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Source code for tool_shed.util.search_util

import logging

from sqlalchemy import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def in_tool_dict(tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, tool_id=None, tool_name=None, tool_version=None): found = False if tool_id and not tool_name and not tool_version: tool_dict_tool_id = tool_dict["id"].lower() found = (tool_id == tool_dict_tool_id) or (not exact_matches_checked and tool_dict_tool_id.find(tool_id) >= 0) elif tool_name and not tool_id and not tool_version: tool_dict_tool_name = tool_dict["name"].lower() found = (tool_name == tool_dict_tool_name) or ( not exact_matches_checked and tool_dict_tool_name.find(tool_name) >= 0 ) elif tool_version and not tool_id and not tool_name: tool_dict_tool_version = tool_dict["version"].lower() found = (tool_version == tool_dict_tool_version) or ( not exact_matches_checked and tool_dict_tool_version.find(tool_version) >= 0 ) elif tool_id and tool_name and not tool_version: tool_dict_tool_id = tool_dict["id"].lower() tool_dict_tool_name = tool_dict["name"].lower() found = (tool_id == tool_dict_tool_id and tool_name == tool_dict_tool_name) or ( not exact_matches_checked and tool_dict_tool_id.find(tool_id) >= 0 and tool_dict_tool_name.find(tool_name) >= 0 ) elif tool_id and tool_version and not tool_name: tool_dict_tool_id = tool_dict["id"].lower() tool_dict_tool_version = tool_dict["version"].lower() found = (tool_id == tool_dict_tool_id and tool_version == tool_dict_tool_version) or ( not exact_matches_checked and tool_dict_tool_id.find(tool_id) >= 0 and tool_dict_tool_version.find(tool_version) >= 0 ) elif tool_version and tool_name and not tool_id: tool_dict_tool_version = tool_dict["version"].lower() tool_dict_tool_name = tool_dict["name"].lower() found = (tool_version == tool_dict_tool_version and tool_name == tool_dict_tool_name) or ( not exact_matches_checked and tool_dict_tool_version.find(tool_version) >= 0 and tool_dict_tool_name.find(tool_name) >= 0 ) elif tool_version and tool_name and tool_id: tool_dict_tool_version = tool_dict["version"].lower() tool_dict_tool_name = tool_dict["name"].lower() tool_dict_tool_id = tool_dict["id"].lower() found = ( tool_version == tool_dict_tool_version and tool_name == tool_dict_tool_name and tool_id == tool_dict_tool_id ) or ( not exact_matches_checked and tool_dict_tool_version.find(tool_version) >= 0 and tool_dict_tool_name.find(tool_name) >= 0 and tool_dict_tool_id.find(tool_id) >= 0 ) return found
[docs]def make_same_length(list1, list2): # If either list is 1 item, we'll append to it until its length is the same as the other. if len(list1) == 1: for _ in range(1, len(list2)): list1.append(list1[0]) elif len(list2) == 1: for _ in range(1, len(list1)): list2.append(list2[0]) return list1, list2
[docs]def search_ids_names(tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, match_tuples, repository_metadata, tool_ids, tool_names): for i, tool_id in enumerate(tool_ids): tool_name = tool_names[i] if in_tool_dict(tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, tool_id=tool_id, tool_name=tool_name): match_tuples.append((repository_metadata.repository_id, repository_metadata.changeset_revision)) return match_tuples
[docs]def search_ids_versions(tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, match_tuples, repository_metadata, tool_ids, tool_versions): for i, tool_id in enumerate(tool_ids): tool_version = tool_versions[i] if in_tool_dict(tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, tool_id=tool_id, tool_version=tool_version): match_tuples.append((repository_metadata.repository_id, repository_metadata.changeset_revision)) return match_tuples
[docs]def search_names_versions( tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, match_tuples, repository_metadata, tool_names, tool_versions ): for i, tool_name in enumerate(tool_names): tool_version = tool_versions[i] if in_tool_dict(tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, tool_name=tool_name, tool_version=tool_version): match_tuples.append((repository_metadata.repository_id, repository_metadata.changeset_revision)) return match_tuples
[docs]def search_repository_metadata(app, exact_matches_checked, tool_ids="", tool_names="", tool_versions=""): sa_session = app.model.session match_tuples = [] ok = True if tool_ids or tool_names or tool_versions: for repository_metadata in ( sa_session.query(app.model.RepositoryMetadata) .filter(app.model.RepositoryMetadata.table.c.includes_tools == true()) .join(app.model.Repository) .filter( and_( app.model.Repository.table.c.deleted == false(), app.model.Repository.table.c.deprecated == false() ) ) ): metadata = repository_metadata.metadata if metadata: tools = metadata.get("tools", []) for tool_dict in tools: if tool_ids and not tool_names and not tool_versions: for tool_id in tool_ids: if in_tool_dict(tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, tool_id=tool_id): match_tuples.append( (repository_metadata.repository_id, repository_metadata.changeset_revision) ) elif tool_names and not tool_ids and not tool_versions: for tool_name in tool_names: if in_tool_dict(tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, tool_name=tool_name): match_tuples.append( (repository_metadata.repository_id, repository_metadata.changeset_revision) ) elif tool_versions and not tool_ids and not tool_names: for tool_version in tool_versions: if in_tool_dict(tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, tool_version=tool_version): match_tuples.append( (repository_metadata.repository_id, repository_metadata.changeset_revision) ) elif tool_ids and tool_names and not tool_versions: if len(tool_ids) == len(tool_names): match_tuples = search_ids_names( tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, match_tuples, repository_metadata, tool_ids, tool_names, ) elif len(tool_ids) == 1 or len(tool_names) == 1: tool_ids, tool_names = make_same_length(tool_ids, tool_names) match_tuples = search_ids_names( tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, match_tuples, repository_metadata, tool_ids, tool_names, ) else: ok = False elif tool_ids and tool_versions and not tool_names: if len(tool_ids) == len(tool_versions): match_tuples = search_ids_versions( tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, match_tuples, repository_metadata, tool_ids, tool_versions, ) elif len(tool_ids) == 1 or len(tool_versions) == 1: tool_ids, tool_versions = make_same_length(tool_ids, tool_versions) match_tuples = search_ids_versions( tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, match_tuples, repository_metadata, tool_ids, tool_versions, ) else: ok = False elif tool_versions and tool_names and not tool_ids: if len(tool_versions) == len(tool_names): match_tuples = search_names_versions( tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, match_tuples, repository_metadata, tool_names, tool_versions, ) elif len(tool_versions) == 1 or len(tool_names) == 1: tool_versions, tool_names = make_same_length(tool_versions, tool_names) match_tuples = search_names_versions( tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, match_tuples, repository_metadata, tool_names, tool_versions, ) else: ok = False elif tool_versions and tool_names and tool_ids: if len(tool_versions) == len(tool_names) and len(tool_names) == len(tool_ids): for i, tool_version in enumerate(tool_versions): tool_name = tool_names[i] tool_id = tool_ids[i] if in_tool_dict( tool_dict, exact_matches_checked, tool_id=tool_id, tool_name=tool_name, tool_version=tool_version, ): match_tuples.append( (repository_metadata.repository_id, repository_metadata.changeset_revision) ) else: ok = False return ok, match_tuples