
This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.model.metadata

Galaxy Metadata

import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import weakref
from collections import OrderedDict
from os.path import abspath

from six import string_types
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session

import galaxy.model
from galaxy.util import (
from galaxy.util.json import safe_dumps
from galaxy.util.object_wrapper import sanitize_lists_to_string

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

STATEMENTS = "__galaxy_statements__"  # this is the name of the property in a Datatype class where new metadata spec element Statements are stored

[docs]class Statement(object): """ This class inserts its target into a list in the surrounding class. the data.Data class has a metaclass which executes these statements. This is how we shove the metadata element spec into the class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, target): self.target = target
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # get the locals dictionary of the frame object one down in the call stack (i.e. the Datatype class calling MetadataElement) class_locals = sys._getframe(1).f_locals # get and set '__galaxy_statments__' to an empty list if not in locals dict statements = class_locals.setdefault(STATEMENTS, []) # add Statement containing info to populate a MetadataElementSpec statements.append((self, args, kwargs))
[docs] @classmethod def process(cls, element): for statement, args, kwargs in getattr(element, STATEMENTS, []): statement.target(element, *args, **kwargs) # statement.target is MetadataElementSpec, element is a Datatype class
[docs]class MetadataCollection(object): """ MetadataCollection is not a collection at all, but rather a proxy to the real metadata which is stored as a Dictionary. This class handles processing the metadata elements when they are set and retrieved, returning default values in cases when metadata is not set. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent # initialize dict if needed if self.parent._metadata is None: self.parent._metadata = {}
[docs] def get_parent(self): if "_parent" in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__["_parent"]() return None
[docs] def set_parent(self, parent): # use weakref to prevent a circular reference interfering with garbage # collection: hda/lda (parent) <--> MetadataCollection (self) ; needs to be # hashable, so cannot use proxy. self.__dict__["_parent"] = weakref.ref(parent)
parent = property(get_parent, set_parent) @property def spec(self): return self.parent.datatype.metadata_spec def __iter__(self): return self.parent._metadata.__iter__()
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): try: return self.__getattr__(key) or default except Exception: return default
[docs] def items(self): return iter([(k, self.get(k)) for k in self.spec.keys()])
def __str__(self): return dict(self.items()).__str__() def __bool__(self): return bool(self.parent._metadata) __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.spec: if name in self.parent._metadata: return self.spec[name].wrap(self.parent._metadata[name], object_session(self.parent)) return self.spec[name].wrap(self.spec[name].default, object_session(self.parent)) if name in self.parent._metadata: return self.parent._metadata[name] def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == "parent": return self.set_parent(value) else: if name in self.spec: self.parent._metadata[name] = self.spec[name].unwrap(value) else: self.parent._metadata[name] = value
[docs] def remove_key(self, name): if name in self.parent._metadata: del self.parent._metadata[name] else: log.info("Attempted to delete invalid key '%s' from MetadataCollection" % name)
[docs] def element_is_set(self, name): return bool(self.parent._metadata.get(name, False))
[docs] def get_metadata_parameter(self, name, **kwd): if name in self.spec: field = self.spec[name].param.get_field(getattr(self, name), self, None, **kwd) field.value = getattr(self, name) return field
[docs] def make_dict_copy(self, to_copy): """Makes a deep copy of input iterable to_copy according to self.spec""" rval = {} for key, value in to_copy.items(): if key in self.spec: rval[key] = self.spec[key].param.make_copy(value, target_context=self, source_context=to_copy) return rval
@property def requires_dataset_id(self): for key in self.spec: if isinstance(self.spec[key].param, FileParameter): return True return False
[docs] def from_JSON_dict(self, filename=None, path_rewriter=None, json_dict=None): dataset = self.parent if filename is not None: log.debug('loading metadata from file for: %s %s' % (dataset.__class__.__name__, dataset.id)) JSONified_dict = json.load(open(filename)) elif json_dict is not None: log.debug('loading metadata from dict for: %s %s' % (dataset.__class__.__name__, dataset.id)) if isinstance(json_dict, string_types): JSONified_dict = json.loads(json_dict) elif isinstance(json_dict, dict): JSONified_dict = json_dict else: raise ValueError("json_dict must be either a dictionary or a string, got %s." % (type(json_dict))) else: raise ValueError("You must provide either a filename or a json_dict") # We build a dictionary for metadata name / value pairs # because when we copy MetadataTempFile objects we flush the datasets' # session, but only include the newly created MetadataFile object. # If we were to set the metadata elements in the first for loop we'd # lose all previously set metadata elements metadata_name_value = {} for name, spec in self.spec.items(): if name in JSONified_dict: from_ext_kwds = {} external_value = JSONified_dict[name] param = spec.param if isinstance(param, FileParameter): from_ext_kwds['path_rewriter'] = path_rewriter value = param.from_external_value(external_value, dataset, **from_ext_kwds) metadata_name_value[name] = value elif name in dataset._metadata: # if the metadata value is not found in our externally set metadata but it has a value in the 'old' # metadata associated with our dataset, we'll delete it from our dataset's metadata dict del dataset._metadata[name] for name, value in metadata_name_value.items(): dataset._metadata[name] = value if '__extension__' in JSONified_dict: dataset.extension = JSONified_dict['__extension__'] if '__validated_state__' in JSONified_dict: dataset.validated_state = JSONified_dict['__validated_state__'] if '__validated_state_message__' in JSONified_dict: dataset.validated_state_message = JSONified_dict['__validated_state_message__']
[docs] def to_JSON_dict(self, filename=None): # galaxy.model.customtypes.json_encoder.encode() meta_dict = {} dataset_meta_dict = self.parent._metadata for name, spec in self.spec.items(): if name in dataset_meta_dict: meta_dict[name] = spec.param.to_external_value(dataset_meta_dict[name]) if '__extension__' in dataset_meta_dict: meta_dict['__extension__'] = dataset_meta_dict['__extension__'] if '__validated_state__' in dataset_meta_dict: meta_dict['__validated_state__'] = dataset_meta_dict['__validated_state__'] if '__validated_state_message__' in dataset_meta_dict: meta_dict['__validated_state_message__'] = dataset_meta_dict['__validated_state_message__'] if filename is None: return json.dumps(meta_dict) json.dump(meta_dict, open(filename, 'wt+'))
def __getstate__(self): # cannot pickle a weakref item (self._parent), when # data._metadata_collection is None, it will be recreated on demand return None
[docs]class MetadataSpecCollection(OrderedDict): """ A simple extension of OrderedDict which allows cleaner access to items and allows the values to be iterated over directly as if it were a list. append() is also implemented for simplicity and does not "append". """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(MetadataSpecCollection, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
[docs] def append(self, item): self[item.name] = item
def __getattr__(self, name): if name not in self: raise AttributeError return self.get(name) def __repr__(self): # force elements to draw with __str__ for sphinx-apidoc return ', '.join(item.__str__() for item in self.values())
[docs]class MetadataParameter(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, spec): self.spec = spec
[docs] def get_field(self, value=None, context=None, other_values=None, **kwd): context = context or {} other_values = other_values or {} return form_builder.TextField(self.spec.name, value=value)
[docs] def to_string(self, value): return str(value)
[docs] def to_safe_string(self, value): return sanitize_lists_to_string(self.to_string(value))
[docs] def make_copy(self, value, target_context=None, source_context=None): return copy.deepcopy(value)
[docs] @classmethod def marshal(cls, value): """ This method should/can be overridden to convert the incoming value to whatever type it is supposed to be. """ return value
[docs] def validate(self, value): """ Throw an exception if the value is invalid. """ pass
[docs] def unwrap(self, form_value): """ Turns a value into its storable form. """ value = self.marshal(form_value) self.validate(value) return value
[docs] def wrap(self, value, session): """ Turns a value into its usable form. """ return value
[docs] def from_external_value(self, value, parent): """ Turns a value read from an external dict into its value to be pushed directly into the metadata dict. """ return value
[docs] def to_external_value(self, value): """ Turns a value read from a metadata into its value to be pushed directly into the external dict. """ return value
[docs]class MetadataElementSpec(object): """ Defines a metadata element and adds it to the metadata_spec (which is a MetadataSpecCollection) of datatype. """
[docs] def __init__(self, datatype, name=None, desc=None, param=MetadataParameter, default=None, no_value=None, visible=True, set_in_upload=False, **kwargs): self.name = name self.desc = desc or name self.default = default self.no_value = no_value self.visible = visible self.set_in_upload = set_in_upload # Catch-all, allows for extra attributes to be set self.__dict__.update(kwargs) # set up param last, as it uses values set above self.param = param(self) # add spec element to the spec datatype.metadata_spec.append(self)
[docs] def get(self, name, default=None): return self.__dict__.get(name, default)
[docs] def wrap(self, value, session): """ Turns a stored value into its usable form. """ return self.param.wrap(value, session)
[docs] def unwrap(self, value): """ Turns an incoming value into its storable form. """ return self.param.unwrap(value)
def __str__(self): # TODO??: assuming param is the class of this MetadataElementSpec - add the plain class name for that spec_dict = dict(param_class=self.param.__class__.__name__) spec_dict.update(self.__dict__) return ("{name} ({param_class}): {desc}, defaults to '{default}'".format(**spec_dict))
# create a statement class that, when called, # will add a new MetadataElementSpec to a class's metadata_spec MetadataElement = Statement(MetadataElementSpec) """ MetadataParameter sub-classes. """
[docs]class SelectParameter(MetadataParameter):
[docs] def __init__(self, spec): MetadataParameter.__init__(self, spec) self.values = self.spec.get("values") self.multiple = string_as_bool(self.spec.get("multiple"))
[docs] def to_string(self, value): if value in [None, []]: return str(self.spec.no_value) if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] return ",".join(map(str, value))
[docs] def get_field(self, value=None, context=None, other_values=None, values=None, **kwd): context = context or {} other_values = other_values or {} field = form_builder.SelectField(self.spec.name, multiple=self.multiple, display=self.spec.get("display")) if self.values: value_list = self.values elif values: value_list = values elif value: value_list = [(v, v) for v in listify(value)] else: value_list = [] for val, label in value_list: try: if (self.multiple and val in value) or (not self.multiple and val == value): field.add_option(label, val, selected=True) else: field.add_option(label, val, selected=False) except TypeError: field.add_option(val, label, selected=False) return field
[docs] def wrap(self, value, session): # do we really need this (wasteful)? - yes because we are not sure that # all existing selects have been stored previously as lists. Also this # will handle the case where defaults/no_values are specified and are # single non-list values. value = self.marshal(value) if self.multiple: return value elif value: return value[0] # single select, only return the first value return None
[docs] @classmethod def marshal(cls, value): # Store select as list, even if single item if value is None: return [] if not isinstance(value, list): return [value] return value
[docs]class DBKeyParameter(SelectParameter):
[docs] def get_field(self, value=None, context=None, other_values=None, values=None, **kwd): context = context or {} other_values = other_values or {} try: values = kwd['trans'].app.genome_builds.get_genome_build_names(kwd['trans']) except KeyError: pass return super(DBKeyParameter, self).get_field(value, context, other_values, values, **kwd)
[docs]class RangeParameter(SelectParameter):
[docs] def __init__(self, spec): SelectParameter.__init__(self, spec) # The spec must be set with min and max values self.min = spec.get("min") or 1 self.max = spec.get("max") or 1 self.step = self.spec.get("step") or 1
[docs] def get_field(self, value=None, context=None, other_values=None, values=None, **kwd): context = context or {} other_values = other_values or {} if values is None: values = list(zip(range(self.min, self.max, self.step), range(self.min, self.max, self.step))) return SelectParameter.get_field(self, value=value, context=context, other_values=other_values, values=values, **kwd)
[docs] @classmethod def marshal(cls, value): value = SelectParameter.marshal(value) values = [int(x) for x in value] return values
[docs]class ColumnParameter(RangeParameter):
[docs] def get_field(self, value=None, context=None, other_values=None, values=None, **kwd): context = context or {} other_values = other_values or {} if values is None and context: column_range = range(1, (context.columns or 0) + 1, 1) values = list(zip(column_range, column_range)) return RangeParameter.get_field(self, value=value, context=context, other_values=other_values, values=values, **kwd)
[docs]class ColumnTypesParameter(MetadataParameter):
[docs] def to_string(self, value): return ",".join(map(str, value))
[docs]class ListParameter(MetadataParameter):
[docs] def to_string(self, value): return ",".join([str(x) for x in value])
[docs]class DictParameter(MetadataParameter):
[docs] def to_string(self, value): return json.dumps(value)
[docs] def to_safe_string(self, value): # We do not sanitize json dicts return safe_dumps(value)
[docs]class PythonObjectParameter(MetadataParameter):
[docs] def to_string(self, value): if not value: return self.spec._to_string(self.spec.no_value) return self.spec._to_string(value)
[docs] def get_field(self, value=None, context=None, other_values=None, **kwd): context = context or {} other_values = other_values or {} return form_builder.TextField(self.spec.name, value=self._to_string(value))
[docs] @classmethod def marshal(cls, value): return value
[docs]class FileParameter(MetadataParameter):
[docs] def to_string(self, value): if not value: return str(self.spec.no_value) return value.file_name
[docs] def to_safe_string(self, value): # We do not sanitize file names return self.to_string(value)
[docs] def get_field(self, value=None, context=None, other_values=None, **kwd): context = context or {} other_values = other_values or {} return form_builder.TextField(self.spec.name, value=str(value.id))
[docs] def wrap(self, value, session): if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, galaxy.model.MetadataFile) or isinstance(value, MetadataTempFile): return value mf = session.query(galaxy.model.MetadataFile).get(value) return mf
[docs] def make_copy(self, value, target_context, source_context): value = self.wrap(value, object_session(target_context.parent)) if value: new_value = galaxy.model.MetadataFile(dataset=target_context.parent, name=self.spec.name) object_session(target_context.parent).add(new_value) object_session(target_context.parent).flush() shutil.copy(value.file_name, new_value.file_name) return self.unwrap(new_value) return None
[docs] @classmethod def marshal(cls, value): if isinstance(value, galaxy.model.MetadataFile): value = value.id return value
[docs] def from_external_value(self, value, parent, path_rewriter=None): """ Turns a value read from a external dict into its value to be pushed directly into the metadata dict. """ if MetadataTempFile.is_JSONified_value(value): value = MetadataTempFile.from_JSON(value) if isinstance(value, MetadataTempFile): mf = parent.metadata.get(self.spec.name, None) if mf is None: mf = self.new_file(dataset=parent, **value.kwds) # Ensure the metadata file gets updated with content file_name = value.file_name if path_rewriter: # Job may have run with a different (non-local) tmp/working # directory. Correct. file_name = path_rewriter(file_name) parent.dataset.object_store.update_from_file(mf, file_name=file_name, extra_dir='_metadata_files', extra_dir_at_root=True, alt_name=os.path.basename(mf.file_name)) os.unlink(file_name) value = mf.id return value
[docs] def to_external_value(self, value): """ Turns a value read from a metadata into its value to be pushed directly into the external dict. """ if isinstance(value, galaxy.model.MetadataFile): value = value.id elif isinstance(value, MetadataTempFile): value = MetadataTempFile.to_JSON(value) return value
[docs] def new_file(self, dataset=None, **kwds): # If there is a place to store the file (i.e. an object_store has been bound to # Dataset) then use a MetadataFile and assume it is accessible. Otherwise use # a MetadataTempFile. if getattr(dataset.dataset, "object_store", False): mf = galaxy.model.MetadataFile(name=self.spec.name, dataset=dataset, **kwds) sa_session = object_session(dataset) if sa_session: sa_session.add(mf) sa_session.flush() # flush to assign id return mf else: # we need to make a tmp file that is accessable to the head node, # we will be copying its contents into the MetadataFile objects filename after restoring from JSON # we do not include 'dataset' in the kwds passed, as from_JSON_value() will handle this for us return MetadataTempFile(**kwds)
# This class is used when a database file connection is not available
[docs]class MetadataTempFile(object): tmp_dir = 'database/tmp' # this should be overwritten as necessary in calling scripts
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): self.kwds = kwds self._filename = None
@property def file_name(self): if self._filename is None: # we need to create a tmp file, accessable across all nodes/heads, save the name, and return it self._filename = abspath(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self.tmp_dir, prefix="metadata_temp_file_").name) open(self._filename, 'wb+') # create an empty file, so it can't be reused using tempfile return self._filename
[docs] def to_JSON(self): return {'__class__': self.__class__.__name__, 'filename': self.file_name, 'kwds': self.kwds}
[docs] @classmethod def from_JSON(cls, json_dict): # need to ensure our keywords are not unicode rval = cls(**stringify_dictionary_keys(json_dict['kwds'])) rval._filename = json_dict['filename'] return rval
[docs] @classmethod def is_JSONified_value(cls, value): return (isinstance(value, dict) and value.get('__class__', None) == cls.__name__)
[docs] @classmethod def cleanup_from_JSON_dict_filename(cls, filename): try: for key, value in json.load(open(filename)).items(): if cls.is_JSONified_value(value): value = cls.from_JSON(value) if isinstance(value, cls) and os.path.exists(value.file_name): log.debug('Cleaning up abandoned MetadataTempFile file: %s', value.file_name) os.unlink(value.file_name) except Exception as e: log.debug('Failed to cleanup MetadataTempFile temp files from %s: %s', filename, unicodify(e))
__all__ = ( "Statement", "MetadataElement", "MetadataCollection", "MetadataSpecCollection", "MetadataParameter", "MetadataElementSpec", "SelectParameter", "DBKeyParameter", "RangeParameter", "ColumnParameter", "ColumnTypesParameter", "ListParameter", "DictParameter", "PythonObjectParameter", "FileParameter", "MetadataTempFile", )