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Source code for galaxy.tool_util.deps.mulled.mulled_hash

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Produce a mulled hash for specified conda targets.


Produce a mulled hash with:

    mulled-hash samtools=1.3.1,bedtools=2.22
from typing_extensions import Literal

from ._cli import arg_parser
from .mulled_build import target_str_to_targets
from .util import (

def _mulled_hash(hash: Literal["v1", "v2"], targets_str: str):
    >>> _mulled_hash("v2", "samtools=1.3.1,bedtools=2.26.0")
    >>> _mulled_hash("v2", "samtools=1.3.1=h9071d68_10,bedtools=2.26.0=0")
    targets = target_str_to_targets(targets_str)
    image_name = v2_image_name if hash == "v2" else v1_image_name
    return image_name(targets)

[docs] def main(argv=None): """Main entry-point for the CLI tool.""" parser = arg_parser(argv, globals()) parser.add_argument( "targets", metavar="TARGETS", default=None, help="Comma-separated packages for calculating the mulled hash." ) parser.add_argument("--hash", dest="hash", choices=["v1", "v2"], default="v2") args = parser.parse_args() print(_mulled_hash(args.hash, args.targets))
__all__ = ("main",) if __name__ == "__main__": main()