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Source code for galaxy.authnz
Contains implementations for authentication and authorization against an
OpenID Connect (OIDC) Identity Provider (IdP).
This package follows "authorization code flow" authentication protocol to authenticate
Galaxy users against third-party identity providers.
Additionally, this package implements functionalist's to request temporary access
credentials for cloud-based resource providers (e.g., Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure).
class IdentityProvider:
OpenID Connect Identity Provider abstract interface.
def __init__(self, provider, config, backend_config):
Initialize the identity provider using the provided configuration,
and raise a ParseError (or any more related specific exception) in
case the configuration is malformed.
:type provider: string
:param provider: is the name of the identity provider (e.g., Google).
:type config: lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element
:param config: Is the configuration element of the provider
from the configuration file (e.g., oidc_config.xml).
This element contains the all the provider-specific
configuration elements.
:type backend_config: lxml.etree.ElementTree._Element
:param backend_config:
Is the configuration element of the backend of
the provider from the configuration file (e.g.,
oidc_backends_config.xml). This element contains all the
backend-specific configuration elements.
raise NotImplementedError()
def authenticate(self, trans, idphint=None):
"""Runs for authentication process. Checks the database if a
valid identity exists in the database; if yes, then the user
is authenticated, if not, it generates a provider-specific
authentication flow and returns redirect URI to the controller.
:type trans: GalaxyWebTransaction
:param trans: Galaxy web transaction.
:returns: a redirect URI to the provider's authentication endpoint
raise NotImplementedError()
def callback(self, state_token: str, authz_code: str, trans, login_redirect_url):
"""Handles authentication call-backs from identity providers.
This process maps `state-token` to a user.
:param state_token: is an anti-forgery token which identifies
a Galaxy user to whom the given authorization code belongs to.
:param authz_code: a very short-lived, single-use token to
request a refresh token.
:type trans: GalaxyWebTransaction
:param trans: Galaxy web transaction.
:rtype: tuple
:returns: a tuple of redirect_url and user.
raise NotImplementedError()
def disconnect(self, provider, trans, disconnect_redirect_url=None, email=None, association_id=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def logout(self, trans, post_user_logout_href=None):
Return a URL that will log the user out of the IDP. In OIDC this is
called the 'end_session_endpoint'.
:type trans: GalaxyWebTransaction
:param trans: Galaxy web transaction.
:type post_user_logout_href: string
:param post_user_logout_href: Optional URL to redirect to after logging out of IDP.
raise NotImplementedError()
def decode_user_access_token(self, sa_session, access_token):
Verifies and decodes an access token against this provider, returning the user and
a dict containing the decoded token data.
:type sa_session: sqlalchemy.orm.scoping.scoped_session
:param sa_session: SQLAlchemy database handle.
:type access_token: string
:param access_token: An OIDC access token
:return: A tuple containing the user and decoded jwt data
:rtype: Tuple[User, dict]
raise NotImplementedError()