
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.tool_util.deps.mulled.mulled_build_channel

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Build a mulled images for all recent conda recipe updates that don't have existing images.


Build mulled images for recent bioconda changes with:

    mulled-build-channel build

Build, test, and publish images with the follow command:

    mulled-build-channel all

See recent changes that would be built with:

    mulled-build-channel list


import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time

import requests

from ._cli import arg_parser
from .mulled_build import (
from .util import quay_versions, version_sorted

def _fetch_repo_data(args):
    repo_data = args.repo_data
    channel = args.channel
    if not os.path.exists(repo_data):
        platform_tag = 'osx-64' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else 'linux-64'
            'wget', '--quiet', f'https://conda.anaconda.org/{channel}/{platform_tag}/repodata.json.bz2',
            '-O', '%s.bz2' % repo_data
            'bzip2', '-d', '%s.bz2' % repo_data
    return repo_data

def _new_versions(quay, conda):
    """Calculate the versions that are in conda but not on quay.io."""
    sconda = set(conda)
    squay = set(quay) if quay else set()
    return sconda - squay  # sconda.symmetric_difference(squay)

def run_channel(args, build_last_n_versions=1):
    """Build list of involucro commands (as shell snippet) to run."""
    session = requests.session()
    for pkg_name, pkg_tests in get_affected_packages(args):
        repo_data = _fetch_repo_data(args)
        c = conda_versions(pkg_name, repo_data)
        # only package the most recent N versions
        c = version_sorted(c)[:build_last_n_versions]

        if not args.force_rebuild:
            q = quay_versions(args.namespace, pkg_name, session)
            versions = _new_versions(q, c)
            versions = c

        for tag in versions:
            target = build_target(pkg_name, tag=tag)
            targets = [target]
            mull_targets(targets, test=pkg_tests, **args_to_mull_targets_kwds(args))

def get_pkg_names(args):
    """Print package names that would be affected."""
    print('\n'.join(pkg_name for pkg_name, pkg_tests in get_affected_packages(args)))

def add_channel_arguments(parser):
    """Add arguments only used if running mulled over a whole conda channel."""
    parser.add_argument('--repo-data', dest='repo_data', required=True,
                        help='Published repository data. If you want to build all containers for bioconda, this parameter needs to be set to "bioconda"')
    parser.add_argument('--diff-hours', dest='diff_hours', default="25",
                        help='If finding all recently changed recipes, use this number of hours.')
    parser.add_argument('--recipes-dir', dest="recipes_dir", default="./bioconda-recipes")
    parser.add_argument('--force-rebuild', dest="force_rebuild", action="store_true",
                        help="Rebuild package even if already published.")

[docs]def main(argv=None): """Main entry-point for the CLI tool.""" parser = arg_parser(argv, globals()) add_channel_arguments(parser) add_build_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument('command', metavar='COMMAND', help='Command (list, build-and-test, build, all)') parser.add_argument('--targets', dest="targets", default=None, help="Build a single container with specific package(s).") parser.add_argument('--repository-name', dest="repository_name", default=None, help="Name of a single container (leave blank to auto-generate based on packages).") args = parser.parse_args() if args.command == "list": get_pkg_names(args) else: run_channel(args)
__all__ = ("main", ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()