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Source code for galaxy.tools.actions.history_imp_exp

import logging
import os
import tempfile
from collections import OrderedDict

from galaxy.tools.actions import ToolAction
from galaxy.tools.imp_exp import JobExportHistoryArchiveWrapper

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ImportHistoryToolAction(ToolAction): """Tool action used for importing a history to an archive. """
[docs] def execute(self, tool, trans, incoming={}, set_output_hid=False, overwrite=True, history=None, **kwargs): # # Create job. # trans.check_user_activation() job = trans.app.model.Job() job.galaxy_version = trans.app.config.version_major session = trans.get_galaxy_session() job.session_id = session and session.id if history: history_id = history.id elif trans.history: history_id = trans.history.id else: history_id = None job.history_id = history_id job.tool_id = tool.id job.user_id = trans.user.id start_job_state = job.state # should be job.states.NEW job.state = job.states.WAITING # we need to set job state to something other than NEW, or else when tracking jobs in db it will be picked up before we have added input / output parameters trans.sa_session.add(job) trans.sa_session.flush() # ensure job.id are available # # Setup job and job wrapper. # # Add association for keeping track of job, history relationship. # Use abspath because mkdtemp() does not, contrary to the documentation, # always return an absolute path. archive_dir = os.path.abspath(tempfile.mkdtemp()) jiha = trans.app.model.JobImportHistoryArchive(job=job, archive_dir=archive_dir) trans.sa_session.add(jiha) # # Add parameters to job_parameter table. # # Set additional parameters. incoming['__DEST_DIR__'] = jiha.archive_dir for name, value in tool.params_to_strings(incoming, trans.app).items(): job.add_parameter(name, value) job.state = start_job_state # job inputs have been configured, restore initial job state # Queue the job for execution trans.app.job_manager.enqueue(job, tool=tool) trans.log_event("Added import history job to the job queue, id: %s" % str(job.id), tool_id=job.tool_id) return job, OrderedDict()
[docs]class ExportHistoryToolAction(ToolAction): """Tool action used for exporting a history to an archive. """
[docs] def execute(self, tool, trans, incoming={}, set_output_hid=False, overwrite=True, history=None, **kwargs): trans.check_user_activation() # # Get history to export. # history = None for name, value in incoming.items(): if isinstance(value, trans.app.model.History): history_param_name = name history = value del incoming[history_param_name] break if not history: raise Exception('There is no history to export.') # # Create the job and output dataset objects # job = trans.app.model.Job() job.galaxy_version = trans.app.config.version_major session = trans.get_galaxy_session() job.session_id = session and session.id if history: history_id = history.id else: history_id = trans.history.id job.history_id = history_id job.tool_id = tool.id if trans.user: # If this is an actual user, run the job as that individual. Otherwise we're running as guest. job.user_id = trans.user.id start_job_state = job.state # should be job.states.NEW job.state = job.states.WAITING # we need to set job state to something other than NEW, or else when tracking jobs in db it will be picked up before we have added input / output parameters trans.sa_session.add(job) # Create dataset that will serve as archive. archive_dataset = trans.app.model.Dataset() trans.sa_session.add(archive_dataset) trans.sa_session.flush() # ensure job.id and archive_dataset.id are available trans.app.object_store.create(archive_dataset) # set the object store id, create dataset (if applicable) # # Setup job and job wrapper. # # Add association for keeping track of job, history, archive relationship. jeha = trans.app.model.JobExportHistoryArchive(job=job, history=history, dataset=archive_dataset, compressed=incoming['compress']) trans.sa_session.add(jeha) job_wrapper = JobExportHistoryArchiveWrapper(trans.app, job) cmd_line = job_wrapper.setup_job(jeha, include_hidden=incoming['include_hidden'], include_deleted=incoming['include_deleted']) # # Add parameters to job_parameter table. # # Set additional parameters. incoming['__HISTORY_TO_EXPORT__'] = history.id incoming['__EXPORT_HISTORY_COMMAND_INPUTS_OPTIONS__'] = cmd_line for name, value in tool.params_to_strings(incoming, trans.app).items(): job.add_parameter(name, value) job.state = start_job_state # job inputs have been configured, restore initial job state # Queue the job for execution trans.app.job_manager.enqueue(job, tool=tool) trans.log_event("Added export history job to the job queue, id: %s" % str(job.id), tool_id=job.tool_id) return job, OrderedDict()