.slice(slice_start, slice_end)
if block.text_size > mincols:
# restore old score, may not be accurate, but it is better than 0 for everything?
block.score = old_score
if species is not None:
block = block.limit_to_species(species)
return block
return None
[docs]def orient_block_by_region(block, src, region, force_strand=None):
# loop through components matching src,
# make sure each of these components overlap region
# cache strand for each of overlaping regions
# if force_strand / region.strand not in strand cache, reverse complement
# we could have 2 sequences with same src, overlapping region, on different strands, this would cause no reverse_complementing
strands = [c.strand for c in iter_components_by_src(block, src) if component_overlaps_region(c, region)]
if (
and (force_strand is None and region.strand not in strands)
or (force_strand is not None and force_strand not in strands)
block = block.reverse_complement()
return block
[docs]def get_oriented_chopped_blocks_for_region(index, src, region, species=None, mincols=0, force_strand=None):
for block, _, _ in get_oriented_chopped_blocks_with_index_offset_for_region(
index, src, region, species, mincols, force_strand
yield block
[docs]def get_oriented_chopped_blocks_with_index_offset_for_region(
index, src, region, species=None, mincols=0, force_strand=None
for block, idx, offset in get_chopped_blocks_with_index_offset_for_region(index, src, region, species, mincols):
yield orient_block_by_region(block, src, region, force_strand), idx, offset
# split a block with multiple occurances of src into one block per src
[docs]def iter_blocks_split_by_src(block, src):
for src_c in iter_components_by_src(block, src):
new_block = bx.align.Alignment(score=block.score, attributes=deepcopy(block.attributes))
new_block.text_size = block.text_size
for c in block.components:
if c == src_c or c.src != src:
) # components have reference to alignment, don't want to lose reference to original alignment block in original components
yield new_block
# split a block into multiple blocks with all combinations of a species appearing only once per block
[docs]def iter_blocks_split_by_species(block, species=None):
def __split_components_by_species(components_by_species, new_block):
if components_by_species:
# more species with components to add to this block
components_by_species = deepcopy(components_by_species)
spec_comps = components_by_species.pop(0)
for c in spec_comps:
newer_block = deepcopy(new_block)
yield from __split_components_by_species(components_by_species, newer_block)
# no more components to add, yield this block
yield new_block
# divide components by species
spec_dict = {}
if not species:
species = []
for c in block.components:
spec, chrom = src_split(c.src)
if spec not in spec_dict:
spec_dict[spec] = []
for spec in species:
spec_dict[spec] = []
for c in iter_components_by_src_start(block, spec):
empty_block = bx.align.Alignment(
score=block.score, attributes=deepcopy(block.attributes)
) # should we copy attributes?
empty_block.text_size = block.text_size
# call recursive function to split into each combo of spec/blocks
for value in __split_components_by_species(list(spec_dict.values()), empty_block):
sort_block_components_by_block(value, block) # restore original component order
yield value
# generator yielding only chopped and valid blocks for a specified region
[docs]def get_chopped_blocks_for_region(index, src, region, species=None, mincols=0):
for block, _, _ in get_chopped_blocks_with_index_offset_for_region(index, src, region, species, mincols):
yield block
[docs]def get_chopped_blocks_with_index_offset_for_region(index, src, region, species=None, mincols=0):
for block, idx, offset in index.get_as_iterator_with_index_and_offset(src, region.start, region.end):
block = chop_block_by_region(block, src, region, species, mincols)
if block is not None:
yield block, idx, offset
# returns a filled region alignment for specified regions
[docs]def get_region_alignment(
if species is not None:
alignment = RegionAlignment(end - start, species, temp_file_handler=temp_file_handler)
alignment = RegionAlignment(end - start, primary_species, temp_file_handler=temp_file_handler)
return fill_region_alignment(
alignment, index, primary_species, chrom, start, end, strand, species, mincols, overwrite_with_gaps
# reduces a block to only positions exisiting in the src provided
[docs]def reduce_block_by_primary_genome(block, species, chromosome, region_start):
# returns ( startIndex, {species:texts}
# where texts' contents are reduced to only positions existing in the primary genome
src = f"{species}.{chromosome}"
ref = block.get_component_by_src(src)
start_offset = ref.start - region_start
species_texts = {}
for c in block.components:
species_texts[c.src.split(".")[0]] = list(c.text)
# remove locations which are gaps in the primary species, starting from the downstream end
for i in range(len(species_texts[species]) - 1, -1, -1):
if species_texts[species][i] == "-":
for text in species_texts.values():
for spec, text in species_texts.items():
species_texts[spec] = "".join(text)
return (start_offset, species_texts)
# fills a region alignment
[docs]def fill_region_alignment(
alignment, index, primary_species, chrom, start, end, strand="+", species=None, mincols=0, overwrite_with_gaps=True
region = bx.intervals.Interval(start, end)
region.chrom = chrom
region.strand = strand
primary_src = f"{primary_species}.{chrom}"
# Order blocks overlaping this position by score, lowest first
blocks = []
for block, idx, offset in index.get_as_iterator_with_index_and_offset(primary_src, start, end):
score = float(block.score)
for i in range(0, len(blocks)):
if score < blocks[i][0]:
blocks.insert(i, (score, idx, offset))
blocks.append((score, idx, offset))
# gap_chars_tuple = tuple( GAP_CHARS )
gap_chars_str = "".join(GAP_CHARS)
# Loop through ordered blocks and layer by increasing score
for block_dict in blocks:
for block in iter_blocks_split_by_species(
): # need to handle each occurance of sequence in block seperately
if component_overlaps_region(block.get_component_by_src(primary_src), region):
block = chop_block_by_region(block, primary_src, region, species, mincols) # chop block
block = orient_block_by_region(block, primary_src, region) # orient block
start_offset, species_texts = reduce_block_by_primary_genome(block, primary_species, chrom, start)
for spec, text in species_texts.items():
# we should trim gaps from both sides, since these are not positions in this species genome (sequence)
text = text.rstrip(gap_chars_str)
gap_offset = 0
# while text.startswith( gap_chars_tuple ):
while True in [
text.startswith(gap_char) for gap_char in GAP_CHARS
]: # python2.4 doesn't accept a tuple for .startswith()
gap_offset += 1
text = text[1:]
if not text:
if text:
if overwrite_with_gaps:
alignment.set_range(start_offset + gap_offset, spec, text)
for i, char in enumerate(text):
if char not in GAP_CHARS:
alignment.set_position(start_offset + gap_offset + i, spec, char)
return alignment
# returns a filled spliced region alignment for specified region with start and end lists
[docs]def get_spliced_region_alignment(
# create spliced alignment object
if species is not None:
alignment = SplicedAlignment(starts, ends, species, temp_file_handler=temp_file_handler)
alignment = SplicedAlignment(starts, ends, [primary_species], temp_file_handler=temp_file_handler)
for exon in alignment.exons:
exon, index, primary_species, chrom, exon.start, exon.end, strand, species, mincols, overwrite_with_gaps
return alignment
# loop through string array, only return non-commented lines
[docs]def line_enumerator(lines, comment_start="#"):
i = 0
for line in lines:
if not line.startswith(comment_start):
i += 1
yield (i, line)
# read a GeneBed file, return list of starts, ends, raw fields
[docs]def get_starts_ends_fields_from_gene_bed(line):
# Starts and ends for exons
starts = []
ends = []
fields = line.split()
# Requires atleast 12 BED columns
if len(fields) < 12:
raise Exception(f"Not a proper 12 column BED line ({line}).")
tx_start = int(fields[1])
cds_start = int(fields[6])
cds_end = int(fields[7])
# Calculate and store starts and ends of coding exons
region_start, region_end = cds_start, cds_end
exon_starts = list(map(int, fields[11].rstrip(",\n").split(",")))
exon_starts = [x + tx_start for x in exon_starts]
exon_ends = list(map(int, fields[10].rstrip(",").split(",")))
exon_ends = [x + y for x, y in zip(exon_starts, exon_ends)]
for start, end in zip(exon_starts, exon_ends):
start = max(start, region_start)
end = min(end, region_end)
if start < end:
return (starts, ends, fields)
[docs]def iter_components_by_src_start(block, src):
for c in block.components:
if c.src.startswith(src):
yield c
[docs]def get_components_by_src_start(block, src):
return list(iter_components_by_src_start(block, src))
[docs]def sort_block_components_by_block(block1, block2):
# orders the components in block1 by the index of the component in block2
# block1 must be a subset of block2
# occurs in-place
return block1.components.sort(
key=functools.cmp_to_key(lambda x, y: block2.components.index(x) - block2.components.index(y))
[docs]def get_species_in_maf(maf_filename):
species = []
for block in bx.align.maf.Reader(open(maf_filename)):
for spec in get_species_in_block(block):
if spec not in species:
return species
[docs]def parse_species_option(species):
if species:
species = species.split(",")
if "None" not in species:
return species
return None # provided species was '', None, or had 'None' in it
[docs]def remove_temp_index_file(index_filename):
except Exception:
# Below are methods to deal with FASTA files
[docs]def get_fasta_header(component, attributes=None, suffix=None):
attributes = attributes or {}
header = f">{component.src}({component.strand}):{component.get_forward_strand_start()}-{component.get_forward_strand_end()}|"
for key, value in attributes.items():
header = f"{header}{key}={value}|"
if suffix:
header = f"{header}{suffix}"
header = f"{header}{src_split(component.src)[0]}"
return header
[docs]def get_attributes_from_fasta_header(header):
if not header:
return {}
attributes = {}
header = header.lstrip(">")
header = header.strip()
fields = header.split("|")
region = fields[0]
region = region.split("(", 1)
temp = region[0].split(".", 1)
attributes["species"] = temp[0]
if len(temp) == 2:
attributes["chrom"] = temp[1]
attributes["chrom"] = temp[0]
region = region[1].split(")", 1)
attributes["strand"] = region[0]
region = region[1].lstrip(":").split("-")
attributes["start"] = int(region[0])
attributes["end"] = int(region[1])
except Exception:
# fields 0 is not a region coordinate
if len(fields) > 2:
for i in range(1, len(fields) - 1):
prop = fields[i].split("=", 1)
if len(prop) == 2:
attributes[prop[0]] = prop[1]
if len(fields) > 1:
attributes["__suffix__"] = fields[-1]
return attributes
[docs]def iter_fasta_alignment(filename):
class fastaComponent:
def __init__(self, species, text=""):
self.species = species
self.text = text
def extend(self, text):
self.text = self.text + text.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").strip()
# yields a list of fastaComponents for a FASTA file
f = open(filename, "rb")
components = []
# cur_component = None
while True:
line = f.readline()
if not line:
if components:
yield components
line = line.strip()
if not line:
if components:
yield components
components = []
elif line.startswith(">"):
attributes = get_attributes_from_fasta_header(line)
elif components: