
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.tool_util.parser.yaml

import json
from typing import (

import packaging.version

from galaxy.tool_util.deps import requirements
from galaxy.tool_util.parser.util import (
from .interface import (
from .output_collection_def import dataset_collector_descriptions_from_output_dict
from .output_objects import (
from .parameter_validators import (
from .stdio import error_on_exit_code
from .util import is_dict

[docs] class YamlToolSource(ToolSource): language = "yaml"
[docs] def __init__(self, root_dict: Dict, source_path=None): self.root_dict = root_dict self._source_path = source_path self._macro_paths: List[str] = []
@property def source_path(self): return self._source_path
[docs] def parse_tool_type(self): return self.root_dict.get("tool_type")
[docs] def parse_id(self): return self.root_dict.get("id")
[docs] def parse_version(self) -> Optional[str]: version_raw = self.root_dict.get("version") return str(version_raw) if version_raw is not None else None
[docs] def parse_name(self) -> str: rval = self.root_dict.get("name") or self.parse_id() assert rval return str(rval)
[docs] def parse_description(self) -> str: return self.root_dict.get("description", "")
[docs] def parse_edam_operations(self) -> List[str]: return self.root_dict.get("edam_operations", [])
[docs] def parse_edam_topics(self) -> List[str]: return self.root_dict.get("edam_topics", [])
[docs] def parse_xrefs(self) -> List[XrefDict]: xrefs = self.root_dict.get("xrefs", []) return [XrefDict(value=xref["value"], reftype=xref["type"]) for xref in xrefs if xref["type"]]
[docs] def parse_sanitize(self): return self.root_dict.get("sanitize", True)
[docs] def parse_display_interface(self, default): return self.root_dict.get("display_interface", default)
[docs] def parse_require_login(self, default): return self.root_dict.get("require_login", default)
[docs] def parse_command(self): return self.root_dict.get("command")
[docs] def parse_expression(self): return self.root_dict.get("expression")
[docs] def parse_environment_variables(self): return []
[docs] def parse_interpreter(self): return self.root_dict.get("interpreter")
[docs] def parse_version_command(self): return self.root_dict.get("runtime_version", {}).get("command", None)
[docs] def parse_version_command_interpreter(self): return self.root_dict.get("runtime_version", {}).get("interpreter", None)
[docs] def parse_requirements_and_containers(self): mixed_requirements = self.root_dict.get("requirements", []) return requirements.parse_requirements_from_lists( software_requirements=[r for r in mixed_requirements if r.get("type") != "resource"], containers=self.root_dict.get("containers", []), resource_requirements=[r for r in mixed_requirements if r.get("type") == "resource"], )
[docs] def parse_input_pages(self) -> PagesSource: # All YAML tools have only one page (feature is deprecated) page_source = YamlPageSource(self.root_dict.get("inputs", {})) return PagesSource([page_source])
[docs] def parse_strict_shell(self): # TODO: Add ability to disable this. return True
[docs] def parse_stdio(self): return error_on_exit_code()
[docs] def parse_help(self) -> Optional[HelpContent]: content = self.root_dict.get("help", None) if content: return HelpContent(format="markdown", content=content) else: return None
[docs] def parse_outputs(self, tool): outputs = self.root_dict.get("outputs", {}) output_defs = [] output_collection_defs = [] for name, output_dict in outputs.items(): output_type = output_dict.get("type", "data") if output_type == "data": output_defs.append(self._parse_output(tool, name, output_dict)) elif output_type == "collection": output_collection_defs.append(self._parse_output_collection(tool, name, output_dict)) else: message = f"Unknown output_type [{output_type}] encountered." raise Exception(message) outputs = {} for output in output_defs: outputs[output.name] = output output_collections = {} for output in output_collection_defs: output_collections[output.name] = output return outputs, output_collections
def _parse_output(self, tool, name, output_dict): output = ToolOutput.from_dict(name, output_dict, tool=tool) return output def _parse_output_collection(self, tool, name, output_dict): name = output_dict.get("name") label = output_dict.get("label") default_format = output_dict.get("format", "data") collection_type = output_dict.get("type", None) collection_type_source = output_dict.get("type_source", None) structured_like = output_dict.get("structured_like", None) inherit_format = False inherit_metadata = False if structured_like: inherit_format = output_dict.get("inherit_format", None) inherit_metadata = output_dict.get("inherit_metadata", None) default_format_source = output_dict.get("format_source", None) default_metadata_source = output_dict.get("metadata_source", "") filters = [] dataset_collector_descriptions = dataset_collector_descriptions_from_output_dict(output_dict) structure = ToolOutputCollectionStructure( collection_type=collection_type, collection_type_source=collection_type_source, structured_like=structured_like, dataset_collector_descriptions=dataset_collector_descriptions, ) output_collection = ToolOutputCollection( name, structure, label=label, filters=filters, default_format=default_format, inherit_format=inherit_format, inherit_metadata=inherit_metadata, default_format_source=default_format_source, default_metadata_source=default_metadata_source, ) return output_collection
[docs] def parse_tests_to_dict(self) -> ToolSourceTests: tests: List[ToolSourceTest] = [] rval: ToolSourceTests = dict(tests=tests) for i, test_dict in enumerate(self.root_dict.get("tests", [])): tests.append(_parse_test(i, test_dict)) return rval
[docs] def parse_profile(self) -> str: return self.root_dict.get("profile", "16.04")
[docs] def parse_license(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.root_dict.get("license")
[docs] def parse_interactivetool(self): return self.root_dict.get("entry_points", [])
[docs] def parse_python_template_version(self): python_template_version = self.root_dict.get("python_template_version") if python_template_version is not None: python_template_version = packaging.version.Version(python_template_version) return python_template_version
[docs] def to_string(self): # TODO: Unit test for dumping/restoring return json.dumps(self.root_dict)
def _parse_test(i, test_dict) -> ToolSourceTest: inputs = test_dict["inputs"] if is_dict(inputs): new_inputs = [] for key, value in inputs.items(): new_inputs.append({"name": key, "value": value, "attributes": {}}) test_dict["inputs"] = new_inputs outputs = test_dict["outputs"] new_outputs = [] if is_dict(outputs): for key, value in outputs.items(): if is_dict(value): attributes = value file = attributes.get("file") else: file = value attributes = {} new_outputs.append({"name": key, "value": file, "attributes": attributes}) else: for output in outputs: name = output["name"] value = output.get("file", None) attributes = output new_outputs.append({"name": name, "value": value, "attributes": attributes}) for output in new_outputs: attributes = output["attributes"] defaults = { "compare": "diff", "lines_diff": 0, "delta": DEFAULT_DELTA, "delta_frac": DEFAULT_DELTA_FRAC, "sort": DEFAULT_SORT, "decompress": DEFAULT_DECOMPRESS, } # TODO attributes["extra_files"] = [] # TODO attributes["metadata"] = {} assert_list = __to_test_assert_list(attributes.get("asserts", [])) attributes["assert_list"] = assert_list _ensure_has(attributes, defaults) test_dict["outputs"] = new_outputs # TODO: implement output collections for YAML tools. test_dict["output_collections"] = [] test_dict["command"] = __to_test_assert_list(test_dict.get("command", [])) test_dict["stdout"] = __to_test_assert_list(test_dict.get("stdout", [])) test_dict["stderr"] = __to_test_assert_list(test_dict.get("stderr", [])) test_dict["expect_exit_code"] = test_dict.get("expect_exit_code", None) test_dict["expect_failure"] = test_dict.get("expect_failure", False) test_dict["expect_test_failure"] = test_dict.get("expect_test_failure", False) return test_dict
[docs] def to_test_assert_list(assertions) -> AssertionList: def expand_dict_form(item): key, value = item new_value = value.copy() new_value["that"] = key return new_value if is_dict(assertions): assertions = map(expand_dict_form, assertions.items()) assert_list: List[AssertionDict] = [] for assertion in assertions: # TODO: not handling nested assertions correctly, # not sure these are used though. if "that" not in assertion: new_assertion = {} for assertion_key, assertion_value in assertion.items(): new_assertion["that"] = assertion_key new_assertion.update(assertion_value) assertion = new_assertion children = assertion.pop("asserts", assertion.pop("children", [])) # if there are no nested assertions then children should be [] # but to_test_assert_list would return None if children: children = to_test_assert_list(children) assert_dict: AssertionDict = dict( tag=assertion["that"], attributes=assertion, children=children, ) assert_list.append(assert_dict) return assert_list or None # XML variant is None if no assertions made
# Planemo depends on this and was never updated unfortunately. # https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/blob/master/planemo/test/_check_output.py __to_test_assert_list = to_test_assert_list
[docs] class YamlPageSource(PageSource):
[docs] def __init__(self, inputs_list): self.inputs_list = inputs_list
[docs] def parse_input_sources(self): return list(map(YamlInputSource, self.inputs_list))
[docs] class YamlInputSource(InputSource):
[docs] def __init__(self, input_dict, trusted: bool = True): self.input_dict = input_dict self.trusted = trusted
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): return self.input_dict.get(key, default)
[docs] def get_bool(self, key, default): return self.input_dict.get(key, default)
[docs] def get_bool_or_none(self, key, default): return self.input_dict.get(key, default)
[docs] def parse_input_type(self): input_type = self.input_dict["type"] if input_type == "repeat": return "repeat" elif input_type == "conditional": return "conditional" else: return "param"
[docs] def parse_nested_inputs_source(self): assert self.parse_input_type() == "repeat" return YamlPageSource(self.input_dict["blocks"])
[docs] def parse_test_input_source(self): test_dict = self.input_dict.get("test", None) assert test_dict is not None, "conditional must contain a `test` definition" return YamlInputSource(test_dict)
[docs] def parse_when_input_sources(self): input_dict = self.input_dict sources = [] for value, block in input_dict.get("when", {}).items(): if value is True: value = "true" elif value is False: value = "false" else: value = str(value) # str here to lose type information like XML, needed? if not isinstance(block, list): block = [block] case_page_source = YamlPageSource(block) sources.append((value, case_page_source)) return sources
[docs] def parse_validators(self) -> List[AnyValidatorModel]: return parse_dict_validators(self.input_dict.get("validators", []), trusted=self.trusted)
[docs] def parse_static_options(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str, bool]]: static_options = [] input_dict = self.input_dict for option in input_dict.get("options", {}): value = option.get("value") label = option.get("label", value) selected = option.get("selected", False) static_options.append((label, value, selected)) return static_options
[docs] def parse_default(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: input_dict = self.input_dict default_def = input_dict.get("default", None) return default_def
def _ensure_has(dict, defaults): for key, value in defaults.items(): if key not in dict: dict[key] = value