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Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.controllers.tool_runner
Controller handles external tool related requests
import logging
from markupsafe import escape
import galaxy.util
from galaxy import web
from galaxy.tools import DataSourceTool
from galaxy.web import error, url_for
from galaxy.webapps.base.controller import BaseUIController
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class ToolRunner(BaseUIController):
# Hack to get biomart to work, ideally, we could pass tool_id to biomart and receive it back
[docs] @web.expose
def biomart(self, trans, tool_id='biomart', **kwd):
"""Catches the tool id and redirects as needed"""
return self.index(trans, tool_id=tool_id, **kwd)
# test to get hapmap to work, ideally, we could pass tool_id to hapmap biomart and receive it back
[docs] @web.expose
def hapmapmart(self, trans, tool_id='hapmapmart', **kwd):
"""Catches the tool id and redirects as needed"""
return self.index(trans, tool_id=tool_id, **kwd)
[docs] @web.expose
def default(self, trans, tool_id=None, **kwd):
"""Catches the tool id and redirects as needed"""
return self.index(trans, tool_id=tool_id, **kwd)
def __get_tool(self, tool_id, tool_version=None, get_loaded_tools_by_lineage=False, set_selected=False):
tool_version_select_field, tools, tool = self.get_toolbox().get_tool_components(tool_id, tool_version, get_loaded_tools_by_lineage, set_selected)
return tool
[docs] @web.expose
def index(self, trans, tool_id=None, from_noframe=None, **kwd):
def __tool_404__():
log.error('index called with tool id \'%s\' but no such tool exists', tool_id)
trans.log_event('Tool id \'%s\' does not exist' % tool_id)
trans.response.status = 404
return trans.show_error_message('Tool \'%s\' does not exist.' % (escape(tool_id)))
# tool id not available, redirect to main page
if tool_id is None:
return trans.response.send_redirect(url_for(controller='root', action='welcome'))
tool = self.__get_tool(tool_id)
# tool id is not matching, display an error
if not tool:
return __tool_404__()
if tool.require_login and not trans.user:
redirect = url_for(controller='tool_runner', action='index', tool_id=tool_id, **kwd)
return trans.response.send_redirect(url_for(controller='user',
message='You must be logged in to use this tool.',
if not tool.allow_user_access(trans.user):
return __tool_404__()
# FIXME: Tool class should define behavior
if tool.tool_type in ['default', 'interactivetool']:
return trans.response.send_redirect(url_for(controller='root', tool_id=tool_id))
# execute tool without displaying form (used for datasource tools)
params = galaxy.util.Params(kwd, sanitize=False)
# do param translation here, used by datasource tools
if tool.input_translator:
if 'runtool_btn' not in params.__dict__ and 'URL' not in params.__dict__:
error('Tool execution through the `tool_runner` requires a `runtool_btn` flag or `URL` parameter.')
# We may be visiting Galaxy for the first time ( e.g., sending data from UCSC ),
# so make sure to create a new history if we've never had one before.
history = tool.get_default_history_by_trans(trans, create=True)
vars = tool.handle_input(trans, params.__dict__, history=history)
except Exception as e:
if len(params) > 0:
trans.log_event('Tool params: %s' % (str(params)), tool_id=tool_id)
return trans.fill_template('root/tool_runner.mako', **vars)
[docs] @web.expose
def rerun(self, trans, id=None, job_id=None, **kwd):
Given a HistoryDatasetAssociation id, find the job and that created
the dataset, extract the parameters, and display the appropriate tool
form with parameters already filled in.
if job_id is None:
if not id:
error("'id' parameter is required")
id = int(id)
except ValueError:
# it's not an un-encoded id, try to parse as encoded
id = trans.security.decode_id(id)
except Exception:
error("Invalid value for 'id' parameter")
# Get the dataset object
data = trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation).get(id)
# only allow rerunning if user is allowed access to the dataset.
if not (trans.user_is_admin or trans.app.security_agent.can_access_dataset(trans.get_current_user_roles(), data.dataset)):
error("You are not allowed to access this dataset")
# Get the associated job, if any.
job = data.creating_job
if job:
job_id = trans.security.encode_id(job.id)
raise Exception("Failed to get job information for dataset hid %d" % data.hid)
return trans.response.send_redirect(url_for(controller="root", job_id=job_id))
[docs] @web.expose
def data_source_redirect(self, trans, tool_id=None):
Redirects a user accessing a Data Source tool to its target action link.
This method will subvert mix-mode content blocking in several browsers when
accessing non-https data_source tools from an https galaxy server.
Tested as working on Safari 7.0 and FireFox 26
Subverting did not work on Chrome 31
if tool_id is None:
return trans.response.send_redirect(url_for(controller="root", action="welcome"))
tool = self.__get_tool(tool_id)
# No tool matching the tool id, display an error (shouldn't happen)
if not tool:
log.error("data_source_redirect called with tool id '%s' but no such tool exists", tool_id)
trans.log_event("Tool id '%s' does not exist" % tool_id)
trans.response.status = 404
return trans.show_error_message("Tool '%s' does not exist." % (escape(tool_id)))
if isinstance(tool, DataSourceTool):
link = url_for(tool.action, **tool.get_static_param_values(trans))
link = url_for(controller='tool_runner', tool_id=tool.id)
return trans.response.send_redirect(link)
[docs] @web.expose
def redirect(self, trans, redirect_url=None, **kwd):
if not redirect_url:
return trans.show_error_message("Required URL for redirection missing")
trans.log_event("Redirecting to: %s" % redirect_url)
return trans.fill_template('root/redirect.mako', redirect_url=redirect_url)