This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.
Source code for galaxy.security.vault
import abc
import logging
import os
import re
from typing import (
import yaml
from cryptography.fernet import (
from sqlalchemy import select
from custos.clients.resource_secret_management_client import ResourceSecretManagementClient
from custos.clients.utils.exceptions.CustosExceptions import KeyDoesNotExist
from custos.transport.settings import CustosServerClientSettings
custos_sdk_available = True
except ImportError:
custos_sdk_available = False
import hvac
except ImportError:
hvac = None
from galaxy import model
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
VAULT_KEY_INVALID_REGEX = re.compile(r"\s\/|\/\s|\/\/")
class Vault(abc.ABC):
A simple abstraction for reading/writing from external vaults.
def read_secret(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]:
Reads a secret from the vault.
:param key: The key to read. Typically a hierarchical path such as `/galaxy/user/1/preferences/editor`
:return: The string value stored at the key, such as 'ace_editor'.
def write_secret(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
Write a secret to the vault.
:param key: The key to write to. Typically a hierarchical path such as `/galaxy/user/1/preferences/editor`
:param value: The value to write, such as 'vscode'
def list_secrets(self, key: str) -> List[str]:
Lists secrets at a given path.
:param key: The key prefix to list. e.g. `/galaxy/user/1/preferences`. A trailing slash is optional.
:return: The list of subkeys at path. e.g.
['/galaxy/user/1/preferences/editor`, '/galaxy/user/1/preferences/storage`]
Note that only immediate subkeys are returned.
def delete_secret(self, key: str) -> None:
Eliminate a secret from the target vault.
Ideally the entry in the target source if removed, but by default the secret is
simply overwritten with the empty string as its value.
:param key: The key to write to. Typically a hierarchical path such as `/galaxy/user/1/preferences/editor`
:param value: The value to write, such as 'vscode'
self.write_secret(key, "")
class NullVault(Vault):
def read_secret(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]:
raise InvalidVaultConfigException(
"No vault configured. Make sure the vault_config_file setting is defined in galaxy.yml"
def write_secret(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
raise InvalidVaultConfigException(
"No vault configured. Make sure the vault_config_file setting is defined in galaxy.yml"
class HashicorpVault(Vault):
def __init__(self, config):
if not hvac:
raise InvalidVaultConfigException(
"Hashicorp vault library 'hvac' is not available. Make sure hvac is installed."
self.vault_address = config.get("vault_address")
self.vault_token = config.get("vault_token")
self.client = hvac.Client(url=self.vault_address, token=self.vault_token)
def read_secret(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]:
response = self.client.secrets.kv.read_secret_version(path=key)
return response["data"]["data"].get("value")
except hvac.exceptions.InvalidPath:
return None
def write_secret(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
self.client.secrets.kv.v2.create_or_update_secret(path=key, secret={"value": value})
class DatabaseVault(Vault):
def __init__(self, sa_session, config):
self.sa_session = sa_session
self.encryption_keys = config.get("encryption_keys")
self.fernet_keys = [Fernet(key.encode("utf-8")) for key in self.encryption_keys]
def _get_multi_fernet(self) -> MultiFernet:
return MultiFernet(self.fernet_keys)
def _update_or_create(self, key: str, value: Optional[str]) -> model.Vault:
vault_entry = self._get_vault_value(key)
if vault_entry:
if value:
vault_entry.value = value
# recursively create parent keys
parent_key, _, _ = key.rpartition("/")
if parent_key:
self._update_or_create(parent_key, None)
vault_entry = model.Vault(key=key, value=value, parent_key=parent_key or None)
return vault_entry
def read_secret(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]:
key_obj = self._get_vault_value(key)
if key_obj and key_obj.value:
f = self._get_multi_fernet()
return f.decrypt(key_obj.value.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
return None
def write_secret(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
f = self._get_multi_fernet()
token = f.encrypt(value.encode("utf-8"))
self._update_or_create(key=key, value=token.decode("utf-8"))
def delete_secret(self, key: str) -> None:
vault_entry = self.sa_session.query(model.Vault).filter_by(key=key).first()
def _get_vault_value(self, key):
stmt = select(model.Vault).filter_by(key=key).limit(1)
return self.sa_session.scalars(stmt).first()
class CustosVault(Vault):
def __init__(self, config):
if not custos_sdk_available:
raise InvalidVaultConfigException(
"Custos sdk library 'custos-sdk' is not available. Make sure the custos-sdk is installed."
custos_settings = CustosServerClientSettings(
self.client = ResourceSecretManagementClient(custos_settings)
def read_secret(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]:
response = self.client.get_kv_credential(key=key)
return response.get("value")
except KeyDoesNotExist:
return None
def write_secret(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
self.client.set_kv_credential(key=key, value=value)
class UserVaultWrapper(Vault):
def read_secret(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]:
if self.user:
return self.vault.read_secret(f"user/{self.user.id}/{key}")
return None
def write_secret(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
return self.vault.write_secret(f"user/{self.user.id}/{key}", value)
class VaultKeyValidationWrapper(Vault):
A decorator to standardize and validate vault key paths
def validate_key(key):
if not key:
return False
return not VAULT_KEY_INVALID_REGEX.search(key)
def normalize_key(self, key):
# remove leading and trailing slashes
key = key.strip("/")
if not self.validate_key(key):
raise InvalidVaultKeyException(
f"Vault key: {key} is invalid. Make sure that it is not empty, contains double slashes or contains"
"whitespace before or after the separator."
return key
def read_secret(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]:
key = self.normalize_key(key)
return self.vault.read_secret(key)
def write_secret(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
key = self.normalize_key(key)
return self.vault.write_secret(key, value)
class VaultKeyPrefixWrapper(Vault):
Adds a prefix to all vault keys, such as the galaxy instance id
def __init__(self, vault: Vault, prefix: str):
self.vault = vault
self.prefix = prefix.strip("/")
def read_secret(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]:
return self.vault.read_secret(f"/{self.prefix}/{key}")
def write_secret(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
return self.vault.write_secret(f"/{self.prefix}/{key}", value)
class VaultFactory:
def load_vault_config(vault_conf_yml: str) -> Optional[dict]:
if os.path.exists(vault_conf_yml):
with open(vault_conf_yml) as f:
return yaml.safe_load(f)
return None
def from_vault_type(app, vault_type: Optional[str], cfg: dict) -> Vault:
vault: Vault
if vault_type == "hashicorp":
vault = HashicorpVault(cfg)
elif vault_type == "database":
vault = DatabaseVault(app.model.context, cfg)
elif vault_type == "custos":
vault = CustosVault(cfg)
raise InvalidVaultConfigException(f"Unknown vault type: {vault_type}")
vault_prefix = cfg.get("path_prefix") or "/galaxy"
return VaultKeyValidationWrapper(VaultKeyPrefixWrapper(vault, prefix=vault_prefix))
def from_app(app) -> Vault:
vault_config = VaultFactory.load_vault_config(app.config.vault_config_file)
if vault_config:
return VaultFactory.from_vault_type(app, vault_config.get("type", None), vault_config)
log.warning("No vault configured. We recommend defining the vault_config_file setting in galaxy.yml")
return NullVault()