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Source code for galaxy.jobs.runners.util.env


[docs] def env_to_statement(env): """Return the abstraction description of an environment variable definition into a statement for shell script. >>> env_to_statement(dict(name='X', value='Y')) 'X="Y"; export X' >>> env_to_statement(dict(name='X', value='Y', raw=True)) 'X=Y; export X' >>> env_to_statement(dict(name='X', value='"A","B","C"')) 'X="\\\\"A\\\\",\\\\"B\\\\",\\\\"C\\\\""; export X' >>> env_to_statement(dict(file="Y")) '. "Y"' >>> env_to_statement(dict(file="'RAW $FILE'", raw=True)) ". 'RAW $FILE'" >>> # Source file takes precedence >>> env_to_statement(dict(name='X', value='"A","B","C"', file="S")) '. "S"' >>> env_to_statement(dict(execute="module load java/1.5.1")) 'module load java/1.5.1' """ if source_file := env.get("file", None): return f". {__escape(source_file, env)}" if execute := env.get("execute", None): return execute name = env["name"] value = __escape(env["value"], env) return f"{name}={value}; export {name}"
def __escape(value, env): raw = env.get("raw", RAW_VALUE_BY_DEFAULT) if not raw: value = '"' + value.replace('"', '\\"') + '"' return value