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Source code for galaxy.model.database_heartbeat
import datetime
import logging
import os
import socket
import threading
from sqlalchemy import (
from galaxy.model import WorkerProcess
from galaxy.model.orm.now import now
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class DatabaseHeartbeat:
[docs] def __init__(self, application_stack, heartbeat_interval=60):
self.application_stack = application_stack
self.new_session = self.application_stack.app.model.new_session
self.heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval
self.hostname = socket.gethostname()
self._engine = application_stack.app.model.engine
self._is_config_watcher = False
self._observers = []
self.exit = threading.Event()
self.thread = None
self.active = False
self.pid = None
def sa_session(self):
return self.application_stack.app.model.session
def server_name(self):
# Application stack manipulates server name after forking
return self.application_stack.app.config.server_name
[docs] def start(self):
if not self.active:
self.thread = threading.Thread(
target=self.send_database_heartbeat, name=f"database_heartbeart_{self.server_name}.thread"
self.thread.daemon = True
self.active = True
self.pid = os.getpid()
[docs] def shutdown(self):
self.active = False
if self.thread:
self.application_stack.app.queue_worker.send_control_task("reconfigure_watcher", noop_self=True)
[docs] def get_active_processes(self, last_seen_seconds=None):
"""Return all processes seen in ``last_seen_seconds`` seconds."""
if last_seen_seconds is None:
last_seen_seconds = self.heartbeat_interval
seconds_ago = now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=last_seen_seconds)
stmt = select(WorkerProcess).filter(WorkerProcess.update_time > seconds_ago)
with self.new_session() as session:
return session.scalars(stmt).all()
def is_config_watcher(self):
return self._is_config_watcher
def is_config_watcher(self, value):
self._is_config_watcher = value
log.debug("%s %s config watcher", self.server_name, "is" if self.is_config_watcher else "is not")
for callback in self._observers:
[docs] def update_watcher_designation(self):
expression = self._worker_process_identifying_clause()
stmt = select(WorkerProcess).with_for_update(of=WorkerProcess).where(expression)
with self.new_session() as session, session.begin():
worker_process = session.scalars(stmt).first()
if not worker_process:
worker_process = WorkerProcess(server_name=self.server_name, hostname=self.hostname)
worker_process.update_time = now()
worker_process.pid = self.pid
# We only want a single process watching the various config files on the file system.
# We just pick the max server name for simplicity
is_config_watcher = self.server_name == max(
p.server_name for p in self.get_active_processes(self.heartbeat_interval + 1)
if is_config_watcher != self.is_config_watcher:
self.is_config_watcher = is_config_watcher
[docs] def send_database_heartbeat(self):
if self.active:
while not self.exit.is_set():
def _delete_worker_process(self):
expression = self._worker_process_identifying_clause()
stmt = delete(WorkerProcess).where(expression)
with self._engine.begin() as conn:
def _worker_process_identifying_clause(self):
return and_(WorkerProcess.server_name == self.server_name, WorkerProcess.hostname == self.hostname)