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Source code for galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_volumes

import shlex
from abc import (
from typing import Optional

[docs] class ContainerVolume(metaclass=ABCMeta): valid_modes = frozenset({"ro", "rw", "z", "Z"})
[docs] def __init__(self, path: str, host_path: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[str] = None): self.path = path self.host_path = host_path self.mode = mode if mode and not self.mode_is_valid: raise ValueError(f"Invalid container volume mode: {mode}")
[docs] @abstractmethod def from_str(cls, as_str: str) -> "ContainerVolume": """Classmethod to convert from this container type's string representation. :param as_str: string representation of volume :type as_str: str """
@abstractmethod def __str__(self) -> str: """Return this container type's string representation of the volume.""" @property def mode_is_valid(self) -> bool: return self.mode in self.valid_modes
[docs] class DockerVolume(ContainerVolume):
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(cls, as_str: str) -> "DockerVolume": """Construct an instance from a string as would be passed to `docker run --volume`. A string in the format ``<host_path>:<mode>`` is supported for legacy purposes even though it is not valid Docker volume syntax. """ if not as_str: raise ValueError(f"Failed to parse Docker volume from {as_str}") parts = as_str.split(":", 2) kwds = dict(host_path=parts[0]) if len(parts) == 1: # auto-generated volume kwds["path"] = kwds["host_path"] elif len(parts) == 2: # /host_path:mode is not (or is no longer?) valid Docker volume syntax if all(mode_part in DockerVolume.valid_modes for mode_part in parts[1].split(",")): kwds["mode"] = parts[1] kwds["path"] = kwds["host_path"] else: kwds["path"] = parts[1] elif len(parts) == 3: kwds["path"] = parts[1] kwds["mode"] = parts[2] return cls(**kwds)
def __str__(self) -> str: volume_str = ":".join(x for x in (self.host_path, self.path, self.mode) if x is not None) if "$" not in volume_str: volume_for_cmd_line = shlex.quote(volume_str) else: # e.g. $_GALAXY_JOB_TMP_DIR:$_GALAXY_JOB_TMP_DIR:rw so don't single quote. volume_for_cmd_line = f'"{volume_str}"' return volume_for_cmd_line