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Source code for galaxy.tool_util.linters.outputs
"""This module contains a linting functions for tool outputs."""
from ._util import is_valid_cheetah_placeholder
[docs]def lint_output(tool_xml, lint_ctx):
"""Check output elements, ensure there is at least one and check attributes."""
outputs = tool_xml.findall("./outputs")
if len(outputs) == 0:
lint_ctx.warn("Tool contains no outputs section, most tools should produce outputs.")
if len(outputs) > 1:
lint_ctx.warn("Tool contains multiple output sections, behavior undefined.")
num_outputs = 0
if len(outputs) == 0:
lint_ctx.warn("No outputs found")
for output in list(outputs[0]):
if output.tag not in ["data", "collection"]:
lint_ctx.warn("Unknown element found in outputs [%s]" % output.tag)
num_outputs += 1
if "name" not in output.attrib:
lint_ctx.warn("Tool output doesn't define a name - this is likely a problem.")
if not is_valid_cheetah_placeholder(output.attrib["name"]):
lint_ctx.warn("Tool output name [%s] is not a valid Cheetah placeholder.", output.attrib["name"])
format_set = False
if output.tag == "data":
if __check_format(output, lint_ctx):
format_set = True
elif "auto_format" in output.attrib and output.attrib["auto_format"]:
format_set = True
elif output.tag == "collection":
if "type" not in output.attrib:
lint_ctx.warn("Collection output with undefined 'type' found.")
if "structured_like" in output.attrib and "inherit_format" in output.attrib:
format_set = True
if "format_source" in output.attrib:
format_set = True
for sub in output:
if __check_pattern(sub):
format_set = True
elif __check_format(sub, lint_ctx):
format_set = True
if not format_set:
lint_ctx.warn("Tool {} output {} doesn't define an output format.".format(output.tag, output.attrib.get("name", "with missing name")))
lint_ctx.info("%d outputs found.", num_outputs)
def __check_format(node, lint_ctx):
check if format/ext attribute is set in a given node
issue a warning if the value is input
return true (node defines format/ext) / false (else)
fmt = node.attrib.get("format", node.attrib.get("ext", None))
if fmt == "input":
lint_ctx.warn("Using format='input' on %s, format_source attribute is less ambiguous and should be used instead." % node.tag)
return fmt is not None
def __check_pattern(node):
check if pattern attribute is set and defines the extension
if node.tag != "discover_datasets":
return False
if "pattern" not in node.attrib:
return False
if node.attrib["pattern"] == "__default__":
return True
if "ext" in node.attrib["pattern"] and node.attrib["pattern"].startswith("__") and node.attrib["pattern"].endswith("__"):
return True