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Source code for galaxy.jobs.runners.util.cli.job.lsf

# A simple CLI runner for slurm that can be used when running Galaxy from a
# non-submit host and using a Slurm cluster.
from logging import getLogger
from os import path

from . import (
from ... import runner_states

log = getLogger(__name__)

argmap = {
    "memory": "-M",  # There is code in job_script_kwargs relying on this name's setting
    "cores": "-n",
    "queue": "-q",
    "working_dir": "-cwd",
    "project": "-P",

[docs] class LSF(BaseJobExec):
[docs] def job_script_kwargs(self, ofile, efile, job_name): scriptargs = {"-o": ofile, "-e": efile, "-J": job_name} # Map arguments using argmap. for k, v in self.params.items(): if k == "plugin" or k == "excluded_hosts": continue try: if k == "memory": # Memory requires both -m and -R rusage[mem=v] request scriptargs["-R"] = f'"rusage[mem={v}]"' if not k.startswith("-"): k = argmap[k] scriptargs[k] = v except Exception: log.warning(f"Unrecognized long argument passed to LSF CLI plugin: {k}") # Generated template. template_scriptargs = "" for k, v in scriptargs.items(): template_scriptargs += f"#BSUB {k} {v}\n" # Excluded hosts use the same -R option already in use for mem, so easier adding here. for host in self._get_excluded_hosts(): template_scriptargs += f"#BSUB -R \"select[hname!='{host}']\"\n" return dict(headers=template_scriptargs)
[docs] def submit(self, script_file): # bsub returns Job <9147983> is submitted to default queue <research-rh7>. # This should be really handled outside with something like # parse_external. Currently CLI runner expect this to just send it in the last position # of the string. return f"bsub <{script_file} | awk '{{ print $2}}' | sed 's/[<>]//g'"
[docs] def delete(self, job_id): return f"bkill {job_id}"
[docs] def get_status(self, job_ids=None): return 'bjobs -a -o "id stat" -noheader' # check this
[docs] def get_single_status(self, job_id): return f"bjobs -o stat -noheader {job_id}"
[docs] def parse_status(self, status, job_ids): # Get status for each job, skipping header. rval = {} for line in status.splitlines(): job_id, state = line.split() if job_id in job_ids: # map job states to Galaxy job states. rval[job_id] = self._get_job_state(state) return rval
[docs] def parse_single_status(self, status, job_id): if not status: # Job not found in LSF, most probably finished and forgotten. # lsf outputs: Job <num> is not found -- but that is on the stderr # Note: a very old failed job job will not be shown here either, # which would be badly handled here. So this only works well when Galaxy # is constantly monitoring the jobs. The logic here is that DONE jobs get forgotten # faster than failed jobs. log.warning(f"Job id '{job_id}' not found LSF status check") return job_states.OK return self._get_job_state(status)
[docs] def get_failure_reason(self, job_id): return f"bjobs -l {job_id}"
[docs] def parse_failure_reason(self, reason, job_id): # LSF will produce the following in the job output file: # TERM_MEMLIMIT: job killed after reaching LSF memory usage limit. # Exited with exit code 143. for line in reason.splitlines(): if "TERM_MEMLIMIT" in line: return runner_states.MEMORY_LIMIT_REACHED if "TERM_RUNLIMIT" in line: return runner_states.WALLTIME_REACHED return None
def _get_job_state(self, state: str) -> str: # based on: # https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSETD4_9.1.3/lsf_admin/job_state_lsf.html # https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSETD4_9.1.2/lsf_command_ref/bjobs.1.html try: return { "EXIT": job_states.ERROR, "RUN": job_states.RUNNING, "PEND": job_states.QUEUED, "DONE": job_states.OK, "PSUSP": job_states.ERROR, "USUSP": job_states.ERROR, "SSUSP": job_states.ERROR, "UNKWN": job_states.ERROR, "WAIT": job_states.QUEUED, "ZOMBI": job_states.ERROR, }[state] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Failed to map LSF status code [{state}] to job state.") def _get_excluded_hosts(self): """ Reads a file in the set path with one node name per line. All these nodes will be added to the exclusion list for execution. The path can be added to destinations like this: <destination id="lsf_8cpu_16GbRam" runner="cli"> <param id="shell_plugin">LocalShell</param> <param id="job_plugin">LSF</param> <param id="job_memory">16000</param> <param id="job_cores">7</param> <param id="job_excluded_hosts">/path/to/file/with/hosts/to/exclude/one/per/line.txt</param> </destination> :param pathExcludedNodes: :return: list with node names """ if "excluded_hosts" in self.params: path_excluded = self.params["excluded_hosts"] if path.isfile(path_excluded): with open(path_excluded) as f: return f.read().splitlines() return []
__all__ = ("LSF",)