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Source code for galaxy.model.migrate.versions.0083_add_prepare_files_to_task
Migration script to add 'prepare_input_files_cmd' column to the task table and to rename a column.
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
from sqlalchemy import Column, MetaData, String, Table, TEXT
from galaxy.model.migrate.versions.util import add_column, drop_column
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
metadata = MetaData()
[docs]def upgrade(migrate_engine):
metadata.bind = migrate_engine
task_table = Table("task", metadata, autoload=True)
c = Column("prepare_input_files_cmd", TEXT, nullable=True)
add_column(c, task_table, metadata)
c = Column("working_directory", String(1024), nullable=True)
add_column(c, task_table, metadata)
# remove the 'part_file' column - nobody used tasks before this, so no data needs to be migrated
drop_column('part_file', task_table)
[docs]def downgrade(migrate_engine):
metadata.bind = migrate_engine
task_table = Table("task", metadata, autoload=True)
c = Column("part_file", String(1024), nullable=True)
add_column(c, task_table, metadata)
drop_column('working_directory', task_table)
drop_column('prepare_input_files_cmd', task_table)