
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.genomes

from typing import (

from fastapi import (
from fastapi.responses import Response

from galaxy.managers.context import ProvidesUserContext
from galaxy.managers.genomes import GenomesManager
from . import (

router = Router(tags=["genomes"])

IdPathParam: str = Path(..., title="Genome ID", description="Genome ID")

ChromInfoQueryParam: bool = Query(
    None, title="ChromInfo", description="If true, return genome keys with chromosome lengths"

NumQueryParam: int = Query(
    description="Limits size of returned data",

ChromQueryParam: Any = Query(
    description="Limits size of returned data",

LowQueryParam: int = Query(
    description="Limits size of returned data",

HighQueryParam: int = Query(
    description="Limits size of returned data",

FormatQueryParam: str = Query(None, title="Format", description="Format")

ReferenceQueryParam: bool = Query(None, title="Reference", description="If true, return reference data")

IndexTypeQueryParam: str = Query(
    "fasta_indexes", title="Index type", description="Index type"  # currently this is the only supported index type

[docs]def get_id(base, format): if format: return f"{base}.{format}" return base
[docs]@router.cbv class FastAPIGenomes: manager: GenomesManager = depends(GenomesManager)
[docs] @router.get("/api/genomes", summary="Return a list of installed genomes", response_description="Installed genomes") def index( self, trans: ProvidesUserContext = DependsOnTrans, chrom_info: bool = ChromInfoQueryParam ) -> List[List[str]]: return self.manager.get_dbkeys(trans.user, chrom_info)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/genomes/{id}", summary="Return information about build <id>", response_description="Information about genome build <id>", ) def show( self, trans: ProvidesUserContext = DependsOnTrans, id: str = IdPathParam, reference: bool = ReferenceQueryParam, num: int = NumQueryParam, chrom: str = ChromQueryParam, low: int = LowQueryParam, high: int = HighQueryParam, format: str = FormatQueryParam, ) -> Any: id = get_id(id, format) return self.manager.get_genome(trans, id, num, chrom, low, high, reference)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/genomes/{id}/indexes", summary="Return all available indexes for a genome id for provided type", response_description="Indexes for a genome id for provided type", ) def indexes( self, trans: ProvidesUserContext = DependsOnTrans, # may want to get custom index in the future id: str = IdPathParam, type: str = IndexTypeQueryParam, format: str = FormatQueryParam, ) -> Any: id = get_id(id, format) rval = self.manager.get_indexes(id, type) return Response(rval)
[docs] @router.get( "/api/genomes/{id}/sequences", summary="Return raw sequence data", response_description="Raw sequence data" ) def sequences( self, trans: ProvidesUserContext = DependsOnTrans, id: str = IdPathParam, reference: bool = ReferenceQueryParam, chrom: str = ChromQueryParam, low: int = LowQueryParam, high: int = HighQueryParam, format: str = FormatQueryParam, ) -> Any: id = get_id(id, format) rval = self.manager.get_sequence(trans, id, chrom, low, high) return Response(rval)