
This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.

Source code for galaxy.tools.deps.mulled.mulled_build

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Build a mulled image for specified conda targets.


Build a mulled image with:

    mulled-build build 'samtools=1.3.1--4,bedtools=2.22'

from __future__ import print_function

import json
import os
import shutil
import string
import subprocess
import sys
from sys import platform as _platform

from six.moves import shlex_quote
    import yaml
except ImportError:
    yaml = None

from galaxy.tools.deps import commands, installable
from galaxy.util import safe_makedirs
from ._cli import arg_parser
from .util import (
from ..conda_compat import MetaData

DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(__file__)
DEFAULT_CHANNEL = "bioconda"
DEFAULT_EXTRA_CHANNELS = ["conda-forge"]
DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_TEMPLATE = "quay.io/${namespace}/${image}"
DEFAULT_BINDS = ["build/dist:/usr/local/"]
IS_OS_X = _platform == "darwin"
DEST_BASE_IMAGE = os.environ.get('DEST_BASE_IMAGE', None)
CONDA_IMAGE = os.environ.get('CONDA_IMAGE', None)

SINGULARITY_TEMPLATE = """Bootstrap: docker
From: bgruening/busybox-bash:0.1


    echo "Copying conda environment"
    mkdir -p /tmp/conda
    cp -r /data/dist/* /tmp/conda/

    mkdir -p /usr/local
    cp -R /tmp/conda/* /usr/local/


def involucro_link():
    if IS_OS_X:
        url = "https://github.com/involucro/involucro/releases/download/v%s/involucro.darwin" % INVOLUCRO_VERSION
        url = "https://github.com/involucro/involucro/releases/download/v%s/involucro" % INVOLUCRO_VERSION
    return url

def get_tests(args, pkg_path):
    """Extract test cases given a recipe's meta.yaml file."""
    recipes_dir = args.recipes_dir

    tests = []
    input_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(recipes_dir, pkg_path))
    recipe_meta = MetaData(input_dir)

    tests_commands = recipe_meta.get_value('test/commands')
    tests_imports = recipe_meta.get_value('test/imports')
    requirements = recipe_meta.get_value('requirements/run')

    if tests_imports or tests_commands:
        if tests_commands:
            tests.append(' && '.join(tests_commands))
        if tests_imports and 'python' in requirements:
            tests.append(' && '.join('python -c "import %s"' % imp for imp in tests_imports))
        elif tests_imports and ('perl' in requirements or 'perl-threaded' in requirements):
            tests.append(' && '.join('''perl -e "use %s;"''' % imp for imp in tests_imports))

    tests = ' && '.join(tests)
    tests = tests.replace('$R ', 'Rscript ')
    return tests

def get_pkg_name(args, pkg_path):
    """Extract the package name from a given meta.yaml file."""
    recipes_dir = args.recipes_dir

    input_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(recipes_dir, pkg_path))
    recipe_meta = MetaData(input_dir)
    return recipe_meta.get_value('package/name')

def get_affected_packages(args):
    """Return a list of all meta.yaml file that where modified/created recently.

    Length of time to check for indicated by the ``hours`` parameter.
    recipes_dir = args.recipes_dir
    hours = args.diff_hours
    cmd = ['git', 'log', '--diff-filter=ACMRTUXB', '--name-only', '--pretty=""', '--since="%s hours ago"' % hours]
    changed_files = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=recipes_dir).strip().split('\n')
    pkg_list = set([x for x in changed_files if x.startswith('recipes/') and x.endswith('meta.yaml')])
    for pkg in pkg_list:
        if pkg and os.path.exists(os.path.join(recipes_dir, pkg)):
            yield (get_pkg_name(args, pkg), get_tests(args, pkg))

def conda_versions(pkg_name, file_name):
    """Return all conda version strings for a specified package name."""
    j = json.load(open(file_name))
    ret = list()
    for pkg in j['packages'].values():
        if pkg['name'] == pkg_name:
            ret.append('%s--%s' % (pkg['version'], pkg['build']))
    return ret

class BuildExistsException(Exception):
    """Exception indicating mull_targets is skipping an existing build.

    If mull_targets is called with rebuild=False and the target built is already published
    an instance of this exception is thrown.

def mull_targets(
    targets, involucro_context=None,
    command="build", channels=DEFAULT_CHANNELS, namespace="biocontainers",
    test='true', test_files=None, image_build=None, name_override=None,
    repository_template=DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_TEMPLATE, dry_run=False,
    conda_version=None, verbose=False, binds=DEFAULT_BINDS, rebuild=True,
    oauth_token=None, hash_func="v2", singularity=False,
    targets = list(targets)
    if involucro_context is None:
        involucro_context = InvolucroContext()

    image_function = v1_image_name if hash_func == "v1" else v2_image_name
    if len(targets) > 1 and image_build is None:
        # Force an image build in this case - this seems hacky probably
        # shouldn't work this way but single case broken else wise.
        image_build = "0"

    repo_template_kwds = {
        "namespace": namespace,
        "image": image_function(targets, image_build=image_build, name_override=name_override)
    repo = string.Template(repository_template).safe_substitute(repo_template_kwds)

    if not rebuild or "push" in command:
        repo_name = repo_template_kwds["image"].split(":", 1)[0]
        repo_data = quay_repository(repo_template_kwds["namespace"], repo_name)
        if not rebuild:
            tags = repo_data.get("tags", [])

            target_tag = None
            if ":" in repo_template_kwds["image"]:
                image_name_parts = repo_template_kwds["image"].split(":")
                assert len(image_name_parts) == 2, ": not allowed in image name [%s]" % repo_template_kwds["image"]
                target_tag = image_name_parts[1]

            if tags and (target_tag is None or target_tag in tags):
                raise BuildExistsException()
        if "push" in command and "error_type" in repo_data and oauth_token:
            # Explicitly create the repository so it can be built as public.
            create_repository(repo_template_kwds["namespace"], repo_name, oauth_token)

    for channel in channels:
        if channel.startswith('file://'):
            bind_path = channel.lstrip('file://')
            binds.append('/%s:/%s' % (bind_path, bind_path))

    channels = ",".join(channels)
    target_str = ",".join(map(conda_build_target_str, targets))
    bind_str = ",".join(binds)
    involucro_args = [
        '-f', '%s/invfile.lua' % DIRNAME,
        '-set', "CHANNELS='%s'" % channels,
        '-set', "TEST=%s" % shlex_quote(test),
        '-set', "TARGETS='%s'" % target_str,
        '-set', "REPO='%s'" % repo,
        '-set', "BINDS='%s'" % bind_str,

        involucro_args.extend(["-set", "DEST_BASE_IMAGE='%s'" % DEST_BASE_IMAGE])
        involucro_args.extend(["-set", "CONDA_IMAGE='%s'" % CONDA_IMAGE])
    if verbose:
        involucro_args.extend(["-set", "VERBOSE='1'"])
    if singularity:
        singularity_image_name = repo_template_kwds['image']
        involucro_args.extend(["-set", "SINGULARITY='1'"])
        involucro_args.extend(["-set", "SINGULARITY_IMAGE_NAME='%s'" % singularity_image_name])
        involucro_args.extend(["-set", "SINGULARITY_IMAGE_DIR='%s'" % singularity_image_dir])
        involucro_args.extend(["-set", "USER_ID='%s:%s'" % (os.getuid(), os.getgid())])
    if conda_version is not None:
        verbose = "--verbose" if verbose else "--quiet"
        involucro_args.extend(["-set", "PREINSTALL='conda install %s --yes conda=%s'" % (verbose, conda_version)])
    if test_files:
        test_bind = []
        for test_file in test_files:
            if ':' not in test_file:
                if os.path.exists(test_file):
                    test_bind.append("%s:%s/%s" % (test_file, DEFAULT_WORKING_DIR, test_file))
                if os.path.exists(test_file.split(':')[0]):
        if test_bind:
            involucro_args.insert(6, '-set')
            involucro_args.insert(7, "TEST_BINDS='%s'" % ",".join(test_bind))
    print(" ".join(involucro_context.build_command(involucro_args)))
    if not dry_run:
        ensure_installed(involucro_context, True)
        if singularity:
            if not os.path.exists(singularity_image_dir):
            with open(os.path.join(singularity_image_dir, 'Singularity'), 'w+') as sin_def:
                fill_template = SINGULARITY_TEMPLATE % {'container_test': test}
        with PrintProgress():
            ret = involucro_context.exec_command(involucro_args)
        if singularity:
            # we can not remove this folder as it contains the image wich is owned by root
            # shutil.rmtree('./singularity_import')
        return ret
    return 0

def context_from_args(args):
    verbose = "2" if not args.verbose else "3"
    return InvolucroContext(involucro_bin=args.involucro_path, verbose=verbose)

class InvolucroContext(installable.InstallableContext):

    installable_description = "Involucro"

    def __init__(self, involucro_bin=None, shell_exec=None, verbose="3"):
        if involucro_bin is None:
            if os.path.exists("./involucro"):
                self.involucro_bin = "./involucro"
                self.involucro_bin = "involucro"
            self.involucro_bin = involucro_bin
        self.shell_exec = shell_exec or commands.shell
        self.verbose = verbose

    def build_command(self, involucro_args):
        return [self.involucro_bin, "-v=%s" % self.verbose] + involucro_args

    def exec_command(self, involucro_args):
        cmd = self.build_command(involucro_args)
        # Create ./build dir manually, otherwise Docker will do it as root
            res = self.shell_exec(" ".join(cmd))
            # delete build directory in any case
        return res

    def is_installed(self):
        return os.path.exists(self.involucro_bin)

    def can_install(self):
        return True

    def parent_path(self):
        return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.involucro_bin))

def ensure_installed(involucro_context, auto_init):
    return installable.ensure_installed(involucro_context, install_involucro, auto_init)

def install_involucro(involucro_context=None, to_path=None):
    install_path = os.path.abspath(involucro_context.involucro_bin)
    involucro_context.involucro_bin = install_path
    download_cmd = " ".join(commands.download_command(involucro_link(), to=install_path, quote_url=True))
    full_cmd = "%s && chmod +x %s" % (download_cmd, install_path)
    return involucro_context.shell_exec(full_cmd)

def add_build_arguments(parser):
    """Base arguments describing how to 'mull'."""
    parser.add_argument('--involucro-path', dest="involucro_path", default=None,
                        help="Path to involucro (if not set will look in working directory and on PATH).")
    parser.add_argument('--dry-run', dest='dry_run', action="store_true",
                        help='Just print commands instead of executing them.')
    parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action="store_true",
                        help='Cause process to be verbose.')
    parser.add_argument('--singularity', action="store_true",
                        help='Additionally build a singularity image.')
    parser.add_argument('--singularity-image-dir', dest="singularity_image_dir",
                        help="Directory to write singularity images too.")
    parser.add_argument('-n', '--namespace', dest='namespace', default="biocontainers",
                        help='quay.io namespace.')
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--repository_template', dest='repository_template', default=DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_TEMPLATE,
                        help='Docker repository target for publication (only quay.io or compat. API is currently supported).')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--channel', dest='channel', default=DEFAULT_CHANNEL,
                        help='Target conda channel')
    parser.add_argument('--extra-channels', dest='extra_channels', default=",".join(DEFAULT_EXTRA_CHANNELS),
                        help='Dependent conda channels.')
    parser.add_argument('--conda-version', dest="conda_version", default=None,
                        help="Change to specified version of Conda before installing packages.")
    parser.add_argument('--oauth-token', dest="oauth_token", default=None,
                        help="If set, use this token when communicating with quay.io API.")
    parser.add_argument('--check-published', dest="rebuild", action='store_false')
    parser.add_argument('--hash', dest="hash", choices=["v1", "v2"], default="v2")

def add_single_image_arguments(parser):
    parser.add_argument("--name-override", dest="name_override", default=None,
                        help="Override mulled image name - this is not recommended since metadata will not be detectable from the name of resulting images")
    parser.add_argument("--image-build", dest="image_build", default=None,
                        help="Build a versioned variant of this image.")

def target_str_to_targets(targets_raw):
    def parse_target(target_str):
        if "=" in target_str:
            package_name, version = target_str.split("=", 1)
            build = None
            if "--" in version:
                version, build = version.split('--')
            target = build_target(package_name, version, build)
            target = build_target(target_str)
        return target

    targets = [parse_target(_) for _ in targets_raw.split(",")]
    return targets

def args_to_mull_targets_kwds(args):
    kwds = {}
    if hasattr(args, "image_build"):
        kwds["image_build"] = args.image_build
    if hasattr(args, "name_override"):
        kwds["name_override"] = args.name_override
    if hasattr(args, "namespace"):
        kwds["namespace"] = args.namespace
    if hasattr(args, "dry_run"):
        kwds["dry_run"] = args.dry_run
    if hasattr(args, "singularity"):
        kwds["singularity"] = args.singularity
    if hasattr(args, "test"):
        kwds["test"] = args.test
    if hasattr(args, "test_files"):
        if args.test_files:
            kwds["test_files"] = args.test_files.split(",")
    if hasattr(args, "channel"):
        channels = [args.channel]
        if hasattr(args, "extra_channels"):
            channels += args.extra_channels.split(",")
        kwds["channels"] = channels
    if hasattr(args, "command"):
        kwds["command"] = args.command
    if hasattr(args, "repository_template"):
        kwds["repository_template"] = args.repository_template
    if hasattr(args, "conda_version"):
        kwds["conda_version"] = args.conda_version
    if hasattr(args, "oauth_token"):
        kwds["oauth_token"] = args.oauth_token
    if hasattr(args, "rebuild"):
        kwds["rebuild"] = args.rebuild
    if hasattr(args, "hash"):
        kwds["hash_func"] = args.hash
    if hasattr(args, "singularity_image_dir") and args.singularity_image_dir:
        kwds["singularity_image_dir"] = args.singularity_image_dir

    kwds["involucro_context"] = context_from_args(args)

    return kwds

[docs]def main(argv=None): """Main entry-point for the CLI tool.""" parser = arg_parser(argv, globals()) add_build_arguments(parser) add_single_image_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument('command', metavar='COMMAND', help='Command (build-and-test, build, all)') parser.add_argument('targets', metavar="TARGETS", default=None, help="Build a single container with specific package(s).") parser.add_argument('--repository-name', dest="repository_name", default=None, help="Name of mulled container (leave blank to auto-generate based on packages - recommended).") parser.add_argument('--test', help='Provide a test command for the container.') parser.add_argument('--test-files', help='Provide test-files that may be required to run the test command. Individual mounts are separated by comma.' 'The source:dest docker syntax is respected. If relative file paths are given, files will be mounted in /source/<relative_file_path>') args = parser.parse_args() targets = target_str_to_targets(args.targets) sys.exit(mull_targets(targets, **args_to_mull_targets_kwds(args)))
__all__ = ("main", ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()