This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.
Galaxy Tool XML File¶
The XML File for a Galaxy tool, generally referred to as the “tool config file” or “wrapper”, serves a number of purposes. First, it lays out the user interface for the tool (e.g. form fields, text, help, etc.). Second, it provides the glue that links your tool to Galaxy by telling Galaxy how to invoke it, what options to pass, and what files it will produce as output.
If you find a bug please report it here.
This document serves as reference documentation. If you would like to learn how to build tools for Galaxy, Planemo features a number of tutorials on building Galaxy tools that would better serve that purpose.
The outer-most tag set of tool XML files. Attributes on this tag apply to the tool as a whole.
A normal tool:
<tool id="seqtk_seq"
name="Convert FASTQ to FASTA"
A data_source
tool contains a few more relevant attributes.
<tool id="ucsc_table_direct1"
name="UCSC Main"
Best Practices¶
Find the Intergalactic Utilities Commision suggested best practices for this element here.
Attribute | Details | Required |
id |
Must be unique across all tools; should be lowercase and contain only letters, numbers, and underscores. It allows for tool versioning and metrics of the number of times a tool is used, among other things. Find the Intergalactic Utilities Commision suggested best practices for this element here. | True |
name |
This string is what is displayed as a hyperlink in the tool menu. Find the Intergalactic Utilities Commision suggested best practices for this element here. | True |
version |
This string allows for tool versioning and should be increased with each new version of the tool. The value should follow the PEP 440 specification. It defaults to 1.0.0 if it is not included in the tag. Find the Intergalactic Utilities Commision suggested best practices for this element here. |
False |
hidden |
Allows for tools to be loaded upon server startup, but not displayed in the tool menu. This attribute should be applied in the toolbox configuration instead and so should be considered deprecated. | False |
display_interface |
Disable the display the tool's graphical tool form by setting this to false . |
False |
tool_type |
Allows for certain framework functionality to be performed on certain types of tools. Normal tools that execute typical command-line jobs do not need to specify this, special kinds of tools such as Data Source and Data Manager tools should set this to have values such as data_source or manage_data . |
False |
profile |
This string specifies the minimum Galaxy version that should be required to run this tool. Certain legacy behaviors such as using standard error content to detect errors instead of exit code are disabled automatically if profile is set to any version newer than 16.01 , such as 16.04 . |
False |
python_template_version |
This string specifies the minimum Python version that is able to fill the Cheetah sections of the tool. If unset defaults to 2.7 if the profile is older than 19.01, otherwise defaults to 3.5. Galaxy will attempt to convert Python statements in Cheetah sections using future if Galaxy is run on Python 3 and python_template_version is below 3. |
False |
workflow_compatible |
This attribute indicates if this tool is usable within a workflow (defaults to true for normal tools and false for data sources). |
False |
URL_method |
Only used if tool_type attribute value is data_source - this attribute defines the HTTP request method to use when communicating with an external data source application (the default is get ). |
False |
> description
The value is displayed in
the tool menu immediately following the hyperlink for the tool (based on the
attribute of the <tool>
tag set described above).
<description>table browser</description>
> macros
Frequently, tools may require the same XML fragments be repeated in a file (for instance similar conditional branches, repeated options, etc…) or among tools in the same repository. Galaxy tools have a macro system to address this problem.
For more information, see https://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/writing_advanced.html#macros-reusable-elements
> edam_topics
Container tag set for the <edam_topic>
A tool can have any number of EDAM topic references.
<!-- Example: this tool is about 'Statistics and probability' (http://edamontology.org/topic_2269) -->
> edam_operations
Container tag set for the <edam_operation>
A tool can have any number of EDAM operation references.
<!-- Example: this tool performs a 'Conversion' operation (http://edamontology.org/operation_3434) -->
> xrefs
Container tag set for the <xref>
A tool can refer multiple reference IDs.
<!-- Example: this tool is seqtk -->
<xref type="bio.tools">seqtk</xref>
<!-- https://bio.tools/seqtk -->
> xrefs
> xref
The xref
element specifies reference
information according to a catalog.
Attribute | Details | Required |
type |
Type of reference - currently bio.tools is the only supported options. |
True |
> requirements
This is a container tag set for the requirement
and container
described in greater detail below. requirement
s describe software packages
and other individual computing requirements required to execute a tool, while
s describe Docker or Singularity containers that should be able to
serve as complete descriptions of the runtime of a tool.
> requirements
> requirement
This tag set is contained within the <requirements>
tag set. Third party
programs or modules that the tool depends upon are included in this tag set.
When a tool runs, Galaxy attempts to resolve these requirements (also called
dependencies). requirement
s are meant to be abstract and resolvable by
multiple different systems (e.g. conda, the
Galaxy Tool Shed dependency management system,
or environment modules).
Read more about dependency resolvers in Galaxy on docs.galaxyproject.org. The current best practice for tool dependencies is to target Conda, this is discussed in greater detail here.
This example shows a tool that requires the samtools 0.0.18 package.
This package is available via the Tool Shed (see Tool Shed dependency management ) as well as Conda and can be configured locally to adapt to any other package management system.
<requirement type="package" version="0.1.18">samtools</requirement>
This older example shows a tool that requires R version 2.15.1. The
should contain matching declarations for Galaxy to
actually install the R runtime. The set_envirornment
type is only respected
by the tool shed and is ignored by the newer and preferred conda dependency
<requirement type="set_environment">R_SCRIPT_PATH</requirement>
<requirement type="package" version="2.15.1">R</requirement>
Attribute | Details | Required |
type |
This value defines the type of the 3rd party module required by this tool. | True |
version |
For requirements of type package this value defines a specific version of the tool dependency. |
False |
> requirements
> container
This tag set is contained within the ‘requirements’ tag set. Galaxy can be
configured to run tools within Docker or Singularity
containers - this tag allows the tool to suggest possible valid containers for this tool. The contents of the tag should
be a container image identifier appropriate for the particular container runtime being used, e.g.
for Docker or docker://quay.io/biocontainers/fastqc:0.11.2--1
(or alternatively /opt/containers/fastqc.simg
if your Galaxy installation will be loading the image from a filesystem path)
for Singularity. The requirements
tag can contain multiple container
tags describing suitable container options, in
which case the first container that is found by the Galaxy container resolver at runtime will be used.
<container type="docker">quay.io/biocontainers/fastqc:0.11.2--1</container>
Read more about configuring Galaxy to run Docker jobs here.
Attribute | Details | Required |
type |
This value describes the type of container that the tool may be executed in and currently may be docker or singularity . |
True |
> code
Deprecated. Do not use this unless absolutely necessary.
The extensions described here can cause problems using your tool with certain components of Galaxy (like the workflow system). It is highly recommended to avoid these constructs unless absolutely necessary.
This tag set provides detailed control of the way the tool is executed. This (optional) code can be deployed in a separate file in the same directory as the tool’s config file. These hooks are being replaced by new tool config features and methods in the /lib/galaxy/tools/_init_.py code file.
Dynamic Options¶
Use associated dynamic select lists where selecting an option in the first select list dynamically re-renders the options in the second select list. In this example, we are populating both dynamic select lists from metadata elements associated with a tool’s single input dataset. The 2 metadata elements we’re using look like this.
MetadataElement(name="field_names", default=[], desc="Field names", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True, no_value=[])
# The keys in the field_components map to the list of field_names in the above element
# which ensures order for select list options that are built from it.
MetadataElement(name="field_components", default={}, desc="Field names and components", readonly=True, optional=True, visible=True, no_value={})
Our tool config includes a code file tag like this.
<code file="tool_form_utils.py" />
Here are the relevant input parameters in our tool config. The first parameter is the input dataset that includes the above metadata elements.
<param name="input" type="data" format="vtkascii,vtkbinary" label="Shape with uncolored surface field">
<validator type="expression" message="Shape must have an uncolored surface field.">value is not None and len(value.metadata.field_names) > 0</validator>
The following parameter dynamically renders a select list consisting of the
elements in the field_names
metadata element associated with the selected
input dataset.
<param name="field_name" type="select" label="Field name" refresh_on_change="true">
<filter type="data_meta" ref="input" key="field_names"/>
<validator type="no_options" message="The selected shape has no uncolored surface fields." />
The following parameter calls the get_field_components_options()
function in
the tool_form_utils.py
code file discussed above. This function returns the
value of the input dataset’s field_components
metadata element dictionary
whose key is the currently selected field_name
from the select list parameter
<param name="field_component_index" type="select" label="Field component index" dynamic_options="get_field_components_options(input, field_name=field_name)" help="Color will be applied to the selected field's component associated with this index." />
Changing the selected option in the field_name
select list will dynamically
re-render the options available in the associated field_component_index
list, which is the behavior we want.
The get_field_components_options()
method looks like this.
def get_field_components_options(dataset, field_name):
options = []
if dataset.metadata is None:
return options
if not hasattr(dataset.metadata, 'field_names'):
return options
if dataset.metadata.field_names is None:
return options
if field_name is None:
# The expression validator that helps populate the select list of input
# datsets in the icqsol_color_surface_field tool does not filter out
# datasets with no field field_names, so we need this check.
if len(dataset.metadata.field_names) == 0:
return options
field_name = dataset.metadata.field_names[0]
field_components = dataset.metadata.field_components.get(field_name, [])
for i, field_component in enumerate(field_components):
options.append((field_component, field_component, i == 0))
return options
Parameter Validation¶
This function is called before the tool is executed. If it raises any exceptions the tool execution will be aborted and the exception’s value will be displayed in an error message box. Here is an example:
def validate(incoming):
"""Validator for the plotting program"""
bins = incoming.get("bins","")
col = incoming.get("col","")
if not bins or not col:
raise Exception, "You need to specify a number for bins and columns"
bins = int(bins)
col = int(col)
raise Exception, "Parameters are not integers, columns:%s, bins:%s" % (col, bins)
if not 1<bins<100:
raise Exception, "The number of bins %s must be a number between 1 and 100" % bins
This code will intercept a number of parameter errors and return corresponding error messages. The parameter incoming
contains a dictionary with all the parameters that were sent through the web.
Pre-job and pre-process code¶
The signature of both of these is the same:
def exec_before_job(inp_data, out_data, param_dict, tool):
def exec_before_process(inp_data, out_data, param_dict, tool):
The param_dict
is a dictionary that contains all the values in the incoming
parameter above plus a number of keys and values generated internally by galaxy. The inp_data
and the out_data
are dictionaries keyed by parameter name containing the classes that represent the data.
def exec_before_process(inp_data, out_data, param_dict, tool):
for name, data in out_data.items():
data.name = 'New name'
This custom code will change the name of the data that was created for this tool to New name. The difference between these two functions is that the exec_before_job
executes before the page returns and the user will see the new name right away. If one were to use exec_before_process
the new name would be set only once the job starts to execute.
Post-process code¶
This code executes after the background process running the tool finishes its run. The example below is more advanced one that replaces the type of the output data depending on the parameter named extension
from galaxy import datatypes
def exec_after_process(app, inp_data, out_data, param_dict, tool, stdout, stderr):
ext = param_dict.get('extension', 'text')
items = out_data.items()
for name, data in items:
newdata = datatypes.factory(ext)(id=data.id)
for key, value in data. __dict__.items():
setattr(newdata, key, value)
newdata.ext = ext
out_data[name] = newdata
The content of stdout
and stderr
are strings containing the output of the process.
Attribute | Details | Required |
file |
This value is the name of the executable code file, and is called in the exec_before_process() , exec_before_job() , exec_after_process() and exec_after_job() methods. |
True |
> stdio
Tools write the bulk of useful data to datasets, but they can also write messages to standard I/O (stdio) channels known as standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr). Both stdout and stderr are typically written to the executing program’s console or terminal. Previous versions of Galaxy checked stderr for execution errors - if any text showed up on stderr, then the tool’s execution was marked as failed. However, many tools write messages to stderr that are not errors, and using stderr allows programs to redirect other interesting messages to a separate file. Programs may also exit with codes that indicate success or failure. One convention is for programs to return 0 on success and a non-zero exit code on failure.
Legacy tools (ones with profile
unspecified or a profile
of less than
16.04) will default to checking stderr for errors as described above. Newer
tools will instead treat an exit code other than 0 as an error. The
on command
can swap between these behaviors but the
directive allows more options in defining error conditions (though
these aren’t always intuitive).
With stdio
directive, Galaxy can use regular expressions to scan stdout and
stderr, and it also allows exit codes to be scanned for ranges. The <stdio>
tag has two subtags, <regex>
and <exit_code>
, to define regular
expressions and exit code processing, respectively. They are defined below. If a
tool does not have any valid <regex>
or <exit_code>
tags, then Galaxy
will use the previous technique for finding errors.
A note should be made on the order in which exit codes and regular expressions are applied and how the processing stops. Exit code rules are applied before regular expression rules. The rationale is that exit codes are more clearly defined and are easier to check computationally, so they are applied first. Exit code rules are applied in the order in which they appear in the tool’s configuration file, and regular expressions are also applied in the order in which they appear in the tool’s configuration file. However, once a rule is triggered that causes a fatal error, no further rules are checked.
> stdio
> exit_code
Tools may use exit codes to indicate specific execution errors. Many programs use 0 to indicate success and non-zero exit codes to indicate errors. Galaxy allows each tool to specify exit codes that indicate errors. Each <exit_code>
tag defines a range of exit codes, and each range can be associated with a description of the error (e.g., “Out of Memory”, “Invalid Sequence File”) and an error level. The description just describes the condition and can be anything. The error level is either log, warning, fatal error, or fatal_oom. A warning means that stderr will be updated with the error’s description. A fatal error means that the tool’s execution will be marked as having an error and the workflow will stop. A fatal_oom indicates an out of memory condition and the job might be resubmitted if Galaxy is configured appropriately. Note that, if the error level is not supplied, then a fatal error is assumed to have occurred.
The exit code’s range can be any consecutive group of integers. More advanced ranges, such as noncontiguous ranges, are currently not supported. Ranges can be specified in the form “m:n”, where m is the start integer and n is the end integer. If “:n” is specified, then the exit code will be compared against all integers less than or equal to n. If “m:” is used, then the exit code will be compared against all integers greater than or equal to m. If the exit code matches, then the error level is applied and the error’s description is added to stderr. If a tool’s exit code does not match any of the supplied <exit_code>
tags’ ranges, then no errors are applied to the tool’s execution.
Note that most Unix and Linux variants only support positive integers 0 to 255 for exit codes. If an exit code falls out of the range 0 to 255, the usual convention is to only use the lower 8 bits for the exit code. The only known exception is if a job is broken into subtasks using the tasks runner and one of those tasks is stopped with a POSIX signal. (Note that signals should be used as a last resort for terminating processes.) In those cases, the task will receive -1 times the signal number. For example, suppose that a job uses the tasks runner and 8 tasks are created for the job. If one of the tasks hangs, then a sysadmin may choose to send the “kill” signal, SIGKILL, to the process. In that case, the task (and its job) will exit with an exit code of -9. More on POSIX signals can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_signal as well as man pages on “signal”.
The <exit_code>
tag’s supported attributes are as follows:
: This indicates the range of exit codes to check. The range can be one of the following:n
: the exit code will only be compared to n;[m:n]
: the exit code must be greater than or equal to m and less than or equal to n;[m:]
: the exit code must be greater than or equal to m;[:n]
: the exit code must be less than or equal to n.
: This indicates the error level of the exit code. If no level is specified, then the fatal error level will be assumed to have occurred. The level can have one of following values:log
: If an exit code falls in the given range, then a description of the error will be added to the beginning of the source, prepended with either ‘Log:’ or ‘Warning:’. A log-level/warning-level error will not cause the tool to fail.fatal
: If an exit code falls in the given range, then a description of the error will be added to the beginning of stderr. A fatal-level error will cause the tool to fail.fatal_oom
: If an exit code falls in the given range, then a description of the error will be added to the beginning of stderr. Depending on the job configuration, a fatal_oom-level error will cause the tool to be resubmitted or fail.
: This is an optional description of the error that corresponds to the exit code.
The following is an example of the <exit_code>
<exit_code range="3:5" level="warning" description="Low disk space" />
<exit_code range="6:" level="fatal" description="Bad input dataset" />
<!-- Catching fatal_oom allows the job runner to potentially resubmit to a resource with more
memory if Galaxy is configured to do this. -->
<exit_code range="2" level="fatal_oom" description="Out of Memory" />
If the tool returns 0 or 1, then the tool will not be marked as having an error.
If the exit code is 2, then the tool will fail with the description Out of Memory
added to stderr. If the tool returns 3, 4, or 5, then the tool will not
be marked as having failed, but Low disk space
will be added to stderr.
Finally, if the tool returns any number greater than or equal to 6, then the
description Bad input dataset
will be added to stderr and the tool will be
marked as having failed.
> stdio
> regex
A regular expression defines a pattern of characters. The patterns include the following:
, which matches on the fixed string “GCTA”;[abcd]
, which matches on the characters a, b, c, or d;[CG]{12}
, which matches on 12 consecutive characters that are C or G;a.*z
, which matches on the character “a”, followed by 0 or more characters of any type, followed by a “z”;^X
, which matches the letter X at the beginning of a string;Y$
, which matches the letter Y at the end of a string.
There are many more possible regular expressions. A reference to all supported regular expressions can be found under Python Regular Expression Syntax.
A regular expression includes the following attributes:
: This tells whether the regular expression should be matched against stdout, stderr, or both. If this attribute is missing or is incorrect, then both stdout and stderr will be checked. The source can be one of the following values:stdout
: the regular expression will be applied to stdout;stderr
: the regular expression will be applied to stderr;both
: the regular expression will be applied to both stderr and stdout (which is the default case).
: This is the regular expression that will be used to match against stdout and/or stderr. If the<regex>
tag does not contain the match attribute, then the<regex>
tag will be ignored. The regular expression can be any valid Python regular expression. All regular expressions are performed case insensitively. For example, if match contains the regular expression “actg”, then the regular expression will match against “actg”, “ACTG”, “AcTg”, and so on. Also note that, if double quotes (“) are to be used in the match attribute, then the value “ can be used in place of double quotes. Likewise, if single quotes (‘) are to be used in the match attribute, then the value ‘ can be used if necessary.level
: This works very similarly to the<exit_code>
tag, except that, when a regular expression matches against its source, the description is added to the beginning of the source. For example, if stdout matches on a regular expression, then the regular expression’s description is added to the beginning of stdout (instead of stderr). If no level is specified, then the fatal error level will be assumed to have occurred. The level can have one of following values:log
: If the regular expression matches against its source input (i.e., stdout and/or stderr), then a description of the error will be added to the beginning of the source, prepended with either ‘Log:’ or ‘Warning:’. A log-level/warning-level error will not cause the tool to fail.fatal
: If the regular expression matches against its source input, then a description of the error will be added to the beginning of the source. A fatal-level error will cause the tool to fail.fatal_oom
: In contrast to fatal the job might be resubmitted if possible according to the job configuration.
: Just like itsexit_code
counterpart, this is an optional description of the regular expression that has matched.
The following is an example of regular expressions that may be used:
<regex match="low space"
description="Low space on device" />
<regex match="error"
description="Unknown error encountered" />
<!-- Catching fatal_oom allows the job runner to potentially resubmit to a resource with more
memory if Galaxy is configured to do this. -->
<regex match="out of memory"
description="Out of memory error occurred" />
<regex match="[CG]{12}"
description="Fatal error - CG island 12 nts long found" />
<regex match="^Branch A"
description="Branch A was taken in execution" />
The regular expression matching proceeds as follows. First, if either stdout or
stderr match on low space
, then a warning is registered. If stdout contained
the string ---LOW SPACE---
, then stdout has the string Warning: Low space on device
added to its beginning. The same goes for if stderr had contained the
string low space
. Since only a warning could have occurred, the processing
Next, the regular expression error
is matched only against stdout. If stdout
contains the string error
regardless of its capitalization, then a fatal
error has occurred and the processing stops. In that case, stdout would be
prepended with the string Fatal: Unknown error encountered
. Note that, if
stderr contained error
, or ErRor
then it would not matter -
stderr was not being scanned.
If the second regular expression does not match, the regular expression “out of memory” is checked on stdout. If found, Galaxy tries to resubmit the job with more memory if configured correctly, otherwise the job fails.
If the previous regular expressions does not match, then the fourth regular
expression is checked. The fourth regular expression does not contain an error
level, so an error level of fatal
is assumed. The fourth regular expression
also does not contain a source, so both stdout and stderr are checked. The fourth
regular expression looks for 12 consecutive “C”s or “G”s in any order and in
uppercase or lowercase. If stdout contained cgccGGCCcGGcG
or stderr
contained CCCCCCgggGGG
, then the regular expression would match, the tool
would be marked with a fatal error, and the stream that contained the
12-nucleotide CG island would be prepended with Fatal: Fatal error - CG island 12 nts long found
Finally, if the tool did not match any of the fatal errors, then the fifth
regular expression is checked. Since no source is specified, both stdout and
stderr are checked. If Branch A
is at the beginning of stdout or stderr, then
a warning will be registered and the source that contained Branch A
will be
prepended with the warning Warning: Branch A was taken in execution
> version_command
Specifies the command to be run in order to get the tool’s version string. The resulting value will be found in the “Info” field of the history dataset.
Unlike the command tag, with the exception of the string
this value is taken as a literal and so there is no
need to escape values like $
and command inputs are not available for variable
A simple example for a TopHat tool definition might just be:
<version_command>tophat -version</version_command>
An example that leverages a Python script (e.g. count_reads.py
) shipped with
the tool might be:
<version_command>python '$__tool_directory__/count_reads.py'</version_command>
Examples are included in the test tools directory including:
Attribute | Details | Required |
interpreter |
Deprecated. This will prefix the version command with the value of this attribute (e.g. python or perl ) and the tool directory, in order to to run an executable file shipped with the tool. It is recommended to instead use <interpreter> '$__tool_directory__/<executable_name>' in the tag content. If this attribute is not specified, the tag should contain a Bash command calling executable(s) available in the $PATH , as modified after loading the requirements. |
False |
> command
This tag specifies how Galaxy should invoke the tool’s executable, passing its
required input parameter values (the command line specification links the
parameters supplied in the form with the actual tool executable). Any word
inside it starting with a dollar sign ($
) will be treated as a variable whose
values can be acquired from one of three sources: parameters, metadata, or
output files. After the substitution of variables with their values, the content
is interpreted with Cheetah and finally given
to the interpreter specified in the corresponding attribute (if any).
The following uses a compiled executable (bedtools).
bed12ToBed6 -i '$input' > '$output'
A few things to note about even this simple example:
- Input and output variables (boringly named
) are expanded into paths using the$
Cheetah directive. - Paths should be quoted so that the Galaxy database files may contain spaces.
- We are building up a shell script - so special characters like
can be used (in this case the standard output of the bedtools call is written to the path specified by'$output'
The bed12ToBed6 tool can be found here.
A more sophisticated bedtools example demonstrates the use of loops, conditionals, and uses whitespace to make a complex command very readable can be found in annotateBed tool.
bedtools annotate
-i '${inputA}'
#if $names.names_select == 'yes':
#for $bed in $names.beds:
#end for
#for $bed in $names.beds:
#end for
#set files = '" "'.join([str($file) for $file in $names.beds])
-files '${files}'
#set names = '" "'.join([str($name.display_name) for $name in $names.beds])
-names '${names}'
#end if
> '${output}'
The following example (taken from xpath tool)
uses an interpreted executable. In this case a Perl script is shipped with the
tool and the directory of the tool itself is referenced with $__tool_directory__
perl '$__tool_directory__/xpath' -q -e '$expression' '$input' > '$output'
The following example demonstrates accessing metadata from datasets. Metadata values
(e.g., ${input.metadata.chromCol}
) are acquired from the Metadata
model associated
with the objects selected as the values of each of the relative form field
parameters in the tool form. Accessing this information is generally enabled using
the following feature components.
A set of “metadata information” is defined for each supported data type (see the
objects in the various data types classes in
The DatasetFilenameWrapper
class in the
code file wraps a metadata collection to return metadata parameters wrapped
according to the Metadata spec.
#set genome = $input.metadata.dbkey
#set datatype = $input.datatype
mkdir -p output_dir &&
python '$__tool_directory__/extract_genomic_dna.py'
--input '$input'
--genome '$genome'
#if $input.is_of_type("gff"):
--input_format "gff"
--columns "1,4,5,7"
--interpret_features $interpret_features
--input_format "interval"
--columns "${input.metadata.chromCol},${input.metadata.startCol},${input.metadata.endCol},${input.metadata.strandCol},${input.metadata.nameCol}"
#end if
--reference_genome_source $reference_genome_cond.reference_genome_source
#if str($reference_genome_cond.reference_genome_source) == "cached"
--reference_genome $reference_genome_cond.reference_genome.fields.path
--reference_genome $reference_genome_cond.reference_genome
#end if
--output_format $output_format_cond.output_format
#if str($output_format_cond.output_format) == "fasta":
--fasta_header_type $output_format_cond.fasta_header_type_cond.fasta_header_type
#if str($output_format_cond.fasta_header_type_cond.fasta_header_type) == "char_delimited":
--fasta_header_delimiter $output_format_cond.fasta_header_type_cond.fasta_header_delimiter
#end if
#end if
--output '$output'
In additon to demonstrating accessing metadata, this example demonstrates:
which can be used to check if an input is of a given datatype.#set datatype = $input.datatype
which is the syntax for defining variables in Cheetah.
Reserved Variables¶
Galaxy provides a few pre-defined variables which can be used in your command line, even though they don’t appear in your tool’s parameters.
Name | Description |
$__tool_directory__ |
The directory the tool description (XML file) currently resides in (new in 15.03) |
$__new_file_path__ |
config/galaxy.ini 's new_file_path value |
$__tool_data_path__ |
config/galaxy.ini 's tool_data_path value |
$__root_dir__ |
Top-level Galaxy source directory made absolute via os.path.abspath() |
$__datatypes_config__ |
config/galaxy.ini 's datatypes_config value |
$__user_id__ |
Email's numeric ID (id column of galaxy_user table in the database) |
$__user_email__ |
User's email address |
$__app__ |
The galaxy.app.UniverseApplication instance, gives access to all other configuration file variables (e.g. $app.config.output_size_limit). Should be used as a last resort, may go away in future releases. |
Additional runtime properties are available as environment variables. Since these
are not Cheetah variables (the values aren’t available until runtime) these should likely
be escaped with a backslash (\
) when appearing in command
or configfile
Name | Description |
Number of cores/threads allocated by the job runner or resource manager to the tool for the given job (here 4 is the default number of threads to use if running via custom runner that does not configure GALAXY_SLOTS or in an older Galaxy runtime). |
Total amount of memory in megabytes (1024^2 bytes) allocated by the administrator (via the resource manager) to the tool for the given job. If unset, tools should not attempt to limit memory usage. |
Amount of memory per slot in megabytes (1024^2 bytes) allocated by the administrator (via the resource manager) to the tool for the given job. If unset, tools should not attempt to limit memory usage. |
See the Planemo docs
on the topic of GALAXY_SLOTS
for more information and examples.
Error detection¶
The detect_errors
attribute of command
, if present, loads a preset of error detection checks (for exit codes and content of stdio to indicate fatal tool errors or fatal out of memory errors). It can be one of:
: for non-legacy tools with absent stdio block non-zero exit codes are added. For legacy tools or if a stdio block is present nothing is added.exit_code
: adds checks for non zero exit codes (The @jmchilton recommendation). Theoom_exit_code
parameter can be used to add an additional out of memory indicating exit code.aggressive
: adds checks for non zero exit codes, and checks forException:
in the standard error. Additionally checks for messages in the standard error that indicate an out of memory error (MemoryError
,Out of memory
). (The @bgruening recommendation).
Prior to Galaxy release 19.01 the stdio block has only been used for non-legacy tools using default
. From release 19.01 checks defined in the stdio tag are prepended to the checks defined by the presets loaded in the command block.
Best Practices¶
Find the Intergalactic Utilities Commision suggested best practices for this element here.
Attribute | Details | Required |
detect_errors |
One of default , exit_code , aggressive . See "Error detection" above for details. |
False |
oom_exit_code |
Only used if detect_errors="exit_code" , tells Galaxy the specified exit code indicates an out of memory error. Galaxy instances may be configured to retry such jobs on resources with more memory. |
False |
use_shared_home |
When running a job for this tool, do not isolate its $HOME directory within the job's directory - use either the shared_home_dir setting in Galaxy or the default $HOME specified in the job's default environment. |
False |
interpreter |
Deprecated. This will prefix the command with the value of this attribute (e.g. python or perl ) and the tool directory, in order to run an executable file shipped with the tool. It is recommended to instead use <interpreter> '$__tool_directory__/<executable_name>' in the tag content. If this attribute is not specified, the tag should contain a Bash command calling executable(s) available in the $PATH , as modified after loading the requirements. |
False |
strict |
This boolean forces the #set -e directive on in shell scripts - so that in a multi-part command if any part fails the job exits with a non-zero exit code. This is enabled by default for tools with profile>=16.04 and disabled on legacy tools. |
False |
> environment_variables
This directive should contain one or more environment_variable
> environment_variables
> environment_variable
This directive defines an environment variable that will be available when the tool executes. The body should be a Cheetah template block that may reference the tool’s inputs as demonstrated below.
The following demonstrates a couple environment_variable
<environment_variable name="INTVAR">$inttest</environment_variable>
<environment_variable name="IFTEST">#if int($inttest) == 3
#end if#</environment_variable>
If these environment variables are used in another Cheetah context, such as in
the command
block, the $
used indicate shell expansion of a variable
should be escaped with a \
so prevent it from being evaluated as a Cheetah
variable instead of shell variable.
echo "\$INTVAR" > $out_file1;
echo "\$IFTEST" >> $out_file1;
The Galaxy user’s API key can be injected into an environment variable by setting inject
attribute to api_key
(e.g. inject="api_key"
<environment_variable name="GALAXY_API_KEY" inject="api_key" />
The framework allows setting this via environment variable and not via templating variables in order to discourage setting the actual values of these keys as command line arguments. On shared systems this provides some security by preventing a simple process listing command from exposing keys.
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
Name of the environment variable to define. | False |
inject |
Special variable to inject into the environment variable. Currently 'api_key' is the only option and will cause the user's API key to be injected via this environment variable. | False |
strip |
Whether to strip leading and trailing whitespace from the calculated value before exporting the environment variable. | False |
> configfiles
for an example of how this tag set is used in a tool. This tag set is a
container for <configfile>
and <inputs>
tag sets - which can be used
to setup configuration files for use by tools.
> configfiles
> configfile
This tag set is contained within the <configfiles>
tag set. It allows for
the creation of a temporary file for file-based parameter transfer.
The following is taken from the xy_plot.xml tool config.
<configfile name="script_file">
## Setup R error handling to go to stderr
options(show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat(geterrmessage(), file=stderr()); q("no", 1, F) })
## Determine range of all series in the plot
xrange = c(NULL, NULL)
yrange = c(NULL, NULL)
#for $i, $s in enumerate($series)
s${i} = read.table("${s.input.file_name}")
x${i} = s${i}[,${s.xcol}]
y${i} = s${i}[,${s.ycol}]
xrange = range(x${i}, xrange)
yrange = range(y${i}, yrange)
#end for
## Open output PDF file
## Dummy plot for axis / labels
plot(NULL, type="n", xlim=xrange, ylim=yrange, main="${main}", xlab="${xlab}", ylab="${ylab}")
## Plot each series
#for $i, $s in enumerate($series)
#if $s.series_type['type'] == "line"
lines(x${i}, y${i}, lty=${s.series_type.lty}, lwd=${s.series_type.lwd}, col=${s.series_type.col})
#elif $s.series_type.type == "points"
points(x${i}, y${i}, pch=${s.series_type.pch}, cex=${s.series_type.cex}, col=${s.series_type.col})
#end if
#end for
## Close the PDF file
devname = dev.off()
This file is then used in the command
block of the tool as follows:
<command>bash '$__tool_directory__/r_wrapper.sh' '$script_file'</command>
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
Cheetah variable used to reference the path to the file created with this directive. | False |
filename |
Path relative to the working directory of the tool for the configfile created in response to this directive. | False |
> configfiles
> inputs
This tag set is contained within the <configfiles>
tag set. It tells Galaxy to
write out a JSON representation of the tool parameters.
The following will create a cheetah variable that can be evaluated as $inputs
will contain the tool parameter inputs.
<inputs name="inputs" />
The following will instead write the inputs to the tool’s working directory with
the specified name (i.e. inputs.json
<inputs name="inputs" filename="inputs.json" />
A contrived example of a tool that uses this is the test tool inputs_as_json.xml.
By default this file will not contain paths for data or collection inputs. To include simple
paths for data parameters set the data_style
attribute to paths
(see inputs_as_json_with_paths.xml for an example).
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
Cheetah variable to populate the path to the inputs JSON file created in response to this directive. | False |
filename |
Path relative to the working directory of the tool for the inputs JSON file created in response to this directive. | False |
data_style |
Set to 'paths' to include dataset paths in the resulting file. | False |
> inputs
Consists of all elements that define the tool’s input parameters. Each param element contained in this element can be used as a command line parameter within the command text content. Most tools will not need to specify any attributes on this tag itself.
Attribute | Details | Required |
action |
URL used by data source tools. | False |
check_values |
Set to false to disable parameter checking in data source tools. |
False |
method |
Data source HTTP action (e.g. get or put ) to use. |
False |
target |
UI link target to use for data source tools (e.g. _top ). |
False |
nginx_upload |
This boolean indicates if this is an upload tool or not. | False |
> inputs
> section
This tag is used to group parameters into sections of the interface. Sections are implemented to replace the commonly used tactic of hiding advanced options behind a conditional, with sections you can easily visually group a related set of options.
The XML configuration is relatively trivial for sections:
<section name="adv" title="Advanced Options" expanded="false">
<param name="plot_color" type="color" label="Track color" />
In your command template, you’ll need to include the section name to access the variable:
--color $adv.plot_color
Further examples can be found in the test case from pull request #35.
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
The internal key used for the section. | True |
title |
Human readable label for the section. | True |
expanded |
Whether the section should be expanded by default or not. If not, the default set values are used. | False |
help |
Short help description for section, rendered just below the section. | False |
> inputs
> repeat
for an example of how to use this tag set. This is a container for any tag sets
that can be contained within the <inputs>
tag set. When this is used, the
tool will allow the user to add any number of additional sets of the contained
parameters (an option to add new iterations will be displayed on the tool form).
All input parameters contained within the <repeat>
tag can be retrieved by
enumerating over $<name_of_repeat_tag_set>
in the relevant Cheetah code.
This returns the rank and the parameter objects of the repeat container. See the
Cheetah code below.
This part is contained in the <inputs>
tag set.
<repeat name="series" title="Series">
<param name="input" type="data" format="tabular" label="Dataset"/>
<param name="xcol" type="data_column" data_ref="input" label="Column for x axis"/>
<param name="ycol" type="data_column" data_ref="input" label="Column for y axis"/>
This Cheetah code can be used in the <command>
tag set or the
tag set.
#for $i, $s in enumerate($series)
#end for
This is an example test case with multiple repeat elements for the example above.
<repeat name="series">
<param name="input" value="tabular1.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
<param name="xcol" value="1"/>
<param name="ycol" value="2"/>
<repeat name="series">
<param name="input" value="tabular2.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
<param name="xcol" value="4"/>
<param name="ycol" value="2"/>
<output name="out_file1" file="cool.pdf" ftype="pdf" />
See the documentation on the repeat test directive.
An older way to specify repeats in a test is by instances that are created by referring to names with a special format: <repeat name>_<repeat index>|<param name>
<param name="series_0|input" value="tabular1.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
<param name="series_0|xcol" value="1"/>
<param name="series_0|ycol" value="2"/>
<param name="series_1|input" value="tabular2.tsv" ftype="tabular"/>
<param name="series_1|xcol" value="4"/>
<param name="series_1|ycol" value="2"/>
<output name="out_file1" file="cool.pdf" ftype="pdf" />
The test tool disambiguate_repeats.xml demonstrates both testing strategies.
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
Name for this element | False |
title |
The title of the repeat section, which will be displayed on the tool form. | True |
min |
The minimum number of repeat units. | False |
max |
The maximum number of repeat units. | False |
default |
The default number of repeat units. | False |
help |
Short help description for repeat element. | False |
> inputs
> conditional
This is a container for conditional parameters in the tool (must contain ‘when’ tag sets) - the command line (or portions thereof) are then wrapped in an if-else statement. A good example tool that demonstrates many conditional parameters is biom_convert.xml.
<conditional name="input_type">
<param name="input_type_selector" type="select" label="Choose the source BIOM format">
<option value="tsv" selected="true">Tabular File</option>
<option value="biom">BIOM File</option>
<when value="tsv">
<param name="input_table" type="data" format="tabular" label="Tabular File" argument="--input-fp"/>
<param argument="--process-obs-metadata" type="select" label="Process metadata associated with observations when converting">
<option value="" selected="true">Do Not process metadata</option>
<option value="taxonomy">taxonomy</option>
<option value="naive">naive</option>
<option value="sc_separated">sc_separated</option>
<when value="biom">
<param name="input_table" type="data" format="biom1" label="Tabular File" argument="--input-fp"/>
The first directive following the conditional is a param,
this param must be of type select
or boolean
. Depending on the value a
user selects for this “test” parameter - different UI elements will be shown.
These different paths are described by the following the when
blocks shown
The following Cheetah block demonstrates the use of the conditional
shown above:
biom convert -i "${input_type.input_table}" -o "${output_table}"
#if str($input_type.input_type_selector) == "tsv":
#if $input_type.process_obs_metadata:
--process-obs-metadata "${input_type.process_obs_metadata}"
#end if
#end if
Notice that the parameter input_table
appears down both when
so ${input_type.input_table}
appears unconditionally but we need to
conditionally reference ${input_type.process_obs_metadata}
with a Cheetah
A common use of the conditional wrapper is to select between reference data managed by the Galaxy admins (for instance via data managers ) and history files. A good example tool that demonstrates this is the Bowtie 2 wrapper.
<conditional name="reference_genome">
<param name="source" type="select" label="Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?" help="Built-ins were indexed using default options. See `Indexes` section of help below">
<option value="indexed">Use a built-in genome index</option>
<option value="history">Use a genome from the history and build index</option>
<when value="indexed">
<param name="index" type="select" label="Select reference genome" help="If your genome of interest is not listed, contact the Galaxy team">
<options from_data_table="bowtie2_indexes">
<filter type="sort_by" column="2"/>
<validator type="no_options" message="No indexes are available for the selected input dataset"/>
<when value="history">
<param name="own_file" type="data" format="fasta" label="Select reference genome" />
The Bowtie 2 wrapper also demonstrates other conditional paths - such as choosing between paired inputs of single stranded inputs.
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
Name for this element | False |
value_from |
Infrequently used option to dynamically access Galaxy internals, this should be avoided. Galaxy method to execute. | False |
value_ref |
Infrequently used option to dynamically access Galaxy internals, this should be avoided. Referenced parameter to pass method. | False |
value_ref_in_group |
Infrequently used option to dynamically access Galaxy internals, this should be avoided. Is referenced parameter is the same group. | False |
label |
Human readable description for the conditional, unused in the Galaxy UI currently. | False |
> inputs
> conditional
> when
This directive describes one potential set of input for the tool at this depth. See documentation for the conditional block for more details and examples (XML and corresponding Cheetah conditionals).
Attribute | Details | Required |
value |
Value for the tool form test parameter corresponding to this when block. |
True |
> inputs
> param
Contained within the <inputs>
tag set - each of these specifies a field that
will be displayed on the tool form. Ultimately, the values of these form fields
will be passed as the command line parameters to the tool’s executable.
Common Attributes¶
The attributes valid for this tag vary wildly based on the type
of the
parameter being described. All the attributes for the param
element are
documented below for completeness, but here are the common ones for each
type are as follows:
Attribute | Details | Required |
type |
Describes the parameter type - each different type as different semantics and the tool form widget is different. Currently valid parameter types are: text , integer , float , boolean , genomebuild , select , color , data_column , hidden , hidden_data , baseurl , file , ftpfile , data , data_collection , library_data , drill_down . The definition of supported parameter types as defined in the parameter_types dictionary in /lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/basic.py. |
True |
name |
Name for this element. This name is used as the Cheetah variable containing the user-supplied parameter name in command and configfile elements. The name should not contain pipes or periods (e.g. . ). Some "reserved" names are REDIRECT_URL , DATA_URL , GALAXY_URL . |
False |
argument |
If the parameter reflects just one command line argument of a certain tool, this tag should be set to that particular argument. It is rendered in parenthesis after the help section, and it will create the name attribute (if not given explicitly) from the argument attribute by stripping leading dashes and replacing all remaining dashes by underscores (e.g. if argument="--long-parameter" then name="long_parameter" is implicit). |
False |
label |
The attribute value will be displayed on the tool page as the label of the form field (label="Sort Query" ). |
False |
help |
Short bit of text, rendered on the tool form just below the associated field to provide information about the field. Find the Intergalactic Utilities Commision suggested best practices for this element here. | False |
load_contents |
Number of bytes that should be loaded into the contents attribute of the jobs dictionary provided to Expression Tools. Applies only to type="data" inputs. |
False |
optional |
If false , parameter must have a value. Defaults to "false". |
False |
refresh_on_change |
Force a reload of the tool panel when the value of this parameter changes to allow code file processing. See deprecation-like notice for code blocks. |
False |
Parameter Types¶
When type="text"
, the parameter is free form text and appears as a text box
in the tool form.
Sometimes you need labels for data or graph axes, chart titles, etc. This can be done using a text field. The following will create a text box with the default value of “V1”.
<param name="xlab" type="text" value="V1" label="Label for x axis" />
The area
boolean attribute can be used to change the text
parameter to a
two-dimensional text area instead of a single line text box.
<param name="foo" type="text" area="true" />
Since release 17.01, text
parameters can also supply a static list of preset
defaults options. The user may be presented with the option to select one of
these but will be allowed to supply an arbitrary text value.
<param name="foo" type="text" value="foo 1">
<option value="foo 1">Foo 1 Display</option>
<option value="foo 2">Foo 2 Display</option>
See param_text_option.xml for a demonstration of this.
Attribute | Details | Required |
area |
Boolean indicating if this should be rendered as a one line text box (if false , the default) or a multi-line text area (if true ). |
False |
value |
The default value for this parameter. | False |
size |
Deprecated. Used only if type attribute value is text . Completely ignored since release 16.10. |
False |
and float
These parameters represent whole number and real numbers, respectively.
<param name="region_size" type="integer" value="1" label="Size of the flanking regions" />
Attribute | Details | Required |
value |
The default value for this parameter. | False |
min |
Minimum valid parameter value - only valid when type is integer or float . |
False |
max |
Maximum valid parameter value - only valid when type is integer or float . |
False |
This represents a binary true or false value.
Attribute | Details | Required |
checked |
Set to true if the boolean parameter should be checked (or true ) by default. |
False |
truevalue |
The parameter value in the Cheetah template if the parameter is true or checked by the user. Only valid if type is boolean . |
False |
falsevalue |
The parameter value in the Cheetah template if the parameter is false or not checked by the user. Only valid if type is boolean . |
False |
A dataset from the current history. Multiple types might be used for the param form.
Attribute | Details | Required |
multiple |
Allow multiple valus to be selected. Valid with data and select parameters. |
False |
The following will find all “coordinate interval files” contained within the current history and dynamically populate a select list with them. If they are selected, their destination and internal file name will be passed to the appropriate command line variable.
<param name="interval_file" type="data" format="interval" label="near intervals in"/>
The following demonstrates a param
which may accept multiple files and
multiple formats.
<param format="sam,bam" multiple="true" name="bamOrSamFile" type="data"
label="Alignments in BAM or SAM format"
help="The set of aligned reads." />
Perhaps counter-intuitively, a multiple="true"
data parameter requires at least one
data input. If optional="true"
is specified, this condition is relaxed and the user
is allowed to select 0 datasets. Unfortunately, if 0 datasets are selected the resulting
value for the parameter during Cheetah templating (such as in a command
block) will
effectively be a list with one None
-like entity in it.
The following idiom can be used to iterate over such a list and build a hypothetical -B
parameter for each file - the if
block is used to handle the case where a None
entity appears in the list because no files were selected:
#for $input in $input1
#if $input
-B "$input"
#end if
#end for
Some example tools using multiple="true"
data parameters include:
Additionally, a detailed discussion of handling multiple homogenous files can be found in the the Planemo Documentation on this topic.
Attribute | Details | Required |
format |
Only if type attribute value is data or data_collection - the list of supported data formats is contained in the /config/datatypes_conf.xml.sample file. Use the file extension. |
False |
multiple |
Allow multiple valus to be selected. Valid with data and select parameters. |
False |
The following will create a select list containing the options “Downstream” and
“Upstream”. Depending on the selection, a d
or u
value will be passed to
the $upstream_or_down
variable on the command line.
<param name="upstream_or_down" type="select" label="Get">
<option value="u">Upstream</option>
<option value="d">Downstream</option>
The following will create a checkbox list allowing the user to select
“Downstream”, “Upstream”, both, or neither. Depending on the selection, the
value of $upstream_or_down
will be d
, u
, u,d
, or “”.
<param name="upstream_or_down" type="select" label="Get" multiple="true" display="checkboxes">
<option value="u">Upstream</option>
<option value="d">Downstream</option>
Attribute | Details | Required |
data_ref |
Only valid if type attribute value is select , data_column , or group_tag . Used with select lists whose options are dynamically generated based on certain metadata attributes of the dataset or collection upon which this parameter depends (usually but not always the tool's input dataset). |
False |
display |
This attribute is used only if type attribute value is select - render a select list as a set of check boxes or radio buttons. Defaults to a drop-down menu select list. |
False |
multiple |
Allow multiple valus to be selected. Valid with data and select parameters. |
False |
dynamic_options |
Deprecated/discouraged method to allow access to Python code to generate options for a select list. See code 's documentation for an example. |
False |
This parameter type is used to select columns from a parameter.
Attribute | Details | Required |
force_select |
Deprecated. Used only if the type attribute value is data_column , this is deprecated and the inverse of optional . Set to false to not force user to select an option in the list. |
False |
numerical |
Used only if the type attribute value is data_column , if true the column will be treated as numerical when filtering columns based on metadata. |
False |
Attribute | Details | Required |
hierarchy |
Used only if the type attribute value is drill_down , this attribute determines the drill down is recursive or exact . |
False |
The following will create a parameter that only accepts paired FASTQ files grouped into a collection.
<param name="inputs" type="data_collection" collection_type="paired" label="Input FASTQs" format="fastq">
More detailed information on writing tools that consume collections can be found in the planemo documentation.
Attribute | Details | Required |
format |
Only if type attribute value is data or data_collection - the list of supported data formats is contained in the /config/datatypes_conf.xml.sample file. Use the file extension. |
False |
collection_type |
This is only valid if type is data_collection . Restrict the kind of collection that can be consumed by this parameter (e.g. paired , list:paired , list ). Multiple such collection types can be specified here as a comma-separated list. |
False |
The following example will create a color selector parameter.
<param name="feature_color" type="color" label="Default feature color" value="#ff00ff">
Given that the output includes a pound sign, it is often convenient to use a sanitizer to prevent Galaxy from escaping the result.
<param name="feature_color" type="color" label="Default feature color" value="#ff00ff">
<valid initial="string.ascii_letters,string.digits">
<add value="#" />
Attribute | Details | Required |
value |
The default value for this parameter. | False |
rgb |
If false , the returned value will be in Hex color code. If true it will be a RGB value e.g. 0,0,255. This attribute is only valid when type is color . |
False |
This covers examples of the most common parameter types, the remaining parameter types are more obsecure and less likely to be useful for most tool authors.
Attribute | Details | Required |
type |
Describes the parameter type - each different type as different semantics and the tool form widget is different. Currently valid parameter types are: text , integer , float , boolean , genomebuild , select , color , data_column , hidden , hidden_data , baseurl , file , ftpfile , data , data_collection , library_data , drill_down . The definition of supported parameter types as defined in the parameter_types dictionary in /lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/basic.py. |
True |
name |
Name for this element. This name is used as the Cheetah variable containing the user-supplied parameter name in command and configfile elements. The name should not contain pipes or periods (e.g. . ). Some "reserved" names are REDIRECT_URL , DATA_URL , GALAXY_URL . |
False |
area |
Boolean indicating if this should be rendered as a one line text box (if false , the default) or a multi-line text area (if true ). |
False |
argument |
If the parameter reflects just one command line argument of a certain tool, this tag should be set to that particular argument. It is rendered in parenthesis after the help section, and it will create the name attribute (if not given explicitly) from the argument attribute by stripping leading dashes and replacing all remaining dashes by underscores (e.g. if argument="--long-parameter" then name="long_parameter" is implicit). |
False |
label |
The attribute value will be displayed on the tool page as the label of the form field (label="Sort Query" ). |
False |
help |
Short bit of text, rendered on the tool form just below the associated field to provide information about the field. Find the Intergalactic Utilities Commision suggested best practices for this element here. | False |
load_contents |
Number of bytes that should be loaded into the contents attribute of the jobs dictionary provided to Expression Tools. Applies only to type="data" inputs. |
False |
value |
The default value for this parameter. | False |
default_value |
Deprecated. Specify default value for column parameters (use value instead). |
False |
optional |
If false , parameter must have a value. Defaults to "false". |
False |
rgb |
If false , the returned value will be in Hex color code. If true it will be a RGB value e.g. 0,0,255. This attribute is only valid when type is color . |
False |
min |
Minimum valid parameter value - only valid when type is integer or float . |
False |
max |
Maximum valid parameter value - only valid when type is integer or float . |
False |
format |
Only if type attribute value is data or data_collection - the list of supported data formats is contained in the /config/datatypes_conf.xml.sample file. Use the file extension. |
False |
collection_type |
This is only valid if type is data_collection . Restrict the kind of collection that can be consumed by this parameter (e.g. paired , list:paired , list ). Multiple such collection types can be specified here as a comma-separated list. |
False |
data_ref |
Only valid if type attribute value is select , data_column , or group_tag . Used with select lists whose options are dynamically generated based on certain metadata attributes of the dataset or collection upon which this parameter depends (usually but not always the tool's input dataset). |
False |
accept_default |
Documentation for PermissiveBoolean | False |
refresh_on_change |
Force a reload of the tool panel when the value of this parameter changes to allow code file processing. See deprecation-like notice for code blocks. |
False |
force_select |
Deprecated. Used only if the type attribute value is data_column , this is deprecated and the inverse of optional . Set to false to not force user to select an option in the list. |
False |
use_header_names |
Used only if the type attribute value is data_column , if true Galaxy assumes first row of data_ref is a header and builds the select list with these values rather than the more generic c1 ... cN . |
False |
display |
This attribute is used only if type attribute value is select - render a select list as a set of check boxes or radio buttons. Defaults to a drop-down menu select list. |
False |
multiple |
Allow multiple valus to be selected. Valid with data and select parameters. |
False |
numerical |
Used only if the type attribute value is data_column , if true the column will be treated as numerical when filtering columns based on metadata. |
False |
hierarchy |
Used only if the type attribute value is drill_down , this attribute determines the drill down is recursive or exact . |
False |
checked |
Set to true if the boolean parameter should be checked (or true ) by default. |
False |
truevalue |
The parameter value in the Cheetah template if the parameter is true or checked by the user. Only valid if type is boolean . |
False |
falsevalue |
The parameter value in the Cheetah template if the parameter is false or not checked by the user. Only valid if type is boolean . |
False |
size |
Deprecated. Used only if type attribute value is text . Completely ignored since release 16.10. |
False |
dynamic_options |
Deprecated/discouraged method to allow access to Python code to generate options for a select list. See code 's documentation for an example. |
False |
> inputs
> param
> validator
See the
tool for an example of how to use this tag set. This tag set is contained within
the <param>
tag set - it applies a validator to the containing parameter.
The following demonstrates a simple validator unspecified_build
that a dbkey is present on the selected dataset. This example is taken from the
<param name="input" type="data" format="gff,interval" label="Fetch sequences for intervals in">
<validator type="unspecified_build" />
Along the same line, the following example taken from
ensures that a dbkey is present and that FASTA indices in the fasta_indexes
tool data table are present.
<param format="bam" label="BAM file(s)" name="input_bam" type="data" min="1" multiple="true">
<validator type="unspecified_build" />
<validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table" metadata_name="dbkey" table_name="fasta_indexes" metadata_column="1"
message="Sequences are not currently available for the specified build." />
In this older, somewhat deprecated example - a genome build of the dataset must
be stored in Galaxy clusters and the name of the genome (dbkey
) must be one
of the values in the first column of file alignseq.loc
- that could be
expressed with the validator. In general, dataset_metadata_in_file
should be
considered deprecated in favor of
<validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table"
message="Sequences are not currently available for the specified build." />
A very common validator is simply ensure a Python expression is valid for a
specified value. In the following example - paths/names that downstream tools
use in filenames may not contain ..
<validator type="expression" message="No two dots (..) allowed">'..' not in value</validator>
Attribute | Details | Required |
type |
The list of supported validators is in the validator_types dictionary in /lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/validation.py. Valid values include: expression , regex , in_range , length , metadata , unspecified_build , no_options , empty_field , dataset_metadata_in_file , dataset_metadata_in_data_table , dataset_metadata_not_in_data_table , value_in_data_table , value_not_in_data_table , dataset_ok_validator , dataset_metadata_in_range |
True |
message |
The error message displayed on the tool form if validation fails. | False |
check |
Comma-seperated list of metadata fields to check for if type is metadata . If not specified, all non-optional metadata fields will be checked unless they appear in the list of fields specified by the skip attribute. |
False |
table_name |
Tool data table name to check against if type is dataset_metadata_in_tool_data , dataset_metadata_not_in_tool_data , value_in_tool_data , or value_not_in_tool_data . See the documentation for tool data tables and data managers for more information. |
False |
filename |
Tool data filename to check against if type is dataset_metadata_in_file . File should be present Galaxy's tool-data directory. |
False |
metadata_name |
Target metadata attribute name for dataset_metadata_in_data_table , dataset_metadata_not_in_data_table and dataset_metadata_in_file options. |
False |
metadata_column |
Target column for metadata attribute in dataset_metadata_in_data_table , dataset_metadata_not_in_data_table , value_in_data_table , value__not_in_data_table , and dataset_metadata_in_file options. This can be an integer index to the column or a column name. |
False |
line_startswith |
Used to indicate lines in the file being used for validation start with a this attribute value. | False |
min |
When the type attribute value is in_range - this is the minimum number allowed. |
False |
max |
When the type attribute value is in_range - this is the maximum number allowed. |
False |
exclude_min |
When the type attribute value is in_range - this boolean indicates if the min value is allowed. |
False |
exclude_max |
When the type attribute value is in_range - this boolean indicates if the max value is allowed. |
False |
split |
If type is `dataset_metadata_in_file, this attribute is the column separator to use for values in the specified file. This default is \t`` and due to a bug in older versions of Galaxy, should not be modified. |
False |
skip |
Comma-seperated list of metadata fields to skip if type is metadata . If not specified, all non-optional metadata fields will be checked unless check attribute is specified. |
False |
> inputs
> param
> option
See /tools/filters/sorter.xml
for typical examples of how to use this tag set. This directive is used to described
static lists of options and is contained
within the param directive when the type
value is select
(i.e. <param type="select" ...>
<param name="style" type="select" label="with flavor">
<option value="num">Numerical sort</option>
<option value="gennum">General numeric sort</option>
<option value="alpha">Alphabetical sort</option>
An option can also be annotated with selected="true"
to specify a
default option.
<param name="col" type="select" label="From">
<option value="0" selected="true">Column 1 / Sequence name</option>
<option value="1">Column 2 / Source</option>
<option value="2">Column 3 / Feature</option>
<option value="6">Column 7 / Strand</option>
<option value="7">Column 8 / Frame</option>
Attribute | Details | Required |
value |
The value of the corresponding variable when used the Cheetah template. Also the value that should be used in building test cases and used when building requests for the API. | False |
selected |
A boolean parameter indicating if the corresponding option is selected by default (the default is false ). |
False |
> inputs
> param
> conversion
A contrived example of a tool that uses this is the test tool explicit_conversion.xml.
This directive is optionally contained within the <param>
tag when the
attribute value is data
and is used to dynamically generated a converted
dataset for the contained input of the type specified using the type
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
Name of Cheetah variable to create for converted dataset. | True |
type |
The short extension describing the datatype to convert to - Galaxy must have a datatype converter from the parent input's type to this. | True |
> inputs
> param
> options
See /tools/extract/liftOver_wrapper.xml
for an example of how to use this tag set. This tag set is optionally contained
within the <param>
tag when the type
attribute value is select
and used to dynamically generated lists of options. This tag set
dynamically creates a list of options whose values can be
obtained from a predefined file stored locally or a dataset selected from the
current history.
There are at least five basic ways to use this tag - four of these correspond to
a from_XXX
attribute on the options
directive and the other is to
exclusively use filter
s to populate options.
- The options for the select list are dynamically obtained from a file specified in the Galaxy configuration filetool_data_table_conf.xml
or from a Tool Shed installed data manager.from_dataset
- The options for the select list are dynamically obtained from input dataset selected for the tool from the current history.from_file
- The options for the select list are dynamically obtained from a file. This mechanis is discourage in favor of the more genericfrom_data_table
- The options for the select list are dynamically obtained from a parameter.- Using
s - various filters can be used to populate options, see examples in the filter documentation.
See Galaxy’s data tables documentation for information on setting up data tables.
Once a data table has been configured and populated, these can be easily leveraged via tools.
This conditional
block in the
wrapper demonstrates using from_data_table
options as an
alternative to local reference data.
<conditional name="reference_genome">
<param name="source" type="select" label="Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?" help="Built-ins were indexed using default options. See `Indexes` section of help below">
<option value="indexed">Use a built-in genome index</option>
<option value="history">Use a genome from the history and build index</option>
<when value="indexed">
<param name="index" type="select" label="Select reference genome" help="If your genome of interest is not listed, contact the Galaxy team">
<options from_data_table="bowtie2_indexes">
<filter type="sort_by" column="2"/>
<validator type="no_options" message="No indexes are available for the selected input dataset"/>
<when value="history">
<param name="own_file" type="data" format="fasta" label="Select reference genome" />
A minimal example wouldn’t even need the filter
or validator
above, but
they are frequently nice features to add to your wrapper and can improve the user
experience of a tool.
The following example is taken from the Mothur tool remove.lineage.xml and demonstrates generating options from a dataset directly.
<param name="taxonomy" type="data" format="mothur.seq.taxonomy" label="taxonomy - Taxonomy" help="please make sure your file has no quotation marks in it"/>
<param name="taxons" type="select" optional="true" multiple="true" label="Browse Taxons from Taxonomy">
<options from_dataset="taxonomy">
<column name="name" index="1"/>
<column name="value" index="1"/>
<filter type="unique_value" name="unique_taxon" column="1"/>
<filter type="sort_by" name="sorted_taxon" column="1"/>
<valid initial="default">
<add preset="string.printable"/>
<add value=";"/>
<remove value="""/>
<remove value="'"/>
Filters can be used to generate options from dataset directly also as the example below demonstrates (many more examples are present in the filter documentation).
<param name="species1" type="select" label="When Species" multiple="false">
<filter type="data_meta" ref="input1" key="species" />
The following example is for Blast databases. In this example users maybe select
a database that is pre-formatted and cached in Galaxy clusters. When a new
dataset is available, admins must add the database to the local file named
“blastdb.loc”. All such databases in that file are included in the options of
the select list. For a local instance, the file (e.g. blastdb.loc
) must be stored in the configured
directory. In this example, the option names and values are taken from column 0
of the file.
<param name="source_select" type="select" display="radio" label="Choose target database">
<options from_file="blastdb.loc">
<column name="name" index="0"/>
<column name="value" index="0"/>
In general, from_file
should be considered deprecated and from_data_table
should be prefered.
This variant of the options
directive is discouraged because it exposes
internal Galaxy structures. See the older
wrappers for an example of these.
Other Ways to Dynamically Generate Options¶
Though deprecated and discouraged, code blocks can also be used to generate dynamic options.
Attribute | Details | Required |
from_dataset |
Documentation for from_dataset | False |
from_file |
Documentation for from_file | False |
from_data_table |
Documentation for from_data_table | False |
from_parameter |
Documentation for from_parameter | False |
options_filter_attribute |
Documentation for options_filter_attribute | False |
transform_lines |
Documentation for transform_lines | False |
startswith |
Documentation for startswith | False |
> inputs
> param
> options
> column
Optionally contained within an
tag set - specifies columns used in building select options from a
file stored locally (i.e. index or tool data) or a dataset in the
current history.
Any number of columns may be described, but at least one must be given the name
and it will serve as the value of this parameter in the Cheetah
template and elsewhwere (e.g. in API for instance).
If a column named name
is defined, this too has special meaning and it will
be the value the tool form user sees for each option. If no name
appears, value
will serve as the name.
The following fragment shows options from the dataset in the current history
that has been selected as the value of the parameter named input1
<options from_dataset="input1">
<column name="name" index="0"/>
<column name="value" index="0"/>
The interval2maf tool makes use of this tag with files from a history, and the star_fusion tool makes use of this to reference a data table.
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
Name given to the column with index index , the names name and value have special meaning as described above. |
True |
index |
0-based index of the column in the target file. | True |
> inputs
> param
> options
> filter
Optionally contained within an
tag set - modify (e.g. remove, add, sort, …) the list of values obtained from a locally stored file (e.g.
a tool data table) or a dataset in the current history.
The following example from Mothur’s remove.groups.xml tool demonstrates filtering a select list based on the metadata of an input to to the tool.
<param name="group_in" type="data" format="mothur.groups,mothur.count_table" label="group or count table - Groups"/>
<param name="groups" type="select" label="groups - Pick groups to remove" multiple="true" optional="false">
<filter type="data_meta" ref="group_in" key="groups"/>
This more advanced example, taken from Mothur’s remove.lineage.xml tool demonstrates using filters to sort a list and remove duplicate entries.
<param name="taxonomy" type="data" format="mothur.cons.taxonomy" label="constaxonomy - Constaxonomy file. Provide either a constaxonomy file or a taxonomy file" help="please make sure your file has no quotation marks in it"/>
<param name="taxons" type="select" optional="true" multiple="true" label="Browse Taxons from Taxonomy">
<options from_dataset="taxonomy">
<column name="name" index="2"/>
<column name="value" index="2"/>
<filter type="unique_value" name="unique_taxon" column="2"/>
<filter type="sort_by" name="sorted_taxon" column="2"/>
<valid initial="default">
<add preset="string.printable"/>
<add value=";"/>
<remove value="""/>
<remove value="'"/>
This example taken from the hisat2 tool demonstrates filtering values from a tool data table.
<param help="If your genome of interest is not listed, contact the Galaxy team" label="Select a reference genome" name="index" type="select">
<options from_data_table="hisat2_indexes">
<filter column="2" type="sort_by" />
<validator message="No genomes are available for the selected input dataset" type="no_options" />
tool demonstrates adding values to an option list using filter
<param name="infile" type="data" format="vcf" label="VCF file to be loaded in the GEMINI database" help="Only build 37 (aka hg19) of the human genome is supported.">
<filter type="add_value" value="hg19" />
<filter type="add_value" value="Homo_sapiens_nuHg19_mtrCRS" />
<filter type="add_value" value="hg_g1k_v37" />
While this fragment from maf_to_interval.xml demonstrates removing items.
<param name="species" type="select" label="Select additional species"
display="checkboxes" multiple="true"
help="The species matching the dbkey of the alignment is always included.
A separate history item will be created for each species.">
<filter type="data_meta" ref="input1" key="species" />
<filter type="remove_value" meta_ref="input1" key="dbkey" />
This example taken from snpSift_dbnsfp.xml demonstrates splitting up strings into multiple values.
<param name="annotations" type="select" multiple="true" display="checkboxes" label="Annotate with">
<options from_data_table="snpsift_dbnsfps">
<column name="name" index="4"/>
<column name="value" index="4"/>
<filter type="param_value" ref="dbnsfp" column="3" />
<filter type="multiple_splitter" column="4" separator=","/>
Attribute | Details | Required |
type |
Currently the following filters are defined: * static_value filter options for which the entry in a given column of the referenced file based on equality to the value attribute of the filter. * regexp similar to the static_value filter, but checks if the regular expression given by value matches the entry. * param_value filter options for which the entry in a given column of the referenced file based on properties of another input parameter specified by ref . This property is by default the value of the parameter, but also the values of another attribute (ref_attribute ) of the parameter can be used, e.g. the extension of a data input. * data_meta If a column is given options are filtered for which the entry in this column column is equal to metadata of another input parameter specified by ref . If no column is given the metadata value of the referenced input is added to the options list (in this case the corresponding options tag must not have the from_data_table or from_dataset attributes). In both cases the desired metadata is selected by key . The above filters can be inverted by setting keep to true. * add_value : add an option with a given name and value to the options. By default the new option is appended, with index the insertion position can be specified. * remove_value : remove a value from the options. Either specified explicitly with value , the value of another input specifified with ref , or the metatdata key of another input meta_ref . * unique_value : remove options that have duplicate entries in the given column . * sort_by : sort options by the entries of a given column . * multiple_splitter : split the entries of the specified column (s) in the referenced file using a separator . Thereby the number of columns is increased. Note that filters that are applyed after one of the latter two filters must not refer to These values are defined in the module /lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/dynamic_options.py in the filter_types dictionary. Deprecated filter types: * attribute_value_splitter |
True |
column |
Column targeted by this filter given as column index or a column name. Invalid if type is add_value or remove_value . |
False |
name |
Name displayed for value to add (only used with type of add_value ). |
False |
ref |
The attribute name of the reference file (tool data) or input dataset. Only used when type is data_meta (required), param_value (required), or remove_value (optional). |
False |
key |
When type is data_meta , param_value , or remove_value - this is the name of the metadata key to filter by. |
False |
multiple |
For types data_meta and remove_value , whether option values are multiple. Columns will be split by separator. Defaults to false . |
False |
separator |
When type is data_meta , multiple_splitter , or remove_value - this is used to split one value into multiple parts. When type is data_meta or remove_value this is only used if multiple is set to true . |
False |
keep |
If true , keep columns matching the value, if false discard columns matching the value. Used when type is either static_value , regexp or param_value . |
False |
value |
Target value of the operations - has slightly different meanings depending on type . For instance when type is add_value it is the value to add to the list and when type is static_value or regexp it is the value compared against. |
False |
ref_attribute |
Only used when type is param_value . Period (. ) separated attribute chain of input (ref ) attributes to use as value for filter. |
False |
index |
Used when type is add_value , it is the index into the list to add the option to. If not set, the option will be added to the end of the list. |
False |
meta_ref |
Only used when type is remove_value . Dataset to look for the value of metadata key to remove from the list. |
False |
> inputs
> param
> sanitizer
for a typical example of how to use this tag set. This tag set is used to
replace the basic parameter sanitization with custom directives. This tag set is
contained within the <param>
tag set - it contains a set of <valid>
Character presets¶
The following presets can be used when specifying the valid characters: the
constants from the string
Python3 module,
plus default
(equal to string.ascii_letters + string.digits + " -=_.()/+*^,:?!"
and none
(empty set).
The string.letters
, string.lowercase
and string.uppercase
constants are accepted for backward compatibility, but are aliased to the
corresponding not locale-dependent constant (i.e. string.ascii_letters
and string.ascii_uppercase
This example specifies to use the empty string as the invalid character (instead
of the default X
, so invalid characters are effectively dropped instead of
replaced with X
) and indicates that the only valid characters for this input
are ASCII letters, digits, and _
<param name="mystring" type="text" label="Say something interesting">
<sanitizer invalid_char="">
<valid initial="string.ascii_letters,string.digits">
<add value="_" />
This example allows many more valid characters and specifies that &
will just
be dropped from the input.
<valid initial="string.printable">
<remove value="&"/>
<mapping initial="none">
<add source="&" target=""/>
Attribute | Details | Required |
sanitize |
This boolean parameter determines if the input is sanitized at all (the default is true ). |
False |
invalid_char |
The attribute specifies the character used as a replacement for invalid characters (the default is X ). |
False |
> inputs
> param
> sanitizer
> valid
Contained within the
tag set, these are used to specify a list of allowed characters.
Contains <add>
and <remove>
Attribute | Details | Required |
initial |
This describes the initial characters to allow as valid, specified as a character preset (as defined above). The default is the default preset. |
False |
> inputs
> param
> sanitizer
> valid
> add
This directive is used to add individual characters or preset lists of characters. Character must not be allowed as a valid input for the mapping to occur.
Attribute | Details | Required |
preset |
Add the characters contained in the specified character preset (as defined above) to the list of valid characters. The default is the none preset. |
False |
value |
Add a character to the list of valid characters. | False |
> inputs
> param
> sanitizer
> valid
> remove
This directive is used to remove individual characters or preset lists of characters. Character must not be allowed as a valid input for the mapping to occur.
Attribute | Details | Required |
preset |
Remove the characters contained in the specified character preset (as defined above) from the list of valid characters. The default is the none preset. |
False |
value |
A character to remove from the list of valid characters. | False |
> inputs
> param
> sanitizer
> mapping
Contained within the <sanitizer>
tag set. Used to specify a mapping of disallowed character to replacement string. Contains <add>
and <remove>
Attribute | Details | Required |
initial |
Initial character mapping (default is galaxy.util.mapped_chars ) |
False |
> inputs
> param
> sanitizer
> mapping
> add
Use to add character mapping during sanitization. Character must not be allowed as a valid input for the mapping to occur.
Attribute | Details | Required |
source |
Replace all occurrences of this character with the string of target . |
False |
target |
Replace all occurrences of source with this string |
False |
> inputs
> param
> sanitizer
> mapping
> remove
Use to remove character mapping during sanitization.
Attribute | Details | Required |
source |
Character to remove from mapping. | False |
> request_param_translation
See /tools/data_source/ucsc_tablebrowser.xml for an example of how to use this tag set. This tag set is used only in “data_source” tools (i.e. whose tool_type
attribute is data_source
). This tag set contains a set of request_param elements.
> request_param_translation
> request_param
Contained within the request_param_translation tag set (used only in “data_source” tools). The external data source application may send back parameter names like “GENOME” which must be translated to “dbkey” in Galaxy.
Attribute | Details | Required |
galaxy_name |
Each of these maps directly to a remote_name value |
True |
remote_name |
The string representing the name of the parameter in the remote data source | True |
missing |
The default value to use for galaxy_name if the remote_name parameter is not included in the request |
False |
> request_param_translation
> request_param
> append_param
Optionally contained within the request_param element if galaxy_name="URL"
. Some remote data sources (e.g., Gbrowse, Biomart) send parameters back to Galaxy in the initial response that must be added to the value of “URL” prior to Galaxy sending the secondary request to the remote data source via URL.
Attribute | Details | Required |
separator |
The text to use to join the requested parameters together (example separator="&" ). |
True |
first_separator |
The text to use to join the request_param parameters to the first requested parameter (example first_separator="?" ). |
False |
join |
The text to use to join the param name to its value (example join="=" ). |
True |
> request_param_translation
> request_param
> append_param
> value
Contained within the append_param tag set. Allows for appending a param name / value pair to the value of URL.
<request_param galaxy_name="URL" remote_name="URL" missing="">
<append_param separator="&" first_separator="?" join="=">
<value name="_export" missing="1" />
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
Any valid HTTP request parameter name. The name / value pair must be received from the remote data source and will be appended to the value of URL as something like "&_export=1" (e.g. name="_export" ). |
True |
missing |
Must be a valid HTTP request parameter value (e.g. missing="1" ). |
True |
> request_param_translation
> request_param
> value_translation
Optionally contained within the request_param tag set. The parameter value received from a remote data source may be named differently in Galaxy, and this tag set allows for the value to be appropriately translated.
> request_param_translation
> request_param
> value_translation
> value
Contained within the value_translation tag set - allows for changing the data type value to something supported by Galaxy.
<request_param galaxy_name="data_type" remote_name="hgta_outputType" missing="bed" >
<value galaxy_value="tabular" remote_value="primaryTable" />
Attribute | Details | Required |
galaxy_value |
The target value (e.g. for setting data format: the list of supported data formats is contained in the /config/datatypes_conf.xml.sample. | True |
remote_value |
The value supplied by the remote data source application | True |
> outputs
Container tag set for the <data>
and <collection>
tag sets.
The files and collections created by tools as a result of their execution are
named by Galaxy. You specify the number and type of your output files using the
contained <data>
and <collection>
tags. These may be passed to your tool
executable through using line variables just like the parameters described in
the <inputs>
Attribute | Details | Required |
provided_metadata_style |
Style used for tool provided metadata file (i.e. galaxy.json) - this can be either "legacy" or "default". The default of tools with a profile of 17.09 or newer are "default", and "legacy" for older and tools and tools without a specified profile. A discussion of the differences between the styles can be found at https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/pull/4437 . | False |
provided_metadata_file |
Path relative to tool's working directory to load tool provided metadata from. This metadata can describe dynamic datasets to load, dynamic collection contents, as well as simple metadata (e.g. name, dbkey, etc...) and datatype-specific metadata for declared outputs. More information can be found here. The default is galaxy.json . |
False |
> outputs
> data
This tag set is contained within the <outputs>
tag set, and it defines the
output data description for the files resulting from the tool’s execution. The
value of the attribute label
can be acquired from input parameters or metadata
in the same way that the command line parameters are (discussed in the
tag set section above).
The following will create a variable called $out_file1
with data type
<data format="pdf" name="out_file1" />
The valid values for format can be found in /config/datatypes_conf.xml.sample.
The following will create a dataset in the history panel whose data type is the
same as that of the input dataset selected (and named input1
) for the tool.
<data format_source="input1" name="out_file1" metadata_source="input1"/>
The following will create datasets in the history panel, setting the output data
type to be the same as that of an input dataset named by the format_source
attribute. Note that a conditional name is not included, so 2 separate
conditional blocks should not contain parameters with the same name.
<!-- fasta may be an aligned fasta that subclasses Fasta -->
<param name="fasta" type="data" format="fasta" label="fasta - Sequences"/>
<conditional name="qual">
<param name="add" type="select" label="Trim based on a quality file?" help="">
<option value="no">no</option>
<option value="yes">yes</option>
<when value="no"/>
<when value="yes">
<!-- qual454, qualsolid, qualillumina -->
<param name="qfile" type="data" format="qual" label="qfile - a quality file"/>
<data format_source="fasta" name="trim_fasta"
label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: trim.fasta"/>
<data format_source="qfile" name="trim_qual"
label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: trim.qual">
<filter>qual['add'] == 'yes'</filter>
Assume that the tool includes an input parameter named database
which is a
select list (as shown below). Also assume that the user selects the first option
in the $database
select list. Then the following will ensure that the tool
produces a tabular data set whose associated history item has the label Blat on Human (hg18)
<param format="tabular" name="input" type="data" label="Input stuff"/>
<param type="select" name="database" label="Database">
<option value="hg18">Human (hg18)</option>
<option value="dm3">Fly (dm3)</option>
<data format="input" name="output" label="Blat on ${database.value_label}" />
Attribute | Details | Required |
format_source |
This sets the data type of the output dataset(s) to be the same format as that of the specified tool input. | False |
label |
This will be the name of the history item for the output data set. The string can include structure like ${<some param name>.<some attribute>} , as discussed for command line parameters in the <command> tag set section above. The default label is ${tool.name} on ${on_string} . |
False |
name |
Name for this output. This name is used as the Cheetah variable containing the Galaxy assigned output path in command and configfile elements. The name should not contain pipes or periods (e.g. . ). |
True |
auto_format |
If true , this output will sniffed and its format determined automatically by Galaxy. |
False |
format |
The short name for the output datatype. The valid values for format can be found in /config/datatypes_conf.xml.sample (e.g. format="pdf" or format="fastqsanger" ). |
False |
default_identifier_source |
Sets the source of element identifier to the specified input. This only applies to collections that are mapped over a non-collection input and that have equivalent structures. If this references input elements in conditionals, this value should be qualified (e.g. cond|input instead of input if input is in a conditional with name="cond" ). |
False |
metadata_source |
This copies the metadata information from the tool's input dataset. This is particularly useful for interval data types where the order of the columns is not set. | False |
from_work_dir |
Relative path to a file produced by the tool in its working directory. Output's contents are set to this file's contents. | False |
hidden |
Boolean indicating whether to hide dataset in the history view. (Default is false .) |
False |
> outputs
> data
> filter
The <data>
tag can contain a <filter>
tag which includes a Python code
block to be executed to test whether to include this output in the outputs the
tool ultimately creates. If the code, when executed, returns True
the output dataset is retained. In these code blocks the tool parameters appear
as Python variables and are thus referred to without the $ used for the Cheetah
template (used in the <command>
tag). Variables that are part of
conditionals are accessed using a dictionary named after the conditional. Boolean
parameters appear as booleans, not the value of their truevalue
attributes. In the example below, options["selection_mode"]
appear as $options.selection_mode
in Cheetah. Similarly options["vcf_output"]
would appear as $options.vcf_output
having the values '--vcf'
when true and
when false in Cheetah.
<param type="data" format="fasta" name="reference_genome" label="Reference genome" />
<param type="data" format="bam" name="input_bam" label="Aligned reads" />
<conditional name="options">
<param label="Use advanced options" name="selection_mode" type="select">
<option selected="true" value="defaults">Use default options</option>
<option value="advanced">Use advanced options</option>
<when value="defaults" />
<when value="advanced">
<param name="vcf_output" type="boolean" checked="false" label="VCF output"
truevalue="--vcf" falsevalue="" />
<data format="txt" label="Alignment report on ${on_string}" name="output_txt" />
<data format="vcf" label="Variant summary on ${on_string}" name="output_vcf">
<filter>options['selection_mode'] == 'advanced' and options['vcf_output']</filter>
> outputs
> data
> change_format
or the test tool
for simple examples of how this tag set is used in a tool. This tag set is
optionally contained within the <data>
tag set and is the container tag set
for the following <when>
tag set.
> outputs
> data
> change_format
> when
If the data type of the output dataset is the specified type, the data type is changed to the desired type.
Assume that your tool config includes the following select list parameter structure:
<param name="out_format" type="select" label="Output data type">
<option value="fasta">FASTA</option>
<option value="interval">Interval</option>
Then whenever the user selects the interval
option from the select list, the
following structure in your tool config will override the format="fasta"
in the <data>
tag set with format="interval"
<data format="fasta" name="out_file1">
<when input="out_format" value="interval" format="interval" />
See extract_genomic_dna.xml or the test tool output_format.xml for more examples.
Attribute | Details | Required |
input |
This attribute should be the name of the desired input parameter (e.g. input="out_format" above). |
False |
value |
This must be a possible value of the input parameter (e.g. value="interval" above), or of the deprecated input_dataset 's attribute. |
True |
format |
This value must be a supported data type (e.g. format="interval" ). See /config/datatypes_conf.xml.sample for a list of supported formats. |
True |
input_dataset |
Deprecated. | False |
attribute |
Deprecated. | False |
> outputs
> data
> actions
The actions
directive allows tools to dynamically take actions related to an
either unconditionally or conditionally based on inputs. These
actions currently include setting metadata values and the output’s data format.
The examples below will demonstrate that the actions
tag contains child
tags. The these conditionals are met, additional action
directives below the conditional are apply to the data
The <actions>
in the Bowtie 2 wrapper is used in lieu of the deprecated
tag to set the dbkey
of the output dataset. In
(see below), according to the first action block, if the
is indexed
(not history
), then it will assign
the dbkey
of the output file to be the same as that of the reference file. It
does this by looking at through the data table and finding the entry that has the
value that’s been selected in the index dropdown box as column 1 of the loc file
entry and using the dbkey, in column 0 (ignoring comment lines (starting with #)
along the way).
If reference_genome.source
is history
, it pulls the dbkey
from the
supplied file.
<data format="bam" name="output" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: aligned reads (sorted BAM)">
<filter>analysis_type['analysis_type_selector'] == "simple" or analysis_type['sam_opt'] is False</filter>
<conditional name="reference_genome.source">
<when value="indexed">
<action type="metadata" name="dbkey">
<option type="from_data_table" name="bowtie2_indexes" column="1" offset="0">
<filter type="param_value" column="0" value="#" compare="startswith" keep="false"/>
<filter type="param_value" ref="reference_genome.index" column="0"/>
<when value="history">
<action type="metadata" name="dbkey">
<option type="from_param" name="reference_genome.own_file" param_attribute="dbkey" />
The Bowtie 2 example also demonstrates conditionally setting an output format based on inputs, as shown below:
<data format="fastqsanger" name="output_unaligned_reads_r" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: unaligned reads (R)">
<filter>(library['type'] == "paired" or library['type'] == "paired_collection") and library['unaligned_file'] is True</filter>
<conditional name="library.type">
<when value="paired">
<action type="format">
<option type="from_param" name="library.input_2" param_attribute="ext" />
<when value="paired_collection">
<action type="format">
<option type="from_param" name="library.input_1" param_attribute="reverse.ext" />
Unconditional Actions and Column Names¶
For a static file that contains a fixed number of columns, it is straight forward:
<data format="tabular" name="table">
<action name="column_names" type="metadata" default="Firstname,Lastname,Age" />
It may also be necessary to use column names based on a variable from another input file. This is implemented in the htseq-count and featureCounts wrappers:
<data name="input_file" type="data" multiple="false">
<data format="tabular" name="output_short">
<action name="column_names" type="metadata" default="Geneid,${input_file.name}" />
Or in case of multiple files:
<data name="input_files" type="data" multiple="true">
<data format="tabular" name="output_short">
<action name="column_names" type="metadata" default="Geneid,${','.join([a.name for a in $input_files])}" />
Unconditional Actions - An Older Example¶
The first approach above to setting dbkey
based on tool data tables is
prefered, but an older example using so called “loc files” directly is found
In addition to demonstrating this lower-level direct access of .loc files, it
demonstrates an unconditional action. The second block would not be needed for
most cases - it was required in this tool to handle the specific case of a small
reference file used for functional testing. It says that if the dbkey has been
set to equCab2chrM
(which is what the <filter type="metadata_value"... column="1" />
tag does), then it should be changed to equCab2
(which is the
<option type="from_param" ... column="0" ...>
tag does).
<conditional name="refGenomeSource.genomeSource">
<when value="indexed">
<action type="metadata" name="dbkey">
<option type="from_file" name="bowtie_indices.loc" column="0" offset="0">
<filter type="param_value" column="0" value="#" compare="startswith" keep="false"/>
<filter type="param_value" ref="refGenomeSource.index" column="1"/>
<!-- Special casing equCab2chrM to equCab2 -->
<action type="metadata" name="dbkey">
<option type="from_param" name="refGenomeSource.genomeSource" column="0" offset="0">
<filter type="insert_column" column="0" value="equCab2chrM"/>
<filter type="insert_column" column="0" value="equCab2"/>
<filter type="metadata_value" ref="output" name="dbkey" column="1" />
> outputs
> data
> actions
> conditional
This directive is contained within an output data
’s actions
This directive describes the state of the inputs required to apply an action
(specified as children of the child when
directives to this element) to an
See actions documentation for examples of this directive.
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
Name of the input parameter to base conditional logic on. The value of this parameter will be matched against nested when directives. |
True |
> outputs
> data
> actions
> conditional
> when
See actions documentation for examples of this directive.
Attribute | Details | Required |
value |
Value to match conditional input value against. | False |
datatype_isinstance |
Datatype to match against (if value is unspecified). This should be the short string describing the format (e.g. interval ). |
False |
> outputs
> data
> actions
> action
This directive is contained within an output data
’s actions
(either directly or beneath a parent conditional
tag). This directive
describes modifications to either the output’s format or metadata (based on
whether type
is format
or metadata
See actions documentation for examples of this directive.
Attribute | Details | Required |
type |
Type of action (either format or metadata currently). |
True |
name |
If type="metadata" , the name of the metadata element. |
False |
default |
If type="format" , the default format if none of the nested options apply. |
False |
> outputs
> data
> discover_datasets
Describe datasets to dynamically collect after the job complete.
There are many simple tools with examples of this element distributed with Galaxy, including:
- https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/tree/master/test/functional/tools/multi_output.xml
- https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/tree/master/test/functional/tools/multi_output_assign_primary.xml
- https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/tree/master/test/functional/tools/multi_output_configured.xml
More information can be found on Planemo’s documentation for multiple output files.
Attribute | Details | Required |
from_provided_metadata |
Indicate that dataset filenames should simply be read from the provided metadata file (e.g. galaxy.json). If this is set - pattern and sort must not be set. | False |
pattern |
Regular expression used to find filenames and parse dynamic properties. | False |
directory |
Directory (relative to working directory) to search for files. | False |
recurse |
Indicates that the specified directory should be searched recursively for matching files. | False |
format |
Format (or datatype) of discovered datasets (an alias with ext ). |
False |
ext |
Format (or datatype) of discovered datasets (an alias with format ). |
False |
visible |
Indication if this dataset is visible in output history. This defaults to false , but probably shouldn't - be sure to set to true if that is your intention. |
False |
assign_primary_output |
Replace the primary dataset described by the parameter data parameter with the first output discovered. |
False |
> outputs
> collection
This tag set is contained within the <outputs>
tag set, and it defines the
output dataset collection description resulting from the tool’s execution. The
value of the attribute label
can be acquired from input parameters or
metadata in the same way that the command line parameters are (discussed in the
command directive).
Creating collections in tools is covered in-depth in Planemo’s documentation.
Attribute | Details | Required |
type |
Collection type for output (e.g. paired , list , or list:list ). |
False |
type_source |
This is the name of input collection to derive collection's type (e.g. collection_type ) from. |
False |
format_source |
This sets the data type of the output dataset(s) to be the same format as that of the specified tool input. | False |
label |
This will be the name of the history item for the output data set. The string can include structure like ${<some param name>.<some attribute>} , as discussed for command line parameters in the <command> tag set section above. The default label is ${tool.name} on ${on_string} . |
False |
name |
Name for this output. This name is used as the Cheetah variable containing the Galaxy assigned output path in command and configfile elements. The name should not contain pipes or periods (e.g. . ). |
True |
structured_like |
This is the name of input collection or dataset to derive "structure" of the output from (output element count and identifiers). For instance, if the referenced input has three ordered items with identifiers sample1 , sample2 , and sample3 . If this references input elements in conditionals, this value should be qualified (e.g. cond|input instead of input if input is in a conditional with name="cond" ). |
False |
inherit_format |
If structured_like is set, inherit format of outputs from format of corresponding input. |
False |
> outputs
> collection
> filter
The <data>
tag can contain a <filter>
tag which includes a Python code
block to be executed to test whether to include this output in the outputs the
tool ultimately creates. If the code, when executed, returns True
the output dataset is retained. In these code blocks the tool parameters appear
as Python variables and are thus referred to without the $ used for the Cheetah
template (used in the <command>
tag). Variables that are part of
conditionals are accessed using a dictionary named after the conditional. Boolean
parameters appear as booleans, not the value of their truevalue
attributes. In the example below, options["selection_mode"]
appear as $options.selection_mode
in Cheetah. Similarly options["vcf_output"]
would appear as $options.vcf_output
having the values '--vcf'
when true and
when false in Cheetah.
<param type="data" format="fasta" name="reference_genome" label="Reference genome" />
<param type="data" format="bam" name="input_bam" label="Aligned reads" />
<conditional name="options">
<param label="Use advanced options" name="selection_mode" type="select">
<option selected="true" value="defaults">Use default options</option>
<option value="advanced">Use advanced options</option>
<when value="defaults" />
<when value="advanced">
<param name="vcf_output" type="boolean" checked="false" label="VCF output"
truevalue="--vcf" falsevalue="" />
<data format="txt" label="Alignment report on ${on_string}" name="output_txt" />
<data format="vcf" label="Variant summary on ${on_string}" name="output_vcf">
<filter>options['selection_mode'] == 'advanced' and options['vcf_output']</filter>
> outputs
> collection
> discover_datasets
This tag allows one to describe the datasets contained within an output collection dynamically, such that the outputs are “discovered” based on regular expressions after the job is complete.
There are many simple tools with examples of this element distributed with Galaxy, including:
- https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/blob/master/test/functional/tools/collection_split_on_column.xml
- https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/blob/master/test/functional/tools/collection_creates_dynamic_list_of_pairs.xml
- https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/blob/master/test/functional/tools/collection_creates_dynamic_nested.xml
Attribute | Details | Required |
from_provided_metadata |
Indicate that dataset filenames should simply be read from the provided metadata file (e.g. galaxy.json). If this is set - pattern and sort must not be set. | False |
pattern |
Regular expression used to find filenames and parse dynamic properties. | False |
directory |
Directory (relative to working directory) to search for files. | False |
format |
Format (or datatype) of discovered datasets (an alias with ext ). |
False |
ext |
Format (or datatype) of discovered datasets (an alias with format ). |
False |
visible |
Indication if this dataset is visible in output history. This defaults to false , but probably shouldn't - be sure to set to true if that is your intention. |
False |
> tests
Container tag set to specify tests via the <test>
tag sets. Any number of tests can be included,
and each test is wrapped within separate <test>
tag sets. Functional tests are
executed via Planemo or the
shell script distributed with Galaxy.
The documentation contained here is mostly reference documentation, for tutorials on writing tool tests please check out Planemo’s Test-Driven Development documentation or the much older wiki content for WritingTests.
> tests
> test
This tag set contains the necessary parameter values for executing the tool via the functional test framework.
The following two tests will execute the /tools/filters/sorter.xml tool. Notice the way that the tool’s inputs and outputs are defined.
<param name="input" value="1.bed" ftype="bed" />
<param name="column" value="1"/>
<param name="order" value="ASC"/>
<param name="style" value="num"/>
<output name="out_file1" file="sort1_num.bed" ftype="bed" />
<param name="input" value="7.bed" ftype="bed" />
<param name="column" value="1"/>
<param name="order" value="ASC"/>
<param name="style" value="alpha"/>
<output name="out_file1" file="sort1_alpha.bed" ftype="bed" />
The following example, tests the execution of the MAF-to-FASTA converter (/tools/maf/maf_to_fasta.xml).
<param name="input1" value="3.maf" ftype="maf"/>
<param name="species" value="canFam1"/>
<param name="fasta_type" value="concatenated"/>
<output name="out_file1" file="cf_maf2fasta_concat.dat" ftype="fasta"/>
This test demonstrates verifying specific properties about a test output instead of directly comparing it to another file. Here the file attribute is not specified and instead a series of assertions is made about the output.
<param name="input" value="maf_stats_interval_in.dat" />
<param name="lineNum" value="99999"/>
<output name="out_file1">
<has_text text="chr7" />
<not_has_text text="chr8" />
<has_text_matching expression="1274\d+53" />
<has_line_matching expression=".*\s+127489808\s+127494553" />
<!-- 	 is XML escape code for tab -->
<has_line line="chr7	127471195	127489808" />
<has_n_columns n="3" />
<has_n_lines n="3" />
Attribute | Details | Required |
expect_exit_code |
Describe the job's expected exit code. | False |
expect_num_outputs |
Assert the number of outputs this test should produce, this is useful to ensure filter directives are implemented correctly. |
False |
expect_failure |
Setting this to true indicates the expectation is for the job fail. If set to true no job output checks may be present in test definition. |
False |
maxseconds |
Maximum amount of time to let test run. | False |
> tests
> test
> param
This tag set defines the tool’s input parameters for executing the tool via the functional test framework. See test documentation for some simple examples of parameters.
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
This value must match the name of the associated input parameter (param ). |
True |
value |
This value must be one of the legal values that can be assigned to an input parameter. | False |
ftype |
This attribute name should be included only with parameters of type data for the tool. If this attribute name is not included, the functional test framework will attempt to determine the data type for the input dataset using the data type sniffers. |
False |
dbkey |
Specifies a dbkey value for the referenced input dataset. This is only valid if the corresponding parameter is of type data . |
False |
tags |
Comma separated list of tags to apply to the dataset (only works for elements of collections - e.g. element XML tags). |
False |
> tests
> test
> param
> collection
Definition of a collection for test input.
Attribute | Details | Required |
type |
Type of collection to create. | True |
tags |
Comma separated list of tags to apply to the dataset (only works for elements of collections - e.g. element XML tags). |
False |
> tests
> test
> repeat
Specify test parameters below an iteration of a repeat
block with this
elements in a test
block can be arranged into nested repeat
, and select
structures to match the inputs. While this might
be overkill for simple tests, it helps prevent ambiguous definitions and keeps
things organized in large test cases. A future profile
version of Galaxy
tools may require repeat
blocks be explicitly defined with this directive.
The test tool disambiguate_repeats.xml demonstrates the use of this directive.
This first test case demonstrates that this block allows different values for
the param
named input
to be tested even though this parameter name
appears in two different <repeat>
elements in the <inputs>
<!-- Can disambiguate repeats and specify multiple blocks using,
nested structure. -->
<repeat name="queries">
<param name="input" value="simple_line.txt"/>
<repeat name="more_queries">
<param name="input" value="simple_line_alternative.txt"/>
<output name="out_file1">
<has_line line="This is a line of text." />
<has_line line="This is a different line of text." />
The second definition in that file demonstrates repeated <repeat>
allowing multiple instances of a single repeat to be specified.
<!-- Multiple such blocks can be specified but only with newer API
driven tests. -->
<repeat name="queries">
<param name="input" value="simple_line.txt"/>
<repeat name="queries">
<param name="input" value="simple_line_alternative.txt"/>
<repeat name="more_queries">
<param name="input" value="simple_line.txt"/>
<repeat name="more_queries">
<param name="input" value="simple_line_alternative.txt"/>
<output name="out_file1" file="simple_lines_interleaved.txt"/>
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
This value must match the name of the associated input repeat . |
True |
> tests
> test
> section
Specify test parameters below a named of a section
block matching
one in inputs
with this element.
elements in a test
block can be arranged into nested repeat
, and select
structures to match the inputs. While this might
be overkill for simple tests, it helps prevent ambiguous definitions and keeps
things organized in large test cases. A future profile
version of Galaxy
tools may require section
blocks be explicitly defined with this
The test tool demonstrating sections (section.xml) contains a test case demonstrating this block. This test case appears below:
<section name="int">
<param name="inttest" value="12456" />
<section name="float">
<param name="floattest" value="6.789" />
<output name="out_file1">
<has_line line="12456" />
<has_line line="6.789" />
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
This value must match the name of the associated input section . |
True |
> tests
> test
> conditional
Specify test parameters below a named of a conditional
block matching
one in inputs
with this element.
elements in a test
block can be arranged into nested repeat
, and select
structures to match the inputs. While this might
be overkill for simple tests, it helps prevent ambiguous definitions and keeps
things organized in large test cases. A future profile
version of Galaxy
tools may require conditional
blocks be explicitly defined with this
The following example demonstrates disambiguation of a parameter (named use
which appears in multiple param
names in conditional
s in the inputs
definition of the disambiguate_cond.xml
<!-- Can use nested conditional blocks as shown below to disambiguate
various nested parameters. -->
<conditional name="p1">
<param name="use" value="False"/>
<conditional name="p2">
<param name="use" value="True"/>
<conditional name="p3">
<param name="use" value="False"/>
<conditional name="files">
<param name="attach_files" value="True" />
<conditional name="p4">
<param name="use" value="True"/>
<param name="file" value="simple_line_alternative.txt" />
<output name="out_file1">
<has_line line="7 4 7" />
<has_line line="This is a different line of text." />
The tophat2
tool demonstrates a real tool that benefits from more structured test cases
using the conditional
test directive. One such test case from that tool is
shown below.
<!-- Test base-space paired-end reads with user-supplied reference fasta and full parameters -->
<!-- TopHat commands:
tophat2 -o tmp_dir -r 20 -p 1 -a 8 -m 0 -i 70 -I 500000 -g 40 +coverage-search +min-coverage-intron 50 +max-coverage-intro 20000 +segment-mismatches 2 +segment-length 25 +microexon-search +report_discordant_pairs tophat_in1 test-data/tophat_in2.fastqsanger test-data/tophat_in3.fastqsanger
Replace the + with double-dash
Rename the files in tmp_dir appropriately
<conditional name="singlePaired">
<param name="sPaired" value="paired"/>
<param name="input1" ftype="fastqsanger" value="tophat_in2.fastqsanger"/>
<param name="input2" ftype="fastqsanger" value="tophat_in3.fastqsanger"/>
<param name="mate_inner_distance" value="20"/>
<param name="report_discordant_pairs" value="Yes" />
<param name="genomeSource" value="indexed"/>
<param name="index" value="tophat_test"/>
<conditional name="params">
<param name="settingsType" value="full"/>
<param name="library_type" value="FR Unstranded"/>
<param name="read_mismatches" value="5"/>
<!-- Error: the read mismatches (5) and the read gap length (2) should be less than or equal to the read edit dist (2) -->
<param name="read_edit_dist" value="5" />
<param name="bowtie_n" value="Yes"/>
<param name="mate_std_dev" value="20"/>
<param name="anchor_length" value="8"/>
<param name="splice_mismatches" value="0"/>
<param name="min_intron_length" value="70"/>
<param name="max_intron_length" value="500000"/>
<param name="max_multihits" value="40"/>
<param name="min_segment_intron" value="50" />
<param name="max_segment_intron" value="500000" />
<param name="seg_mismatches" value="2"/>
<param name="seg_length" value="25"/>
<conditional name="indel_search">
<param name="allow_indel_search" value="No"/>
<conditional name="own_junctions">
<param name="use_junctions" value="Yes" />
<conditional name="gene_model_ann">
<param name="use_annotations" value="No" />
<conditional name="raw_juncs">
<param name="use_juncs" value="No" />
<conditional name="no_novel_juncs">
<param name="no_novel_juncs" value="No" />
<conditional name="coverage_search">
<param name="use_search" value="No" />
<param name="microexon_search" value="Yes" />
<conditional name="bowtie2_settings">
<param name="b2_settings" value="No" />
<!-- Fusion search params -->
<conditional name="fusion_search">
<param name="do_search" value="Yes" />
<param name="anchor_len" value="21" />
<param name="min_dist" value="10000021" />
<param name="read_mismatches" value="3" />
<param name="multireads" value="4" />
<param name="multipairs" value="5" />
<param name="ignore_chromosomes" value="chrM"/>
<conditional name="readGroup">
<param name="specReadGroup" value="no" />
<output name="junctions" file="tophat2_out4j.bed" />
<output name="accepted_hits" file="tophat_out4h.bam" compare="sim_size" />
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
This value must match the name of the associated input conditional . |
True |
> tests
> test
> output
This tag set defines the variable that names the output dataset for the
functional test framework. The functional test framework will execute the tool
using the parameters defined in the <param>
tag sets and generate a
temporary file, which will either be compared with the file named in the
attribute value or checked against assertions made by a child
tag to verify that the tool is functionally correct.
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
This value is the same as the value of the name attribute of the <data> tag set contained within the tool's <outputs> tag set. |
False |
file |
If specified, this value is the name of the output file stored in the target test-data directory which will be used to compare the results of executing the tool via the functional test framework. |
False |
ftype |
If specified, this value will be checked against the corresponding output's data type. If these do not match, the test will fail. | False |
sort |
This flag causes the lines of the output to be sorted before they are compared to the expected output. This could be useful for non-deterministic output. | False |
value |
An alias for file . |
False |
md5 |
If specified, the target output's MD5 hash should match the value specified here. For large static files it may be inconvenient to upload the entiry file and this can be used instead. | False |
checksum |
If specified, the target output's checksum should match the value specified here. This value should have the form hash_type:hash_value (e.g. sha1:8156d7ca0f46ed7abac98f82e36cfaddb2aca041 ). For large static files it may be inconvenient to upload the entiry file and this can be used instead. |
False |
compare |
Type of comparison to use when comparing test generated output files to expected output files. Currently valid value are diff (the default), re_match , sim_size , re_match_multiline , and contains . |
False |
lines_diff |
If compare is set to diff , the number of lines of difference to allow (each line with a modification is a line added and a line removed so this counts as two lines). |
False |
decompress |
When this attribute is true and compare is set to diff , try to decompress files if needed. This flag is useful for testing compressed outputs that are non-deterministic despite having deterministic decompressed contents. By default, only files compressed with bz2, gzip and zip will be automatically decompressed. This is available in Galaxy since release 17.05 and was introduced in pull request #3550. |
False |
delta |
If compare is set to sim_size , this is the number of bytes different allowed. |
False |
> tests
> test
> output
> discover_dataset
This directive specifies a test for an output’s discovered dataset. It acts as an
test tag in many ways and can define any tests of that tag (e.g.
, value
, compare
, md5
, checksum
, metadata
, etc…).
The functional test tool multi_output_assign_primary.xml provides a demonstration of using this tag.
<data format="tabular" name="sample">
<discover_datasets pattern="(?P<designation>.+)\.report\.tsv" ext="tabular" visible="true" assign_primary_output="true" />
<param name="num_param" value="7" />
<param name="input" ftype="txt" value="simple_line.txt"/>
<output name="sample">
<has_line line="1" />
<!-- no sample1 it was consumed by named output "sample" -->
<discovered_dataset designation="sample2" ftype="tabular">
<assert_contents><has_line line="2" /></assert_contents>
<discovered_dataset designation="sample3" ftype="tabular">
<assert_contents><has_line line="3" /></assert_contents>
Note that this tool uses assign_primary_output="true"
for <discover_data_sets>
. Hence, the content of the first discovered dataset (which is the first in the alphabetically sorted list of discovered designations) is checked directly in the <output>
tag of the test.
Attribute | Details | Required |
designation |
The designation of the discovered dataset. | False |
> tests
> test
> output
> metadata
This directive specifies a test for an output’s metadata as an expected key-value pair.
The functional test tool tool_provided_metadata_1.xml provides a demonstration of using this tag.
<param name="input1" value="simple_line.txt" />
<output name="out1" file="simple_line.txt" ftype="txt">
<metadata name="name" value="my dynamic name" />
<metadata name="info" value="my dynamic info" />
<metadata name="dbkey" value="cust1" />
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
Name of the metadata element to check. | True |
value |
Expected value (as a string) of metadata value. | True |
> tests
> test
> output
> assert_contents
This tag set defines a sequence of checks or assertions to run against the target output. This tag requires no attributes, but child tags should be used to define the assertions to make about the output. The functional test framework makes it easy to extend Galaxy with such tags, the following table summarizes many of the default assertion tags that come with Galaxy and examples of each can be found below.
The implementation of these tags are simply Python functions defined in the /lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts module.
Child Element/Assertion | Details |
has_text |
Asserts the specified text appears in the output (e.g. <has_text text="chr7"> ). |
not_has_text |
Asserts the specified text does not appear in the output (e.g. <not_has_text text="chr8" /> ). |
has_text_matching |
Asserts text matching the specified regular expression (expression ) appears in the output (e.g. <has_text_matching expression="1274\d+53" /> ). |
has_line |
Asserts a line matching the specified string (line ) appears in the output (e.g. <has_line line="A full example line." /> ). |
has_n_lines |
Asserts that an output contains n lines, e.g. <has_n_lines n="3" /> . |
has_line_matching |
Asserts a line matching the specified regular expression (expression ) appears in the output (e.g. <has_line_matching expression=".*\s+127489808\s+127494553" /> ). |
has_n_columns |
Asserts tabular output contains the specified number (n ) of columns (e.g. <has_n_columns n="3" /> ). |
is_valid_xml |
Asserts the output is a valid XML file (e.g. <is_valid_xml /> ). |
has_element_with_path |
Asserts the XML output contains at least one element (or tag) with the specified XPath-like path (e.g. <has_element_with_path path="BlastOutput_param/Parameters/Parameters_matrix" /> ). |
has_n_elements_with_path |
Asserts the XML output contains the specified number (n ) of elements (or tags) with the specified XPath-like path (e.g. <has_n_elements_with_path n="9" path="BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit/Hit_num" /> ). |
element_text_is |
Asserts the text of the XML element with the specified XPath-like path is the specified text (e.g. <element_text_is path="BlastOutput_program" text="blastp" /> ). |
element_text_matches |
Asserts the text of the XML element with the specified XPath-like path matches the regular expression defined by expression (e.g. <element_text_matches path="BlastOutput_version" expression="BLASTP\s+2\.2.*" /> ). |
attribute_is |
Asserts the XML attribute for the element (or tag) with the specified XPath-like path is the specified text (e.g. <attribute_is path="outerElement/innerElement1" attribute="foo" text="bar" /> ). |
attribute_matches |
Asserts the XML attribute for the element (or tag) with the specified XPath-like path matches the regular expression specified by expression (e.g. <attribute_matches path="outerElement/innerElement2" attribute="foo2" expression="bar\d+" /> ). |
element_text |
This tag allows the developer to recurisively specify additional assertions as child elements about just the text contained in the element specified by the XPath-like path (e.g. <element_text path="BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit/Hit_def"><not_has_text text="EDK72998.1" /></element_text> ). |
has_h5_keys |
Asserts HDF5 output has a set of attributes (keys ), specified as a comma-separated list (e.g. <has_h5_keys keys="bins,chroms,indexes,pixels,chroms/lengths" /> ). |
has_h5_attribute |
Asserts HDF5 output contains the specified value for an attribute (key ) (e.g. <has_attr key="nchroms" value="15" /> ). |
has_archive_member |
This tag allows the developer to recursively specify additional assertions as child elements about just the member contained in the archive specified by the regular expression path (e.g. <has_archive_member path=".*/my-file.txt"><not_has_text text="EDK72998.1" /></has_archive_member> ). Valid archive formats include .zip , .tar , and .tar.gz . |
has_size |
Asserts the output has a size (in bytes) of the specified value ; if the size is allowed to deviate from this value, the maximum difference can be optionally specified with delta (e.g. <has_size value="10000" delta="100"> ). |
The following demonstrates a wide variety of text-based and tabular assertion statements.
<output name="out_file1">
<has_text text="chr7" />
<not_has_text text="chr8" />
<has_text_matching expression="1274\d+53" />
<has_line_matching expression=".*\s+127489808\s+127494553" />
<!-- 	 is XML escape code for tab -->
<has_line line="chr7	127471195	127489808" />
<has_n_columns n="3" />
The following demonstrates a wide variety of XML assertion statements.
<output name="out_file1">
<is_valid_xml />
<has_element_with_path path="BlastOutput_param/Parameters/Parameters_matrix" />
<has_n_elements_with_path n="9" path="BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit/Hit_num" />
<element_text_matches path="BlastOutput_version" expression="BLASTP\s+2\.2.*" />
<element_text_is path="BlastOutput_program" text="blastp" />
<element_text path="BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit/Hit_def">
<not_has_text text="EDK72998.1" />
<has_text_matching expression="ABK[\d\.]+" />
The following demonstrates verifying XML content with XPath-like expressions.
<output name="out_file1">
<attribute_is path="outerElement/innerElement1" attribute="foo" text="bar" />
<attribute_matches path="outerElement/innerElement2" attribute="foo2" expression="bar\d+" />
> tests
> test
> output_collection
Define tests for extra files corresponding to an output collection.
directives should specify a name
and type
attribute to describe the expected output collection as a whole.
Expectations about collection contents are described using child element
directives. For nested collections, these child element
directives may
themselves contain children.
The genetrack
tool demonstrates basic usage of an output_collection
test expectation.
<param name="input" value="genetrack_input2.gff" ftype="gff" />
<param name="input_format" value="gff" />
<param name="sigma" value="5" />
<param name="exclusion" value="20" />
<param name="up_width" value="10" />
<param name="down_width" value="10" />
<param name="filter" value="3" />
<output_collection name="genetrack_output" type="list">
<element name="s5e20u10d10F3_on_data_1" file="genetrack_output2.gff" ftype="gff" />
The CWPair2
tool demonstrates that element
s can specify a compare
attribute just
like output.
<param name="input" value="cwpair2_input1.gff" />
<param name="up_distance" value="25" />
<param name="down_distance" value="100" />
<param name="method" value="all" />
<param name="binsize" value="1" />
<param name="threshold_format" value="relative_threshold" />
<param name="relative_threshold" value="0.0" />
<param name="output_files" value="matched_pair" />
<output name="statistics_output" file="statistics1.tabular" ftype="tabular" />
<output_collection name="MP" type="list">
<element name="data_MP_closest_f0u25d100_on_data_1.gff" file="closest_mp_output1.gff" ftype="gff" compare="contains"/>
<element name="data_MP_largest_f0u25d100_on_data_1.gff" file="largest_mp_output1.gff" ftype="gff" compare="contains"/>
<element name="data_MP_mode_f0u25d100_on_data_1.gff" file="mode_mp_output1.gff" ftype="gff" compare="contains"/>
test tool demonstrates the use of nested element
directives as described
above. Notice also that it tests the output with assert_contents
instead of
supplying a file
attribute. Like hinted at with with compare
above, the element
tag can specify any of the test attributes that apply to
the output (e.g. md5
, compare
, diff
<param name="foo" value="bar" />
<output_collection name="list_output" type="list:list">
<element name="oe1">
<element name="ie1">
<has_text_matching expression="^A\n$" />
<element name="ie2">
<has_text_matching expression="^B\n$" />
<element name="oe2">
<element name="ie1">
<has_text_matching expression="^C\n$" />
<element name="ie2">
<has_text_matching expression="^D\n$" />
<element name="oe3">
<element name="ie1">
<has_text_matching expression="^E\n$" />
<element name="ie2">
<has_text_matching expression="^F\n$" />
Attribute | Details | Required |
name |
This value is the same as the value of the name attribute of the <collection> tag set contained within the tool's <outputs> tag set. |
True |
type |
Expected collection type (e.g. list , paired , or list:paired ). |
False |
count |
Number of elements in output collection. | False |
> tests
> test
> assert_command
Describe assertions about the job’s generated command-line.
This tag set defines a sequence of checks or assertions to run against the target output. This tag requires no attributes, but child tags should be used to define the assertions to make about the output. The functional test framework makes it easy to extend Galaxy with such tags, the following table summarizes many of the default assertion tags that come with Galaxy and examples of each can be found below.
The implementation of these tags are simply Python functions defined in the /lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts module.
Child Element/Assertion | Details |
has_text |
Asserts the specified text appears in the output (e.g. <has_text text="chr7"> ). |
not_has_text |
Asserts the specified text does not appear in the output (e.g. <not_has_text text="chr8" /> ). |
has_text_matching |
Asserts text matching the specified regular expression (expression ) appears in the output (e.g. <has_text_matching expression="1274\d+53" /> ). |
has_line |
Asserts a line matching the specified string (line ) appears in the output (e.g. <has_line line="A full example line." /> ). |
has_n_lines |
Asserts that an output contains n lines, e.g. <has_n_lines n="3" /> . |
has_line_matching |
Asserts a line matching the specified regular expression (expression ) appears in the output (e.g. <has_line_matching expression=".*\s+127489808\s+127494553" /> ). |
has_n_columns |
Asserts tabular output contains the specified number (n ) of columns (e.g. <has_n_columns n="3" /> ). |
is_valid_xml |
Asserts the output is a valid XML file (e.g. <is_valid_xml /> ). |
has_element_with_path |
Asserts the XML output contains at least one element (or tag) with the specified XPath-like path (e.g. <has_element_with_path path="BlastOutput_param/Parameters/Parameters_matrix" /> ). |
has_n_elements_with_path |
Asserts the XML output contains the specified number (n ) of elements (or tags) with the specified XPath-like path (e.g. <has_n_elements_with_path n="9" path="BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit/Hit_num" /> ). |
element_text_is |
Asserts the text of the XML element with the specified XPath-like path is the specified text (e.g. <element_text_is path="BlastOutput_program" text="blastp" /> ). |
element_text_matches |
Asserts the text of the XML element with the specified XPath-like path matches the regular expression defined by expression (e.g. <element_text_matches path="BlastOutput_version" expression="BLASTP\s+2\.2.*" /> ). |
attribute_is |
Asserts the XML attribute for the element (or tag) with the specified XPath-like path is the specified text (e.g. <attribute_is path="outerElement/innerElement1" attribute="foo" text="bar" /> ). |
attribute_matches |
Asserts the XML attribute for the element (or tag) with the specified XPath-like path matches the regular expression specified by expression (e.g. <attribute_matches path="outerElement/innerElement2" attribute="foo2" expression="bar\d+" /> ). |
element_text |
This tag allows the developer to recurisively specify additional assertions as child elements about just the text contained in the element specified by the XPath-like path (e.g. <element_text path="BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit/Hit_def"><not_has_text text="EDK72998.1" /></element_text> ). |
has_h5_keys |
Asserts HDF5 output has a set of attributes (keys ), specified as a comma-separated list (e.g. <has_h5_keys keys="bins,chroms,indexes,pixels,chroms/lengths" /> ). |
has_h5_attribute |
Asserts HDF5 output contains the specified value for an attribute (key ) (e.g. <has_attr key="nchroms" value="15" /> ). |
has_archive_member |
This tag allows the developer to recursively specify additional assertions as child elements about just the member contained in the archive specified by the regular expression path (e.g. <has_archive_member path=".*/my-file.txt"><not_has_text text="EDK72998.1" /></has_archive_member> ). Valid archive formats include .zip , .tar , and .tar.gz . |
has_size |
Asserts the output has a size (in bytes) of the specified value ; if the size is allowed to deviate from this value, the maximum difference can be optionally specified with delta (e.g. <has_size value="10000" delta="100"> ). |
> tests
> test
> assert_stdout
Describe assertions about the job’s standard output.
This tag set defines a sequence of checks or assertions to run against the target output. This tag requires no attributes, but child tags should be used to define the assertions to make about the output. The functional test framework makes it easy to extend Galaxy with such tags, the following table summarizes many of the default assertion tags that come with Galaxy and examples of each can be found below.
The implementation of these tags are simply Python functions defined in the /lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts module.
Child Element/Assertion | Details |
has_text |
Asserts the specified text appears in the output (e.g. <has_text text="chr7"> ). |
not_has_text |
Asserts the specified text does not appear in the output (e.g. <not_has_text text="chr8" /> ). |
has_text_matching |
Asserts text matching the specified regular expression (expression ) appears in the output (e.g. <has_text_matching expression="1274\d+53" /> ). |
has_line |
Asserts a line matching the specified string (line ) appears in the output (e.g. <has_line line="A full example line." /> ). |
has_n_lines |
Asserts that an output contains n lines, e.g. <has_n_lines n="3" /> . |
has_line_matching |
Asserts a line matching the specified regular expression (expression ) appears in the output (e.g. <has_line_matching expression=".*\s+127489808\s+127494553" /> ). |
has_n_columns |
Asserts tabular output contains the specified number (n ) of columns (e.g. <has_n_columns n="3" /> ). |
is_valid_xml |
Asserts the output is a valid XML file (e.g. <is_valid_xml /> ). |
has_element_with_path |
Asserts the XML output contains at least one element (or tag) with the specified XPath-like path (e.g. <has_element_with_path path="BlastOutput_param/Parameters/Parameters_matrix" /> ). |
has_n_elements_with_path |
Asserts the XML output contains the specified number (n ) of elements (or tags) with the specified XPath-like path (e.g. <has_n_elements_with_path n="9" path="BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit/Hit_num" /> ). |
element_text_is |
Asserts the text of the XML element with the specified XPath-like path is the specified text (e.g. <element_text_is path="BlastOutput_program" text="blastp" /> ). |
element_text_matches |
Asserts the text of the XML element with the specified XPath-like path matches the regular expression defined by expression (e.g. <element_text_matches path="BlastOutput_version" expression="BLASTP\s+2\.2.*" /> ). |
attribute_is |
Asserts the XML attribute for the element (or tag) with the specified XPath-like path is the specified text (e.g. <attribute_is path="outerElement/innerElement1" attribute="foo" text="bar" /> ). |
attribute_matches |
Asserts the XML attribute for the element (or tag) with the specified XPath-like path matches the regular expression specified by expression (e.g. <attribute_matches path="outerElement/innerElement2" attribute="foo2" expression="bar\d+" /> ). |
element_text |
This tag allows the developer to recurisively specify additional assertions as child elements about just the text contained in the element specified by the XPath-like path (e.g. <element_text path="BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit/Hit_def"><not_has_text text="EDK72998.1" /></element_text> ). |
has_h5_keys |
Asserts HDF5 output has a set of attributes (keys ), specified as a comma-separated list (e.g. <has_h5_keys keys="bins,chroms,indexes,pixels,chroms/lengths" /> ). |
has_h5_attribute |
Asserts HDF5 output contains the specified value for an attribute (key ) (e.g. <has_attr key="nchroms" value="15" /> ). |
has_archive_member |
This tag allows the developer to recursively specify additional assertions as child elements about just the member contained in the archive specified by the regular expression path (e.g. <has_archive_member path=".*/my-file.txt"><not_has_text text="EDK72998.1" /></has_archive_member> ). Valid archive formats include .zip , .tar , and .tar.gz . |
has_size |
Asserts the output has a size (in bytes) of the specified value ; if the size is allowed to deviate from this value, the maximum difference can be optionally specified with delta (e.g. <has_size value="10000" delta="100"> ). |
> tests
> test
> assert_stderr
Describe assertions about the job’s standard error.
This tag set defines a sequence of checks or assertions to run against the target output. This tag requires no attributes, but child tags should be used to define the assertions to make about the output. The functional test framework makes it easy to extend Galaxy with such tags, the following table summarizes many of the default assertion tags that come with Galaxy and examples of each can be found below.
The implementation of these tags are simply Python functions defined in the /lib/galaxy/tool_util/verify/asserts module.
Child Element/Assertion | Details |
has_text |
Asserts the specified text appears in the output (e.g. <has_text text="chr7"> ). |
not_has_text |
Asserts the specified text does not appear in the output (e.g. <not_has_text text="chr8" /> ). |
has_text_matching |
Asserts text matching the specified regular expression (expression ) appears in the output (e.g. <has_text_matching expression="1274\d+53" /> ). |
has_line |
Asserts a line matching the specified string (line ) appears in the output (e.g. <has_line line="A full example line." /> ). |
has_n_lines |
Asserts that an output contains n lines, e.g. <has_n_lines n="3" /> . |
has_line_matching |
Asserts a line matching the specified regular expression (expression ) appears in the output (e.g. <has_line_matching expression=".*\s+127489808\s+127494553" /> ). |
has_n_columns |
Asserts tabular output contains the specified number (n ) of columns (e.g. <has_n_columns n="3" /> ). |
is_valid_xml |
Asserts the output is a valid XML file (e.g. <is_valid_xml /> ). |
has_element_with_path |
Asserts the XML output contains at least one element (or tag) with the specified XPath-like path (e.g. <has_element_with_path path="BlastOutput_param/Parameters/Parameters_matrix" /> ). |
has_n_elements_with_path |
Asserts the XML output contains the specified number (n ) of elements (or tags) with the specified XPath-like path (e.g. <has_n_elements_with_path n="9" path="BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit/Hit_num" /> ). |
element_text_is |
Asserts the text of the XML element with the specified XPath-like path is the specified text (e.g. <element_text_is path="BlastOutput_program" text="blastp" /> ). |
element_text_matches |
Asserts the text of the XML element with the specified XPath-like path matches the regular expression defined by expression (e.g. <element_text_matches path="BlastOutput_version" expression="BLASTP\s+2\.2.*" /> ). |
attribute_is |
Asserts the XML attribute for the element (or tag) with the specified XPath-like path is the specified text (e.g. <attribute_is path="outerElement/innerElement1" attribute="foo" text="bar" /> ). |
attribute_matches |
Asserts the XML attribute for the element (or tag) with the specified XPath-like path matches the regular expression specified by expression (e.g. <attribute_matches path="outerElement/innerElement2" attribute="foo2" expression="bar\d+" /> ). |
element_text |
This tag allows the developer to recurisively specify additional assertions as child elements about just the text contained in the element specified by the XPath-like path (e.g. <element_text path="BlastOutput_iterations/Iteration/Iteration_hits/Hit/Hit_def"><not_has_text text="EDK72998.1" /></element_text> ). |
has_h5_keys |
Asserts HDF5 output has a set of attributes (keys ), specified as a comma-separated list (e.g. <has_h5_keys keys="bins,chroms,indexes,pixels,chroms/lengths" /> ). |
has_h5_attribute |
Asserts HDF5 output contains the specified value for an attribute (key ) (e.g. <has_attr key="nchroms" value="15" /> ). |
has_archive_member |
This tag allows the developer to recursively specify additional assertions as child elements about just the member contained in the archive specified by the regular expression path (e.g. <has_archive_member path=".*/my-file.txt"><not_has_text text="EDK72998.1" /></has_archive_member> ). Valid archive formats include .zip , .tar , and .tar.gz . |
has_size |
Asserts the output has a size (in bytes) of the specified value ; if the size is allowed to deviate from this value, the maximum difference can be optionally specified with delta (e.g. <has_size value="10000" delta="100"> ). |
> help
This tag set includes all of the necessary details of how to use the tool. This tag set should be included as the next to the last tag set, before citations, in the tool config. Tool help is written in reStructuredText. Included here is only an overview of a subset of features. For more information see http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html .
tag | details |
.. class:: warningmark |
a yellow warning symbol |
.. class:: infomark |
a blue information symbol |
.. image:: path-of-the-file.png :height: 500 :width: 600 |
insert a png file of height 500 and width 600 at this position |
**bold** |
bold |
*italic* |
italic |
* |
list |
- |
list |
:: |
paragraph |
----- |
a horizontal line |
Show a warning sign to remind users that this tool accept fasta format files only, followed by an example of the query sequence and a figure.
.. class:: warningmark
'''TIP''' This tool requires *fasta* format.
Query sequence::
.. image:: my_figure.png
:height: 500
:width: 600
> citations
Tool files may declare one citations element. Each citations element can contain one or more citation tag elements - each of which specifies tool citation information using either a DOI or a BibTeX entry.
These citations will appear at the bottom of the tool form in a formatted way but the user will have to option to select RAW BibTeX for copying and pasting as well. Likewise, the history menu includes an option allowing users to aggregate all such citations across an analysis in a list of citations.
BibTeX entries for citations annotated with DOIs will be fetched by Galaxy from https://doi.org/ and cached.
<!-- Example of annotating a citation using a DOI. -->
<citation type="doi">10.1093/bioinformatics/btq281</citation>
<!-- Example of annotating a citation using a BibTex entry. -->
<citation type="bibtex">@ARTICLE{Kim07aninterior-point,
author = {Seung-jean Kim and Kwangmoo Koh and Michael Lustig and Stephen Boyd and Dimitry Gorinevsky},
title = {An interior-point method for large-scale l1-regularized logistic regression},
journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research},
year = {2007},
volume = {8},
pages = {1519-1555}
For more implementation information see the pull request adding this feature. For more examples of how to add this to tools checkout the following commits adding this to the NCBI BLAST+ suite, phenotype association tools, MAF suite, and MACS2 suite.
This feature was added to the August 2014 release of Galaxy, tools annotated with citations will work in older releases of Galaxy but no citation information will be available to the end user.
> citations
> citation
Each citations element can contain one or
more citation
tag elements - each of which specifies tool citation
information using either a DOI or a BibTeX entry.
Attribute | Details | Required |
type |
Type of citation - currently doi and bibtex are the only supported options. |
True |