
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.security.idencoding

import codecs
import collections
import logging

from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes

import galaxy.exceptions
from galaxy.util import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

KIND_TOO_LONG_MESSAGE = "Galaxy coding error, keep encryption 'kinds' smaller to utilize more bites of randomness from id_secret values."

[docs]class IdEncodingHelper:
[docs] def __init__(self, **config): id_secret = config['id_secret'] self.id_secret = id_secret self.id_cipher = Blowfish.new(smart_str(self.id_secret), mode=Blowfish.MODE_ECB) per_kind_id_secret_base = config.get('per_kind_id_secret_base', self.id_secret) self.id_ciphers_for_kind = _cipher_cache(per_kind_id_secret_base)
[docs] def encode_id(self, obj_id, kind=None): if obj_id is None: raise galaxy.exceptions.MalformedId("Attempted to encode None id") id_cipher = self.__id_cipher(kind) # Convert to bytes s = smart_str(obj_id) # Pad to a multiple of 8 with leading "!" s = (b"!" * (8 - len(s) % 8)) + s # Encrypt return unicodify(codecs.encode(id_cipher.encrypt(s), 'hex'))
[docs] def encode_dict_ids(self, a_dict, kind=None, skip_startswith=None): """ Encode all ids in dictionary. Ids are identified by (a) an 'id' key or (b) a key that ends with '_id' """ for key, val in a_dict.items(): if key == 'id' or key.endswith('_id') and (skip_startswith is None or not key.startswith(skip_startswith)): a_dict[key] = self.encode_id(val, kind=kind) return a_dict
[docs] def encode_all_ids(self, rval, recursive=False): """ Encodes all integer values in the dict rval whose keys are 'id' or end with '_id' excluding `tool_id` which are consumed and produced as is via the API. """ if not isinstance(rval, dict): return rval for k, v in rval.items(): if (k == 'id' or k.endswith('_id')) and v is not None and k not in ['tool_id', 'external_id']: try: rval[k] = self.encode_id(v) except Exception: pass # probably already encoded if (k.endswith("_ids") and isinstance(v, list)): try: o = [] for i in v: o.append(self.encode_id(i)) rval[k] = o except Exception: pass else: if recursive and isinstance(v, dict): rval[k] = self.encode_all_ids(v, recursive) elif recursive and isinstance(v, list): rval[k] = [self.encode_all_ids(el, True) for el in v] return rval
[docs] def decode_id(self, obj_id, kind=None): id_cipher = self.__id_cipher(kind) return int(unicodify(id_cipher.decrypt(codecs.decode(obj_id, 'hex'))).lstrip("!"))
[docs] def encode_guid(self, session_key): # Session keys are strings # Pad to a multiple of 8 with leading "!" session_key = smart_str(session_key) s = (b"!" * (8 - len(session_key) % 8)) + session_key # Encrypt return codecs.encode(self.id_cipher.encrypt(s), 'hex')
[docs] def decode_guid(self, session_key): # Session keys are strings decoded_session_key = codecs.decode(session_key, 'hex') return unicodify(self.id_cipher.decrypt(decoded_session_key)).lstrip('!')
[docs] def get_new_guid(self): # Generate a unique, high entropy 128 bit random number return unicodify(codecs.encode(get_random_bytes(16), 'hex'))
def __id_cipher(self, kind): if not kind: id_cipher = self.id_cipher else: id_cipher = self.id_ciphers_for_kind[kind] return id_cipher
class _cipher_cache(collections.defaultdict): def __init__(self, secret_base): self.secret_base = secret_base def __missing__(self, key): assert len(key) < 15, KIND_TOO_LONG_MESSAGE secret = self.secret_base + "__" + key return Blowfish.new(_last_bits(secret), mode=Blowfish.MODE_ECB) def _last_bits(secret): """We append the kind at the end, so just use the bits at the end. """ last_bits = smart_str(secret) if len(last_bits) > MAXIMUM_ID_SECRET_LENGTH: last_bits = last_bits[-MAXIMUM_ID_SECRET_LENGTH:] return last_bits