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Source code for galaxy.tool_util.toolbox.views.edam

import logging
from enum import Enum
from typing import (

from galaxy.tool_util.edam_util import (
from galaxy.util import ExecutionTimer
from .interface import (
from ..panel import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class EdamPanelMode(str, Enum): merged = "merged" topics = "topics" operations = "operations"
[docs] class EdamToolPanelView(ToolPanelView):
[docs] def __init__(self, edam: Dict[str, Dict], mode: EdamPanelMode = EdamPanelMode.merged): self.edam = edam self.mode = mode self.include_topics = mode in [EdamPanelMode.merged, EdamPanelMode.topics] self.include_operations = mode in [EdamPanelMode.merged, EdamPanelMode.operations]
[docs] def apply_view(self, base_tool_panel: ToolPanelElements, toolbox_registry: ToolBoxRegistry) -> ToolPanelElements: execution_timer = ExecutionTimer() # Find the children of the top level topics operations_list = [ROOT_OPERATION] + list(self._edam_children_of(ROOT_OPERATION)) topics_list = [ROOT_TOPIC] + list(self._edam_children_of(ROOT_TOPIC)) # Sort them (by english label) # operations = sorted(operations, key=lambda x: self.edam[x]['label']) # topics = sorted(topics, key=lambda x: self.edam[x]['label']) # Convert these to list of dicts, wherein we'll add our tools/etc. operations: Dict[str, Dict] = {x: {} for x in operations_list} topics: Dict[str, Dict] = {x: {} for x in topics_list} uncategorized: List[Tuple] = [] for tool_id, key, val, val_name in walk_loaded_tools(base_tool_panel, toolbox_registry): for term in self._get_edam_sec(val): if term == "uncategorized" or term not in self.edam: uncategorized.append((tool_id, key, val, val_name)) else: for path in self.edam[term]["path"]: if len(path) == 1: t = term elif len(path) == 0: continue else: t = path[0] if path[0].startswith("operation_"): operations[t][tool_id] = (term, tool_id, key, val, val_name) elif path[0].startswith("topic_"): topics[t][tool_id] = (term, tool_id, key, val, val_name) new_panel = ToolPanelElements() def populate_section(term, tool_id, key, val, val_name): edam_def = self.edam[term] description = edam_def["definition"] label = edam_def["label"] links = { "edam_browser": f"https://edamontology.github.io/edam-browser/#{term}", } section = new_panel.get_or_create_section(term, label, description=description, links=links) toolbox_registry.add_tool_to_tool_panel_view(val, section) new_panel.record_section_for_tool_id(tool_id, key, val_name) for term in sorted(operations.keys(), key=lambda x: self._sort_edam_key(x)): if len(operations[term].keys()) == 0: continue label_dict = { "type": "label", "text": self.edam[term]["label"], "description": self.edam[term]["definition"], "links": { "edam_browser": f"https://edamontology.github.io/edam-browser/#{term}", }, "id": term, } new_panel[f"label_{term}"] = ToolSectionLabel(label_dict) for tuple_ in operations[term].values(): populate_section(*tuple_) for term in sorted(topics.keys(), key=lambda x: self._sort_edam_key(x)): if len(topics[term].keys()) == 0: continue label_dict = { "type": "label", "text": self.edam[term]["label"], "description": self.edam[term]["definition"], "links": { "edam_browser": f"https://edamontology.github.io/edam-browser/#{term}", }, "id": term, } new_panel[f"label_{term}"] = ToolSectionLabel(label_dict) for tuple_ in topics[term].values(): populate_section(*tuple_) section = new_panel.get_or_create_section("uncategorized", "Uncategorized") for tool_id, key, val, val_name in uncategorized: toolbox_registry.add_tool_to_tool_panel_view(val, section) new_panel.record_section_for_tool_id(tool_id, key, val_name) log.debug("Loading EDAM tool panel finished %s", execution_timer) return new_panel
def _get_edam_sec(self, tool): edam = [] if self.include_operations: edam.extend(tool.edam_operations) if self.include_topics: edam.extend(tool.edam_topics) if len(edam) > 0: yield from edam else: yield "uncategorized" def _sort_edam_key(self, x): if x in (ROOT_OPERATION, ROOT_TOPIC): return f"!{x}" else: return self.edam[x]["label"] def _edam_children_of(self, parentTerm): for term in self.edam.keys(): if parentTerm in self.edam[term]["parents"]: yield term
[docs] def to_model(self) -> ToolPanelViewModel: mode = self.mode if mode == EdamPanelMode.merged: model_id = "ontology:edam_merged" name = "EDAM Operations and Topics" description = "Tools are grouped using both annotated operation and topic information (if available)." elif mode == EdamPanelMode.operations: model_id = "ontology:edam_operations" name = "EDAM Operations" description = "Tools are grouped using annotated EDAM operation information (if available)." elif mode == EdamPanelMode.topics: model_id = "ontology:edam_topics" name = "EDAM Topics" description = "Tools are grouped using annotated EDAM topic information (if available)." else: raise AssertionError(f"Invalid EDAM mode encountered {mode}") model_class = self.__class__.__name__ view_type = ToolPanelViewModelType.ontology return ToolPanelViewModel( id=model_id, name=name, description=description, model_class=model_class, view_type=view_type, searchable=True, )