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Source code for galaxy.managers.datasets

Manager and Serializer for Datasets.
import glob
import logging
import os

from six import string_types

import galaxy.datatypes.metadata
from galaxy import (
from galaxy.datatypes import sniff
from galaxy.managers import (
from galaxy.util.checkers import check_binary

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DatasetManager(base.ModelManager, secured.AccessibleManagerMixin, deletable.PurgableManagerMixin): """ Manipulate datasets: the components contained in DatasetAssociations/DatasetInstances/HDAs/LDDAs """ model_class = model.Dataset foreign_key_name = 'dataset' # TODO:?? get + error_if_uploading is common pattern, should upload check be worked into access/owed?
[docs] def __init__(self, app): super(DatasetManager, self).__init__(app) self.permissions = DatasetRBACPermissions(app) # needed for admin test self.user_manager = users.UserManager(app)
[docs] def create(self, manage_roles=None, access_roles=None, flush=True, **kwargs): """ Create and return a new Dataset object. """ # default to NEW state on new datasets kwargs.update(dict(state=(kwargs.get('state', model.Dataset.states.NEW)))) dataset = model.Dataset(**kwargs) self.session().add(dataset) self.permissions.set(dataset, manage_roles, access_roles, flush=False) if flush: self.session().flush() return dataset
[docs] def copy(self, dataset, **kwargs): raise galaxy.exceptions.NotImplemented('Datasets cannot be copied')
[docs] def purge(self, dataset, flush=True): """ Remove the object_store/file for this dataset from storage and mark as purged. :raises exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException: if the instance doesn't allow """ self.error_unless_dataset_purge_allowed(dataset) # the following also marks dataset as purged and deleted dataset.full_delete() self.session().add(dataset) if flush: self.session().flush() return dataset
# TODO: this may be more conv. somewhere else # TODO: how to allow admin bypass?
[docs] def error_unless_dataset_purge_allowed(self, msg=None): if not self.app.config.allow_user_dataset_purge: msg = msg or 'This instance does not allow user dataset purging' raise exceptions.ConfigDoesNotAllowException(msg)
# .... accessibility # datasets can implement the accessible interface, but accessibility is checked in an entirely different way # than those resources that have a user attribute (histories, pages, etc.)
[docs] def is_accessible(self, dataset, user, **kwargs): """ Is this dataset readable/viewable to user? """ if self.user_manager.is_admin(user, trans=kwargs.get("trans", None)): return True if self.has_access_permission(dataset, user): return True return False
[docs] def has_access_permission(self, dataset, user): """ Return T/F if the user has role-based access to the dataset. """ roles = user.all_roles_exploiting_cache() if user else [] return self.app.security_agent.can_access_dataset(roles, dataset)
# TODO: implement above for groups # TODO: datatypes? # .... data, object_store # TODO: SecurityAgentDatasetRBACPermissions( object ):
[docs]class DatasetRBACPermissions(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, app): self.app = app self.access = rbac_secured.AccessDatasetRBACPermission(app) self.manage = rbac_secured.ManageDatasetRBACPermission(app)
# TODO: temporary facade over security_agent
[docs] def available_roles(self, trans, dataset, controller='root'): return self.app.security_agent.get_legitimate_roles(trans, dataset, controller)
[docs] def get(self, dataset, flush=True): manage = self.manage.by_dataset(dataset) access = self.access.by_dataset(dataset) return (manage, access)
[docs] def set(self, dataset, manage_roles, access_roles, flush=True): manage = self.manage.set(dataset, manage_roles or [], flush=False) access = self.access.set(dataset, access_roles or [], flush=flush) return (manage, access)
# ---- conv. settings
[docs] def set_public_with_single_manager(self, dataset, user, flush=True): manage = self.manage.grant(dataset, user, flush=flush) self.access.clear(dataset, flush=False) return ([manage], [])
[docs] def set_private_to_one_user(self, dataset, user, flush=True): manage = self.manage.grant(dataset, user, flush=False) access = self.access.set_private(dataset, user, flush=flush) return ([manage], access)
[docs]class DatasetSerializer(base.ModelSerializer, deletable.PurgableSerializerMixin): model_manager_class = DatasetManager
[docs] def __init__(self, app): super(DatasetSerializer, self).__init__(app) self.dataset_manager = self.manager # needed for admin test self.user_manager = users.UserManager(app) self.default_view = 'summary' self.add_view('summary', [ 'id', 'create_time', 'update_time', 'state', 'deleted', 'purged', 'purgable', # 'object_store_id', # 'external_filename', # 'extra_files_path', 'file_size', 'total_size', 'uuid', ])
# could do visualizations and/or display_apps
[docs] def add_serializers(self): super(DatasetSerializer, self).add_serializers() deletable.PurgableSerializerMixin.add_serializers(self) self.serializers.update({ 'create_time' : self.serialize_date, 'update_time' : self.serialize_date, 'uuid' : lambda i, k, **c: str(i.uuid) if i.uuid else None, 'file_name' : self.serialize_file_name, 'extra_files_path' : self.serialize_extra_files_path, 'permissions' : self.serialize_permissions, 'total_size' : lambda i, k, **c: int(i.get_total_size()), 'file_size' : lambda i, k, **c: int(i.get_size()) })
[docs] def serialize_file_name(self, dataset, key, user=None, **context): """ If the config allows or the user is admin, return the file name of the file that contains this dataset's data. """ is_admin = self.user_manager.is_admin(user, trans=context.get("trans", None)) # expensive: allow config option due to cost of operation if is_admin or self.app.config.expose_dataset_path: if not dataset.purged: return dataset.file_name self.skip()
[docs] def serialize_extra_files_path(self, dataset, key, user=None, **context): """ If the config allows or the user is admin, return the file path. """ is_admin = self.user_manager.is_admin(user, trans=context.get("trans", None)) # expensive: allow config option due to cost of operation if is_admin or self.app.config.expose_dataset_path: if not dataset.purged: return dataset.extra_files_path self.skip()
[docs] def serialize_permissions(self, dataset, key, user=None, **context): """ """ trans = context.get("trans", None) if not self.dataset_manager.permissions.manage.is_permitted(dataset, user, trans=trans): self.skip() management_permissions = self.dataset_manager.permissions.manage.by_dataset(dataset) access_permissions = self.dataset_manager.permissions.access.by_dataset(dataset) permissions = { 'manage' : [self.app.security.encode_id(perm.role.id) for perm in management_permissions], 'access' : [self.app.security.encode_id(perm.role.id) for perm in access_permissions], } return permissions
# ============================================================================= AKA DatasetInstanceManager
[docs]class DatasetAssociationManager(base.ModelManager, secured.AccessibleManagerMixin, deletable.PurgableManagerMixin): """ DatasetAssociation/DatasetInstances are intended to be working proxies to a Dataset, associated with either a library or a user/history (HistoryDatasetAssociation). """ # DA's were meant to be proxies - but were never fully implemented as them # Instead, a dataset association HAS a dataset but contains metadata specific to a library (lda) or user (hda) model_class = model.DatasetInstance # NOTE: model_manager_class should be set in HDA/LDA subclasses
[docs] def __init__(self, app): super(DatasetAssociationManager, self).__init__(app) self.dataset_manager = DatasetManager(app)
[docs] def is_accessible(self, dataset_assoc, user, **kwargs): """ Is this DA accessible to `user`? """ # defer to the dataset return self.dataset_manager.is_accessible(dataset_assoc.dataset, user, **kwargs)
[docs] def purge(self, dataset_assoc, flush=True): """ Purge this DatasetInstance and the dataset underlying it. """ # error here if disallowed - before jobs are stopped # TODO: this check may belong in the controller self.dataset_manager.error_unless_dataset_purge_allowed() # We need to ignore a potential flush=False here and force the flush # so that job cleanup associated with stop_creating_job will see # the dataset as purged. super(DatasetAssociationManager, self).purge(dataset_assoc, flush=True) # stop any jobs outputing the dataset_assoc self.stop_creating_job(dataset_assoc) # more importantly, purge underlying dataset as well if dataset_assoc.dataset.user_can_purge: self.dataset_manager.purge(dataset_assoc.dataset) return dataset_assoc
[docs] def by_user(self, user): raise galaxy.exceptions.NotImplemented('Abstract Method')
# .... associated job
[docs] def creating_job(self, dataset_assoc): """ Return the `Job` that created this dataset or None if not found. """ # TODO: is this needed? Can't you use the dataset_assoc.creating_job attribute? When is this None? # TODO: this would be even better if outputs and inputs were the underlying datasets job = None for job_output_assoc in dataset_assoc.creating_job_associations: job = job_output_assoc.job break return job
[docs] def stop_creating_job(self, dataset_assoc): """ Stops an dataset_assoc's creating job if all the job's other outputs are deleted. """ # Optimize this to skip other checks if this dataset is terminal - we can infer the # job is already complete. if dataset_assoc.state in model.Dataset.terminal_states: return False if dataset_assoc.parent_id is None and len(dataset_assoc.creating_job_associations) > 0: # Mark associated job for deletion job = dataset_assoc.creating_job_associations[0].job if not job.finished: # Are *all* of the job's other output datasets deleted? if job.check_if_output_datasets_deleted(): job.mark_deleted(self.app.config.track_jobs_in_database) self.app.job_manager.stop(job) return True return False
[docs] def is_composite(self, dataset_assoc): """ Return True if this hda/ldda is a composite type dataset. .. note:: see also (whereever we keep information on composite datatypes?) """ return dataset_assoc.extension in self.app.datatypes_registry.get_composite_extensions()
[docs] def extra_files(self, dataset_assoc): """Return a list of file paths for composite files, an empty list otherwise.""" if not self.is_composite(dataset_assoc): return [] return glob.glob(os.path.join(dataset_assoc.dataset.extra_files_path, '*'))
[docs] def serialize_dataset_association_roles(self, trans, dataset_assoc): if hasattr(dataset_assoc, "library_dataset_dataset_association"): library_dataset = dataset_assoc dataset = library_dataset.library_dataset_dataset_association.dataset else: library_dataset = None dataset = dataset_assoc.dataset # Omit duplicated roles by converting to set access_roles = set(dataset.get_access_roles(trans)) manage_roles = set(dataset.get_manage_permissions_roles(trans)) access_dataset_role_list = [(access_role.name, trans.security.encode_id(access_role.id)) for access_role in access_roles] manage_dataset_role_list = [(manage_role.name, trans.security.encode_id(manage_role.id)) for manage_role in manage_roles] rval = dict(access_dataset_roles=access_dataset_role_list, manage_dataset_roles=manage_dataset_role_list) if library_dataset is not None: modify_roles = set(trans.app.security_agent.get_roles_for_action(library_dataset, trans.app.security_agent.permitted_actions.LIBRARY_MODIFY)) modify_item_role_list = [(modify_role.name, trans.security.encode_id(modify_role.id)) for modify_role in modify_roles] rval["modify_item_roles"] = modify_item_role_list return rval
[docs] def ok_to_edit_metadata(self, dataset_id): # prevent modifying metadata when dataset is queued or running as input/output # This code could be more efficient, i.e. by using mappers, but to prevent slowing down loading a History panel, we'll leave the code here for now sa_session = self.app.model.context for job_to_dataset_association in sa_session.query( self.app.model.JobToInputDatasetAssociation).filter_by(dataset_id=dataset_id).all() \ + sa_session.query(self.app.model.JobToOutputDatasetAssociation).filter_by(dataset_id=dataset_id).all(): if job_to_dataset_association.job.state not in [job_to_dataset_association.job.states.OK, job_to_dataset_association.job.states.ERROR, job_to_dataset_association.job.states.DELETED]: return False return True
[docs] def detect_datatype(self, trans, dataset_assoc): """Sniff and assign the datatype to a given dataset association (ldda or hda)""" data = trans.sa_session.query(self.model_class).get(dataset_assoc.id) if data.datatype.allow_datatype_change: if not self.ok_to_edit_metadata(data.id): raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException('This dataset is currently being used as input or output. You cannot change datatype until the jobs have completed or you have canceled them.') else: path = data.dataset.file_name is_binary = check_binary(path) datatype = sniff.guess_ext(path, trans.app.datatypes_registry.sniff_order, is_binary=is_binary) trans.app.datatypes_registry.change_datatype(data, datatype) trans.sa_session.flush() self.set_metadata(trans, dataset_assoc) else: raise exceptions.InsufficientPermissionsException('Changing datatype "%s" is not allowed.' % (data.extension))
[docs] def set_metadata(self, trans, dataset_assoc, overwrite=False, validate=True): """Trigger a job that detects and sets metadata on a given dataset association (ldda or hda)""" data = trans.sa_session.query(self.model_class).get(dataset_assoc.id) if not self.ok_to_edit_metadata(data.id): raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException('This dataset is currently being used as input or output. You cannot edit metadata until the jobs have completed or you have canceled them.') else: if overwrite: for name, spec in data.metadata.spec.items(): # We need to be careful about the attributes we are resetting if name not in ['name', 'info', 'dbkey', 'base_name']: if spec.get('default'): setattr(data.metadata, name, spec.unwrap(spec.get('default'))) self.app.datatypes_registry.set_external_metadata_tool.tool_action.execute( self.app.datatypes_registry.set_external_metadata_tool, trans, incoming={'input1': data, 'validate': validate}, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def update_permissions(self, trans, dataset_assoc, **kwd): action = kwd.get('action', 'set_permissions') if action not in ['remove_restrictions', 'make_private', 'set_permissions']: raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException('The mandatory parameter "action" has an invalid value. ' 'Allowed values are: "remove_restrictions", "make_private", "set_permissions"') if hasattr(dataset_assoc, "library_dataset_dataset_association"): library_dataset = dataset_assoc dataset = library_dataset.library_dataset_dataset_association.dataset else: library_dataset = None dataset = dataset_assoc.dataset current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles() can_manage = trans.app.security_agent.can_manage_dataset(current_user_roles, dataset) or trans.user_is_admin if not can_manage: raise exceptions.InsufficientPermissionsException('You do not have proper permissions to manage permissions on this dataset.') if action == 'remove_restrictions': trans.app.security_agent.make_dataset_public(dataset) if not trans.app.security_agent.dataset_is_public(dataset): raise exceptions.InternalServerError('An error occurred while making dataset public.') elif action == 'make_private': if not trans.app.security_agent.dataset_is_private_to_user(trans, dataset): private_role = trans.app.security_agent.get_private_user_role(trans.user) dp = trans.app.model.DatasetPermissions(trans.app.security_agent.permitted_actions.DATASET_ACCESS.action, dataset, private_role) trans.sa_session.add(dp) trans.sa_session.flush() if not trans.app.security_agent.dataset_is_private_to_user(trans, dataset): # Check again and inform the user if dataset is not private. raise exceptions.InternalServerError('An error occurred and the dataset is NOT private.') elif action == 'set_permissions': def to_role_id(encoded_role_id): role_id = base.decode_id(self.app, encoded_role_id) return role_id def parameters_roles_or_none(role_type): encoded_role_ids = kwd.get(role_type, kwd.get("%s_ids[]" % role_type, None)) if encoded_role_ids is not None: return list(map(to_role_id, encoded_role_ids)) else: return None access_roles = parameters_roles_or_none('access') manage_roles = parameters_roles_or_none('manage') modify_roles = parameters_roles_or_none('modify') role_ids_dict = { 'DATASET_MANAGE_PERMISSIONS': manage_roles, 'DATASET_ACCESS': access_roles, } if library_dataset is not None: role_ids_dict["LIBRARY_MODIFY"] = modify_roles self._set_permissions(trans, dataset_assoc, role_ids_dict)
def _set_permissions(self, trans, dataset_assoc, roles_dict): raise galaxy.exceptions.NotImplemented()
class _UnflattenedMetadataDatasetAssociationSerializer(base.ModelSerializer, deletable.PurgableSerializerMixin): def __init__(self, app): self.dataset_serializer = DatasetSerializer(app) super(_UnflattenedMetadataDatasetAssociationSerializer, self).__init__(app) def add_serializers(self): super(_UnflattenedMetadataDatasetAssociationSerializer, self).add_serializers() deletable.PurgableSerializerMixin.add_serializers(self) self.serializers.update({ 'create_time' : self.serialize_date, 'update_time' : self.serialize_date, # underlying dataset 'dataset' : lambda i, k, **c: self.dataset_serializer.serialize_to_view(i.dataset, view='summary', **c), 'dataset_id' : self._proxy_to_dataset(key='id'), # TODO: why is this named uuid!? The da doesn't have a uuid - it's the underlying dataset's uuid! 'uuid' : self._proxy_to_dataset(key='uuid'), # 'dataset_uuid' : self._proxy_to_dataset( key='uuid' ), 'file_name' : self._proxy_to_dataset(serializer=self.dataset_serializer.serialize_file_name), 'extra_files_path' : self._proxy_to_dataset(serializer=self.dataset_serializer.serialize_extra_files_path), 'permissions' : self._proxy_to_dataset(serializer=self.dataset_serializer.serialize_permissions), # TODO: do the sizes proxy accurately/in the same way? 'size' : lambda i, k, **c: int(i.get_size()), 'file_size' : lambda i, k, **c: self.serializers['size'](i, k, **c), 'nice_size' : lambda i, k, **c: i.get_size(nice_size=True), # common to lddas and hdas - from mapping.py 'copied_from_history_dataset_association_id' : self.serialize_id, 'copied_from_library_dataset_dataset_association_id': self.serialize_id, 'info' : lambda i, k, **c: i.info.strip() if isinstance(i.info, string_types) else i.info, 'blurb' : lambda i, k, **c: i.blurb, 'peek' : lambda i, k, **c: i.display_peek() if i.peek and i.peek != 'no peek' else None, 'meta_files' : self.serialize_meta_files, 'metadata' : self.serialize_metadata, 'creating_job' : self.serialize_creating_job, 'rerunnable' : self.serialize_rerunnable, 'parent_id' : self.serialize_id, 'designation' : lambda i, k, **c: i.designation, # 'extended_metadata' : self.serialize_extended_metadata, # 'extended_metadata_id' : self.serialize_id, # remapped 'genome_build' : lambda i, k, **c: i.dbkey, # derived (not mapped) attributes 'data_type' : lambda i, k, **c: i.datatype.__class__.__module__ + '.' + i.datatype.__class__.__name__, 'converted' : self.serialize_converted_datasets, # TODO: metadata/extra files }) # this an abstract superclass, so no views created # because of that: we need to add a few keys that will use the default serializer self.serializable_keyset.update(['name', 'state', 'tool_version', 'extension', 'visible', 'dbkey']) def _proxy_to_dataset(self, serializer=None, key=None): # dataset associations are (rough) proxies to datasets - access their serializer using this remapping fn # remapping done by either kwarg key: IOW dataset attr key (e.g. uuid) # or by kwarg serializer: a function that's passed in (e.g. permissions) if key: serializer = self.dataset_serializer.serializers.get(key) if serializer: return lambda i, k, **c: serializer(i.dataset, key or k, **c) raise TypeError('kwarg serializer or key needed') def serialize_meta_files(self, dataset_assoc, key, **context): """ Cycle through meta files and return them as a list of dictionaries. """ meta_files = [] for meta_type in dataset_assoc.metadata_file_types: meta_files.append( dict(file_type=meta_type, download_url=self.url_for('history_contents_metadata_file', history_id=self.app.security.encode_id(dataset_assoc.history_id), history_content_id=self.app.security.encode_id(dataset_assoc.id), metadata_file=meta_type))) return meta_files def serialize_metadata(self, dataset_assoc, key, excluded=None, **context): """ Cycle through metadata and return as dictionary. """ # dbkey is a repeat actually (metadata_dbkey == genome_build) # excluded = [ 'dbkey' ] if excluded is None else excluded excluded = [] if excluded is None else excluded metadata = {} for name, spec in dataset_assoc.metadata.spec.items(): if name in excluded: continue val = dataset_assoc.metadata.get(name) # NOTE: no files if isinstance(val, model.MetadataFile): # only when explicitly set: fetching filepaths can be expensive if not self.app.config.expose_dataset_path: continue val = val.file_name # TODO:? possibly split this off? # If no value for metadata, look in datatype for metadata. elif val is None and hasattr(dataset_assoc.datatype, name): val = getattr(dataset_assoc.datatype, name) metadata[name] = val return metadata def serialize_creating_job(self, dataset, key, **context): """ Return the id of the Job that created this dataset (or its original) or None if no `creating_job` is found. """ if dataset.creating_job: return self.serialize_id(dataset.creating_job, 'id') else: return None def serialize_rerunnable(self, dataset, key, **context): """ Return False if this tool that created this dataset can't be re-run (e.g. upload). """ if dataset.creating_job: tool = self.app.toolbox.get_tool(dataset.creating_job.tool_id, dataset.creating_job.tool_version) if tool and tool.is_workflow_compatible: return True return False def serialize_converted_datasets(self, dataset_assoc, key, **context): """ Return a file extension -> converted dataset encoded id map with all the existing converted datasets associated with this instance. This filters out deleted associations. """ id_map = {} for converted in dataset_assoc.implicitly_converted_datasets: if not converted.deleted and converted.dataset: id_map[converted.type] = self.serialize_id(converted.dataset, 'id') return id_map
[docs]class DatasetAssociationSerializer(_UnflattenedMetadataDatasetAssociationSerializer): # TODO: remove this class - metadata should be a sub-object instead as in the superclass
[docs] def add_serializers(self): super(DatasetAssociationSerializer, self).add_serializers() # remove the single nesting key here del self.serializers['metadata']
[docs] def serialize(self, dataset_assoc, keys, **context): """ Override to add metadata as flattened keys on the serialized DatasetInstance. """ # if 'metadata' isn't removed from keys here serialize will retrieve the un-serializable MetadataCollection # TODO: remove these when metadata is sub-object KEYS_HANDLED_SEPARATELY = ('metadata', ) left_to_handle = self._pluck_from_list(keys, KEYS_HANDLED_SEPARATELY) serialized = super(DatasetAssociationSerializer, self).serialize(dataset_assoc, keys, **context) # add metadata directly to the dict instead of as a sub-object if 'metadata' in left_to_handle: metadata = self._prefixed_metadata(dataset_assoc) serialized.update(metadata) return serialized
# TODO: this is more util/gen. use def _pluck_from_list(self, l, elems): """ Removes found elems from list l and returns list of found elems if found. """ found = [] for elem in elems: try: index = l.index(elem) found.append(l.pop(index)) except ValueError: pass return found def _prefixed_metadata(self, dataset_assoc): """ Adds (a prefixed version of) the DatasetInstance metadata to the dict, prefixing each key with 'metadata_'. """ # build the original, nested dictionary metadata = self.serialize_metadata(dataset_assoc, 'metadata') # prefix each key within and return prefixed = {} for key, val in metadata.items(): prefixed_key = 'metadata_' + key prefixed[prefixed_key] = val return prefixed
[docs]class DatasetAssociationDeserializer(base.ModelDeserializer, deletable.PurgableDeserializerMixin):
[docs] def add_deserializers(self): super(DatasetAssociationDeserializer, self).add_deserializers() deletable.PurgableDeserializerMixin.add_deserializers(self) self.deserializers.update({ 'name' : self.deserialize_basestring, 'info' : self.deserialize_basestring, }) self.deserializable_keyset.update(self.deserializers.keys())
# TODO: untested
[docs] def deserialize_metadata(self, dataset_assoc, metadata_key, metadata_dict, **context): """ """ self.validate.type(metadata_key, metadata_dict, dict) returned = {} for key, val in metadata_dict.items(): returned[key] = self.deserialize_metadatum(dataset_assoc, key, val, **context) return returned
[docs] def deserialize_metadatum(self, dataset_assoc, key, val, **context): """ """ if key not in dataset_assoc.datatype.metadata_spec: return metadata_specification = dataset_assoc.datatype.metadata_spec[key] if metadata_specification.get('readonly'): return unwrapped_val = metadata_specification.unwrap(val) setattr(dataset_assoc.metadata, key, unwrapped_val) # ...? return unwrapped_val
[docs]class DatasetAssociationFilterParser(base.ModelFilterParser, deletable.PurgableFiltersMixin): def _add_parsers(self): super(DatasetAssociationFilterParser, self)._add_parsers() deletable.PurgableFiltersMixin._add_parsers(self) self.orm_filter_parsers.update({ 'name' : {'op': ('eq', 'contains', 'like')}, 'state' : {'column' : '_state', 'op': ('eq', 'in')}, 'visible' : {'op': ('eq'), 'val': self.parse_bool}, }) self.fn_filter_parsers.update({ 'genome_build' : self.string_standard_ops('dbkey'), 'data_type' : { 'op': { 'eq' : self.eq_datatype, 'isinstance' : self.isinstance_datatype } } })
[docs] def eq_datatype(self, dataset_assoc, class_str): """ Is the `dataset_assoc` datatype equal to the registered datatype `class_str`? """ comparison_class = self.app.datatypes_registry.get_datatype_class_by_name(class_str) return (comparison_class and dataset_assoc.datatype.__class__ == comparison_class)
[docs] def isinstance_datatype(self, dataset_assoc, class_strs): """ Is the `dataset_assoc` datatype derived from any of the registered datatypes in the comma separated string `class_strs`? """ parse_datatype_fn = self.app.datatypes_registry.get_datatype_class_by_name comparison_classes = [] for class_str in class_strs.split(','): datatype_class = parse_datatype_fn(class_str) if datatype_class: comparison_classes.append(datatype_class) return (comparison_classes and isinstance(dataset_assoc.datatype, comparison_classes))