
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.config.config_manage

import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from argparse import (
from io import StringIO
from textwrap import TextWrapper
from typing import (

import yaml
from boltons.iterutils import remap

    from gravity.util import settings_to_sample
except ImportError:
    settings_to_sample = None

    from pykwalify.core import Core
except ImportError:
    Core = None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir)))

from galaxy.config import (
from galaxy.config.schema import AppSchema
from galaxy.util import safe_makedirs
from galaxy.util.properties import (
from galaxy.util.resources import Traversable
from galaxy.util.yaml_util import (

DESCRIPTION = "Convert configuration files."

APP_DESCRIPTION = """Application to target for operation (i.e. galaxy, tool_shed, or reports))"""
DRY_RUN_DESCRIPTION = """If this action modifies files, just print what would be the result and continue."""
UNKNOWN_OPTION_MESSAGE = "Option [%s] not found in schema - either it is invalid or the Galaxy team hasn't documented it. If invalid, you should manually remove it. If the option is valid but undocumented, please file an issue with the Galaxy team."
NO_APP_MAIN_MESSAGE = "No app:main section found, using application defaults throughout."
    initial_indent="# ", subsequent_indent="# ", break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False
    initial_indent="    ", subsequent_indent="    ", break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False

[docs]class App(NamedTuple): config_paths: List[str] default_port: str expected_app_factories: List[str] destination: str schema_path: Traversable @property def app_name(self) -> str: return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.destination))[0] @property def sample_destination(self) -> str: return self.destination + ".sample" @property def schema(self) -> AppSchema: return AppSchema(self.schema_path, self.app_name)
class _OptionAction: def converted(self, args: Namespace, app_desc: App, key: str, value: Any) -> Tuple[str, Any]: raise NotImplementedError() def lint(self, args: Namespace, app_desc: App, key: str, value: Any) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() class _DeprecatedAction(_OptionAction): def lint(self, args, app_desc, key, value): print(f"Option [{key}] has been deprecated, this will likely be dropped in future releases of Galaxy.") class _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(_OptionAction): def converted(self, args, app_desc, key, value): print(f"Option [{key}] has been deprecated and dropped. It is not included in converted configuration.") return key, DROP_OPTION_VALUE def lint(self, args, app_desc, key, value): print(f"Option [{key}] has been deprecated. Option should be dropped without replacement.") class _PasteAppFactoryAction(_OptionAction): def converted(self, args, app_desc, key, value): if value not in app_desc.expected_app_factories: raise Exception(f"Ending convert process - unknown paste factory encountered [{value}]") return key, DROP_OPTION_VALUE def lint(self, args, app_desc, key, value): if value not in app_desc.expected_app_factories: print(f"Problem - unknown paste app factory encountered [{value}]") class _ProductionUnsafe(_OptionAction): def __init__(self, unsafe_value: Any) -> None: self.unsafe_value = unsafe_value def lint(self, args, app_desc, key, value): if str(value).lower() == str(self.unsafe_value).lower(): print(f"Problem - option [{key}] should not be set to [{value}] in production environments - it is unsafe.") class _ProductionPerformance(_OptionAction): def lint(self, args, app_desc, key, value): print( f"Problem - option [{key}] should not be set to [{value}] in production environments - it may cause performance issues or instability." ) class _HandleFilterWithAction(_OptionAction): def converted(self, args, app_desc, key, value): print("filter-with converted to prefixed module load of uwsgi module, dropping from converted configuration") return key, DROP_OPTION_VALUE class _RenameAction(_OptionAction): def __init__(self, new_name: str) -> None: self.new_name = new_name def converted(self, args, app_desc, key, value): return self.new_name, value def lint(self, args, app_desc, key, value) -> None: print( f"Problem - option [{key}] has been renamed (possibly with slightly different behavior) to [{self.new_name}]." ) OPTION_ACTIONS: Dict[str, _OptionAction] = { "use_beaker_session": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "use_interactive": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "session_type": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "session_data_dir": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "session_key": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "session_secret": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "paste.app_factory": _PasteAppFactoryAction(), "filter-with": _HandleFilterWithAction(), "debug": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "serve_xss_vulnerable_mimetypes": _ProductionUnsafe(True), "use_printdebug": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "use_lint": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "use_profile": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "id_secret": _ProductionUnsafe("USING THE DEFAULT IS NOT SECURE!"), "master_api_key": _RenameAction("bootstrap_admin_api_key"), "bootstrap_admin_api_key": _ProductionUnsafe("changethis"), "external_service_type_config_file": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "external_service_type_path": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "enable_sequencer_communication": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "run_workflow_toolform_upgrade": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), # Next 4 were from library search which is no longer available. "enable_lucene_library_search": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "fulltext_max_size": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "fulltext_noindex_filetypes": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "fulltext_url": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "enable_beta_job_managers": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "enable_legacy_sample_tracking_api": _DeprecatedAction(), "enable_new_user_preferences": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "force_beta_workflow_scheduled_for_collections": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "force_beta_workflow_scheduled_min_steps": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "history_local_serial_workflow_scheduling": _ProductionPerformance(), "allow_library_path_paste": _RenameAction("allow_path_paste"), "trust_ipython_notebook_conversion": _RenameAction("trust_jupyter_notebook_conversion"), "enable_beta_tool_command_isolation": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "enable_beta_ts_api_install": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "single_user": _ProductionUnsafe(True), "tool_submission_burst_threads": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "tool_submission_burst_at": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "toolform_upgrade": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "enable_beta_mulled_containers": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "enable_communication_server": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "communication_server_host": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "communication_server_port": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "persistent_communication_rooms": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "legacy_eager_objectstore_initialization": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "enable_openid": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "openid_consumer_cache_path": _DeprecatedAndDroppedAction(), "ga4gh_service_organization_name": _RenameAction("organization_name"), "ga4gh_service_organization_url": _RenameAction("organization_url"), }
[docs]class OptionValue(NamedTuple): name: str value: Any option: Dict[str, Any]
GALAXY_APP = App( ["universe_wsgi.ini", "config/galaxy.ini"], "8080", ["galaxy.web.buildapp:app_factory"], "config/galaxy.yml", GALAXY_CONFIG_SCHEMA_PATH, ) SHED_APP = App( ["tool_shed_wsgi.ini", "config/tool_shed.ini"], "9009", ["tool_shed.webapp.buildapp:app_factory"], "config/tool_shed.yml", TOOL_SHED_CONFIG_SCHEMA_PATH, ) REPORTS_APP = App( ["reports_wsgi.ini", "config/reports.ini"], "9001", ["galaxy.webapps.reports.buildapp:app_factory"], "config/reports.yml", REPORTS_CONFIG_SCHEMA_PATH, ) APPS = {"galaxy": GALAXY_APP, "tool_shed": SHED_APP, "reports": REPORTS_APP}
[docs]def main(argv: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: """Entry point for conversion process.""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] parser = ArgumentParser(description=DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("action", metavar="ACTION", type=str, choices=list(ACTIONS.keys()), help="action to perform") parser.add_argument("app", metavar="APP", type=str, nargs="?", help=APP_DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("--add-comments", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--dry-run", default=False, action="store_true", help=DRY_RUN_DESCRIPTION) parser.add_argument("--galaxy_root", default=".", type=str) args = parser.parse_args(argv) app_name = args.app app_desc = APPS[app_name] action = args.action action_func = ACTIONS[action] action_func(args, app_desc)
def _to_rst(args: Namespace, app_desc: App) -> None: rst = StringIO() schema = app_desc.schema for key, value in schema.app_schema.items(): default = None if "default" not in value else value["default"] if default is True: default = "true" elif default is False: default = "false" option = schema.get_app_option(key) option_value = OptionValue(key, default, option) _write_option_rst(args, rst, key, "~", option_value) print(rst.getvalue()) def _write_option_rst(args: Namespace, rst: StringIO, key: str, heading_level: str, option_value: OptionValue) -> None: title = f"``{key}``" heading = heading_level * len(title) rst.write(f"{heading}\n{title}\n{heading}\n\n") option, value = _parse_option_value(option_value) desc = _get_option_desc(option) rst.write(":Description:\n") # Wrap and indent desc, replacing whitespaces with a space, except # for double newlines which are replaced with a single newline. rst.write("\n".join("\n".join(RST_DESCRIPTION_WRAPPER.wrap(_)) for _ in desc.split("\n\n")) + "\n") type = option.get("type", None) default = option.get("default", "*null*") if default is True: default = "true" elif default is False: default = "false" elif default == "": default = '""' rst.write(f":Default: ``{default}``\n") if type: rst.write(f":Type: {type}\n") rst.write("\n\n") def _find_config(args: Namespace, app_desc: App) -> str: path = os.path.join(args.galaxy_root, app_desc.destination) if not os.path.exists(path): path = "" for possible_ini_config_rel in app_desc.config_paths: possible_ini_config = os.path.join(args.galaxy_root, possible_ini_config_rel) if os.path.exists(possible_ini_config): path = possible_ini_config if path: print(f"Found config file {path}") else: path = os.path.join(args.galaxy_root, app_desc.sample_destination) _warn(f"Config file not found, using sample {path}") return path def _find_app_options(app_desc: App, path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Load app (as opposed to server) options from specified path. Supplied ``path`` may be either YAML or ini file. """ if _is_ini(path): p = nice_config_parser(path) app_items = _find_app_options_from_config_parser(p) else: raw_config = _order_load_path(path) app_items = raw_config.get(app_desc.app_name) or {} return app_items def _find_app_options_from_config_parser(p: NicerConfigParser) -> Dict[str, Any]: if not p.has_section("app:main"): _warn(NO_APP_MAIN_MESSAGE) app_items = {} else: app_items = dict(p.items("app:main")) return app_items def _lint(args: Namespace, app_desc: App) -> None: path = _find_config(args, app_desc) if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception(f"Expected configuration file [{path}] not found.") app_items = _find_app_options(app_desc, path) for key, value in app_items.items(): option_action = OPTION_ACTIONS.get(key) if option_action is not None: option_action.lint(args, app_desc, key, value) def _validate(args: Namespace, app_desc: App) -> None: if Core is None: raise Exception("Cannot validate file, pykwalify is not installed.") path = _find_config(args, app_desc) # Allow empty mapping (not allowed by pykwalify) raw_config = _order_load_path(path) # Drop top-level keys (e.g. "gravity") except for app_desc.app_name raw_config = {app_desc.app_name: raw_config.get(app_desc.app_name) or {}} # Rewrite the file any way to merge any duplicate keys with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", delete=False, suffix=".yml") as config_p: ordered_dump(raw_config, config_p) def _clean(p: Tuple[str, ...], k: str, v: Any) -> bool: return k not in ["reloadable", "path_resolves_to", "per_host", "deprecated_alias", "resolves_to"] clean_schema = remap(app_desc.schema.raw_schema, _clean) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", suffix=".yml") as fp: ordered_dump(clean_schema, fp) fp.flush() c = Core( source_file=config_p.name, schema_files=[fp.name], ) os.remove(config_p.name) c.validate() def _run_conversion(args: Namespace, app_desc: App) -> None: ini_config = _find_config(args, app_desc) if ini_config and not _is_ini(ini_config): _warn(f"Cannot convert YAML file {ini_config}, this option is only for ini config files.") sys.exit(1) elif not ini_config: _warn("Failed to find a config to convert - exiting without changes.") sys.exit(1) p = nice_config_parser(ini_config) app_items = _find_app_options_from_config_parser(p) app_dict: Dict[str, OptionValue] = {} schema = app_desc.schema for key, value in app_items.items(): if key in ["__file__", "here"]: continue option_action = OPTION_ACTIONS.get(key) if option_action: key, value = option_action.converted(args, app_desc, key, value) if value is DROP_OPTION_VALUE: continue option = schema.get_app_option(key) if option["unknown_option"]: _warn(UNKNOWN_OPTION_MESSAGE % key) option_value = OptionValue(key, value, option) app_dict[key] = option_value f = StringIO() _write_section(args, f, app_desc.app_name, app_dict) destination = os.path.join(args.galaxy_root, app_desc.destination) _replace_file(args, f, app_desc, ini_config, destination) def _is_ini(path: str) -> bool: return path.endswith(".ini") or path.endswith(".ini.sample") def _replace_file(args: Namespace, f: StringIO, app_desc: App, from_path: str, to_path: str) -> None: _write_to_file(args, f, to_path) backup_path = f"{from_path}.backup" print(f"Moving [{from_path}] to [{backup_path}]") if args.dry_run: print("... skipping because --dry-run is enabled.") else: shutil.move(from_path, backup_path) def _build_sample_yaml(args: Namespace, app_desc: App) -> None: schema = app_desc.schema f = StringIO() if description := getattr(schema, "description", None): description = description.lstrip() as_comment = "\n".join(f"# {line}" for line in description.split("\n")) + "\n" f.write(as_comment) if app_desc.app_name == "galaxy": if settings_to_sample is None: raise Exception("Please install gravity to rebuild the sample config") f.write(settings_to_sample()) _write_sample_section(args, f, app_desc.app_name, schema) destination = os.path.join(args.galaxy_root, app_desc.sample_destination) _write_to_file(args, f, destination) def _write_to_file(args: Namespace, f: StringIO, path: str) -> None: contents = f.getvalue() if args.dry_run: contents_indented = "\n".join(f" |{line}" for line in contents.splitlines()) print(f"Overwriting {path} with the following contents:\n{contents_indented}") print("... skipping because --dry-run is enabled.") else: print(f"Overwriting {path}") safe_makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) with open(path, "w") as to_f: to_f.write(contents) def _order_load_path(path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Load (with ``_ordered_load``) on specified path (a YAML file).""" with open(path) as f: # Allow empty mapping (not allowed by pykwalify) raw_config = ordered_load(f) return raw_config def _write_sample_section(args: Namespace, f: StringIO, section_header: str, schema: AppSchema) -> None: _write_header(f, section_header) for key, value in schema.app_schema.items(): default = None if "default" not in value else value["default"] option = schema.get_app_option(key) option_value = OptionValue(key, default, option) key = option.get("key", key) _write_option(args, f, key, option_value, as_comment=True) def _write_section(args: Namespace, f: StringIO, section_header: str, section_dict: Dict[str, OptionValue]) -> None: _write_header(f, section_header) for key, option_value in section_dict.items(): _write_option(args, f, key, option_value) def _write_header(f: StringIO, section_header: str) -> None: f.write(f"{section_header}:\n\n") def _write_option(args: Namespace, f: StringIO, key: str, option_value: OptionValue, as_comment: bool = False) -> None: option, value = _parse_option_value(option_value) desc = _get_option_desc(option) comment = "" if desc and args.add_comments: # Wrap and comment desc, replacing whitespaces with a space, except # for double newlines which are replaced with a single newline. comment += "\n".join("\n".join(YAML_COMMENT_WRAPPER.wrap(_)) for _ in desc.split("\n\n")) + "\n" key_val_str = yaml.dump({key: value}, width=sys.maxsize).lstrip("{").rstrip("\n}") if as_comment: # key_val_str can span multiple lines, e.g. if value is a dict key_val_str = "\n".join(f"#{row}" for row in key_val_str.split("\n")) lines = f"{comment}{key_val_str}" lines_indented = "\n".join(f" {line}" for line in lines.split("\n")) f.write(f"{lines_indented}\n\n") def _parse_option_value(option_value: OptionValue) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Any]: option = option_value.option value = option_value.value # Hack to get nicer YAML values during conversion if option.get("type", "str") == "bool": value = str(value).lower() == "true" elif option.get("type", "str") == "int": if value is None: raise Exception(f"Failed to parse value for {option}, expected int got None") value = int(value) return option, value def _warn(message: str) -> None: print(f"WARNING: {message}") def _get_option_desc(option: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: desc = option["desc"] if parent_dir := option.get("path_resolves_to"): path_resolves = f"The value of this option will be resolved with respect to <{parent_dir}>." return f"{desc}\n{path_resolves}" if desc else path_resolves return desc ACTIONS: Dict[str, Callable] = { "convert": _run_conversion, "build_sample_yaml": _build_sample_yaml, "validate": _validate, "lint": _lint, "build_rst": _to_rst, } if __name__ == "__main__": main()