
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy_test.api.test_authenticate

from urllib.parse import urljoin

from requests import get

from galaxy_test.base.api_util import baseauth_headers
from galaxy_test.base.decorators import requires_new_user
from galaxy_test.base.populators import skip_without_tool
from ._framework import ApiTestCase

TEST_USER_EMAIL = "auth_user_test@bx.psu.edu"
TEST_USER_PASSWORD = "testpassword1"

[docs]class TestAuthenticateApi(ApiTestCase):
[docs] @requires_new_user def test_auth(self): self._setup_user(TEST_USER_EMAIL, TEST_USER_PASSWORD) baseauth_url = self._api_url("authenticate/baseauth", use_key=False) headers = baseauth_headers(TEST_USER_EMAIL, TEST_USER_PASSWORD) auth_response = get(baseauth_url, headers=headers) self._assert_status_code_is(auth_response, 200) auth_dict = auth_response.json() self._assert_has_keys(auth_dict, "api_key") # Verify key... random_api_url = self._api_url("users", use_key=False) random_api_response = get(random_api_url, params=dict(key=auth_dict["api_key"])) self._assert_status_code_is(random_api_response, 200)
[docs] def test_anon_history_creation(self): # First request: # We don't create any histories, just return a session cookie response = get(self.url) cookie = {"galaxysession": response.cookies["galaxysession"]} # Check that we don't have any histories (API doesn't auto-create new histories) histories_response = get( urljoin( self.url, "api/histories", ) ) assert not histories_response.json() # Second request, we know client follows conventions by including cookies, # default history is created. get(self.url, cookies=cookie) second_histories_response = get( urljoin(self.url, "history/current_history_json"), cookies=cookie, ) assert second_histories_response.json()