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Source code for galaxy.datatypes.goldenpath

import abc
import logging
import os
from typing import (

from galaxy.datatypes.protocols import DatasetProtocol
from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import (
from .tabular import Tabular

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @build_sniff_from_prefix class GoldenPath(Tabular): """Class describing NCBI's Golden Path assembly format""" edam_format = "format_3693" file_ext = "agp"
[docs] def set_meta(self, dataset: DatasetProtocol, overwrite: bool = True, **kwd) -> None: # AGPFile reads and validates entire file. AGPFile(dataset.get_file_name()) super().set_meta(dataset, overwrite=overwrite, **kwd)
[docs] def sniff_prefix(self, file_prefix: FilePrefix) -> bool: """ Checks for and does cursory validation on data that looks like AGP >>> from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import get_test_fname >>> fname = get_test_fname('eg1.agp') >>> GoldenPath().sniff(fname) True >>> fname = get_test_fname('eg2.agp') >>> GoldenPath().sniff(fname) True >>> fname = get_test_fname('1.bed') >>> GoldenPath().sniff(fname) False >>> fname = get_test_fname('2.tabular') >>> GoldenPath().sniff(fname) False """ found_non_comment_lines = False try: for line in iter_headers(file_prefix, "\t", comment_designator="#"): if line: if len(line) != 9: return False assert line[4] in ["A", "D", "F", "G", "O", "P", "W", "N", "U"] ostensible_numbers = line[1:3] if line[4] in ["U", "N"]: ostensible_numbers.append(line[5]) assert line[6] in [ "scaffold", "contig", "centromere", "short_arm", "heterochromatin", "telomere", "repeat", ] assert line[7] in ["yes", "no"] assert line[8] in [ "na", "paired-ends", "align_genus", "align_xgenus", "align_trnscript", "within_clone", "clone_contig", "map", "strobe", "unspecified", ] else: ostensible_numbers.extend([line[6], line[7]]) assert line[8] in ["+", "-", "?", "0", "na"] if line[4] == "U": assert int(line[5]) == 100 assert all(str(x).isnumeric() and int(x) > 0 for x in ostensible_numbers) found_non_comment_lines = True except Exception: return False return found_non_comment_lines
[docs] class AGPError(Exception): """Exception raised for AGP related errors."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fname, line_number, message="Error in AGP file."): self.fname = fname self.line_number = line_number self.message = message self.report = f"\n\nFILE: {self.fname}\nLINE: {self.line_number}\nERROR: {self.message}" super().__init__(self.report)
def __repr__(self): return "AGPError"
[docs] class AGPFile: """ A class storing the contents of an AGP v2.1 file. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/agp/AGP_Specification/ The class is able to read new AGP lines in order to sequentially build the complete file. The class should be capable of checking the validity of the file, as well as writing the AGP contents to a file stream. Common abbreviations: "comp": AGP component "obj": AGP object "pid": AGP part number """
[docs] def __init__(self, in_file): self._agp_version = "2.1" self._fname = os.path.abspath(in_file) # Store comment and AGP lines separately. self._comment_lines = [] self._objects = [] # Store info enabling us to keep track of the state of the AGP file self._current_obj = None self._seen_objs = set() # Read the contents of the AGP file self._read_file()
def _read_file(self): """ Read the agp file associated with this instance of the class. If that file doesn't exist yet, proceed without reading anything. When reading, check the validity of individual AGP lines. """ if not os.path.isfile(self.fname): return # The AGP file exists. Initialize everything. self._comment_lines = [] self._objects = [] self._current_obj = None self._seen_objs = set() line_number = 0 in_body = False with open(self.fname) as f: for line in f: line_number += 1 line = line.rstrip("\n") if line.startswith("#"): if not in_body: self._comment_lines.append(line) else: raise AGPError(self.fname, line_number, "illegal comment in AGP body") continue # In a valid AGP file, we should no longer see comment lines in_body = True fields = line.split("\t") # There should be exactly 9 tab delimited fields if not len(fields) == 9: raise AGPError(self.fname, line_number, "detected more than 9 tab delimited fields") # All fields should have a value if not all(fields): raise AGPError(self.fname, line_number, "detected an empty field") agp_line: Union[AGPGapLine, AGPSeqLine] # Instantiate all the AGPLine objects. These will do line-specific validations. if fields[4] == "N" or fields[4] == "U": agp_line = AGPGapLine(self.fname, line_number, *fields) else: agp_line = AGPSeqLine(self.fname, line_number, *fields) self._add_line(agp_line) def _add_line(self, agp_line): # Perform validity checks if this is a new object if agp_line.obj != self._current_obj: # Check if we have already seen this object before if agp_line.obj in self._seen_objs: raise AGPError(self.fname, agp_line.line_number, "object identifier out of order") # Add the new object to our master list agp_obj = AGPObject(self.fname, agp_line) self._objects.append(agp_obj) # Initialize all the info for this new object self._current_obj = agp_obj.obj self._seen_objs.add(agp_obj.obj) else: self._objects[-1].add_line(agp_line) @property def agp_version(self): return self._agp_version @property def fname(self): return self._fname @property def num_lines(self): """Calculate the number of lines in the current state of the AGP file.""" return len(self._comment_lines) + sum(obj.num_lines for obj in self._objects)
[docs] def iterate_objs(self): """Iterate over the objects of the AGP file.""" yield from self._objects
[docs] def iterate_lines(self): """Iterate over the non-comment lines of AGP file.""" for obj in self.iterate_objs(): yield from obj.iterate_lines()
[docs] class AGPObject: """ Represents an AGP object. Objects will consist of AGP lines, and have to adhere to certain rules. By organizing AGP lines into the objects that they comprise, we can easily calculate stats about the assembly (the collection of objects). """
[docs] def __init__(self, agp_fname, in_agp_line): if not isinstance(in_agp_line, AGPLine): raise TypeError("in_agp_line must be an instance of 'AGPLine'") # The object is defined by the object identifier and a list of AGP lines self.fname = agp_fname self._obj = in_agp_line.obj self._agp_lines = [] # Store info enabling us to keep track of the state of the object self.previous_pid = 0 self.obj_intervals = [] # Stores intervals as 0-indexed # Perform checks to ensure the object is properly initialized if not in_agp_line.obj_beg == 1: raise AGPError(self.fname, in_agp_line.line_number, "the first object coordinates should start with '1'") if not in_agp_line.pid == 1: raise AGPError(self.fname, in_agp_line.line_number, "all objects should start with a 'part_number' of '1'") # If we have passed the initialization tests, add this line like any other self.add_line(in_agp_line)
def __str__(self): return "\n".join(str(i) for i in self._agp_lines) def __repr__(self): return f"AGP Object: {self.obj}" def __iter__(self): for line in self._agp_lines: yield dict(line) @property def obj(self): return self._obj @property def obj_len(self): return int(self.obj_intervals[-1][1]) @property def num_lines(self): return len(self._agp_lines)
[docs] def add_line(self, agp_line): # Perform validity checks if this is a new object if agp_line.obj != self.obj: raise AGPError(self.fname, agp_line, f"cannot add line from object {agp_line.obj} to object {self.obj}") # Check that our PID is sequential if agp_line.pid - self.previous_pid != 1: raise AGPError(self.fname, agp_line.line_number, "non-sequential part_numbers") # Check that the object intervals are sequential if self.obj_intervals: if self.obj_intervals[-1][1] != agp_line.obj_beg - 1: raise AGPError( self.fname, agp_line.line_number, f"some positions in {agp_line.obj} are not accounted for or overlapping", ) self.previous_pid = agp_line.pid self.obj_intervals.append((agp_line.obj_beg - 1, agp_line.obj_end)) self._agp_lines.append(agp_line)
[docs] def iterate_lines(self): yield from self._agp_lines
[docs] class AGPLine(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ An abstract base class representing a single AGP file line. Inheriting subclasses should override or implement new methods to check the validity of a single AFP line. Validity checks that involve multiple lines should not be considered. """ allowed_comp_types: Set[str] = set()
[docs] def __init__(self, fname, line_number, obj, obj_beg, obj_end, pid, comp_type): self.is_gap = None # File info self.fname = fname self.line_number = line_number # Object info self.obj = obj self.obj_beg = obj_beg self.obj_end = obj_end self.pid = pid self.comp_type = comp_type self._validate_numerics() self._validate_strings() self._validate_obj_coords() self._validate_component_type() self._validate_line()
@abc.abstractmethod def __str__(self): """Return the tab delimited AGP line""" @abc.abstractmethod def __iter__(self): """Return the AGP line's iterator""" @abc.abstractmethod def _validate_numerics(self): """Ensure all numeric fields and positive integers.""" @abc.abstractmethod def _validate_strings(self): """Ensure all text fields are strings.""" def _validate_obj_coords(self): if self.obj_beg > self.obj_end: raise AGPError( self.fname, self.line_number, f"object_beg ({self.obj_beg}) must be <= object_end ({self.obj_end})" ) def _validate_component_type(self): if self.comp_type not in self.allowed_comp_types: raise AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, f"invalid component type: {self.comp_type}") @abc.abstractmethod def _validate_line(self): """Final remaining validations specific to the gap or sequence AGP lines."""
[docs] class AGPSeqLine(AGPLine): """ A subclass of AGPLine specifically for AGP lines that represent sequences. """ allowed_comp_types = {"A", "D", "F", "G", "O", "P", "W"} allowed_orientations = {"+", "-", "?", "0", "na"}
[docs] def __init__( self, fname, line_number, obj, obj_beg, obj_end, pid, comp_type, comp, comp_beg, comp_end, orientation ): self.comp = comp self.comp_beg = comp_beg self.comp_end = comp_end self.orientation = orientation # Set the object attributes and perform superclass-defined validations super().__init__(fname, line_number, obj, obj_beg, obj_end, pid, comp_type) self.is_gap = False self.seqdict = dict( obj=str(self.obj), obj_beg=int(self.obj_beg), obj_end=int(self.obj_end), pid=int(self.pid), comp_type=str(self.comp_type), comp=str(self.comp), comp_beg=int(self.comp_beg), comp_end=int(self.comp_end), orientation=str(self.orientation), )
def __str__(self): return "\t".join( [ self.obj, str(self.obj_beg), str(self.obj_end), str(self.pid), self.comp_type, self.comp, str(self.comp_beg), str(self.comp_end), self.orientation, ] ) def __iter__(self): for key in self.seqdict: yield str(key), self.seqdict[key] def _validate_numerics(self): # Convert all numeric types to integers try: self.line_number = int(self.line_number) self.obj_beg = int(self.obj_beg) self.obj_end = int(self.obj_end) self.pid = int(self.pid) self.comp_beg = int(self.comp_beg) self.comp_end = int(self.comp_end) except TypeError: raise AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, "encountered an invalid non-integer numeric AGP field") # Ensure that all numeric values are positive if not all([self.obj_beg > 0, self.obj_end > 0, self.pid > 0, self.comp_beg > 0, self.comp_end > 0]): raise AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, "encountered an invalid zero or negative numeric AGP field.") # Check the coordinates if self.comp_beg > self.comp_end: raise AGPError( self.fname, self.line_number, f"component_beg ({self.comp_beg}) must be <= component_end ({self.comp_end})", ) if self.obj_end - (self.obj_beg - 1) != self.comp_end - (self.comp_beg - 1): raise AGPError( self.fname, self.line_number, f"object coordinates ({self.obj_beg}, {self.obj_end}) and component coordinates ({self.comp_beg}, {self.comp_end}) do not have the same length", ) def _validate_strings(self): try: self.obj = str(self.obj) self.comp_type = str(self.comp_type) self.comp = str(self.comp) self.orientation = str(self.orientation) except TypeError: raise AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, "encountered an invalid type for an AGP text field") def _validate_line(self): if self.orientation not in AGPSeqLine.allowed_orientations: raise AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, f"invalid orientation: {self.orientation}")
[docs] class AGPGapLine(AGPLine): """ A subclass of AGPLine specifically for AGP lines that represent sequence gaps. """ allowed_comp_types = {"N", "U"} allowed_linkage_types = {"yes", "no"} allowed_gap_types = { "scaffold", "contig", "centromere", "short_arm", "heterochromatin", "telomere", "repeat", "contamination", } allowed_evidence_types = { "na", "paired-ends", "align_genus", "align_xgenus", "align_trnscpt", "within_clone", "clone_contig", "map", "pcr", "proximity_ligation", "strobe", "unspecified", }
[docs] def __init__( self, fname, line_number, obj, obj_beg, obj_end, pid, comp_type, gap_len, gap_type, linkage, linkage_evidence ): self.gap_len = gap_len self.gap_type = gap_type self.linkage = linkage self.linkage_evidence = linkage_evidence # Set the object attributes and perform superclass-defined validations super().__init__(fname, line_number, obj, obj_beg, obj_end, pid, comp_type) self.is_gap = True self.gapdict = dict( obj=str(self.obj), obj_beg=int(self.obj_beg), obj_end=int(self.obj_end), pid=int(self.pid), comp_type=str(self.comp_type), gap_len=int(self.gap_len), gap_type=str(self.gap_type), linkage=str(self.linkage), linkage_evidence=str(self.linkage_evidence), )
def __str__(self): return "\t".join( [ self.obj, str(self.obj_beg), str(self.obj_end), str(self.pid), self.comp_type, str(self.gap_len), self.gap_type, self.linkage, self.linkage_evidence, ] ) def __iter__(self): for key in self.gapdict: yield str(key), self.gapdict[key] def _validate_numerics(self): # Convert all numeric types to integers try: self.line_number = int(self.line_number) self.obj_beg = int(self.obj_beg) self.obj_end = int(self.obj_end) self.pid = int(self.pid) self.gap_len = int(self.gap_len) except TypeError: raise AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, "encountered an invalid non-integer numeric AGP field") # Ensure that all numeric values are positive if not all([self.obj_beg > 0, self.obj_end > 0, self.pid > 0, self.gap_len > 0]): raise AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, "encountered an invalid negative numeric AGP field") # Make sure the coordinates match if self.obj_end - (self.obj_beg - 1) != self.gap_len: raise AGPError( self.fname, self.line_number, f"object coordinates ({self.obj_beg}, {self.obj_end}) and gap length ({self.gap_len}) are not the same length", ) def _validate_strings(self): try: self.obj = str(self.obj) self.comp_type = str(self.comp_type) self.gap_type = str(self.gap_type) self.linkage = str(self.linkage) self.linkage_evidence = str(self.linkage_evidence) except TypeError: raise AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, "encountered an invalid type for an AGP text field") def _validate_line(self): """Validation specific to AGP gap lines.""" if self.comp_type == "U" and self.gap_len != 100: raise AGPError( self.fname, self.line_number, f"invalid gap length for component type 'U': {self.gap_len} (should be 100)", ) if self.gap_type not in AGPGapLine.allowed_gap_types: raise AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, f"invalid gap type: {self.gap_type}") if self.linkage not in AGPGapLine.allowed_linkage_types: raise AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, f"invalid linkage field: {self.linkage}") all_evidence = self.linkage_evidence.split(";") for e in all_evidence: if e not in AGPGapLine.allowed_evidence_types: raise AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, f"invalid linkage evidence: {e}") if self.linkage == "no": if self.gap_type == "scaffold": raise AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, "invalid 'scaffold' gap without linkage evidence") if self.linkage_evidence != "na": raise AGPError( self.fname, self.line_number, f"linkage evidence must be 'na' when not asserting linkage. Got {self.linkage_evidence}", ) else: if "na" in all_evidence: log.warning( AGPError(self.fname, self.line_number, "'na' is invalid linkage evidence when asserting linkage") )