This document is for an in-development version of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.
Source code for galaxy.tools.deps.mulled.mulled_build
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Build a mulled image for specified conda targets.
Build a mulled image with:
mulled-build build 'samtools=1.3.1--4,bedtools=2.22'
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import os
import shutil
import string
import subprocess
import sys
from sys import platform as _platform
from six.moves import shlex_quote
import yaml
except ImportError:
yaml = None
from galaxy.tools.deps import commands, installable
from galaxy.util import safe_makedirs
from ._cli import arg_parser
from .util import (
from ..conda_compat import MetaData
DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(__file__)
DEFAULT_CHANNELS = ["conda-forge", "bioconda"]
DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_TEMPLATE = "quay.io/${namespace}/${image}"
DEFAULT_BINDS = ["build/dist:/usr/local/"]
IS_OS_X = _platform == "darwin"
DEST_BASE_IMAGE = os.environ.get('DEST_BASE_IMAGE', None)
CONDA_IMAGE = os.environ.get('CONDA_IMAGE', None)
SINGULARITY_TEMPLATE = """Bootstrap: docker
From: bgruening/busybox-bash:0.1
echo "Copying conda environment"
mkdir -p /tmp/conda
cp -r /data/dist/* /tmp/conda/
mkdir -p /usr/local
cp -R /tmp/conda/* /usr/local/
def involucro_link():
if IS_OS_X:
url = "https://github.com/mvdbeek/involucro/releases/download/v%s/involucro.darwin" % INVOLUCRO_VERSION
url = "https://github.com/involucro/involucro/releases/download/v%s/involucro" % INVOLUCRO_VERSION
return url
def get_tests(args, pkg_path):
"""Extract test cases given a recipe's meta.yaml file."""
recipes_dir = args.recipes_dir
tests = []
input_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(recipes_dir, pkg_path))
recipe_meta = MetaData(input_dir)
tests_commands = recipe_meta.get_value('test/commands')
tests_imports = recipe_meta.get_value('test/imports')
requirements = recipe_meta.get_value('requirements/run')
if tests_imports or tests_commands:
if tests_commands:
tests.append(' && '.join(tests_commands))
if tests_imports and 'python' in requirements:
tests.append(' && '.join('python -c "import %s"' % imp for imp in tests_imports))
elif tests_imports and ('perl' in requirements or 'perl-threaded' in requirements):
tests.append(' && '.join('''perl -e "use %s;"''' % imp for imp in tests_imports))
tests = ' && '.join(tests)
tests = tests.replace('$R ', 'Rscript ')
return tests
def get_pkg_name(args, pkg_path):
"""Extract the package name from a given meta.yaml file."""
recipes_dir = args.recipes_dir
input_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(recipes_dir, pkg_path))
recipe_meta = MetaData(input_dir)
return recipe_meta.get_value('package/name')
def get_affected_packages(args):
"""Return a list of all meta.yaml file that where modified/created recently.
Length of time to check for indicated by the ``hours`` parameter.
recipes_dir = args.recipes_dir
hours = args.diff_hours
cmd = ['git', 'log', '--diff-filter=ACMRTUXB', '--name-only', '--pretty=""', '--since="%s hours ago"' % hours]
changed_files = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=recipes_dir).strip().split('\n')
pkg_list = set([x for x in changed_files if x.startswith('recipes/') and x.endswith('meta.yaml')])
for pkg in pkg_list:
if pkg and os.path.exists(os.path.join(recipes_dir, pkg)):
yield (get_pkg_name(args, pkg), get_tests(args, pkg))
def conda_versions(pkg_name, file_name):
"""Return all conda version strings for a specified package name."""
j = json.load(open(file_name))
ret = list()
for pkg in j['packages'].values():
if pkg['name'] == pkg_name:
ret.append('%s--%s' % (pkg['version'], pkg['build']))
return ret
class BuildExistsException(Exception):
"""Exception indicating mull_targets is skipping an existing build.
If mull_targets is called with rebuild=False and the target built is already published
an instance of this exception is thrown.
def mull_targets(
targets, involucro_context=None,
command="build", channels=DEFAULT_CHANNELS, namespace="biocontainers",
test='true', test_files=None, image_build=None, name_override=None,
repository_template=DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_TEMPLATE, dry_run=False,
conda_version=None, verbose=False, binds=DEFAULT_BINDS, rebuild=True,
oauth_token=None, hash_func="v2", singularity=False,
targets = list(targets)
if involucro_context is None:
involucro_context = InvolucroContext()
image_function = v1_image_name if hash_func == "v1" else v2_image_name
if len(targets) > 1 and image_build is None:
# Force an image build in this case - this seems hacky probably
# shouldn't work this way but single case broken else wise.
image_build = "0"
repo_template_kwds = {
"namespace": namespace,
"image": image_function(targets, image_build=image_build, name_override=name_override)
repo = string.Template(repository_template).safe_substitute(repo_template_kwds)
if not rebuild or "push" in command:
repo_name = repo_template_kwds["image"].split(":", 1)[0]
repo_data = quay_repository(repo_template_kwds["namespace"], repo_name)
if not rebuild:
tags = repo_data.get("tags", [])
target_tag = None
if ":" in repo_template_kwds["image"]:
image_name_parts = repo_template_kwds["image"].split(":")
assert len(image_name_parts) == 2, ": not allowed in image name [%s]" % repo_template_kwds["image"]
target_tag = image_name_parts[1]
if tags and (target_tag is None or target_tag in tags):
raise BuildExistsException()
if "push" in command and "error_type" in repo_data and oauth_token:
# Explicitly create the repository so it can be built as public.
create_repository(repo_template_kwds["namespace"], repo_name, oauth_token)
for channel in channels:
if channel.startswith('file://'):
bind_path = channel.lstrip('file://')
binds.append('/%s:/%s' % (bind_path, bind_path))
channels = ",".join(channels)
target_str = ",".join(map(conda_build_target_str, targets))
bind_str = ",".join(binds)
involucro_args = [
'-f', '%s/invfile.lua' % DIRNAME,
'-set', "CHANNELS='%s'" % channels,
'-set', "TARGETS='%s'" % target_str,
'-set', "REPO='%s'" % repo,
'-set', "BINDS='%s'" % bind_str,
involucro_args.extend(["-set", "DEST_BASE_IMAGE='%s'" % DEST_BASE_IMAGE])
involucro_args.extend(["-set", "CONDA_IMAGE='%s'" % CONDA_IMAGE])
if verbose:
involucro_args.extend(["-set", "VERBOSE='1'"])
if singularity:
singularity_image_name = repo_template_kwds['image']
involucro_args.extend(["-set", "SINGULARITY='1'"])
involucro_args.extend(["-set", "SINGULARITY_IMAGE_NAME='%s'" % singularity_image_name])
involucro_args.extend(["-set", "SINGULARITY_IMAGE_DIR='%s'" % singularity_image_dir])
involucro_args.extend(["-set", "USER_ID='%s:%s'" % (os.getuid(), os.getgid())])
if test:
involucro_args.extend(["-set", "TEST=%s" % shlex_quote(test)])
if conda_version is not None:
verbose = "--verbose" if verbose else "--quiet"
involucro_args.extend(["-set", "PREINSTALL='conda install %s --yes conda=%s'" % (verbose, conda_version)])
if test_files:
test_bind = []
for test_file in test_files:
if ':' not in test_file:
if os.path.exists(test_file):
test_bind.append("%s:%s/%s" % (test_file, DEFAULT_WORKING_DIR, test_file))
if os.path.exists(test_file.split(':')[0]):
if test_bind:
involucro_args.insert(6, '-set')
involucro_args.insert(7, "TEST_BINDS='%s'" % ",".join(test_bind))
print(" ".join(involucro_context.build_command(involucro_args)))
if not dry_run:
ensure_installed(involucro_context, True)
if singularity:
if not os.path.exists(singularity_image_dir):
with open(os.path.join(singularity_image_dir, 'Singularity.def'), 'w+') as sin_def:
fill_template = SINGULARITY_TEMPLATE % {'container_test': test}
with PrintProgress():
ret = involucro_context.exec_command(involucro_args)
if singularity:
# we can not remove this folder as it contains the image wich is owned by root
# shutil.rmtree('./singularity_import')
return ret
return 0
def context_from_args(args):
verbose = "2" if not args.verbose else "3"
return InvolucroContext(involucro_bin=args.involucro_path, verbose=verbose)
class InvolucroContext(installable.InstallableContext):
installable_description = "Involucro"
def __init__(self, involucro_bin=None, shell_exec=None, verbose="3"):
if involucro_bin is None:
if os.path.exists("./involucro"):
self.involucro_bin = "./involucro"
self.involucro_bin = "involucro"
self.involucro_bin = involucro_bin
self.shell_exec = shell_exec or commands.shell
self.verbose = verbose
def build_command(self, involucro_args):
return [self.involucro_bin, "-v=%s" % self.verbose] + involucro_args
def exec_command(self, involucro_args):
cmd = self.build_command(involucro_args)
# Create ./build dir manually, otherwise Docker will do it as root
created_build_dir = False
if not os.path.exists('build'):
created_build_dir = True
res = self.shell_exec(" ".join(cmd))
# delete build directory in any case
if created_build_dir:
return res
def is_installed(self):
return os.path.exists(self.involucro_bin)
def can_install(self):
return True
def parent_path(self):
return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.involucro_bin))
def ensure_installed(involucro_context, auto_init):
return installable.ensure_installed(involucro_context, install_involucro, auto_init)
def install_involucro(involucro_context=None, to_path=None):
install_path = os.path.abspath(involucro_context.involucro_bin)
involucro_context.involucro_bin = install_path
download_cmd = " ".join(commands.download_command(involucro_link(), to=install_path, quote_url=True))
full_cmd = "%s && chmod +x %s" % (download_cmd, install_path)
return involucro_context.shell_exec(full_cmd)
def add_build_arguments(parser):
"""Base arguments describing how to 'mull'."""
parser.add_argument('--involucro-path', dest="involucro_path", default=None,
help="Path to involucro (if not set will look in working directory and on PATH).")
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', dest='dry_run', action="store_true",
help='Just print commands instead of executing them.')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action="store_true",
help='Cause process to be verbose.')
parser.add_argument('--singularity', action="store_true",
help='Additionally build a singularity image.')
parser.add_argument('--singularity-image-dir', dest="singularity_image_dir",
help="Directory to write singularity images too.")
parser.add_argument('-n', '--namespace', dest='namespace', default="biocontainers",
help='quay.io namespace.')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--repository_template', dest='repository_template', default=DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_TEMPLATE,
help='Docker repository target for publication (only quay.io or compat. API is currently supported).')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--channels', dest='channels', default=",".join(DEFAULT_CHANNELS),
help='Comma separated list of target conda channels.')
parser.add_argument('--conda-version', dest="conda_version", default=None,
help="Change to specified version of Conda before installing packages.")
parser.add_argument('--oauth-token', dest="oauth_token", default=None,
help="If set, use this token when communicating with quay.io API.")
parser.add_argument('--check-published', dest="rebuild", action='store_false')
parser.add_argument('--hash', dest="hash", choices=["v1", "v2"], default="v2")
def add_single_image_arguments(parser):
parser.add_argument("--name-override", dest="name_override", default=None,
help="Override mulled image name - this is not recommended since metadata will not be detectable from the name of resulting images")
parser.add_argument("--image-build", dest="image_build", default=None,
help="Build a versioned variant of this image.")
def target_str_to_targets(targets_raw):
def parse_target(target_str):
if "=" in target_str:
package_name, version = target_str.split("=", 1)
build = None
if "--" in version:
version, build = version.split('--')
target = build_target(package_name, version, build)
target = build_target(target_str)
return target
targets = [parse_target(_) for _ in targets_raw.split(",")]
return targets
def args_to_mull_targets_kwds(args):
kwds = {}
if hasattr(args, "image_build"):
kwds["image_build"] = args.image_build
if hasattr(args, "name_override"):
kwds["name_override"] = args.name_override
if hasattr(args, "namespace"):
kwds["namespace"] = args.namespace
if hasattr(args, "dry_run"):
kwds["dry_run"] = args.dry_run
if hasattr(args, "singularity"):
kwds["singularity"] = args.singularity
if hasattr(args, "test"):
kwds["test"] = args.test
if hasattr(args, "test_files"):
if args.test_files:
kwds["test_files"] = args.test_files.split(",")
if hasattr(args, "channels"):
kwds["channels"] = args.channels.split(',')
if hasattr(args, "command"):
kwds["command"] = args.command
if hasattr(args, "repository_template"):
kwds["repository_template"] = args.repository_template
if hasattr(args, "conda_version"):
kwds["conda_version"] = args.conda_version
if hasattr(args, "oauth_token"):
kwds["oauth_token"] = args.oauth_token
if hasattr(args, "rebuild"):
kwds["rebuild"] = args.rebuild
if hasattr(args, "hash"):
kwds["hash_func"] = args.hash
if hasattr(args, "singularity_image_dir") and args.singularity_image_dir:
kwds["singularity_image_dir"] = args.singularity_image_dir
kwds["involucro_context"] = context_from_args(args)
return kwds
[docs]def main(argv=None):
"""Main entry-point for the CLI tool."""
parser = arg_parser(argv, globals())
parser.add_argument('command', metavar='COMMAND', help='Command (build-and-test, build, all)')
parser.add_argument('targets', metavar="TARGETS", default=None, help="Build a single container with specific package(s).")
parser.add_argument('--repository-name', dest="repository_name", default=None, help="Name of mulled container (leave blank to auto-generate based on packages - recommended).")
parser.add_argument('--test', help='Provide a test command for the container.')
parser.add_argument('--test-files', help='Provide test-files that may be required to run the test command. Individual mounts are separated by comma.'
'The source:dest docker syntax is respected. If relative file paths are given, files will be mounted in /source/<relative_file_path>')
args = parser.parse_args()
targets = target_str_to_targets(args.targets)
sys.exit(mull_targets(targets, **args_to_mull_targets_kwds(args)))
__all__ = ("main", )
if __name__ == '__main__':