
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.tool_util.deps.mulled.get_tests

#!/usr/bin/env python

searches for tests for packages in the bioconda-recipes repo and on Anaconda, looking in different file locations. If no test can be found for the specified version, it will look for tests for other versions of the same package.

A shallow search (default for singularity and conda generation scripts) just checks once on Anaconda for the specified version.
import json
import logging
from glob import glob
from typing import (

import yaml

from galaxy.util import requests

    from jinja2 import Template
    from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError
except ImportError:
    Template = None  # type: ignore[assignment,misc]
    UndefinedError = Exception  # type: ignore[assignment,misc]

from galaxy.util import (
from galaxy.util.commands import argv_to_str
from .util import (

    "This mulled functionality required jinja2 but it is unavailable, install condatesting extras."

[docs] def get_commands_from_yaml(yaml_content: bytes) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Parse tests from Conda's meta.yaml file contents """ if Template is None: raise Exception(INSTALL_JINJA_EXCEPTION) package_tests = {} try: # we expect to get an input in bytes, so first decode to string; run the file through the jinja processing; load as yaml meta_yaml = yaml.safe_load(Template(yaml_content.decode("utf-8")).render()) except (yaml.scanner.ScannerError, UndefinedError) as e: # what about things like {{ compiler('cxx') }} logging.info(e, exc_info=True) return None try: if meta_yaml["test"]["commands"] != [None] and meta_yaml["test"]["commands"] is not None: package_tests["commands"] = meta_yaml["test"]["commands"] except (KeyError, TypeError): logging.info("Error reading commands") try: if meta_yaml["test"]["imports"] != [None] and meta_yaml["test"]["imports"] is not None: package_tests["imports"] = meta_yaml["test"]["imports"] except (KeyError, TypeError): logging.info("Error reading imports") if len(package_tests.get("commands", []) + package_tests.get("imports", [])) == 0: return None # need to know what scripting languages are needed to run the container package_tests["import_lang"] = "python -c" # python by default try: requirements = list(meta_yaml["requirements"]["run"]) except (KeyError, TypeError): logging.info("Error reading requirements", exc_info=True) else: for requirement in requirements: if requirement.split()[0] == "perl": package_tests["import_lang"] = "perl -e" break # elif ... : # other languages if necessary ... hopefully python and perl should suffice though return package_tests
[docs] def get_run_test(file: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: r""" Get tests from a run_test.sh file """ package_tests = {} package_tests["commands"] = [file.replace("\n", " && ")] return package_tests
[docs] def get_anaconda_url(container, anaconda_channel="bioconda"): """ Download tarball from anaconda for test """ name = split_container_name(container) # list consisting of [name, version, (build, if present)] return f"https://anaconda.org/{anaconda_channel}/{name[0]}/{name[1]}/download/linux-64/{'-'.join(name)}.tar.bz2"
[docs] def prepend_anaconda_url(url): """ Take a partial url and prepend 'https://anaconda.org' """ return f"https://anaconda.org{url}"
[docs] def get_test_from_anaconda(url: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Given the URL of an anaconda tarball, return tests """ content_dict = get_files_from_conda_package( url, ["info/recipe/meta.yaml", "info/recipe/meta.yaml.template", "info/recipe/run_test.sh"] ) content = content_dict.get("info/recipe/meta.yaml", content_dict.get("info/recipe/meta.yaml.template")) if content: package_tests = get_commands_from_yaml(content) if package_tests: return package_tests if "info/recipe/run_test.sh" in content_dict: return get_run_test(unicodify(content_dict["info/recipe/run_test.sh"])) return None
[docs] def find_anaconda_versions(name, anaconda_channel="bioconda"): """ Find a list of available anaconda versions for a given container name """ r = requests.get( f"https://anaconda.org/{anaconda_channel}/{name}/files", timeout=MULLED_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, ) r.raise_for_status() urls = [] for line in r.text.splitlines(): if "download/linux" in line: urls.append(line.split('"')[1]) return urls
[docs] def open_recipe_file(file, recipes_path=None, github_repo="bioconda/bioconda-recipes"): """ Open a file at a particular location and return contents as string """ if recipes_path: return open(f"{recipes_path}/{file}").read() else: # if no clone of the repo is available locally, download from GitHub r = requests.get( f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{github_repo}/master/{file}", timeout=MULLED_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, ) if r.status_code == 404: raise OSError else: return r.content
[docs] def get_alternative_versions(filepath, filename, recipes_path=None, github_repo="bioconda/bioconda-recipes"): """ Return files that match ``filepath/*/filename`` in the bioconda-recipes repository """ if recipes_path: return [n.replace(f"{recipes_path}/", "") for n in glob(f"{recipes_path}/{filepath}/*/{filename}")] # else use the GitHub API: versions = [] r = requests.get( f"https://api.github.com/repos/{github_repo}/contents/{filepath}", timeout=MULLED_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, ) check_github_api_response_rate_limit(r) r.raise_for_status() for subfile in json.loads(r.text): if subfile["type"] == "dir": if ( requests.get( f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{github_repo}/master/{subfile['path']}/{filename}", timeout=MULLED_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, ).status_code == 200 ): versions.append(f"{subfile['path']}/{filename}") return versions
[docs] def try_a_func(func1, func2, param, container): """ Try to perform a function (or actually a combination of two functions: first getting the file and then processing it) """ try: result = func1(func2(*param)) except OSError: return None if result: result["container"] = container return result
[docs] def import_test_to_command_list(import_lang: str, import_: str) -> List[str]: if import_lang == "python -c": return ["python", "-c", f"import {import_}"] elif import_lang == "perl -e": return ["perl", "-e", f"use {import_}"] else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported import_lang '{import_lang}'")