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Source code for galaxy.tool_util.toolbox.views.interface
from abc import abstractmethod
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import (
from ..panel import (
class ToolPanelViewModelType(str, Enum):
default_type = "default"
generic = "generic"
activity = "activity"
ontology = "ontology"
publication = "publication"
training = "training"
class ToolPanelViewModel(BaseModel):
"""A view of ToolPanelView objects serialized for the API."""
id: str
model_class: str
name: str
description: Optional[str] = None
view_type: ToolPanelViewModelType
searchable: bool # Allow for more dynamic views that don't plug into fixed search indicies in the future...
model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=())
class ToolBoxRegistry:
"""View of ToolBox provided to ToolPanelView to reason about tools loaded."""
def has_tool(self, tool_id: str) -> bool:
"""Return bool indicating if tool with specified id is loaded."""
def get_workflow(self, id: str):
"""Return workflow from panel with supplied id."""
def add_tool_to_tool_panel_view(self, tool, tool_panel_component: HasPanelItems) -> None:
"""Add tool to the tool panel view component (root or section)."""
class ToolPanelView:
def apply_view(self, base_tool_panel: ToolPanelElements, toolbox_registry: ToolBoxRegistry) -> ToolPanelElements:
"""Consume tool panel state and return custom tool panel view."""
def to_model(self) -> ToolPanelViewModel:
"""Convert abstract description to dictionary description to emit via the API."""
def walk_loaded_tools(tool_panel: ToolPanelElements, toolbox_registry: ToolBoxRegistry):
for key, item_type, val in tool_panel.panel_items_iter():
if item_type == panel_item_types.TOOL:
tool_id = key.replace("tool_", "", 1)
if toolbox_registry.has_tool(tool_id):
yield (tool_id, key, val, val.name)
elif item_type == panel_item_types.SECTION:
for section_key, section_item_type, section_val in val.panel_items_iter():
if section_item_type == panel_item_types.TOOL:
tool_id = section_key.replace("tool_", "", 1)
if toolbox_registry.has_tool(tool_id):
yield (tool_id, key, section_val, val.name)