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Source code for galaxy.tool_util.verify.asserts.xml

import re

from galaxy.util import (

# Helper functions used to work with XML output.
[docs]def to_xml(output): return parse_xml_string(output)
[docs]def xml_find_text(output, path): xml = to_xml(output) text = xml.findtext(path) return text
[docs]def xml_find(output, path): xml = to_xml(output) return xml.find(path)
[docs]def assert_is_valid_xml(output): """ Simple assertion that just verifies the specified output is valid XML.""" try: to_xml(output) except Exception as e: # TODO: Narrow caught exception to just parsing failure raise AssertionError("Expected valid XML, but could not parse output. %s" % unicodify(e))
[docs]def assert_has_element_with_path(output, path): """ Asserts the specified output has at least one XML element with a path matching the specified path argument. Valid paths are the simplified subsets of XPath implemented by lxml.etree; http://effbot.org/zone/element-xpath.htm for more information.""" if xml_find(output, path) is None: errmsg = "Expected to find XML element matching expression %s, not such match was found." % path raise AssertionError(errmsg)
[docs]def assert_has_n_elements_with_path(output, path, n): """ Asserts the specified output has exactly n elements matching the path specified.""" xml = to_xml(output) n = int(n) num_elements = len(xml.findall(path)) if num_elements != n: errmsg = "Expected to find %d elements with path %s, but %d were found." % (n, path, num_elements) raise AssertionError(errmsg)
[docs]def assert_element_text_matches(output, path, expression): """ Asserts the text of the first element matching the specified path matches the specified regular expression.""" text = xml_find_text(output, path) if re.match(expression, text) is None: errmsg = f"Expected element with path '{path}' to contain text matching '{expression}', instead text '{text}' was found." raise AssertionError(errmsg)
[docs]def assert_element_text_is(output, path, text): """ Asserts the text of the first element matching the specified path matches exactly the specified text. """ assert_element_text_matches(output, path, re.escape(text))
[docs]def assert_attribute_matches(output, path, attribute, expression): """ Asserts the specified attribute of the first element matching the specified path matches the specified regular expression.""" xml = xml_find(output, path) attribute_value = xml.attrib[attribute] if re.match(expression, attribute_value) is None: errmsg = f"Expected attribute '{attribute}' on element with path '{path}' to match '{expression}', instead attribute value was '{attribute_value}'." raise AssertionError(errmsg)
[docs]def assert_attribute_is(output, path, attribute, text): """ Asserts the specified attribute of the first element matching the specified path matches exactly the specified text.""" assert_attribute_matches(output, path, attribute, re.escape(text))
[docs]def assert_element_text(output, path, verify_assertions_function, children): """ Recursively checks the specified assertions against the text of the first element matching the specified path.""" text = xml_find_text(output, path) verify_assertions_function(text, children)