
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Containers in Galaxy

Galaxy can run tools inside containers using docker or singularity. The containers can be either explicit or mulled (also called multi package containers). The former are given by <container> requirements pointing to a specific container. The latter are containers built for a set of requirements of type package. Mulled containers are described by a hash that is unique for a set of packages and versions (for mulled v2), e.g. mulled-v2-0d814cbcd5aa81b280ecadbee9e4aba8d9ab33f7:0fb38379c04f2a8a345a2c8f74b190ea9a51b6f3-0 (mulled-v2-PACKAGEHASH:VERSIONHASH-BUILDNUMBER). For mulled containers of single packages simply the package name and version are used instead of the hashes, e.g. ucsc-liftover:357--h446ed27_4.

Bioconda and the Galaxy project provide infrastructure to create mulled containers and to make them globally available on the quay.io/biocontainers container registry.

  1. For each bioconda package a container is deployed

  2. Mulled containers are created and deployed by the infrastructure provided by the multi-package-containers repository. Mulled containers are added automatically to this repository for all tools in tool repositories that are crawled by the planemo monitor repository (which includes for instance tools-iuc and several other tool repositories).

Container Resolvers in Galaxy

A container resolver tries to get a container description, i.e. the information (URI/path to the container image, …) that is needed to execute a tool in a container (in the execution environment), given the requirements specified in this tool. Galaxy implements various container resolvers that are suitable for different needs.

Galaxy tries to execute jobs using containers if they are sent to execution environments (previously called destinations) with either docker_enabled or singularity_enabled enabled. Note, the links to the sample configurations exemplify this for local execution environments, but this works for any environment as long as docker or singularity are available.

For jobs that are sent to such an execution environment Galaxy tries to obtain a container description by sequentially executing the configured container resolvers (see below). The job is then executed using the description returned by the first successful container resolver. If all configured container resolvers failed, i.e. no container description could be obtained, the tool is by default executed using standard dependency resolvers, e.g. conda. Alternatively, if the execution environment specifies require_container the job fails in this case.

Besides determining a container description, some container resolvers also cache and/or build containers.


The list of container resolvers is defined using YAML. This can be either

  • globally in an extra file (container_resolvers_config_file) or inline the Galaxy configuration (container_resolvers) or

  • per execution environment using container_resolvers_config_file or container_resolvers

Container resolvers defined for the execution environment take precedence over globally defined container resolvers. A sample YAML file showing the default configuration which is active if neither a global or local configuration is given in container_resolvers.yml.sample.

During the container resolution the configured container resolvers are sequentially applied, stopping at the first resolver that yields a container description.

Main resolver types:

The main types of container resolvers follow this naming scheme: [cached_][explicit,mulled][_singularity]. That is

  • a container resolver is either explicit or mulled

  • cached if it is prefixed with cached_ and non-cached otherwise.

  • yield a container description suitable for singularity if suffixed by _singularity and docker otherwise.


It’s important to note that similarities in the names not necessarily imply any similarity in the function of the container resolvers.

There are the following mulled container resolvers:

  • mulled

  • mulled_singularity

  • cached_mulled

  • cached_mulled_singularity

Furthermore there are the following explicit container resolvers:

  • explicit

  • explicit_singularity

  • cached_explicit_singularity

Note that there is no cached_explicit resolver.

1. docker vs singularity

Galaxy can execute tools in containers using docker or singularity. The corresponding container resolvers yield container descriptions suitable for the corresponding “executor”, i.e., docker (singularity, resp.) container resolvers will resolve a container only in execution environments with enabled docker (singularity, resp.). Thus, if only execution environments with docker (resp. singularity) are present then singularity (resp. docker) container resolvers are ignored (and may be omitted).

Note that, for the execution with singularity Galaxy relies mostly on docker containers that are either executed directly or are converted to singularity images. An exception is for instance explicit container requirements of type="singularity".

2. mulled vs explicit

Mulled container resolvers apply for requirements defined by tools that are a set of packages:

    <requirement type="package" version="0.5">foo</requirement>
    <requirement type="package" version="1.0">bar</requirement>

Explicit container resolvers apply for requirements defined by tools in the form of a container requirement:

    <container type="docker">quay.io/qiime2/core:2022.8</container>

See also Additional resolver types.

3. cached vs non-cached

While non-cached resolvers will yield a container description pointing to an online available docker container, cached resolvers will store container images on disk and use those.

This distinction is the weakest: some (by name) non-cached container resolvers can also resolve cached containers and are even responsible for the caching itself, i.e. they execute a pull.

There are important differences between Galaxy’s cached docker and singularity container resolvers. The caching mechanism essentially executes a docker pull or singularity pull, respectively. For docker this creates an entry in the docker image cache (on the local node) whereas for singularity an image file is created in the specified cache_directory. On distributed systems cache_directory needs to be accessible on all compute nodes. For singularity, admins should also take care of the APPTAINER_CACHEDIR directory.


An additional docker inspect ... ; [ $? -ne 0 ] && docker pull ... command is used in each job script to ensure that images are available on a compute node. Thereby a container will be cached after the tool run even if no cached container resolver was used. Admins need to take care of docker caches of the main and compute nodes. For distributed compute systems, built-in techniques of docker may be useful: https://docs.docker.com/registry/recipes/mirror/.

Function and use of the resolve function of the main resolver types:

The resolve function is called when

  1. listing the container tab in the dependency admin UI (using api/container_resolvers/toolbox)

  2. triggering a build from the admin UI (using api/container_resolvers/toolbox/install)

  3. when a job is prepared

If the resolve function implements the caching of images then this only happens if its install parameter is set to True. This is the case in case 2 and case 3 (but see https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/pull/5221#discussion_r1152025883).


It’s important to understand that 1 and 2 rely on the global container resolver config and do not set a resolver type!

This becomes relevant (e.g.) for setups specifying either:

  1. container resolver config(s) only per execution environment (i.e. no global container resolver config) or

  2. different global and execution environment container resolver config(s)

In case a) the default container config will be used which contains docker and singularity container resolvers (see container_resolvers.yml.sample). If both container backends (i.e. the docker and singularity executables) are available then only the docker container resolvers will be used.

In case b) using the Admin UI for building/caching containers might be impossible, but one needs to use the API directly which allows to specify the container type and the resolver(s) that should be used.

1. Explicit resolvers

The uncached explicit resolvers (explicit and explicit_singularity) only compute a container description using an URI that suites the docker or singularity, respectively.


Note that explicit will still cache the docker container on tool run, since the job script contains docker pull ...

The cached explicit resolver, i.e. cached_explicit_singularity (no docker analog available), downloads the image to the cache_directory if needed and return a container description that points to the image file in the cache_directory.


The cached_explicit_singularity will automatically cache the container on first tool run (and when the build/installation is triggered via the Admin UI or the API). When listing the container the container resolver will always yield the path (even if non existent, i.e. before the 1st tool run or the caching was triggered).

2. Mulled resolvers

All mulled resolvers compute a mulled hash that describes the requirements and is included in the container name (see above).

For the cached mulled resolvers (cached_mulled and cached_mulled_singularity) the resolve function only queries if the required image is already cached and returns a container description pointing to the cached image. For docker this is done by executing docker images and for singularity the content of the cache directory (cache_directory) is queried.


In contrast to the cached explicit resolver the cached mulled resolvers do not cache images, but they only query the available cached images.

The “uncached” mulled resolvers (mulled and mulled_singularity) by default just return a container description containing the URI of the container and download the image to the cache if install=True (see also Function and use of the resolve function of the main resolver types:). The caching is done by a call to docker pull and singularity pull, respectively. Note that, by default the URI is returned in any case, i.e. even if the image just has been downloaded or if the image is already in the cache. Only if the resolvers are initialized with auto_install=True the resolve function returns a container description pointing to the cached image. Note that this makes a difference only for singularity (since for docker the URI is identical to the name of the cached image).


In contrast to the uncached explicit resolver, the uncached mulled resolvers do cache images, but the returned container description by default points to the uncached URI (if the default of auto_install=True is used; otherwise the cached image is used).

Additional resolver types

In addition there are several resolvers that allow to hardcode container identifiers for certain conditions:

  • The mapping resolver allows to map pairs of tool IDs and tool versions to container identifiers and container types. This allows to hardcode or overwrite container definitions for specific tools.

  • fallback_no_requirements for tools specifying no requirements

  • requires_galaxy_environment for (internal) tools that need Galaxy’s (python) environment

  • fallback a fallback container for tools that don’t match any resolver

Building resolver types:

There are two container resolvers that locally create a mulled container.

  • build_mulled

  • build_mulled_singularity

Note that at the moment build_mulled_singularity also requires docker for building.


Instead of using these locally, it might be better to create multi package containers that are deployed to biocontainers using the infrastructure provided by the multi-package-containers repository, e.g. by adding more tool repositories to the planemo monitor


  • namespace defaults to "biocontainers" for the non-building and "local" for the building mulled resolvers. Available for all mulled container resolvers except cached_mulled_singularity. Used to set the namespace that is used to query quay.io. Note that there is no “local” namespace at quay.io, but Galaxy uses it to refer to locally built images (that’s why it is the default for the building resolvers).

  • hash_func: "v1" or "v2" (default: “v2”): Applies to all mulled container resolvers. Sets the version of the mulled hash that is used in the image name.

  • shell Defaults to /bin/bash and sets the shell to be used in the container. Applies only to the resolvers listed in Additional resolver types.

  • auto_install: defaults to True. Applies to mulled, mulled_singularity, build_mulled, and build_mulled_singularity. For the non-building resolvers this controls if a container description pointing to the cached image shall be returned (auto_install==False). For the building resolvers the parameter controls if the container should be built also if the resolve function is called with install=False (e.g. when listing the container in the Admin UI and no other container resolver worked for a tool).


Admins certainly should think carefully about auto_install, since there are many scenarios where the default is not desirable.

  • cache_directory: applies to singularity container resolvers that allow to cache images and sets the directory where to save images. If not set, containers are saved in "database/container_cache/singularity/[explicit|mulled]".

  • cache_directory_cacher_type: "uncached" (default) or "dir_mtime". The singularity resolvers iterate over the contents of the cache directory. The contents of the directory can be accessed uncached (in which case the file listing is computed for each access) or cached (then the listing is computed only if the mtime of the cache dir changes and on first access). (applies to all singularity resolvers that can cache images, except explicit_singularity)

Note on the built-in caching capabilities of singularity and docker

It is important to note that docker as well as singularity have their own built-in caching mechanism.

In case of docker, a docker pull (e.g. executed from a container resolver) or docker run (e.g. executed on the compute node running the job) will add the image to the local image cache. Galaxy’s docker container resolvers rely on docker’s built-in image cache, i.e. they query the image cache on the node that is executing Galaxy. If the nodes that execute jobs are different from the node executing Galaxy it’s important to note that these nodes will have independent caches that admins might want to control.


For the the execution of jobs Galaxy already implement the support for using tarballs of container images. from container_image_cache_path (set in galaxy.yml) or the destination property docker_container_image_cache_path. But at the moment none of the docker container resolvers creates these image tarballs.

Also singularity has its own caching mechanism and caches by default to $HOME/.singularity. It can be cleaned regularly using the singularity cache command, or disabled by using the SINGULARITY_DISABLE_CACHE environment variable.

Setting up Galaxy using docker / singularity on distributed compute resources (in particular in real user setups) requires careful planning.

Other considerations

Tools frequently use $TMP, $TEMP, or $TMPDIR (or simply use hardcoded /tmp) for storing temporary data. In containerized environments /tmp is by default bound to a directory in the job working dir ($_GALAXY_JOB_TMP_DIR), i.e. $_GALAXY_JOB_TMP_DIR:/tmp:rw is in the bind strings (in addition to $_GALAXY_JOB_TMP_DIR:$_GALAXY_JOB_TMP_DIR:rw). Galaxy automatically passes the environment variables $TMP, $TEMP, and $TMPDIR to the container and bind-mounts these.

The default bind for /tmp can be overwritten by setting the docker_volumes and singularity_volumes, resp., configuration properties in the job configuration.