This document is for an old release of Galaxy. You can alternatively view this page in the latest release if it exists or view the top of the latest release's documentation.
Source code for galaxy.webapps.galaxy.api.workflows
API operations for Workflows
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
from six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote_plus
from sqlalchemy import desc, false, or_, true
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
from galaxy import (
from galaxy.managers import (
from galaxy.model.item_attrs import UsesAnnotations
from galaxy.tools.parameters import populate_state
from galaxy.util.sanitize_html import sanitize_html
from galaxy.web import _future_expose_api as expose_api
from galaxy.web.base.controller import (
from galaxy.workflow.extract import extract_workflow
from galaxy.workflow.modules import module_factory
from galaxy.workflow.run import invoke, queue_invoke
from galaxy.workflow.run_request import build_workflow_run_configs
from tool_shed.galaxy_install.install_manager import InstallRepositoryManager
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class WorkflowsAPIController(BaseAPIController, UsesStoredWorkflowMixin, UsesAnnotations, SharableMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, app):
super(WorkflowsAPIController, self).__init__(app)
self.history_manager = histories.HistoryManager(app)
self.workflow_manager = workflows.WorkflowsManager(app)
self.workflow_contents_manager = workflows.WorkflowContentsManager(app)
def __get_full_shed_url(self, url):
for name, shed_url in self.app.tool_shed_registry.tool_sheds.items():
if url in shed_url:
return shed_url
return None
[docs] @expose_api
def index(self, trans, **kwd):
GET /api/workflows
return self.get_workflows_list(trans, kwd)
[docs] def get_workflows_list(self, trans, kwd):
Displays a collection of workflows.
:param show_published: if True, show also published workflows
:type show_published: boolean
:param missing_tools: if True, include a list of missing tools per workflow
:type missing_tools: boolean
show_published = util.string_as_bool(kwd.get('show_published', 'False'))
missing_tools = util.string_as_bool(kwd.get('missing_tools', 'False'))
rval = []
filter1 = (trans.app.model.StoredWorkflow.user == trans.user)
user = trans.get_user()
if show_published:
filter1 = or_(filter1, (trans.app.model.StoredWorkflow.published == true()))
for wf in trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.StoredWorkflow).options(
filter1, trans.app.model.StoredWorkflow.table.c.deleted == false()).order_by(
item = wf.to_dict(value_mapper={'id': trans.security.encode_id})
encoded_id = trans.security.encode_id(wf.id)
item['url'] = url_for('workflow', id=encoded_id)
item['owner'] = wf.user.username
item['number_of_steps'] = wf.latest_workflow.step_count
item['show_in_tool_panel'] = wf.show_in_tool_panel(user_id=user.id)
for wf_sa in trans.sa_session.query(model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation).join(
joinedload("stored_workflow").joinedload("tags")).filter(model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation.user == trans.user).filter(
model.StoredWorkflow.deleted == false()).order_by(
item = wf_sa.stored_workflow.to_dict(value_mapper={'id': trans.security.encode_id})
encoded_id = trans.security.encode_id(wf_sa.stored_workflow.id)
item['url'] = url_for('workflow', id=encoded_id)
item['slug'] = wf_sa.stored_workflow.slug
item['owner'] = wf_sa.stored_workflow.user.username
item['number_of_steps'] = wf_sa.stored_workflow.latest_workflow.step_count
item['show_in_tool_panel'] = wf_sa.stored_workflow.show_in_tool_panel(user_id=user.id)
if missing_tools:
workflows_missing_tools = []
workflows = []
workflows_by_toolshed = dict()
for key, value in enumerate(rval):
tool_ids = []
workflow_details = self.workflow_contents_manager.workflow_to_dict(trans, self.__get_stored_workflow(trans, value['id']), style='instance')
if 'steps' in workflow_details:
for step in workflow_details['steps']:
tool_id = workflow_details['steps'][step].get('tool_id')
if tool_id and tool_id not in tool_ids and self.app.toolbox.is_missing_shed_tool(tool_id):
if len(tool_ids) > 0:
value['missing_tools'] = tool_ids
for workflow in workflows_missing_tools:
for tool_id in workflow['missing_tools']:
toolshed, _, owner, name, tool, version = tool_id.split('/')
shed_url = self.__get_full_shed_url(toolshed)
repo_identifier = '/'.join([toolshed, owner, name])
if repo_identifier not in workflows_by_toolshed:
workflows_by_toolshed[repo_identifier] = dict(shed=shed_url.rstrip('/'), repository=name, owner=owner, tools=[tool_id], workflows=[workflow['name']])
if tool_id not in workflows_by_toolshed[repo_identifier]['tools']:
if workflow['name'] not in workflows_by_toolshed[repo_identifier]['workflows']:
for repo_tag in workflows_by_toolshed:
return workflows
return rval
[docs] @expose_api
def show(self, trans, id, **kwd):
GET /api/workflows/{encoded_workflow_id}
Displays information needed to run a workflow from the command line.
stored_workflow = self.__get_stored_workflow(trans, id)
if stored_workflow.importable is False and stored_workflow.user != trans.user and not trans.user_is_admin():
if trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.StoredWorkflowUserShareAssociation).filter_by(user=trans.user, stored_workflow=stored_workflow).count() == 0:
message = "Workflow is neither importable, nor owned by or shared with current user"
raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException(message)
if kwd.get("legacy", False):
style = "legacy"
style = "instance"
return self.workflow_contents_manager.workflow_to_dict(trans, stored_workflow, style=style)
[docs] @expose_api
def create(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
POST /api/workflows
Run or create workflows from the api.
If installed_repository_file or from_history_id is specified a new
workflow will be created for this user. Otherwise, workflow_id must be
specified and this API method will cause a workflow to execute.
:param installed_repository_file The path of a workflow to import. Either workflow_id, installed_repository_file or from_history_id must be specified
:type installed_repository_file str
:param workflow_id: An existing workflow id. Either workflow_id, installed_repository_file or from_history_id must be specified
:type workflow_id: str
:param parameters: If workflow_id is set - see _update_step_parameters()
:type parameters: dict
:param ds_map: If workflow_id is set - a dictionary mapping each input step id to a dictionary with 2 keys: 'src' (which can be 'ldda', 'ld' or 'hda') and 'id' (which should be the id of a LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation, LibraryDataset or HistoryDatasetAssociation respectively)
:type ds_map: dict
:param no_add_to_history: If workflow_id is set - if present in the payload with any value, the input datasets will not be added to the selected history
:type no_add_to_history: str
:param history: If workflow_id is set - optional history where to run the workflow, either the name of a new history or "hist_id=HIST_ID" where HIST_ID is the id of an existing history. If not specified, the workflow will be run a new unnamed history
:type history: str
:param replacement_params: If workflow_id is set - an optional dictionary used when renaming datasets
:type replacement_params: dict
:param from_history_id: Id of history to extract a workflow from. Either workflow_id, installed_repository_file or from_history_id must be specified
:type from_history_id: str
:param job_ids: If from_history_id is set - optional list of jobs to include when extracting a workflow from history
:type job_ids: str
:param dataset_ids: If from_history_id is set - optional list of HDA `hid`s corresponding to workflow inputs when extracting a workflow from history
:type dataset_ids: str
:param dataset_collection_ids: If from_history_id is set - optional list of HDCA `hid`s corresponding to workflow inputs when extracting a workflow from history
:type dataset_collection_ids: str
:param workflow_name: If from_history_id is set - name of the workflow to create when extracting a workflow from history
:type workflow_name: str
:param allow_tool_state_corrections: If set to True, any Tool parameter changes will not prevent running workflow, defaults to False
:type allow_tool_state_corrections: bool
:param use_cached_job: If set to True galaxy will attempt to find previously executed steps for all workflow steps with the exact same parameter combinations
and will copy the outputs of the previously executed step.
ways_to_create = set([
if len(ways_to_create.intersection(payload)) == 0:
message = "One parameter among - %s - must be specified" % ", ".join(ways_to_create)
raise exceptions.RequestParameterMissingException(message)
if len(ways_to_create.intersection(payload)) > 1:
message = "Only one parameter among - %s - must be specified" % ", ".join(ways_to_create)
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(message)
if 'installed_repository_file' in payload:
workflow_controller = trans.webapp.controllers['workflow']
result = workflow_controller.import_workflow(trans=trans,
return result
if 'from_history_id' in payload:
from_history_id = payload.get('from_history_id')
from_history_id = self.decode_id(from_history_id)
history = self.history_manager.get_accessible(from_history_id, trans.user, current_history=trans.history)
job_ids = [self.decode_id(_) for _ in payload.get('job_ids', [])]
dataset_ids = payload.get('dataset_ids', [])
dataset_collection_ids = payload.get('dataset_collection_ids', [])
workflow_name = payload['workflow_name']
stored_workflow = extract_workflow(
item = stored_workflow.to_dict(value_mapper={'id': trans.security.encode_id})
item['url'] = url_for('workflow', id=item['id'])
return item
if 'shared_workflow_id' in payload:
workflow_id = payload['shared_workflow_id']
return self.__api_import_shared_workflow(trans, workflow_id, payload)
if 'workflow' in payload:
return self.__api_import_new_workflow(trans, payload, **kwd)
workflow_id = payload.get('workflow_id', None)
if not workflow_id:
message = "Invalid workflow_id specified."
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(message)
# Get workflow + accessibility check.
stored_workflow = self.__get_stored_accessible_workflow(trans, workflow_id)
workflow = stored_workflow.latest_workflow
run_configs = build_workflow_run_configs(trans, workflow, payload)
assert len(run_configs) == 1
run_config = run_configs[0]
history = run_config.target_history
# invoke may throw MessageExceptions on tool erors, failure
# to match up inputs, etc...
outputs, invocation = invoke(
# Build legacy output - should probably include more information from
# outputs.
rval = {}
rval['history'] = trans.security.encode_id(history.id)
rval['outputs'] = []
if outputs:
# Newer outputs don't necessarily fill outputs (?)
for step in workflow.steps:
if step.type == 'tool' or step.type is None:
for v in outputs[step.id].values():
# Newer version of this API just returns the invocation as a dict, to
# facilitate migration - produce the newer style response and blend in
# the older information.
invocation_response = self.__encode_invocation(trans, invocation, step_details=kwd.get('step_details', False))
return invocation_response
[docs] @expose_api
def workflow_dict(self, trans, workflow_id, **kwd):
GET /api/workflows/{encoded_workflow_id}/download
Returns a selected workflow as a json dictionary.
stored_workflow = self.__get_stored_accessible_workflow(trans, workflow_id)
style = kwd.get("style", "export")
download_format = kwd.get('format')
ret_dict = self.workflow_contents_manager.workflow_to_dict(trans, stored_workflow, style=style)
if download_format == 'json-download':
sname = stored_workflow.name
sname = ''.join(c in util.FILENAME_VALID_CHARS and c or '_' for c in sname)[0:150]
trans.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="Galaxy-Workflow-%s.ga"' % (sname)
return ret_dict
[docs] @expose_api
def delete(self, trans, id, **kwd):
DELETE /api/workflows/{encoded_workflow_id}
Deletes a specified workflow
Author: rpark
copied from galaxy.web.controllers.workflows.py (delete)
workflow_id = id
stored_workflow = trans.sa_session.query(self.app.model.StoredWorkflow).get(self.decode_id(workflow_id))
except Exception as e:
trans.response.status = 400
return ("Workflow with ID='%s' can not be found\n Exception: %s") % (workflow_id, str(e))
# check to see if user has permissions to selected workflow
if stored_workflow.user != trans.user and not trans.user_is_admin():
trans.response.status = 403
return("Workflow is not owned by current user")
# Mark a workflow as deleted
stored_workflow.deleted = True
# TODO: Unsure of response message to let api know that a workflow was successfully deleted
return ("Workflow '%s' successfully deleted" % stored_workflow.name)
[docs] @expose_api
def import_new_workflow_deprecated(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
POST /api/workflows/upload
Importing dynamic workflows from the api. Return newly generated workflow id.
Author: rpark
# currently assumes payload['workflow'] is a json representation of a workflow to be inserted into the database
Deprecated in favor to POST /api/workflows with encoded 'workflow' in
payload the same way.
return self.__api_import_new_workflow(trans, payload, **kwd)
[docs] @expose_api
def update(self, trans, id, payload, **kwds):
* PUT /api/workflows/{id}
updates the workflow stored with ``id``
:type id: str
:param id: the encoded id of the workflow to update
:type payload: dict
:param payload: a dictionary containing any or all the
* workflow the json description of the workflow as would be
produced by GET workflows/<id>/download or
given to `POST workflows`
The workflow contents will be updated to target
* name optional string name for the workflow, if not present in payload,
name defaults to existing name
* annotation optional string annotation for the workflow, if not present in payload,
annotation defaults to existing annotation
* menu_entry optional boolean marking if the workflow should appear in the user's menu,
if not present, workflow menu entries are not modified
:rtype: dict
:returns: serialized version of the workflow
stored_workflow = self.__get_stored_workflow(trans, id)
workflow_dict = payload.get('workflow')
if workflow_dict:
new_workflow_name = payload.get('name') or workflow_dict.get('name')
if new_workflow_name:
stored_workflow.name = sanitize_html(new_workflow_name)
if 'annotation' in payload:
newAnnotation = sanitize_html(payload['annotation'])
self.add_item_annotation(trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), stored_workflow, newAnnotation)
if 'menu_entry' in payload or 'show_in_tool_panel' in workflow_dict:
if payload.get('menu_entry') or workflow_dict.get('show_in_tool_panel'):
menuEntry = model.StoredWorkflowMenuEntry()
menuEntry.stored_workflow = stored_workflow
# remove if in list
entries = {x.stored_workflow_id: x for x in trans.get_user().stored_workflow_menu_entries}
if (trans.security.decode_id(id) in entries):
# set tags
trans.app.tag_handler.set_tags_from_list(user=trans.user, item=stored_workflow, new_tags_list=workflow_dict.get('tags', []))
if 'steps' in workflow_dict:
workflow, errors = self.workflow_contents_manager.update_workflow_from_dict(
except workflows.MissingToolsException:
raise exceptions.MessageException("This workflow contains missing tools. It cannot be saved until they have been removed from the workflow or installed.")
# We only adjusted tags and menu entry
return payload
message = "Updating workflow requires dictionary containing 'workflow' attribute with new JSON description."
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(message)
return self.workflow_contents_manager.workflow_to_dict(trans, stored_workflow, style="instance")
[docs] @expose_api
def build_module(self, trans, payload={}):
POST /api/workflows/build_module
Builds module models for the workflow editor.
inputs = payload.get('inputs', {})
module = module_factory.from_dict(trans, payload)
if 'tool_state' not in payload:
module_state = {}
populate_state(trans, module.get_inputs(), inputs, module_state, check=False)
return {
'label' : inputs.get('__label', ''),
'annotation' : inputs.get('__annotation', ''),
'name' : module.get_name(),
'tool_state' : module.get_state(),
'data_inputs' : module.get_data_inputs(),
'data_outputs' : module.get_data_outputs(),
'config_form' : module.get_config_form(),
'post_job_actions' : module.get_post_job_actions(inputs)
# -- Helper methods --
def _get_tool(self, id, tool_version=None, user=None):
id = unquote_plus(id)
tool = self.app.toolbox.get_tool(id, tool_version)
if not tool or not tool.allow_user_access(user):
raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound("Could not find tool with id '%s'" % id)
return tool
def __api_import_new_workflow(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
data = payload['workflow']
import_tools = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("import_tools", False))
if import_tools and not trans.user_is_admin():
raise exceptions.AdminRequiredException()
publish = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("publish", False))
# If 'publish' set, default to importable.
importable = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("importable", publish))
# Galaxy will try to upgrade tool versions that don't match exactly during import,
# this prevents that.
exact_tools = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("exact_tools", False))
if publish and not importable:
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Published workflow must be importable.")
from_dict_kwds = dict(
workflow, missing_tool_tups = self._workflow_from_dict(trans, data, **from_dict_kwds)
if importable:
self._make_item_accessible(trans.sa_session, workflow)
# galaxy workflow newly created id
workflow_id = workflow.id
# api encoded, id
encoded_id = trans.security.encode_id(workflow_id)
# return list
rval = []
item = workflow.to_dict(value_mapper={'id': trans.security.encode_id})
item['url'] = url_for('workflow', id=encoded_id)
item['owner'] = workflow.user.username
item['number_of_steps'] = len(workflow.latest_workflow.steps)
if import_tools:
tools = {}
for key in data['steps']:
item = data['steps'][key]
if item is not None:
if 'tool_shed_repository' in item:
tool_shed_repository = item['tool_shed_repository']
if 'owner' in tool_shed_repository and 'changeset_revision' in tool_shed_repository and 'name' in tool_shed_repository and 'tool_shed' in tool_shed_repository:
toolstr = tool_shed_repository['owner'] \
+ tool_shed_repository['changeset_revision'] \
+ tool_shed_repository['name'] \
+ tool_shed_repository['tool_shed']
tools[toolstr] = tool_shed_repository
irm = InstallRepositoryManager(self.app)
for k in tools:
item = tools[k]
tool_shed_url = 'https://' + item['tool_shed'] + '/'
name = item['name']
owner = item['owner']
changeset_revision = item['changeset_revision']
return item
def __api_import_shared_workflow(self, trans, workflow_id, payload, **kwd):
stored_workflow = self.get_stored_workflow(trans, workflow_id, check_ownership=False)
except Exception:
raise exceptions.ObjectNotFound("Malformed workflow id ( %s ) specified." % workflow_id)
if stored_workflow.importable is False:
raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException('The owner of this workflow has disabled imports via this link.')
elif stored_workflow.deleted:
raise exceptions.ItemDeletionException("You can't import this workflow because it has been deleted.")
imported_workflow = self._import_shared_workflow(trans, stored_workflow)
item = imported_workflow.to_dict(value_mapper={'id': trans.security.encode_id})
encoded_id = trans.security.encode_id(imported_workflow.id)
item['url'] = url_for('workflow', id=encoded_id)
return item
[docs] @expose_api
def invoke(self, trans, workflow_id, payload, **kwd):
POST /api/workflows/{encoded_workflow_id}/invocations
Schedule the workflow specified by `workflow_id` to run.
# /usage is awkward in this context but is consistent with the rest of
# this module. Would prefer to redo it all to use /invocation(s).
# Get workflow + accessibility check.
stored_workflow = self.__get_stored_accessible_workflow(trans, workflow_id)
workflow = stored_workflow.latest_workflow
run_configs = build_workflow_run_configs(trans, workflow, payload)
is_batch = payload.get('batch')
if not is_batch and len(run_configs) != 1:
raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Must specify 'batch' to use batch parameters.")
invocations = []
for run_config in run_configs:
workflow_scheduler_id = payload.get('scheduler', None)
# TODO: workflow scheduler hints
work_request_params = dict(scheduler=workflow_scheduler_id)
workflow_invocation = queue_invoke(
invocation = self.encode_all_ids(trans, workflow_invocation.to_dict(), recursive=True)
if is_batch:
return invocations
return invocations[0]
[docs] @expose_api
def index_invocations(self, trans, workflow_id, **kwd):
GET /api/workflows/{workflow_id}/invocations
Get the list of the workflow invocations
:param workflow_id: the workflow id (required)
:type workflow_id: str
:raises: exceptions.MessageException, exceptions.ObjectNotFound
stored_workflow = self.__get_stored_workflow(trans, workflow_id)
results = self.workflow_manager.build_invocations_query(trans, stored_workflow.id)
out = []
for r in results:
out.append(self.__encode_invocation(trans, r, view="collection"))
return out
[docs] @expose_api
def show_invocation(self, trans, workflow_id, invocation_id, **kwd):
GET /api/workflows/{workflow_id}/invocations/{invocation_id}
Get detailed description of workflow invocation
:param workflow_id: the workflow id (required)
:type workflow_id: str
:param invocation_id: the invocation id (required)
:type invocation_id: str
:param step_details: fetch details about individual invocation steps
and populate a steps attribute in the resulting
dictionary. Defaults to false.
:type step_details: bool
:param legacy_job_state: If step_details is rrue, and this is set to true
populate the invocation step state with the job state
instead of the invocation step state. This will also
produce one step per job in mapping jobs to mimic the
older behavior with respect to collections. Partially
scheduled steps may provide incomplete information
and the listed steps outputs are the mapped over
step outputs but the individual job outputs
when this is set - at least for now.
:type legacy_job_state: bool
:raises: exceptions.MessageException, exceptions.ObjectNotFound
decoded_workflow_invocation_id = self.decode_id(invocation_id)
workflow_invocation = self.workflow_manager.get_invocation(trans, decoded_workflow_invocation_id)
if workflow_invocation:
step_details = util.string_as_bool(kwd.get('step_details', 'False'))
legacy_job_state = util.string_as_bool(kwd.get('legacy_job_state', 'False'))
return self.__encode_invocation(trans, workflow_invocation, step_details=step_details, legacy_job_state=legacy_job_state)
return None
[docs] @expose_api
def cancel_invocation(self, trans, workflow_id, invocation_id, **kwd):
DELETE /api/workflows/{workflow_id}/invocations/{invocation_id}
Cancel the specified workflow invocation.
:param workflow_id: the workflow id (required)
:type workflow_id: str
:param invocation_id: the usage id (required)
:type invocation_id: str
:raises: exceptions.MessageException, exceptions.ObjectNotFound
decoded_workflow_invocation_id = self.decode_id(invocation_id)
workflow_invocation = self.workflow_manager.cancel_invocation(trans, decoded_workflow_invocation_id)
return self.__encode_invocation(trans, workflow_invocation)
[docs] @expose_api
def invocation_step(self, trans, workflow_id, invocation_id, step_id, **kwd):
GET /api/workflows/{workflow_id}/invocations/{invocation_id}/steps/{step_id}
:param workflow_id: the workflow id (required)
:type workflow_id: str
:param invocation_id: the invocation id (required)
:type invocation_id: str
:param step_id: encoded id of the WorkflowInvocationStep (required)
:type step_id: str
:param payload: payload containing update action information
for running workflow.
:raises: exceptions.MessageException, exceptions.ObjectNotFound
decoded_invocation_step_id = self.decode_id(step_id)
invocation_step = self.workflow_manager.get_invocation_step(
return self.__encode_invocation_step(trans, invocation_step)
[docs] @expose_api
def update_invocation_step(self, trans, workflow_id, invocation_id, step_id, payload, **kwd):
PUT /api/workflows/{workflow_id}/invocations/{invocation_id}/steps/{step_id}
Update state of running workflow step invocation - still very nebulous
but this would be for stuff like confirming paused steps can proceed
:param workflow_id: the workflow id (required)
:type workflow_id: str
:param invocation_id: the usage id (required)
:type invocation_id: str
:param step_id: encoded id of the WorkflowInvocationStep (required)
:type step_id: str
:raises: exceptions.MessageException, exceptions.ObjectNotFound
decoded_invocation_step_id = self.decode_id(step_id)
action = payload.get("action", None)
invocation_step = self.workflow_manager.update_invocation_step(
return self.__encode_invocation_step(trans, invocation_step)
def __encode_invocation_step(self, trans, invocation_step):
return self.encode_all_ids(
def __get_stored_accessible_workflow(self, trans, workflow_id):
return self.workflow_manager.get_stored_accessible_workflow(trans, workflow_id)
def __get_stored_workflow(self, trans, workflow_id):
return self.workflow_manager.get_stored_workflow(trans, workflow_id)
def __encode_invocation(self, trans, invocation, view="element", step_details=False, legacy_job_state=False):
return self.encode_all_ids(
invocation.to_dict(view, step_details=step_details, legacy_job_state=legacy_job_state),