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Source code for galaxy.security.object_wrapper

Classes for wrapping Objects and Sanitizing string output.

import copyreg
import inspect
import logging
import string
from collections import UserDict
from collections.abc import Callable
from numbers import Number
from types import (

import sqlalchemy

NoneType = type(None)
NotImplementedType = type(NotImplemented)
EllipsisType = type(Ellipsis)
XRangeType = range
SliceType = slice

# Python 2 version was:
# from types import BufferType, DictProxyType
# Py3 doesn't have these concepts, just treat them like SliceType that
# so they are __WRAP_NO_SUBCLASS__.
BufferType = SliceType
DictProxyType = SliceType

from galaxy.util import sanitize_lists_to_string as _sanitize_lists_to_string

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Define different behaviors for different types, see also: https://docs.python.org/2/library/types.html

# Known Callable types

# Always wrap these types without attempting to subclass

# Don't wrap or sanitize.

# Wrap contents, but not the container
__WRAP_SETS__ = (

# Define the set of characters that are not sanitized, and define a set of mappings for those that are.
# characters that are valid
VALID_CHARACTERS = set(f"{string.ascii_letters + string.digits} -=_.()/+*^,:?!@")

# characters that are allowed but need to be escaped
    ">": "__gt__",
    "<": "__lt__",
    "'": "__sq__",
    '"': "__dq__",
    "[": "__ob__",
    "]": "__cb__",
    "{": "__oc__",
    "}": "__cc__",
    "\n": "__cn__",
    "\r": "__cr__",
    "\t": "__tc__",
    "#": "__pd__",


[docs] def coerce(x, y): # __coerce__ doesn't do anything under Python anyway. return x
[docs] def cmp(x, y): # Builtin in Python 2, but not Python 3. return (x > y) - (x < y)
[docs] def sanitize_lists_to_string( values, valid_characters=VALID_CHARACTERS, character_map=CHARACTER_MAP, invalid_character=INVALID_CHARACTER ): return _sanitize_lists_to_string( values, valid_characters=valid_characters, character_map=character_map, invalid_character=invalid_character )
[docs] def wrap_with_safe_string(value, no_wrap_classes=None): """ Recursively wrap values that should be wrapped. """ def __do_wrap(value): if isinstance(value, SafeStringWrapper): # Only ever wrap one-layer return value if isinstance(value, Callable): safe_class = CallableSafeStringWrapper else: safe_class = SafeStringWrapper if isinstance(value, no_wrap_classes): return value if isinstance(value, __WRAP_NO_SUBCLASS__): return safe_class(value, safe_string_wrapper_function=__do_wrap) for this_type in __WRAP_SEQUENCES__ + __WRAP_SETS__: if isinstance(value, this_type): return this_type(list(map(__do_wrap, value))) for this_type in __WRAP_MAPPINGS__: if isinstance(value, this_type): # Wrap both key and value return this_type((__do_wrap(x[0]), __do_wrap(x[1])) for x in value.items()) # Create a dynamic class that joins SafeStringWrapper with the object being wrapped. # This allows e.g. isinstance to continue to work. try: wrapped_class_name = value.__name__ wrapped_class = value except Exception: wrapped_class_name = value.__class__.__name__ wrapped_class = value.__class__ if value_mod := inspect.getmodule(value): wrapped_class_name = f"{value_mod.__name__}.{wrapped_class_name}" wrapped_class_name = ( f"SafeStringWrapper__{wrapped_class_name}__{'__'.join(sorted(c.__name__ for c in no_wrap_classes))}" ) do_wrap_func_name = f"__do_wrap_{wrapped_class_name}" do_wrap_func = __do_wrap global_dict = globals() if wrapped_class_name in global_dict: # Check to see if we have created a wrapper for this class yet, if so, reuse wrapped_class = global_dict.get(wrapped_class_name) do_wrap_func = global_dict.get(do_wrap_func_name, __do_wrap) else: try: wrapped_class = type( wrapped_class_name, ( safe_class, wrapped_class, ), {}, ) except TypeError as e: # Fail-safe for when a class cannot be dynamically subclassed. log.warning(f"Unable to create dynamic subclass {wrapped_class_name} for {type(value)}, {value}: {e}") wrapped_class = type(wrapped_class_name, (safe_class,), {}) if wrapped_class not in (SafeStringWrapper, CallableSafeStringWrapper): # Save this wrapper for reuse and pickling/copying global_dict[wrapped_class_name] = wrapped_class do_wrap_func.__name__ = do_wrap_func_name global_dict[do_wrap_func_name] = do_wrap_func def pickle_safe_object(safe_object): return ( wrapped_class, ( safe_object.unsanitized, do_wrap_func, ), ) # Set pickle and copy properties copyreg.pickle(wrapped_class, pickle_safe_object, do_wrap_func) return wrapped_class(value, safe_string_wrapper_function=do_wrap_func) # Determine classes not to wrap if no_wrap_classes: if not isinstance(no_wrap_classes, (tuple, list)): no_wrap_classes = [no_wrap_classes] no_wrap_classes = list(no_wrap_classes) + list(__DONT_SANITIZE_TYPES__) + [SafeStringWrapper] else: no_wrap_classes = list(__DONT_SANITIZE_TYPES__) + [SafeStringWrapper] no_wrap_classes = tuple(set(no_wrap_classes)) return __do_wrap(value)
# N.B. refer to e.g. https://docs.python.org/reference/datamodel.html for information on Python's Data Model.
[docs] class SafeStringWrapper: """ Class that wraps and sanitizes any provided value's attributes that will attempt to be cast into a string. Attempts to mimic behavior of original class, including operands. To ensure proper handling of e.g. subclass checks, the *wrap_with_safe_string()* method should be used. This wrapping occurs in a recursive/parasitic fashion, as all called attributes of the originally wrapped object will also be wrapped and sanitized, unless the attribute is of a type found in __DONT_SANITIZE_TYPES__ + __DONT_WRAP_TYPES__, where e.g. ~(strings will still be sanitized, but not wrapped), and e.g. integers will have neither. """ __UNSANITIZED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME__ = "unsanitized" __NO_WRAP_NAMES__ = ["__safe_string_wrapper_function__", "__class__", __UNSANITIZED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME__] def __new__(cls, *arg, **kwd): # We need to define a __new__ since, we are subclassing from e.g. immutable str, which internally sets data # that will be used when other + this (this + other is handled by __add__) try: sanitized_value = sanitize_lists_to_string( arg[0], valid_characters=VALID_CHARACTERS, character_map=CHARACTER_MAP ) return super().__new__(cls, sanitized_value) except TypeError: # Class to be wrapped takes no parameters. # This is pefectly normal for mutable types. return super().__new__(cls)
[docs] def __init__(self, value, safe_string_wrapper_function=wrap_with_safe_string): self.unsanitized = value self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__ = safe_string_wrapper_function
def __str__(self): return sanitize_lists_to_string( self.unsanitized, valid_characters=VALID_CHARACTERS, character_map=CHARACTER_MAP ) def __repr__(self): return f"{sanitize_lists_to_string(self.__class__.__name__, valid_characters=VALID_CHARACTERS, character_map=CHARACTER_MAP)} object at {id(self):x} on: {sanitize_lists_to_string(repr(self.unsanitized), valid_characters=VALID_CHARACTERS, character_map=CHARACTER_MAP)}" def __lt__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.unsanitized < other def __le__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.unsanitized <= other def __eq__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.unsanitized == other def __ne__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.unsanitized != other def __gt__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.unsanitized > other def __ge__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.unsanitized >= other def __cmp__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return cmp(self.unsanitized, other) # Do not implement __rcmp__, python 2.2 < 2.6 def __hash__(self): return hash(self.unsanitized) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.unsanitized) __nonzero__ = __bool__ # Do not implement __unicode__, we will rely on __str__ def __getattr__(self, name): if name in SafeStringWrapper.__NO_WRAP_NAMES__: # FIXME: is this ever reached? return object.__getattribute__(self, name) return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(getattr(self.unsanitized, name)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): # A class mapped declaratively is a subclass of DeclarativeMeta. It will check at creation time # if self has _sa_instance_state set, and if not, it'll try to set it. This happens BEFORE self.__init__ # has been called, so self.unsanitized does not exists, which raises an AttributeError. # To avoid this, as well as to avoid SQLAlchemy state to be set on SafeStringWrapper, # we simply ignore this call. if isinstance(value, sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState): return if name in SafeStringWrapper.__NO_WRAP_NAMES__: return object.__setattr__(self, name, value) return setattr(self.unsanitized, name, value) def __delattr__(self, name): if name in SafeStringWrapper.__NO_WRAP_NAMES__: return object.__delattr__(self, name) return delattr(self.unsanitized, name) def __getattribute__(self, name): if name in SafeStringWrapper.__NO_WRAP_NAMES__: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(getattr(object.__getattribute__(self, "unsanitized"), name)) # Skip Descriptors # Skip __slots__ # Don't need to define a metaclass, we'll use the helper function to handle with subclassing for e.g. isinstance() # Revisit: # __instancecheck__ # __subclasscheck__ # We are using a helper class to create dynamic subclasses to handle class checks # We address __call__ as needed based upon unsanitized, through the use of a CallableSafeStringWrapper class def __len__(self): original_value = self.unsanitized while isinstance(original_value, SafeStringWrapper): original_value = self.unsanitized return len(self.unsanitized) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized[key]) def __setitem__(self, key, value): while isinstance(value, SafeStringWrapper): value = value.unsanitized self.unsanitized[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self.unsanitized[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(map(self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__, iter(self.unsanitized))) # Do not implement __reversed__ def __contains__(self, item): # FIXME: Do we need to consider if item is/isn't or does/doesn't contain SafeStringWrapper? # When considering e.g. nested lists/dicts/etc, this gets complicated while isinstance(item, SafeStringWrapper): item = item.unsanitized return item in self.unsanitized # Not sure that we need these slice methods, but will provide anyway def __getslice__(self, i, j): return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized[i:j]) def __setslice__(self, i, j, value): self.unsanitized[i:j] = value def __delslice__(self, i, j): del self.unsanitized[i:j] def __add__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized + other) def __sub__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized - other) def __mul__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized * other) def __floordiv__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized // other) def __mod__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized % other) def __divmod__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(divmod(self.unsanitized, other)) def __pow__(self, *other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(pow(self.unsanitized, *other)) def __lshift__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized << other) def __rshift__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized >> other) def __and__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized & other) def __xor__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized ^ other) def __or__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized | other) def __div__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized / other) def __truediv__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized / other) # The only reflected operand that we will define is __rpow__, due to coercion rules complications as per docs def __rpow__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(pow(other, self.unsanitized)) # Do not implement in-place operands def __neg__(self): return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(-self.unsanitized) def __pos__(self): return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(+self.unsanitized) def __abs__(self): return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(abs(self.unsanitized)) def __invert__(self): return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(~self.unsanitized) def __complex__(self): return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(complex(self.unsanitized)) def __int__(self): return int(self.unsanitized) def __float__(self): return float(self.unsanitized) def __oct__(self): return oct(self.unsanitized) def __hex__(self): return hex(self.unsanitized) def __index__(self): return self.unsanitized.index() def __coerce__(self, other): while isinstance(other, SafeStringWrapper): other = other.unsanitized return coerce(self.unsanitized, other) def __enter__(self): return self.unsanitized.__enter__() def __exit__(self, *args): return self.unsanitized.__exit__(*args)
[docs] class CallableSafeStringWrapper(SafeStringWrapper): def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): return self.__safe_string_wrapper_function__(self.unsanitized(*args, **kwds))
# Enable pickling/deepcopy
[docs] def pickle_SafeStringWrapper(safe_object): args = (safe_object.unsanitized,) cls = SafeStringWrapper if isinstance(safe_object, CallableSafeStringWrapper): cls = CallableSafeStringWrapper return (cls, args)
copyreg.pickle(SafeStringWrapper, pickle_SafeStringWrapper, wrap_with_safe_string) copyreg.pickle(CallableSafeStringWrapper, pickle_SafeStringWrapper, wrap_with_safe_string)