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Source code for galaxy_test.api.test_display_applications

import random
from typing import List

from galaxy.util import UNKNOWN
from galaxy_test.base.decorators import requires_admin
from ._framework import ApiTestCase

[docs]class TestDisplayApplicationsApi(ApiTestCase):
[docs] def test_index(self): response = self._get("display_applications") self._assert_status_code_is(response, 200) as_list = response.json() assert isinstance(as_list, list) assert len(as_list) > 0 for display_app in as_list: self._assert_has_keys(display_app, "id", "name", "version", "filename_", "links")
[docs] @requires_admin def test_reload_as_admin(self): response = self._post("display_applications/reload", admin=True) self._assert_status_code_is(response, 200)
[docs] @requires_admin def test_reload_with_some_ids(self): response = self._get("display_applications") self._assert_status_code_is(response, 200) display_apps = response.json() all_ids = [display_app["id"] for display_app in display_apps] input_ids = self._get_half_random_items(all_ids) payload = {"ids": input_ids} response = self._post("display_applications/reload", payload, admin=True, json=True) self._assert_status_code_is(response, 200) reloaded = response.json()["reloaded"] assert len(reloaded) == len(input_ids) assert all(elem in reloaded for elem in input_ids)
[docs] @requires_admin def test_reload_unknown_returns_as_failed(self): unknown_id = UNKNOWN payload = {"ids": [unknown_id]} response = self._post("display_applications/reload", payload, admin=True, json=True) self._assert_status_code_is(response, 200) reloaded = response.json()["reloaded"] failed = response.json()["failed"] assert len(reloaded) == 0 assert len(failed) == 1 assert unknown_id in failed
[docs] def test_reload_as_non_admin_returns_403(self): response = self._post("display_applications/reload") self._assert_status_code_is(response, 403)
def _get_half_random_items(self, collection: List[str]) -> List[str]: half_num_items = int(len(collection) / 2) rval = random.sample(collection, half_num_items) return rval