This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.
Log in as your user, navigate to the API Keys page in the User menu, and
generate a new API key. Make a note of the API key, and then pull up a
terminal. Now we’ll use the display.py script in your galaxy/scripts/api
directory for a short example, which assumes your local galaxy server is
running on the default port 8080:
% ./display.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/histories
Collection Members
#1: /api/histories/8c49be448cfe29bc
name: Unnamed history
id: 8c49be448cfe29bc
#2: /api/histories/33b43b4e7093c91f
name: output test
id: 33b43b4e7093c91f
The result is a Collection of the histories of the user specified by the API key (you). To look at the details of a particular history, say #1 above, do the following:
% ./display.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/histories/8c49be448cfe29bc
Member Information
state_details: {'ok': 1, 'failed_metadata': 0, 'upload': 0, 'discarded': 0, 'running': 0, 'setting_metadata': 0, 'error': 0, 'new': 0, 'queued': 0, 'empty': 0}
state: ok
contents_url: /api/histories/8c49be448cfe29bc/contents
id: 8c49be448cfe29bc
name: Unnamed history
This gives detailed information about the specific member in question, in this case the History. To view history contents, do the following:
% ./display.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/histories/8c49be448cfe29bc/contents
Collection Members
#1: /api/histories/8c49be448cfe29bc/contents/6f91353f3eb0fa4a
name: Pasted Entry
type: file
id: 6f91353f3eb0fa4a
What we have here is another Collection of items containing all of the datasets in this particular history. Finally, to view details of a particular dataset in this collection, execute the following:
% ./display.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/histories/8c49be448cfe29bc/contents/6f91353f3eb0fa4a
Member Information
misc_blurb: 1 line
name: Pasted Entry
data_type: txt
deleted: False
file_name: /Users/yoplait/work/galaxy-stock/database/files/000/dataset_82.dat
state: ok
download_url: /datasets/6f91353f3eb0fa4a/display?to_ext=txt
visible: True
genome_build: ?
model_class: HistoryDatasetAssociation
file_size: 17
metadata_data_lines: 1
id: 6f91353f3eb0fa4a
misc_info: uploaded txt file
metadata_dbkey: ?
And now you’ve successfully used the API to request and select a history, browse the contents of that history, and then look at detailed information about a particular dataset.
For a more comprehensive Data Library example, set the following option in your galaxy.ini as well, and restart galaxy again:
admin_users = you@example.org
library_import_dir = /path/to/some/directory
In the directory you specified for ‘library_import_dir’, create some subdirectories, and put (or symlink) files to import into Galaxy into those subdirectories.
In Galaxy, create an account that matches the address you put in ‘admin_users’, then browse to that user’s preferences and generate a new API Key. Copy the key to your clipboard and then use these scripts:
% ./display.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/libraries
Collection Members
0 elements in collection
% ./library_create_library.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/libraries api_test 'API Test Library'
name: api_test
id: f3f73e481f432006
% ./display.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/libraries
Collection Members
name: api_test
id: f3f73e481f432006
% ./display.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/libraries/f3f73e481f432006
Member Information
synopsis: None
contents_url: /api/libraries/f3f73e481f432006/contents
description: API Test Library
name: api_test
% ./display.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/libraries/f3f73e481f432006/contents
Collection Members
name: /
type: folder
id: 28202595c0d2591f61ddda595d2c3670
% ./library_create_folder.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/libraries/f3f73e481f432006/contents 28202595c0d2591f61ddda595d2c3670 api_test_folder1 'API Test Folder 1'
name: api_test_folder1
id: 28202595c0d2591fa4f9089d2303fd89
% ./library_upload_from_import_dir.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/libraries/f3f73e481f432006/contents 28202595c0d2591fa4f9089d2303fd89 bed bed hg19
name: 2.bed
id: e9ef7fdb2db87d7b
name: 3.bed
id: 3b7f6a31f80a5018
% ./display.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/libraries/f3f73e481f432006/contents
Collection Members
name: /
type: folder
id: 28202595c0d2591f61ddda595d2c3670
name: /api_test_folder1
type: folder
id: 28202595c0d2591fa4f9089d2303fd89
name: /api_test_folder1/2.bed
type: file
id: e9ef7fdb2db87d7b
name: /api_test_folder1/3.bed
type: file
id: 3b7f6a31f80a5018
% ./display.py my_key http://localhost:8080/api/libraries/f3f73e481f432006/contents/e9ef7fdb2db87d7b
Member Information
misc_blurb: 68 regions
metadata_endCol: 3
data_type: bed
metadata_columns: 6
metadata_nameCol: 4
uploaded_by: nate@...
metadata_strandCol: 6
name: 2.bed
genome_build: hg19
metadata_comment_lines: None
metadata_startCol: 2
metadata_chromCol: 1
file_size: 4272
metadata_data_lines: 68
metadata_dbkey: hg19
misc_info: uploaded bed file
date_uploaded: 2010-06-22T17:01:51.266119
metadata_column_types: str, int, int, str, int, str
Other parameters are valid when uploading, they are the same parameters as are used in the web form, like ‘link_data_only’ and etc.
The request and response format should be considered alpha and are subject to change.