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Source code for galaxy.tools.imp_exp.export_history

#!/usr/bin/env python
Export a history to an archive file using attribute files.

usage: %prog history_attrs dataset_attrs job_attrs out_file
    -G, --gzip: gzip archive file

import json
import optparse
import os
import shutil
import sys

from galaxy.files import ConfiguredFileSources
from galaxy.model.store import tar_export_directory
from galaxy.util import unicodify

[docs]def create_archive(export_directory, out_file, gzip=False): """Create archive from the given attribute/metadata files and save it to out_file.""" try: tar_export_directory(export_directory, out_file, gzip) # Status. print("Created history archive.") return 0 except Exception as e: print(f"Error creating history archive: {unicodify(e)}", file=sys.stderr) return 1 finally: shutil.rmtree(export_directory, ignore_errors=True)
[docs]def main(argv=None): # Parse command line. parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-G", "--gzip", dest="gzip", action="store_true", help="Compress archive using gzip.") parser.add_option( "--galaxy-version", dest="galaxy_version", help="Galaxy version that initiated the command.", default=None ) parser.add_option("--file-sources", type=str, help="file sources json") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) galaxy_version = options.galaxy_version if galaxy_version is None: galaxy_version = "19.05" gzip = bool(options.gzip) assert len(args) >= 2 temp_directory = args[0] out_arg = args[1] destination_uri = None if "://" in out_arg: # writing to a file source instead of a dataset path. destination_uri = out_arg out_file = "./temp_out_archive" else: out_file = out_arg # Create archive. exit = create_archive(temp_directory, out_file, gzip=gzip) if destination_uri is not None and exit == 0: _write_to_destination(options.file_sources, os.path.abspath(out_file), destination_uri) return exit
def _write_to_destination(file_sources_path: str, out_file: str, destination_uri: str): file_sources = get_file_sources(file_sources_path) file_source_path = file_sources.get_file_source_path(destination_uri) file_source = file_source_path.file_source assert os.path.exists(out_file) file_source.write_from(file_source_path.path, out_file)
[docs]def get_file_sources(file_sources_path: str) -> ConfiguredFileSources: assert os.path.exists(file_sources_path), f"file sources path [{file_sources_path}] does not exist" with open(file_sources_path) as f: file_sources_as_dict = json.load(f) file_sources = ConfiguredFileSources.from_dict(file_sources_as_dict) return file_sources
if __name__ == "__main__": main()