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galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers package

The module defines the abstract interface for resolving container images for tool execution.

class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.ResolutionCache(**kwds)[source]

Bases: Bunch

Simple cache for duplicated computation created once per set of requests (likely web request in Galaxy context).

This should not be assumed to be thread safe - resolution using a given cache should all occur one resolution at a time in a single thread.

mulled_resolution_cache: Cache | None = None
class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.ContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, **kwds)[source]

Bases: Dictifiable

Description of a technique for resolving container images for tool execution.

dict_collection_visible_keys = ['resolver_type', 'can_uninstall_dependencies', 'builds_on_resolution']
can_uninstall_dependencies = False
builds_on_resolution = False
read_only = True
__init__(app_info: AppInfo, **kwds) None[source]

Default initializer for ContainerResolver subclasses.

abstract resolve(enabled_container_types: Container[str], tool_info: ToolInfo, **kwds) ContainerDescription | None[source]

Find a container matching all supplied requirements for tool.

The supplied argument is a galaxy.tool_util.deps.dependencies.ToolInfo description of the tool and its requirements.

abstract property resolver_type: str

Short label for the type of container resolution.


galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.explicit module

This module describes the ExplicitContainerResolver ContainerResolver plugin.

class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.explicit.ExplicitContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, **kwds)[source]

Bases: ContainerResolver

Find explicit containers referenced in the tool description (e.g. tool XML file) if present.

resolver_type = 'explicit'
resolve(enabled_container_types: Container[str], tool_info: ToolInfo, **kwds) ContainerDescription | None[source]

Find a container explicitly mentioned in tool description.

This ignores the tool requirements and assumes the tool author crafted a correct container.

class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.explicit.ExplicitSingularityContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, **kwds)[source]

Bases: ExplicitContainerResolver

resolver_type = 'explicit_singularity'
container_type = 'singularity'
resolve(enabled_container_types: Container[str], tool_info: ToolInfo, **kwds) ContainerDescription | None[source]

Find a container explicitly mentioned in tool description.

This ignores the tool requirements and assumes the tool author crafted a correct container. We use singularity here to fetch docker containers, hence the container_description hack here.

class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.explicit.CachedExplicitSingularityContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: CliContainerResolver

resolver_type = 'cached_explicit_singularity'
container_type = 'singularity'
cli = 'singularity'
__init__(app_info: AppInfo, **kwargs) None[source]

Default initializer for ContainerResolver subclasses.

resolve(enabled_container_types: Container[str], tool_info: ToolInfo, install: bool = False, **kwds) ContainerDescription | None[source]

Find a container explicitly mentioned in tool description.

This ignores the tool requirements and assumes the tool author crafted a correct container. We use singularity here to fetch docker containers, hence the container_description hack here.

class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.explicit.FallbackContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, identifier: str = '', **kwds)[source]

Bases: BaseAdminConfiguredContainerResolver

Specify an explicit, identified container as a Docker container resolver.

resolver_type = 'fallback'
container_type = 'docker'
__init__(app_info: AppInfo, identifier: str = '', **kwds) None[source]

Default initializer for ContainerResolver subclasses.

resolve(enabled_container_types: Container[str], tool_info: ToolInfo, **kwds) ContainerDescription | None[source]

Find a container matching all supplied requirements for tool.

The supplied argument is a galaxy.tool_util.deps.dependencies.ToolInfo description of the tool and its requirements.

class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.explicit.FallbackSingularityContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, identifier: str = '', **kwds)[source]

Bases: FallbackContainerResolver

Specify an explicit, identified container as a Singularity container resolver.

resolver_type = 'fallback_singularity'
container_type = 'singularity'
class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.explicit.FallbackNoRequirementsContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, identifier: str = '', **kwds)[source]

Bases: FallbackContainerResolver

resolver_type = 'fallback_no_requirements'
class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.explicit.FallbackNoRequirementsSingularityContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, identifier: str = '', **kwds)[source]

Bases: FallbackNoRequirementsContainerResolver

resolver_type = 'fallback_no_requirements_singularity'
container_type = 'singularity'
class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.explicit.MappingContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, **kwds)[source]

Bases: BaseAdminConfiguredContainerResolver

resolver_type = 'mapping'
__init__(app_info: AppInfo, **kwds) None[source]

Default initializer for ContainerResolver subclasses.

resolve(enabled_container_types: Container[str], tool_info: ToolInfo, **kwds) ContainerDescription | None[source]

Find a container matching all supplied requirements for tool.

The supplied argument is a galaxy.tool_util.deps.dependencies.ToolInfo description of the tool and its requirements.

class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.explicit.RequiresGalaxyEnvironmentContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, identifier: str = '', **kwds)[source]

Bases: FallbackContainerResolver

resolver_type = 'requires_galaxy_environment'
class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.explicit.RequiresGalaxyEnvironmentSingularityContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, identifier: str = '', **kwds)[source]

Bases: RequiresGalaxyEnvironmentContainerResolver

resolver_type = 'requires_galaxy_environment_singularity'
container_type = 'singularity'

galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.mulled module

This module describes the MulledContainerResolver ContainerResolver plugin.

class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.mulled.CachedMulledDockerContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, namespace: str = 'biocontainers', hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2] = 'v2', **kwds)[source]

Bases: CliContainerResolver

resolver_type = 'cached_mulled'
shell = '/bin/bash'
__init__(app_info: AppInfo, namespace: str = 'biocontainers', hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2] = 'v2', **kwds)[source]

Default initializer for ContainerResolver subclasses.

resolve(enabled_container_types: Container[str], tool_info: ToolInfo, **kwds) ContainerDescription | None[source]

Find a container matching all supplied requirements for tool.

The supplied argument is a galaxy.tool_util.deps.dependencies.ToolInfo description of the tool and its requirements.

class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.mulled.CachedMulledSingularityContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2] = 'v2', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SingularityCliContainerResolver

resolver_type = 'cached_mulled_singularity'
shell = '/bin/bash'
resolve(enabled_container_types: Container[str], tool_info: ToolInfo, **kwds) ContainerDescription | None[source]

Find a container matching all supplied requirements for tool.

The supplied argument is a galaxy.tool_util.deps.dependencies.ToolInfo description of the tool and its requirements.

class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.mulled.MulledDockerContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, namespace: str = 'biocontainers', hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2] = 'v2', auto_install: bool = True, **kwds)[source]

Bases: CliContainerResolver

Look for mulled images matching tool dependencies.

resolver_type = 'mulled'
shell = '/bin/bash'
protocol: str | None = None
__init__(app_info: AppInfo, namespace: str = 'biocontainers', hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2] = 'v2', auto_install: bool = True, **kwds) None[source]

Default initializer for ContainerResolver subclasses.

cached_container_description(targets: List[CondaTarget], namespace: str, hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2], resolution_cache: ResolutionCache | None = None) ContainerDescription | None[source]
pull(container: Container) None[source]
property can_list_containers: bool
resolve(enabled_container_types: Container[str], tool_info: ToolInfo, install: bool = False, session: Session | None = None, **kwds) ContainerDescription | None[source]

Find a container matching all supplied requirements for tool.

The supplied argument is a galaxy.tool_util.deps.dependencies.ToolInfo description of the tool and its requirements.

class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.mulled.MulledSingularityContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2] = 'v2', namespace: str = 'biocontainers', auto_install: bool = True, **kwds)[source]

Bases: SingularityCliContainerResolver, MulledDockerContainerResolver

resolver_type = 'mulled_singularity'
protocol: str | None = 'docker://'
__init__(app_info: AppInfo, hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2] = 'v2', namespace: str = 'biocontainers', auto_install: bool = True, **kwds) None[source]

Default initializer for ContainerResolver subclasses.

cached_container_description(targets: List[CondaTarget], namespace: str, hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2], resolution_cache: ResolutionCache | None = None) ContainerDescription | None[source]
property can_list_containers: bool
pull(container: Container) None[source]
class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.mulled.BuildMulledDockerContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, namespace: str = 'local', hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2] = 'v2', auto_install: bool = True, **kwds)[source]

Bases: CliContainerResolver

Build for Docker mulled images matching tool dependencies.

resolver_type = 'build_mulled'
shell = '/bin/bash'
builds_on_resolution = True
__init__(app_info: AppInfo, namespace: str = 'local', hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2] = 'v2', auto_install: bool = True, **kwds) None[source]

Default initializer for ContainerResolver subclasses.

resolve(enabled_container_types: Container[str], tool_info: ToolInfo, install: bool = False, **kwds) ContainerDescription | None[source]

Find a container matching all supplied requirements for tool.

The supplied argument is a galaxy.tool_util.deps.dependencies.ToolInfo description of the tool and its requirements.

class galaxy.tool_util.deps.container_resolvers.mulled.BuildMulledSingularityContainerResolver(app_info: AppInfo, hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2] = 'v2', auto_install: bool = True, **kwds)[source]

Bases: SingularityCliContainerResolver

Build for Singularity mulled images matching tool dependencies.

resolver_type = 'build_mulled_singularity'
shell = '/bin/bash'
builds_on_resolution = True
__init__(app_info: AppInfo, hash_func: typing_extensions.Literal[v1, v2] = 'v2', auto_install: bool = True, **kwds) None[source]

Default initializer for ContainerResolver subclasses.

resolve(enabled_container_types: Container[str], tool_info: ToolInfo, install: bool = False, **kwds) ContainerDescription | None[source]

Find a container matching all supplied requirements for tool.

The supplied argument is a galaxy.tool_util.deps.dependencies.ToolInfo description of the tool and its requirements.